Monthly Archives: August 2018

Democrats Are Planing To Rig The Mid-term Elections!!!

                trump is the storm

By any reasonable standard, the presidency of Donald Trump has so far been a success. After eight years of Barack Obama’s sluggish recovery from the 2008 Great Recession, the economy is “blistering,” its vigorous growth creating jobs, raising incomes, and lifting the market’s “animal spirits. Allies, rivals, and enemies alike now taking us seriously as the indispensable world power to treat with respect.

Yet despite all these reasons for feeling good about the country’s getting its mojo back, the current mood is one of crisis and hysteria. We’re consumed by a special counsel’s show trials of marginal Trump associates whose actions had no material impact on the election or the public will. Appointed to investigate “collusion” with Russia and foreign interference in our election, all that Robert Mueller can come up with are paltry financial crimes and duplicitous perjury traps. Consequential developments abroad, such as Turkey’s implosion and a war brewing on Israel’s northern border, are ignored so we can pick over the carcasses of a couple of bottom-feeding swamp-fixers like Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

Recently former Clinton Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, wrote an essay on how impeaching President Trump isn’t enough. “We have to completely erase him. “The only way I see the end of Trump is if there’s overwhelming evidence he rigged the 2016 election. In which case impeachment isn’t an adequate remedy. His presidency should be annulled,” wrote Reich.

“Suppose, just suppose, Robert Mueller finds overwhelming and indisputable evidence that Trump conspired with Putin to rig the 2016 election, and the rigging determined the election’s outcome. In other words, Trump’s presidency is not authorized under the United States Constitution,” he wrote.

So Reich thinks Trump rigged the election? You could have fooled me with Hillary suddenly adding super delegates, her paying a British spy. Christopher Steele, a million dollars laundered through the law firm Fusion GPS with DNC money to write a phony dossier with fake Russian connections  on Trump so they could get a FISA warrant to spy on a Trump campaign worker, Carter Page.  Recently Kelley Ann Conway sarcastically remarked that the word “dossier” was a French word meaning “full of crap.”

 But it wasn’t Donald Trump who was guilty of Russian collusion. It was Hillary Clinton and U.S. intelligence officials who worked with Russians and others to entrap Trump.

Wasn’t it Hillary who sold Putin 20% of America’s weapons grade Uranium for 145 Million in Russian bribe Money to her foundation!!!!!! Did not Billy Bob Clinton get 500K for a 45 minute speech directly to PUTIN Titled: “It Pays to Play With a Clinton” Yes, Mueller even delivered the Uranium sample to Putin for Hillary, Once Putin Ok’D the sample Mueller gave Hillary the OK to seal the Uranium One Deal. Then Rosenstein and Obama and Mueller ran a cover up of this deal!!! Did Not Hillary Purchase a Fake Russian Dossier to frame Trump for their Insurance Policy? This was an Obama and Hillary conspiracy. They are the True Russian Colluders!!!!! Their tactics and Reich’s assertion that Trump rigged the election are tactics right out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals handbook that says to “blame others for your mistakes.”

bill and Putin

Now according to a document making the rounds among House Republicans, their Democrat counterparts are planning to handicap President Trump with more than 100 potential investigations if they take control of the House in the midterms this November. The spreadsheet outlines the possible investigations that Democrats will open in order to create gridlock, destroy Trump’s approval ratings, and set the White House up for failure as the president heads into the second half of his term. Republicans expect Democrats to open up investigations into, among other things, President Trump’s tax returns, his family businesses, his business ties to Russia, the Stormy Daniels payment, the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and more.

I find it funny that Democrats didn’t care about Obama giving Iran, the No.1 state sponsor of terrorism 150 billion dollars for some unknown reason, they didn’t mind Hillary misplacing or losing six billion dollars while Sec. of State, but they do care when Trump pays some hooker with his own money when he wasn’t president.

Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that’s circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House,” reported the website Axios.

Make no mistake: If Democrats take the House in the fall, legislative work on Capitol Hill will grind to a standstill while the newly-energized left takes every shot they can load against this president. That will become the sole priority for Democrats in the House – to make Trump a one-term president by any means available and necessary. It’s literally unthinkable that it would play out any other way.This is the type of sick politics that democrats play. They will do anything to eliminate a president who has exposed their criminality. Everything Trump has accomplished that the American people elected him for, a roaring economy, lower taxes lower taxes, low unemployment will all come to a grinding halt and America will fall back into dispair again.

Democrats know all about corruption, they have been engaged in it for decades and if they can throw some of their stink on Trump they will. They don’t care about America, they just care about power and controlling the people and will resort to any means possible to achieve that power. That is why it is absolutely mandatory that republicans stay in power with this upcoming election.

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Posted by on August 30, 2018 in Uncategorized


Why The Left Is Out To Destroy Trump!!!


When Mueller first started his investigation it was to see any interference by Russia in the election. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself right then and there. The  investigation showed no signs of collusion, but did show signs that they tried to interfere in the campaign, but not the election itself. There is a difference. That didn’t stop Mueller as he continued with his investigation looking for a crime.

Make no mistake, this special prosecutor is going after Trump hard. Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election may have been his original mandate — pretext might be a better word — but its goal now is obviously to implicate Trump in criminal wrongdoing. 

 Why is Mueller going after Trump so viciously?  Because they are all afraid that Trump will eventually open his “chest full of secrets”.  Things we don’t know yet and it would probably destroy both parties just as the Vatican is being destroyed by all the secrets that are coming out about the Priests.  That has been going on for a very long time also. This is what’s known as The Deep State working behind the scenes of government controlling us all. Many of our honored politicians have been doing criminal and unethical things that if known to the people would destroy our faith in our leaders once and for all.  It could open the door to an Overthrow of our Constitution and our form of Government for a long time.  Things were going good for these criminals for a long, long time and many foreign country leaders were in on it too. I think Hillary and Obama were all in on this cabal to make our country into a socialistic/communist state.

The Democrats have always played dirty. They lie and cheat to win elections (but never seem to get caught!) and they fight tooth and nail against legislation demanding voter ID.  They don’t give a crap for illegals, but they want them here in order to get their votes, since many blacks have finally realized the DNC has just been using them. And along came Trump exposing all their dirty deeds along with exposing The Deep State and with Hillary losing all this corruption coming out now would never have come out. Now with blacks increasing their support behind Trump in record numbers their plans went into the bucket and it set them back probably 50 years.  Now they have to start over again.  The sooner Trump is out, the faster they can their evil plan. It has nothing to do with the way he speaks, or they don’t like him because he has yellow hair and diddled other women.  HE HAS SINGLE HANDEDLY TRIPPED UP THEIR PLAN.  And that is the reason they want him out. They will use our young people, foreigners, legal and illegal and of course the crazy academics. They try to convince these people that we are too stupid and primitive to see the real picture.  Thank God for the people in this country who believe in a higher power than themselves…namely God.  We have a higher guideline and we are stronger because of it.

Recently it was Chuck Todd who said that Paul Ryan should take the reigns and get the Judiciary Committee to start the impeachment process with Republicans leading the way and made this impassioned plea for Republicans to start the impeachment process.

 Trump has done nothing thus far rising to the level of impeachment, not to mention the absurdity of thinking Republicans would lead the charge in impeaching their own party’s elected leader.

But an impeachment remains highly unlikely in a Republican-controlled Congress — unless Republicans join in. That scenario, ridiculous as it is, was promoted in all seriousness by NBC’s Chuck Todd. Astonished, Fox News anchor Bret Baier had to remind Todd of reality. “That’s not going to happen,” Baier said.

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said evidence wasn’t there showing that President Donald Trump “committed crimes and impeachable offenses.”

Dershowitz said, “I fully understand why so many people want, hope that President Trump has committed crimes and impeachable offenses, but the evidence isn’t there. The president or a candidate is entitled to contribute anything he wants to his own campaign. The only issue here is whether or not there was a failure to report the contribution. That was to the treasurer of the campaign and not to the president and conspiracy is a very big stretch.”

Democrats hate Dershowitz now. They figure he was supposed to lie for them. They have Cohen for that now.

Democrats have nothing to offer. No new ideas. The biggest thing they talk about all the time is nationalized healthcare. Otherwise it’s Russia, Russia, Russia when it is they who are the real Russian colluders thru Hillary or Stormy, Stormy, Stormy and now impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. They believe if they shout these things loud enough and long enough everyone will start to believe them.

The dems and media are trying to show that Trump violated the law by using campaign funds to pay off those two women, but he didn’t use campaign funds and as Dershowitz pointed out he did nothing illegal. Meanwhile it was Hillary who violated the law many times over with her e-mails that document the purchase of that “dossier” with campaign funds “laundered” through a law firm as “legal expenses”. By Mueller not investigating her crimes he loses all credibility. The media’s silence on this Democrat criminality is deafening.


Meanwhile the media is all aghast at the fact that the Manafort and Cohen situations haven’t affected Trump’s numbers in the polls and the market and Nasdaq are at record highs. Registered Democrats who support President Donald Trump told CNN its coverage of the president’s administration is a “side show” and that they are glad to see the stock market rise and their retirement savings increase.

This is what people are really interested in. They just want to put food on the table, have a good working job, more money in their pockets, lower taxes and an upswing economy all of which is happening under Trump. They don’t care about Cohen or Manafort or Russia or Stormy or any of that political nonsense and that’s what really matters.


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Posted by on August 27, 2018 in Uncategorized


Trump The Counter Puncher!!He Fights Back!!!

File photo of U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appearing at a campaign roundtable event in Manchester

Jake Tapper on CNN recently accused Trump of Attacking 97 people on Twitter and called him a cyber bully. Tapper mentioned people like Robert DeNiro, Maxine Waters, Justine Trudeau and other late night hosts. Tapper even went as far as using Melania Trump’s cyber bully program against him. When Anderson Cooper tried to lure her into a trap about her husband being a cyber bully she replied, “He’s an adult and capable of making his own decisions and knows the consequences.”

Robert DeNiro says he’d like to punch Trump in the face and yelled F**k Trump at an awards show. So is Trump just supposed to sit there and take it? Tapper says Trump attacked Maxine Waters. She deserves attacks and told people to go out and confront Trump supporters wherever you find them. This is leading to some personal attacks like what happened with Sarah Sanders being kicked out of a restaurant or Pam Bondi being accosted and spit on in a Fla, movie theater. Trump fights back and these people can’t take it. They are using Melania’s cyber bullying program against him. All these people including Tapper have attacked Trump first and they complain when he fights back. They can’t control him like they could other presidents in the past and it galls them. They are so peeved that Hillary lost and they are out of power. This is going to backfire on them big time. Trump Derangement Syndrome on dispaly at its’ finest.

Trump is a very compassionate man, but also a true counter puncher. When you hit him he hits back twice as hard. I call that defending yourself, not being a bully. They are the true bullies.

The latest to criticize Trump publicly is comedian Kevin Hart at an MTV video awards show. Comics Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish opened the show by roasting some of the stars in attendance, including DJ Khaled and the cast of “Jersey Shore.”

Hart didn’t use the president’s name as he spoke about the VMAs as “game day,” but it quickly became clear who he was talking about. 

“At this game, you guys are allowed to kneel,” he said. “You can do whatever the hell you want. There’s no old white man that can stop you. Do it!” (That sounds like a racist statement to me right there.)

Trump has been a vocal critic of NFL players who kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Later, Hart got more specific as he closed the monologue.  “You never know what’s gonna happen at the VMAs. I mean beefs pop off, bad language, people run to the bathroom to send out crazy tweets,” he said. “It’s basically like your typical day at the White House. In your face, Trump. Suck it!” 

Kevin Hart is teaching kid’s that you do not have to respect anyone and they wonder why black kids are killing each other. They want to blame Trump, when all he is doing , is to try to get people to have some respect , for each other, our country and our constitution.

I don’t see Kevin hart giving any blistering remarks regarding the FIFTY NINE SHOOTINGS two weekends in a row in Chicago????  

Black people are leaving the Democrat plantation and supporting President Trump in drove and Blacks support Trump in twice the numbers they did during the election.

These people are all the reasons there is a great divide in this country not Trump.




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Posted by on August 21, 2018 in Uncategorized


Clapper Turns on Brennan!Was Brennan A Russian Spy To Divide the U.S.?


Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper threw former CIA Director John Brennan under the bus on Sunday, telling CNN‘s “State of the Union” that “John and his rhetoric have become an issue in and of itself,” adding “John is subtle like a freight train and he’s gonna say what’s on his mind.”

That said, Clapper empathized with Brennan over shared concerns regarding what they say is a threat to the United States from the Trump administration.

“I think that the common denominator among all of us [in the intelligence community] that have been speaking up … is genuine concern about the jeopardy and threats to our institutions,” said Clapper.

Brennan’s increasingly inflammatory commentary of late has also drawn the attention of Congressional GOP. On Thursday, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) slammed Brennan for “purport[ing] to know, as fact, that the Trump campaign colluded with a foreign power.”

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times,” said Burr, who added that Trump had the “full authority” to rescind Brennan’s clearance if the former CIA Director’s statements were “purely politicial and based on conjecture.”

President Trump promptly tweeted Burr’s statement:

 “Director Brennan’s recent statements purport to know as fact that the Trump campaign colluded with a foreign power. If Director Brennan’s statement is based on intelligence he received while leading the CIA, why didn’t he include it in the Intelligence Community Assessment……

 A security clearance is in place for the time that a person has a requirement for it. As a military member leaves their assignment that required a security clearance it is revoked. Brennan and Clapper should stop being a crying low life and move on.

Brennan has threatened to sue Trump fort taking away his security clearance to which Trump replied, “I hope John Brennan, the worst CIA Director in our country’s history, brings a lawsuit. It will then be very easy to get all of his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did, but how he was involved with the Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt. He won’t sue!”

Former New York City Mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures yesterday morning.

Rudy went off on John Brennan accusing him of launching the fraudulent Russian conspiracy against Donald Trump.

Rudy added that he would like to be the person to depose John Brennan for the president if Brennan moves ahead with his threats to sue President Trump.

 I recently saw two comments that define Brennan’s actions and what should be requi red of a person leaving a security position.

Eugene Waldenmaier 

Treasonous Brennan never denied or repented of being a Voting Communist and becoming a convert to Islam. Read what that means. . Every (practicing) Islamist is subjugated to the Koran and Sharia Law and that demands they must both
.1 annihilate (by whatever means and however long it takes) all non-Islamic entities (Biblical believers, edifices and principles) not subjugated as they are, and

.2 reject and destroy any set of laws (USA’s Constitution, laws and the legislative and enforcement systems) not subjugated to Sharia law.

 To do so, all forms of lying, cheating, subterfuge, breaking of contracts, deception, murder, killings, terrorism and any anti-Biblical means that brings honor and glory to Allah (Satan) are praiseworthy to all Islamist.
. Hence Obama (a not so covert Muslim) and his peers never critiqued or condemned those actions unless it was ‘taqiyya’ (an approved form of deception to pretend they are offended while inwardly rejoicing and supporting such actions).
. Simply put, while many may deny it, every Islamist is a warrior and at war (to some degree) with every non-Islamist.
. Can you name one Obama appointment who is a Biblical Christian. Every appointment was either tolerant of or a Muslim.

Obama had these on payroll right inside the WH:

  • Arif Alikhan, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    • Mohammed Elibiary, Homeland Security Adviser
    • Rashad Hussain, Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
    • Salam al-Marayati, Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director
    • Imam Mohamed Magid, Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America
    • Eboo Patel, Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

 Clarence Cochran 

When anyone quits or is terminated from employment, does the business allow them to keep the keys to the business or their alarm code? No, to do so is not only poor business security, it’s downright asinine. This is the similar situation. He’s no longer employed by the Federal Government, so any access he had while an employee, should discontinue upon his departure. Professional courtesy be damned. The man has worked tirelessly and relentlessly since his dismissal to undermine the current administration through his continued false claims of conspiracy. That is TREASON. Frankly, if you’re no longer employed by the government, you should lose your security clearance as a matter of course. His future contributions through consultation would be negligible at best. As far as I’m concerned, all of the Past Administrations appointees who are no longer employed by the US Government, should lose their clearances, and I include Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Reagan chiefs in that statement. Whomever started the whole “we’ll keep you in the security loop” policy was an idiot.

That being said, Sean Hannity on his show last week pointed out a rule the CIA has pertaining to former employees that says a former CIA employee can renew their security clearance every five years as long as they act like a regular employee. These people who Trump is taking away their security clearances abused theor positions which is why he is taking it away from them.

In doing a lot of research on Brennan I found some interesting things about him you won’t hear anyplace else..  I came across a thread written by a fellow who calls himself   ImperatorRex who relayed some very interesting facts about Brennan that reveal a disturbing theme. These are hard core facts not some crazy conspiracy theory.  I report. You decide:

“Is John Brennan a Russian spy?  It’s not out of the question.

For the last few days, I’ve had the misfortune of going through transcripts of Brennan’s ravings, for the last 18 months.  HOURS of work reveal a disturbing theme: Brennan frames his hysteria as anti-Trump comments, but to me their objective is something different:

Seeking to divide and confuse American citizens. EXACTLY what Putin is aiming for. Consider Putin’s objective in 2016. It was to cause division within the US citizenry and political class, mainly via social media.

HOWEVER.The Steele Dossier was a great gift, as it permitted Putin to pollinate the election with misinformation,that was actively promoted by Obama,Clinton and their media slaves.

But of all Obama’s crooks, who was the #1 architect, pushing the dirt all over town? John O Brennan doing EXACTLY what Putin would want an agent to do.

Brennan has made SECRET visits to Moscow at least TWICE in the last 5 years:

March 2016 (given what’s unfolding, this is incredibly suspicious IMO)

 OK, he was CIA Director. Maybe these are necessary visits. The trouble is, his actions indicate a man who hates America. 

Brennan – as CIA Director – spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee – and then lied about it: Ditto, Brennan REPEATEDLY lied to Congress and Americans, without remorse. No CIA Director has ever shown such contempt for American institutions and people.

His CIA nomination by Obama was considered outrageous.

Brennan’s links to Communism & Moscow stretch far back. Consider just these points – from earlier in Brennan’s life – and tell me that there isn’t smoke:

#1 – Brennan voted for communist Gus Hall in 1976, just 4 years before he joined the CIA (1980)

 #2 – Gus Hall was head of the Communist Party in the USA, backed and funded by the Kremlin (when Brennan voted for Hall, in 1976 & perhaps 1980):

 #3 – The Kremlin has been operating a deep cover agent program known as ‘The Illegals’ since the 1970s, which escalated in the 1980s :

 #4 – During this time (1979), Brennan married Kathy Pokluda. It is almost impossible to find anything about her background, except that she is of ‘Czech ancestry’.

  Bear in mind that Czechoslovakia was annexed by Stalin after WW2. It is probable that her parents were raised in Communist Czechoslovakia.

#5 – During his studies and while supporting Gus Hall, Brennan spent at least a year at The American University in Cairo (1976/77).

The Kremlin had developed an extensive spy network in Egypt. This was embedded while Brennan was there:

So Brennan voted for & perhaps worked to support Gus Hall, head of the American Communist Party.  He just happened to spend a year in Egypt, where the KGB had an entrenched network .While the KGB were running long-range sleeper spies in the USA.

It would take too long to go through his entire CIA career, but let’s move another period : Brennan’s role as Obama’s CIA Director.

Obama LOVED Brennan. He included him in all foreign policy decisions. And what do we know about Obama’s Russia policy?


It’s true. While Brennan was CIA Director under Obama, almost every decision the administration made Putin STRONGER.

Consider just FOUR examples:

#1 – Ukraine – Obama’s response to Russia’s invasion of Crimea in March 2014 was so inadequate, that it permitted Putin to establish a new Russian presence in the region.

#2 – Syria – Obama’s ‘red line’ was never applied, strengthening Putin’s lap dog in Damascus, Assad.

 #3 – Iran – as a Russian ally, the Iran deal unquestionably strengthened Putin’s hand in the Mid-east.

# 4 – Russian membership of the WTO, after 19 years of negotiation.

Hey, I can’t prove that Brennan is a Russian spy, who was operating at the highest levels of the Obama administration. But there’s a MOUNTAIN of circumstantial evidence that makes the discussion a reasonable one to have.

Trump has done America a GREAT SERVICE by taking down John O Brennan.

Keep in mind, his nixing of Brennan’s security clearance has allowed spooks to surveil Brennan since at least Jan 20, 2017.

This is just the beginning of the end of John ‘O’ Brennan.”



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Posted by on August 20, 2018 in Uncategorized


Current Economic Boom Is More Trump Than Obama!!!


Members of Obama’s administration are trying to tout that the current economic boom is a result of Obama’s policies. While that is partly true as every president is the recipient of the previous president’s policies good or bad, the current economic boom is more from Trump’s policies. Trump removed 800 regulations that Obama imposed on everything and everyone and Trump lowered the corporate tax from 35% to 21% thus enabling companies to come back here from overseas to build and hire more here.

Consequently   the black and Hispanic unemployment rates are the lowest in history and women’s unemployment rates are the lowest in 63 years. Unemployment in general is at 3.9% which is considered total employment and it is not because people are working two and three jobs at long hours as Ocasio Cortez imagines and says. GDP is at 4%

An article appearing on Gateway Pundit says Barack Obama was the worst economic president since World War II and he first president in US history to never reach a single year of 3.0% economic growth. When we reached 2% under Obama he told us “that was the new norm.


Obama currently ranks as the fourth worst presidency in GDP growth at 1.457 percent. Only Herbert Hoover (-5.65 percent), Andrew Johnson (-0.70 percent) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41 percent) currently have lower average annual GDP growth than Barack Obama.

** Obama had the lowest annual GDP growth rate of any President since World War II.
** US workers under Obama made less than they did when Obama took office. Average pay in real terms slumped 4 percent from 2009-14, according to the National Employment Labor Project.
** Labor Participation rate is stuck at a 38 year low.
** The percentage of working age Americans who are actually working has barely risen from the depths of the last recession.

On Thursday during his cabinet meeting at the White House President Trump took a shot at Obama and his failed economic policies.

 President Trump: We’re creating manufacturing jobs at the fastest pace in memory. During the campaign everyone said it was impossible to create manufacturing jobs. The past administration, I won’t say who but I think you know, made a statement that  we’re not going to have any manufacturing jobs. And we’re doing them by the hundreds of thousands.

Critics are blasting Trump for his tweets saying they are making them agitated and nervous. To that I say keep tweeting Mr. President.

Media critics are reporting that the dems will receive up to 35 seats in the mid-terms. First of all it is too early to determine who is going to get what. What they are trying to do is discourage republicans from coming out since they will figure it is a lost cause which is what they want them to believe. This could also backfire on them since many dems may not come out to vote since they figure they already have it. I agree with what Rush Limbaugh said the other day, “What happened in 2016 when everyone said Hillary would win hasn’t even emerged yet.”


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Posted by on August 19, 2018 in Uncategorized


Brennan And His Associates Should All have Their Security Clearance Taken Away!!!


After announcing he was removing the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan, Trump also said that he is considering revoking the clearance of several other former intelligence and law enforcement officials — many of whom have been critical of him — in the coming weeks.

Those people include:

  • Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

  • Former FBI director James Comey

  • Former NSA director Michael Hayden

  • Former acting attorney general Sally Yates

  • Former national security adviser Susan Rice

  • Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe

  • Former FBI agent Peter Strzok

  • FBI lawyer Lisa Page

  • Justice Department official Bruce Ohr


Trump’s not shutting them down as libs like to say, he’s just limiting their access to what they can have. Brennan leaked the contents of the fake dossier against trump to Sen. Harry Reid who leaked it to the press. He purposely pushed Hilary’s lies about Russian collusion to the public so he could sway an election. That is a gross abuse of power. He should have his security clearance revoked. The official rules of the CIA state that an employee can retain their clearance after they leave as long as they continue to act like a regular employee. Brennan clearly did not.


Comey was a leaker and absconded with government documents after he left so he should have his clearance revoked. McCabe,the No,2 at the F.B.I. is under investigation so he should have his revoked. Peter Strzok was just fired so  he  should  have his revoked. James Clapper committed perjury a while back so his should be removed,

All these people had security clearances when Russia tried to interfere with the election yet did nothing to prevent it, they did nothing to stop China from stealing our technology and they did nothing to stop North Korea’s missile build-up.

Meanwhile Hollywood celebrities are calling Brennan a man who supported a communist in an election, a patriot and attacking Trump for taking away his security. Are we supposed to be comforted by the idea that Celebrities, who are famous for nothing more than being famous and reciting lines written for them by someone else, think they are qualified to decide who is to have and to retains national security clearances? I think they have surrendered their rational minds to their shallow and meaningless “Celebrity Privilege”.

 At  Wednesday’s  press briefing Sarah Sanders read a statement issued by Trump on Taking away Brennan’s security clearance.:

As the head of the executive branch and Commander-in-Chief, I have a unique constitutional responsibility to protect the nation’s classified information, including by controlling access to it.  Today, in fulfilling that responsibility, I have decided to revoke the security clearance of John Brennan, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Historically, former heads of intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been allowed to retain access to classified information after their government service so that they can consult with their successors regarding matters about which they may have special insights and as a professional courtesy.

Neither of these justifications supports Mr. Brennan’s continued access to classified information.  First, at this point in my administration, any benefits that senior officials might glean from consultations with Mr. Brennan are now outweighed by the risks posed by his erratic conduct and behavior.  Second, that conduct and behavior has tested and far exceeded the limits of any professional courtesy that may have been due to him.

 Mr. Brennan has a history that calls into question his objectivity and credibility.  In 2014, for example, he denied to Congress that CIA officials, under his supervision, had improperly accessed the computer files of congressional staffers.  He told the Council of Foreign Relations that the CIA would never do such a thing.  The CIA’s Inspector General, however, contradicted Mr. Brennan directly, concluding unequivocally that agency officials had indeed improperly accessed congressional staffers’ files.  More recently, Mr. Brennan told Congress that the intelligence community did not make use of the so-called Steele dossier in an assessment regarding the 2016 election, an assertion contradicted by at least two other senior officials in the intelligence community and all of the facts.

 Additionally, Mr. Brennan has recently leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations — wild outbursts on the Internet and television — about this administration.  Mr. Brennan’s lying and recent conduct, characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary, is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation’s most closely held secrets, and facilities [facilitates] the very aim of our adversaries, which is to sow division and chaos.

 More broadly, the issue of Mr. Brennan’s security clearance raises larger questions about the practice of former officials maintaining access to our nation’s most sensitive secrets long after their time in government has ended.

Such access is particularly inappropriate when former officials have transitioned into highly partisan positions and seek to use real or perceived access to sensitive information to validate their political attacks.  Any access granted to our nation’s secrets should be in furtherance of national, not personal, interests.  For this reason, I’ve also begun to review the more general question of the access to classified information by government officials.

 As part of this review, I am evaluating action with respect to the following individuals: James Clapper, James Comey, Michael Hayden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.

Security clearances for those who still have them may be revoked, and those who have already lost their security clearance may not be able to have it reinstated.

It is for the foregoing reasons that I have exercised my constitutional authority to deny Mr. Brennan access to classified information, and I will direct appropriate staff of the National Security Council to make the necessary arrangements with the appropriate agencies to implement this determination.

 Following reading his statement, Sarah took questions from reporters. One reporter asked accused trump of getting back at his enemies and curtailing freedom of speech.

“Hey, Sarah.  Following up Jon’s question, how is this announcement by the President — how can Americans not interpret that as a “getting back against his critics”?  And isn’t it also an attempt to curtail their freedom of speech by penalizing them for being critical on television?”

 She replied, “Not at all.  The President has a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information, and who has access to it.  And that’s what he’s doing is fulfilling that responsibility in this action.”

 If these corrupt heads of the FBI and CIA would do their jobs instead of concentrating on rigging the election and their hatred for Trump and if the media would honestly and truthfully report the news accurately and fairly instead of their excessive fawning over the loss of their Queen Hillary along with their endless Russia , Russia, Russia  fixation along with their endless Stormy, Stormy, Stormy and now Omarosa,  Omarosa,  Omarosa 24/7 we wouldn’t be having all this division. They are the ones complaining that Trump is calling them the enemy of the people when they prove that they are over and over.  They were silent, with regard to Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the VA Scandal, Fast and Furious, spying on Congress, spying on the press, the Promise Program (kids bringing drugs, knives, guns etc. to schools) and these kids were not prosecuted. Who did all of the above? Oh, it was Obama and the Press who were silent. So, in essence there is no “free press”. And they are the enemy of the people.

 America’s Mayor and President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani revealed on a recent episode of “Hannity” who he believes is the person responsible for initiating the entire Mueller investigation.

That individual is none other than former CIA Director John Brennan.

“She(Hillary) got off because of that fixed investigation. A totally phony fixed investigation run by Peter Strzok who then turns around, the dossier is obtained on the day that they dropped the case against Trump — against Hillary. So that case gets dropped and they had to even up the score,” Giuliani stated.

“The reality is I’m going to tell you. We don’t have the time to go into it, we can do it later, I’m going to tell you who was the quarterback for all of this. It isn’t just Strzok. Strzok is a bit of a puppet. Then there’s Mueller, he’s a puppet. The people working for him, some of them are,” he continued.

Hannity cut of Giuliani saying, “I have a funny feeling you are about to drop a bomb on me.”

…“Well the guy running it is [John] Brennan and he should be in front of a grand jury. Brennan took an affidavit – a dossier, unless he’s the biggest idiot intelligence agent that ever existed,

 Giuliani, President Trump’s lead counsel, said Trump will not sit down with Mueller after Sept. 1, and they are ready to counter any negative report issued by Mueller. According to Giuliani, the president is willing to sit down with Mueller under limited conditions. However, the president wants to avoid any meetings taking place after Sept. 1, so as to not interfere with November’s midterms.


Posted by on August 16, 2018 in Uncategorized


Socialism Is Bad For America!!!


Today’s democrat party is becoming more and more socialistic. In fact, Hillary and Obama had a 16 year plan to make this country into a socialist state if she got in. Obama did his part with reducing our status in the global community and weaken us. He reduced our credit rating by two points, he reduced our military to pre- WW11 status, he caused many of our companies to relocate overseas due to high taxes and went around saying how it was wrong for us to be No.1 in the world and we should be like everyone else. She was going to finish us off and write a whole new constitution.  


Young millennials mostly favor socialism and are misguided by the attraction of everything being free, free education, free housing, free Medicare for everyone, free hospitalization,  free everything and they fall for it. Their latest hero is this young Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who flashes around socialist rhetoric like it’s going out of style, but is not too bright. Some have called her the face of the new democrat party.

The Washington Post fact checked several of her claims and found them all to be false:

1.“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.” — July interview on PBS’ “Firing Line.”

2. “ICE is the only criminal investigative agency, the only enforcement agency in the United States, that has a bed quota. So ICE is required to fill 34,000 beds with detainees every single night and that number has only been increasing since 2009.” — May interview with The Intercept

3. “They [national Democrats] were campaigning most when we had more of an American middle class. This upper-middle class is probably more moderate but that upper-middle-class does not exist anymore in America.” — August interview on “Pod Save America”

A recent article on a website called Patriot Poll Alerts had a good explanation of socialism:

Socialism is about as un-American as a political philosophy can get. A system that puts the government in control instead of the people, abolishes economic freedom, and replaces God with the State is wrong for a free, Christian country.

America was founded on freedom and the right of every individual to pursue their own dreams. Socialism, by contrast, makes everyone into a slave of the state.

Socialism’s goal — total equality of outcome — is impossible without entrusting the state with totalitarian powers to reshape society.

Socialist philosophy is atheist and anti-family at its core. According to socialist philosophers, basic social structures like the church and the family are oppressive and need to be abolished.

Socialism is also plain bad economics. Centrally planned economies aren’t flexible enough to respond to the ups and downs of the market.

It’s not a surprise then that every example of a socialist society that has ever been tried has turned out to be a dismal failure. Millions died in Soviet Russia and Mao’s China because of socialism’s backward economics principles.

Everything about socialism is backward, and it ends up leaving citizens less free than they began. Socialism promises paradise on earth, but what actually happens is that a small bureaucratic elite takes control of the economy and oppresses the vast majority of the citizens, who become serfs to the government.

Socialism doesn’t work because it makes assumptions about human nature that are false. Human beings are flawed. People have different levels of talent, different characters, and put in different amounts of effort into their work. They will take advantage of a system that rewards everyone equally for unequal work.

C hurchil on socialaism

Socialism is perhaps the only ideology that Americans are asked to judge solely based on its piddling “successes.” Don’t you dare mention Albania or Algeria or Angola or Burma or Congo or Cuba or Ethiopia or Laos or Somalia or Vietnam or Yemen or, well, any other of the dozens of other inconvenient places socialism has been tried. Not when there are a handful of Scandinavian countries operating generous welfare state programs propped up by underlying vibrant capitalism and natural resources.

Socialism is a godless, slavish philosophy that has made every country it was tried in a miserable place. It only leads to misery and destitution. It doesn’t belong in the United States.


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Posted by on August 14, 2018 in Uncategorized


Obama, Brennen And Hillary Colluded to Take Down Trump!!!


“But hidden underneath that thin veneer is a lust for power racing in top gear”—parody song on Hillary heard on Rush Limbaugh’s show.


Right before the election Obama was asked by a reporter if it was possible to rig an election. Obama replied that it was impossible for an election to be rigged, but right after Trump won they cried, “fraud, fraud, fraud and collusion.”

Now we are finding it was Hillary and Obama who rigged the election with the super delegates thus stealing it from Bernie and paying a foreign national spy Christopher Steel a million dollars laundered thru a law firm known as Fusion GPS to write a phony dossier on Trump and present it to a FISA court to get permission to wiretap a Trump campaign aid.


The night before the election Hillary’s manager, John Podesta sent out an e-mail saying if Hilary loses we’ll blame Russia and Trump collusion. She lost and now we have this investigation into fake crimes by Trump all in an effort to overthrow the election.

Hillary, and her corrupt “team” have committed MORE CRIMES than the “dreamed up” FAKE “crimes” President Trump’s team “supposedly” committed.


As the saying goes, a fish rots from the head down. Well, so do bad governments. Recent revelations about the behavior of President Obama and his CIA director John Brennan in pushing the bogus Russian collusion investigation suggest that’s been the case.

The release of the FISA application by the FBI to investigate alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump’s campaign and recent comments made by top officials are eye opening.

Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

Here’s what Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, the nation’s former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper:

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of event which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”

The record shows (Brennan) went on to use his position — as head of the most powerful spy agency in the world — to assist Hillary Clinton’s campaign (and keep his job),” Kimberley Strassel wrote last week in the Wall Street Journal.

Brennan’s manic partisanship could be seen last week in an over-the-top, bizarrely unhinged tweet following Trump’s press conference after his mini-summit with Vladimir Putin. Brennan called Trump’s remarks “nothing short of treasonous” and said they exceeded “the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ “

Brennan got the ball rolling in August of 2016 by telling then former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid a tale of Russians interfering in our election on Trump’s behalf.

It worked. Pushed on by Brennan, Harry  Reid, then the most powerful person in Congress, wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey citing “evidence of a direct connection” between the Trump campaign and seeking an investigation.


Not only did Brennan share intelligence with the FBI, but soon after, the Democrat-linked opposition research firm Fusion GPS began leaking the “Trump Dossier” to the media. The fix was in.

As the release late last week of the FBI’s FISA court application used to spy on former Trump aide Carter Page indicates, the dossier was used extensively for the application. That’s contrary to what the FBI had maintained.

Moreover, an influential article written by Michael Isikoff detailing the dossier’s contents and Harry Reid’s letter to the FBI were likewise used to get approval for the FISA court application.

What do they all have in common? They all go back to the same phony dossier, written by former British spy Christopher Steele for Fusion GPS. It was never verified or validated by the FBI. It was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and her pals at the Democratic National Committee, solely to smear Trump.

Give Hillary credit: She was adept at insinuating her phony oppo research document into the public record and at using it to weaponize U.S. intelligence agencies on behalf of her failed campaign.

Recently House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes recently spoke at a fundraiser for a Republican colleague. Nunes laid out what is at stake in the election in terms of finding the real truth about how the Obama administration spied on Donald Trump.

According to Nunes, the stakes of the election could not be clearer. If the Democrats win control of Congress then the Deep State cover up about the Obama administration and the FBI will continue.

Democrats will wield the subpoena power and they will sweep the scandal under the rug. Democrats would also intensify the Russia investigation for two reasons.

First, they would want to bog down the Trump administration in an endless investigation and piles of document requests. That would mean staff time that could be used to implement the President’s agenda would now be occupied with responding to nuisance requests by a new Democrat majority.

Secondly, Democrats are looking for any excuse to launch impeachment proceedings against the President.

Make no mistake, something is happening.  Powerful forces in this country are still apoplectic over the election of Donald Trump. They are going to do everything they can to make sure that what happened in 2016 NEVER happens again. They can’t win the war of ideas so they resort to insults and personal attacks and shutting down any conservative speech on social media. Get ready, because things are about to get messy.

I recently saw this very famous quote worth repeating. Martin Niemöller lived in Nazi Germany, these are his words and they are every bit as meaningful now: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

That’s why it is imperative that republicans maintain control of both houses this November. The election will have to be watched awfully close as dems will be trying to pull every nasty trick in the book including getting illegals to vote.







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Posted by on August 10, 2018 in Uncategorized


The Continued Derangement of the Unhinged Destroy Trump Media!!!


The more Trump keeps winning the more unhinged the media becomes. Recently Trump called Rush Limbaugh on the 30th anniversary of his show and stated that “the people have really been mistreated for so many years by the politicians,” Trump continued. “The country’s been mistreated. The trade deals were so bad. The taxes were so high. The tax cuts are so good; they’ve been so appreciated by so many people. The cut in regulations maybe is just as important as the tax cuts because businesses are hiring like they haven’t, like they’ve never hired before. And, you know, we have a more interesting stat: We have more people working in the United States today than at any time in our history. And it’s been so many different things are happening.”

Hearing that only reinforced how bizarre, angry, and deranged the media coverage of this president has been.

President Trump landed yet another blow in his ongoing boxing match with the liberal media on Tuesday, opening the day with a tweet that attacked the press for continuing to cover his administration with an utter disregard for the facts.

“The Fake News Media is going CRAZY!” he wrote. “They are totally unhinged and in many ways, after witnessing firsthand the damage they do to so many innocent and decent people, I enjoy watching. In 7 years, when I am no longer in office, their ratings will dry up and they will be gone!”


As true as every bit of that remark happens to be – the media is absolutely digging their own grave with their obsessive hatred of this president – it doesn’t compare to the tweets Trump sent on Sunday. In a series of messages, Trump took the media to task for not only ruining journalism with their false, biased reporting but for revealing government secrets that put lives at risk.

“When the media – driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome – reveals internal deliberations of our government, it truly puts the lives of many, not just journalists, at risk,” he wrote. “Very unpatriotic! Freedom of the press also comes with a responsibility to report the news accurately.

“90% of media coverage of my administration is negative,” he continued, “despite the tremendously positive results we are achieving,  it’s no surprise that confidence in the media is at an all time low! I will not allow our great country to be sold out by anti-Trump haters in the dying newspaper industry. No matter how much they try to distract and cover it up, our country is making great progress under my leadership and I will never stop fighting for the American people!”

CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta had a few meltdowns this week on live television and during a White House press briefing.

This after Trump supporters chanted “CNN sucks” during one of his live shots in Tampa, Florida, a

Acosta has seen his notoriety rise in recent months due to his lack of basic courtesy as a White House correspondent for CNN. Rather than waiting patiently for his turn to politely ask questions of the president or his cabinet, Acosta has become prone to public outbursts and fits of rage as he hurls politically-loaded queries at the administration.

His “questions” are more often framed like statements designed to taunt, embarrass or provoke a specific response that Acosta can then use to challenge the administration’s position. He simply wants to advance his reputation as a media malcontent and isn’t genuinely concerned about the president’s position on anything.

Despite this erratic and unprofessional behavior, Acosta had the temerity to question the “civility” of a group of South Carolina Trump supporters who interrupted  his coverage of the president’s recent rally with boos and jeers. Apparently, Acosta doesn’t enjoy being interrupted by a hostile crowd.

Responding to CNN’s Jim Acosta, who remains bitter over Trump supporters chanting “CNN sucks” and flipping him the bird at Monday’s Trump rally in Florida (CNN has spent years provoking this kind of reaction by smearing Trump supporters as Nazis and racists),

Recently Press Secretary Sarah Sanders responded to Acosta’s constant whining  about  CNN being attacked by Trump supporters.

Sanders said in a tweet: It’s ironic, Jim, that not only you and the media attack the President for his rhetoric when they frequently lower the level of conversation in this country.  Repeatedly — repeatedly — the media resorts to personal attacks without any content other than to incite anger.

…In fact, as I know — as far as I know, I’m the first Press Secretary in the history of the United States that’s required Secret Service protection. Since Sarah said that now journalists are jumping on bored saying they want secret service protection too. Well they are all from super wealthy companies that can afford them body gurads so why not?

Sarah’s father Mike Huckabee tweeted, “I know I’m as objective about @PressSec as @NYTimes new hateful, racist hire Sarah Jeong is about white people, but I still think @PressSec is the WINDSHIELD and little Jim Acosta is the BUG.”

Aside from calling Acosta a “bug” that presumably ended up smashed on Sanders’ “windshield,” Huckabee also referenced the newly hired editorial board member of The New York Times, Sarah Jeong, who has a lengthy social media history of abjectly racist screeds against white people.

Huckabee tweeted, “Breaking wind from CNN! Jim Acosta suffers severe nose bleed from the elevation of his high horse. Taken to safe space and provided with Play Dough, a popsicle, pictures of a pony to color and a puppy.”

Huckabee’s reference to Sarah Jeong was to the new Editorial Board writer for the failing New York Times who was exposed as tweeting extremely racist comments against cops and white people. Such comments as :Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.

Dumba** f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” Jeong wrote in November 2014. “white people are genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote a month later.

These comments are only part and partial of hundreds of comments dating back to 2014. And to think Roseanne got fired for far, far less.

The Times defended hiring Jeong saying:“We hired Sarah Jeong because of the exceptional work she has done … her journalism and the fact that she is a young Asian woman have made her a subject of frequent online harassment. For a period of time she responded to that harassment by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers,” The Times said in a statement. “She regrets it, and The Times does not condone it.”

She responded to her criticism saying:

“I engaged in what I thought of at the time as counter-trolling. While it was intended as satire, I deeply regret that I mimicked the language of my harassers. These comments were not aimed at a general audience, because general audiences do not engage in harassment campaigns. I can understand how hurtful these posts are out of context, and would not do it again,” Jeong wrote.

She only said that to keep her job and because she got caught. The Times should never have hired such a person who has been tweeting thousands of these comments over the last four years. The fact that the Times stood up for her says volumes about them. No wonder the Times is failing and referred to as the New York Slimes.


Now a so called conservative columnist for the Washington Post on MSNBC Jennifer Rubin, said Sarah Huckabee Sanders “should be shunned” for her work as Trump’s press secretary.

Sanders has always toed the line for Trump. Her unending support of Trump has now upset journalists so much they want her shut out of the ability to earn a living post-Trump presidency. The job of the press secretary is to answer questions from the press and support the president which Sarah has done completely without fail

Rubin is also buying into the new narrative that Trump is putting the life of journalists at risk now because Trump is calling out the media for fake news, journalists are upset. The best way to fix the problem is to report the truth without bias.

Rubin has been against Trump from virtually the beginning and is a perfect example of how a journalist lets his or her personal feelings get in the way of the actual news. I don’t think she’s a real conservative, but just pretending to get conservatives to hate Trump. In some of her articles, she has called Trump an “arrogant fool” and a “flat-out racist.” She’s no conservative that’s for sure. More llike a wolf in sheep’s clothing who ate the sheep.

While she is entitled to her opinion about Trump, her accusations are completely unfounded. Now, suddenly, he is a racist simply because it suits the liberal narrative.

The unhinged disease known Trump Derangement Syndrome, an airborne phenomenon spread by casual contact with the liberal mainstream anti-Trump media continues on in the Destroy Trump Media.


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Posted by on August 7, 2018 in Uncategorized


Crooked Hillary Gets Involved in 2018 Mid-terms!!!


Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is getting involved in the 2018 midterm elections in a big way. According to ABC News, the former secretary of state made the maximum donation of $5,000 to 19 Democrats to help her party win back control of Congress in November.

 Federal Election Commission filings show that Clinton made the contributions through Onward Together, the organization she created a few months after her embarrassing loss to President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

At least 11 of the Democrats she donated to are attempting to “flip” red districts currently held by a Republican. The districts she made the maximum donations to are located in California, Ohio, Texas, Nevada,Pennsylvania, Illinois, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, Georgia, and West Virginia.

While Clinton hasn’t appeared on the campaign trail with Democrats, she appears to be trying to make her mark by pumping serious money into candidates.

She has also repeatedly attacked Trump since losing the election, making a slew of controversial comments to show her pledge to the #Resistance.

Two weeks ago, Clinton ignited a firestorm online when she wore a “muumuu” to attack Trump. Speaking at OzyFest in New York, Clinton criticized Trump for his immigration policies as well as his summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

 Trump wants people to come in here legally. Under Obama more kids were separated from families than under Trump. So far under Trump 1300 families have been reunited. Hillary is an open borders person and wants a one world government. She’s even said as much. This is George Soros ’ultimate plan and she an Obama answer to Soros.

Clinton went on to insult Americans, saying anyone who doesn’t believe Trump’s policies have “hurt America,” she continued, “they’re not walking around with their eyes open.”

Last month, Clinton appeared to imply that Trump’s nomination for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, will lead America back to the days of slavery. Clinton said Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court will return the country to 1850 — when the atrocities of slavery were taking place.

“It is a blatant attempt by this administration to shift the balance of the court for decades and to reverse decades of progress. You know I used to worry that they wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s, now I worry they want to turn it back to the 1850s.

Hillary is a typical radical lib who believes in legislating from the bench. Kavenaugh is a good man and a strict constitutionalist which is what you need on the court, but people like Hillary don’t believe in our constitution.

 In March, she speculated that Americans voted for Trump because they “didn’t like black people getting rights.”

“So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward, and his whole campaign — ‘Make America Great Again’ — was looking backwards. ‘You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women, you know, getting jobs, you don’t want to, you know, see that Indian-Americans are succeeding more than you are — whatever your problem is, I’m going to solve it.’”

Another screwed up lie. Under Trump black unemployment is the lowest in history, Hispanic and Asian unemployment is the lowest in history and women’s unemployment is the lowest in 65 years.

 She talks about Trump making things go backwards. Obama was the one making things go backwards. Under Obama 13 million more Americans food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rates since the 70s, worst recovery since the 40s, lowest home ownership rate in 51 years, accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined


Under Trump, 4 million new jobs created, the best labor participation rate that we’ve ever had. Record low unemployment … This is the single greatest economy that we have had in TEN YEARS. And she has the audacity to say Trump is taking us backwards?

Clinton, who is obviously still deeply upset about her embarrassing loss in the election, is saying whatever she can to draw attention.

As Clinton continues to spew liberal talking points, she never seems to offer any solutions or ideas to fix the problems she claims are dire. In fact, she presented her entire platform to America during the election, and it was soundly rejected by voters. As the saying I saw on a t-shirt said,’ “Russia didn’t make me vote for Trump, Hillary did.”

hillary_collude_russiaI’m tired of people like Clinton saying we Americans who support Pres. Trump are basically stupid and don’t know what we’re doing. Our eyes are wide open and we know exactly what we’re doing! EVERYTHING she accuses the President of, she and the dems and libs are GUILTY of twice as much.. I’ve never seen such horrible losers like her and her cronies!!! ALL of them are a disgrace to the human race and America!!! None of them care about America or Americans!!! They just care about violence, murder, abortion, illegals ( only so you can get them to vote for you , NOT because you really care about them as people).

I want to know WHY this evil nasty corrupt, vile,  sick woman is not in jail!! There’s no way in the world the average citizen would or could have gotten away with one/one hundredth of the totally illegal crap she has gotten away with! She deleted 30,000 federally subpoenaed e-mails with bleach bit, she smashed 13 federally subpoenaed  devices, she paid a foreign national, Christopher Steele one million dollars laundered through a law firm Fusion GPS to write a fake dossier on Trump so she could get a FISA warrant to spy on a Trump campaign worker, Carter Page  and signed off on selling one third of our imported uranium to Russia for 145 million dollars to her foundation . She should be in prison for those crimes. In fact Comey was about to indict her, but he and James Clapper and John Brennan decided to exonerate her before they interviewed her because she was running for President. Well she’s out now and they should re-open investigation and found guilty as charged instead of running around endorsing candidates.


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Posted by on August 3, 2018 in Uncategorized