Is This The Start of World War 3?

16 Jun


For the past few months now Trump has been warning us that the disastrous policies of mumbling, bumbling, stumbling Joe Biden will get us into World War 3. He is so weak and compromised that we’ve become the laughing stock and easy mark of the world. Trump said if he were in office, he could end the war between Russia and Ukraine in one day.

Now China is having war games right off the shore of Taiwan.

Recently, Vladimir Putin. Warned Ukraine that if they used missiles or weapons made by America both countries could face dire consequences.

Seemingly calling Putin’s bluff the United States sent American made cruise missile to Ukraine to which they intend to send inside Russia.

Now a flotilla of ships that the Russian defense ministry describes as a “strike group,” including a nuclear-powered submarine armed with modern “Caliber” cruise missiles, landed in Cuba just 90miles from the U.S.The arrival of four Russian military vessels in Cuba has people wondering about a Cuban missile crisis 2.0

The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal (Russian: Х-47М2 Кинжал, lit. ‘Dagger‘; NATO reporting nameAS-24 Killjoy) is a Russian hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile.[4][5] It has an estimated range of 460–480 km (290–300 mi)[6] and a reported top speed of Mach 10.[3][6] It can carry either conventional or nuclear warheads[7] and can be launched by Tu22M3 bombers, MiG-31K interceptors, or modified Su-34 fighter-bombers. It is the first hypersonic weapon used.[8]

It has been deployed at airbases in Russia’s Southern Military District and Western Military District.[9][10]

 I recently Saw, an interview with former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter. Ritter was saying that these Warships are equipped with hypersonic missiles, which we don’t have and are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Ritter said that just two or these missiles, equipped with a nuclear warhead, could wipe out the entire East Coast. When asked how close are we to nuclear war Ritter said. “We’re just one Missile launch away from that.”

Ritter was shown an interview with Lindsey Graham where Graham said we have to support these Ukrainian people from a lot of big countries such as Russia. Ritter said that’s not true. The US could care less about the Ukrainian people. He said Ukraine is enriched with a vast amount of wealth in resources, and the United States can’t wait to plunder that. Ukraine used to be part of Russia and Putin wants that brought back, plus the resources that go with it.

Russia, it is not anywhere near as dreary and iron fisted communism as our deceptive, fake news media likes to portray it.   It is us, the US, who has the hostile govt. and hostile, dangerous cities.  Every new law or regulation is to harm us.  Our alphabet agencies are corrupt and against us.  Even our open border is to deliberately let in the worst prisoners, cartels, and sickos to prey on us.

Most importantly, the Russian people love their leader.  They gave Putin an 84% approval rating.  That alone speaks volumes.  When was the last time one saw that in the US? Putin has said many times that he does not want war.

When Trump as president, we had peace in the Middle East for the first time. He had Israel, Saudi Arabia, The Taliba and the United  Arab Emirates all at the White House at the same time to sign a peace treaty. He told them at the time “If any of you failed to dot and I or cross a T or break this Treaty you’ll be met with a force that’s going to knock you into the next century.” They knew he meant business and consequently the treaty was so successful that five other countries joined in. It was even televised, but the media never really took up on it naturally, because it was Trump.

He then met with Putin in Russia and Xi in China and told them. I”f any of you make any moves against our allies in Taiwan or Ukraine. You are going to be met with fire and fury like you’ve never seen before.” They knew he meant it, and we had peace there too.

That is the only language these leaders understand is pure force and pure force what they use. You can’t be nice to them. You’ve  got to be tough and you have to be threatening because that’s the only language they know. Not like this wimpy, stumbling, dementia driven president we have now who is getting us Into World War 3 along with his puppet master, Obama.

It is now more than ever obvious that Joe Biden is the single most incompetent person to have ever stepped foot in the Oval Office and our enemies know it.

He cowers before Afghanistan. He cowers before China. He cowers before Russia and sending billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine. He is so compromised that the other countries know he’s easy and can walk all over him and get their way.

The clock now stands at its closest to doomsday since it began ticking. The idea began in 1947 to warn humanity of the dangers of nuclear war. Last year the clock was set at two minutes to midnight – midnight symbolises the end of the world – the same place it was wound to in 2018.

the symbolic Doomsday Clock, which indicates how close our planet is to complete annihilation, is now only 100 seconds away from midnight.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) said on Thursday that the change was made due to nuclear proliferation, failure to tackle climate change and “cyber-based disinformation”.

The clock now stands at its closest to doomsday since it began ticking.

The idea began in 1947 to warn humanity of the dangers of nuclear war.

The symbolic Doomsday Clock, which indicates how close our planet is to complete annihilation, is now only 100 seconds away from midnight.

Statue of Liberty half buried in the sand

I report, you decide!!!

Scott Ritter Warns: Nato IS MOBILIZING Hundreds Of Thousands Of Troops! Great War Will BREAK OUT?

Scott Ritter REVEALS: Russian Nuclear Submarine Detonates Directly at U.S, Stern Warning to NATO – YouTube

This election is not about Republican vs Democrat; Conservative vs Liberal. This election is all about what kind of a nation will the United States be.   Please listen to this man. Truer words were never said. I am in awe and speechless. This man tells the truth. And goes to the heart of the matter and is very inspiring. Please listen to him tell us why it is imperative that Trump gets in..


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Posted by on June 16, 2024 in Uncategorized


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