Monthly Archives: July 2018

The Hateful,Intolerant Left While Trump keeps Winning!!!


 “Those jobs are not coming back here. What’s Trump going to do? Wave his magic wand?”—Barack Obama 2016

 The liberal left has always claimed to have the corner on peace, love and tolerance until you disagree with them, that is, then all hell breaks loose. Disagree with a liberal black person and you’re a racist. Disagree with a liberal woman and you’re sexist. Disagree with a liberal gay and you’re a homophobe. Disagree with a liberal in general and you’re a Nazi and fascist and in the dark ages to boot. Now with the election of Donald Trump they have become totally triggered, unhinged and become complete lunatics and dangerous too.   


Most of the media is all liberal and left wing and constantly railing against their nemesis Fox News, one of the few places still telling the truth, the No.1 station in the ratings for years now and Trump’s chosen station to go to. The other stations especially CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC all tell lies about Trump, take things out of proportion and just plain make up stories about him. Trump is succeeding in his agenda to make America great again and back on track and they can’t stand it and refuse to report any of it. What is good news for the country is bad news for the media.Trump calls them the enemy of the people and that infuriates them even more which they are by not reporting anything positive about him or the country.  If Trump was a democrat then you would hear about it.

 The democrat party has nothing to run on. They’re only agenda is:

*Rescind the tax cuts and raise everyone’s taxes.

*Impeach President Trump

*Keep Obamacare where 5 million people lost their doctor and their plan after he said they could keep them.

*Block Supreme Court nominee

*Open borders

*Kill off deep state investigations.

 Maxine Waters is one of the looney left’s most dangerous senators causing problems with telling her constituents to get in the faces of Trump people wherever you see them and confront them whether it be in a dept. store, restaurant or gas station and like blind sheep they follow and rudely interrupt these people’s private lives like they did with Sarah Sanders in the Virginia restaurant or Pam Bondi in a Florida movie theater or Trump’s Homeland Security secretary Kirsten Nielsen in a restaurant.

Recently Waters doubled down on her threats Wednesday whens he urged Americans to take to the streets and scream for an end to President Trump’s term, endorsed impeachment and vowed that the White House won’t intimidate her.

Talking on CNBC, she said, “I think he’s dangerous,” and added, “I don’t know why people take it. I think Americans should be out in the streets screaming to the top of their voice. Do something. Make something happen.”


The media’s latest target is Kimberly Guilfoyle. She recently left FOX News after many years there to sign up with Donald Trump Jr’s superpac.  She is also dating Trump Jr.

Kimberley Guilfoyle

Now they are saying it’s been reported that Guilfoyle actually left Fox News because of her questionable behavior with colleagues and staff. An exclusive report in the Huffington Post alleges that Guilfoyle was pushed out for “allegations of inappropriate behavior including sexual misconduct.” This included showing lewd photographs to her coworkers, crude language around the staff, and abusive behavior towards hair and makeup artists. This is the same excuse they used to get rid of Eric Bolling which he denied.

 This ‘story’ doesn’t pass the smell test. Kimberly was considered for a job in the White House right after Trump was elected (actually she’s wicked smart) and the new powers that be at Fox just hate that, but kept her because her ratings were helping them. But then, when word got out that she is dating Donald Trump, Jr.

Now they felt obligated to get rid of her, so, much like the Trump ‘dossier’, the Huff Post article is completely bought and paid for by anti-Trumpers. They are having great difficulty getting anything to stick to Trump himself, so they pick on anyone connected to him in any way. More good people will be leaving Fox after being subjected to such harassment, but we will be told that they did or said terrible things (like Eric Bolling). Most of us see it for what it is, liberal hypocrisy. If it wasn’t for double standards the left would have no standards at all.

I myself  just do not believe these HATEFUL allegations, These allegations are because Kimberly is dating President Trump’s son, Donald, Jr, If it’s a Huffpost story you can bet money on the fact that it’s got a lot of misinformation in it, allegations made by a lazy, biased, hateful fake news outlet that won’t provide any evidence. All these reports always say “sources said” which to me means they have no sources and just say that to backup their purposeful lies about Trump or anyone connected to him.

Meanwhile Trump keeps winning and making America great again and people say the country is back on the right track again.

In fact, our national GDP has increased by 4.1 percent in the second quarter — the largest jump we’ve seen since 2014 which is bringing in 12 trillion in new wealth which almost wipes out half the national debt of 20 trillion. Many have attributed this increase to the Trump administration’s iconic tax cuts. Experts have stated the increase would have actually been bigger if it had not been for rising inflation. Obama is the only president not to have a GDP greater than 3%, His was always under 3% and he said we must accept that as the new normal. Under Obama 13 million more people were on food stamps an 8 million more were in poverty,we had the lowest labor participation rate in history and the lowest home ownership rate. I guess that was supposed to be all part of the new normal also. All that is changing now under Trump.

The administration has used a mix of tax cuts, deregulation and spending increases to goose growth. White House budget director Mick Mulvaney told CNBC earlier this week that deregulation likely has had the most impact so far as companies feel more comfortable about committing capital., the Commerce Department revised its first-quarter reading up from 2 percent to 2.2 percent.

“We’re on track to hit the highest annual growth rate in over 13 years,” President Donald Trump said in remarks an hour after the report hit. “And I will say this right now and I will say it strongly, as the deals come in one by one, we’re going to go a lot higher than these numbers, and these are great numbers.”

Because of the tax break consumers are taking home more money, giving  them more to spend and invest. The same can be said for businesses. Small business is doing great because Trump lowered the small business tax to 15% the lowest it’s ever been, Hillary was going to raise it to 41% and that would lead to a recession.  Big business is hiring more, giving better wages and companies are coming back from overseas to build here. (Sorry Barrack, I guess Trump did wave his magic wand.) Foxcon who makes the I-phones and flat screen TVs is building a plant to house 1300 workers. U.S. Steel is building six new plants here. Unemployment among blacks, Hispanics and women are the lowest in history an overall unemployment is the lowest in 20 years and 3. 1 million new jobs have been created under Trump. The trade deficit is down by 50 billion so we are positive now and were negative before thanks to Trump raising tariffs and then lowering them in the steel industry.

Yes under Trump the forgotten men and women left behind are now getting their fair share, “We are the economic envy of the world again,” Trump said in his economic speech on Friday. The embassy is back in Jerusalem, our hostages in North Korea are back, no more missiles are being shot over Japan by North Korea and we’re out of the disastrous Iran deal.

Unfortunately you won’t hear or see any of this on the nightly news or mainstream media or so called late night comedians who aren’t funny. All they care about is Russia, Russia, Russia. Scandal, scandal, scandal and Get Trump and get their power back. The country be damned. However, if the people stay awake and don’t let the lib media run roughshod over them then Trump will get the last laugh on them with a second term. Remember Hilary and the democrats sacrificed the country for her and their wealth. Trump sacrificed his wealth for the country. Who would you rather see in office?








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Posted by on July 29, 2018 in Uncategorized


Where is Jeff Sessions?? Paging Jeff Sessions!!!


The greatest most important political story in history is unfolding right before our eyes and the media is ignoring it because it deals with their precious savior Hillary Clinton who they are protecting unmercifully. They would rather go after Trump than have a country that is successful   and respected once again. The heads of the CIA, FBI, National Intelligence and Hillary herself all colluded to stop Trump in many illegal ways, even fixing the election so she would win and she still lost.

The title of Greg Jarrett’s (Fox News legal analyst and contributor) latest book out this week sums it up perfectly, “The Russia Hoax. The Plan to Exonerate Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is nowhere to be found and back on the hot seat. Sessions was called out for his behavior and non involvement  in the Russia investigation.

And no one could believe who accused Sessions of not doing his job. Fox News host Sean Hannity who  tore into Sessions for his inexcusable behavior in the Russia investigation.

First, Sessions recused  himself. That led to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel. Now Sessions has refused to hold FBI and DOJ officials who authorized the spying on the Trump campaign accountable.

Breitbart reports:

Your federal government has been using opposition research to spy on a political campaign,” Hannity stated. “This should rock the soul of every American in the country.”Hannity said the dossier, full of “Russian lies,” was opposition research paid for by Hillary Clinton.

“This is what happens in banana republics,” he later added.

Hannity went on to call on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to do his job.

“Jeff Sessions, where are you tonight? Your nation needs you to do your job tonight,” he said.

SeanHannity 2

President Trump has repeatedly ripped Sessions on social media for his recusal and refusal to prosecute obvious criminal wrong doing committed by Hillary Clinton, James Comey and others. But Hannity – who is a key Trump confidante – criticizing Sessions on TV sends a signal that once the Mueller investigation is over, Trump may fire Sessions.

President Trump is looking into revoking the security clearances of several top Obama-era  intelligence and law enforcement officials, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday, accusing them of having “politicized” or “monetized” their public service.

Sanders said Trump is also looking into the clearances for other former officials and Trump critics, including former FBI Director James Comey; former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe; former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; former National Security Adviser Susan Rice and former CIA Director Michael Hayden (who also worked under President George W. Bush).


Sanders said Trump is “exploring mechanisms” to remove the security clearances “because [the former officials] politicized and in some cases actually monetized their public service and their security clearances in making baseless accusations of improper contact with Russia.”

However, McCabe spokesperson Melissa Schwartz said his security clearance had already been deactivated when he was fired.

“Andrew McCabe’s security clearance was deactivated when he was terminated, according to what we were told was FBI policy. You would think the White House would check with the FBI before trying to throw shiny objects to the press corps…,” Schwartz tweeted Monday.

Benjamin Wittes, a friend of Comey’s, tweeted Monday afternoon that he texted the former FBI director, who told him he doesn’t have a security clearance to revoke. However, clearances can remain automatically “active” for several years after an official departs government service.

Late Monday, Nick Shapiro, a former CIA Deputy Chief of Staff under Brennan, said: “John Brennan hasn’t made one penny off of his clearance.” Late Monday, Nick Shapiro, a former CIA Deputy Chief of Staff under Brennan, said: “Not one thing Brennan has done in  remuneration since leaving the government has been contingent on him having a security clearance..

While President Trump is considering revoking the security clearance of several former Obama officials, one big name didn’t make the list: Hillary Clinton.

Daily Caller reports:

President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of former CIA Director John Brennan; Comey; former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; former Director of National Security Michael Haden; former National Security Adviser Susan Rice; and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Those former officials have criticized Trump, yet Clinton — the president’s 2016 rival — was not included on the list.

“Frankly, I was shocked that Hillary, the chief culprit, was omitted,” retired Col. James Williamson told The Daily Caller News Foundation. Williamson, who was in special operations for 30 years and has held a top-level security since 1982, is president of OPSEC, a nonpartisan organization representing retired special forces and intelligence community officials.

“There is more than ample evidence that Hillary Clinton committed, whether its gross negligence, or, as [former FBI Director James] Comey would like to say, extreme carelessness,” Williamson told TheDCNF. “Just from the documented evidence, there was enough to prosecute. If there’s evidence to prosecute, then there’s certainly grounds to pull somebody’s clearance.”

In addition to the evidence that Clinton mishandled classified information, one lawsuit alleges Clinton’s campaign laundered money in violation of campaign finance laws.

Trump is working tirelessly on improving the country bringing it back from the disasters of Obama. The economy is soaring, unemployment for women, blacks and Hispanics is the lowest in history ,he  is building up our military and gaining respect  from countries around the world again, Trump is a very caring, empathetic and compassionate man and listens to what people are saying ,but you wouldn’t know that by the destroy Trump biased media. All they print is scandal and get Trump and overturn the election .

Sean Hanity so eloquently put it on his show the other night saying ,“Trump could cure cancer and give every citizen 10 million dollars and they would still hate him.”

The liberals can’t stand the fact that Trump has-
1. Ended ISIS
2. Ended the Korean War after 68 years.
3. Lowered the unemployment do to the lowest level since 2000.
4. Stabilized the Mexican border so that unskilled wages have gone up 30%. Labor is an economic commodity and when there is a surplus of people who will work for nothing and the employer won’t have to pay withholding, the wages go way down.
5. Is working to stabilize world trade..
6. Trying to get foreign countries to pay their share of UN membership.

Hillary, sacrificed our country for her personal wealth, President Trump sacrificed his wealth for our country. Which one do you trust?


trump afghanistan speech


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Posted by on July 26, 2018 in Uncategorized


The Left’s Russia Hypocrisy!!!


Liberal leftists Trump hating so called journalists are now equating Trump’s meeting with Putin with 9/11 where 3000 people died, Kristalnacht, the Holocaust where millions died and Pearl Harbor where 2400 soldiers and sailors died. This loonacy is off the wall and an insult to every family who lost loved ones in those tragedies. This was all triggered by the fact that they lost and still can’t get over it. Psychologists and pundits have labeled this Trump Derangement Syndrome and rightfully so.

If you compare TDS-infected news to the weather, it is like being told that we are being ravaged by terrible storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis all at the same time. But when you look out the window, the world is as bright and sunny as ever.


On a recent episode of The View, Whoopi Goldberg succumbed to TDS with an over-the-top emotional on-air outburst at their guest celebrity, Judge Jeanine, of FOX News.  Goldberg was so overwrought that in the hallway after the show that she let out a series of f-yous followed by a repetitious command to “get the f*^k out of this studio.”

Democrat senators, such as Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, have surrendered decorum for rabble-rousing – elevating the smallest criticism of Trump and all who defend him into hyper-hyperbolic accusations of treason. 

 Just a few years ago all these dems were buddy buddy with Putin and fine with our relationship with him. In fact every president in the past 75 years have all met with the head of the kremlin. Now with Trump suddenly they call it treason?

Remember when Obama was caught off mic telling Medvedev that in his next term he’ll have more flexibility  and Medvedev replies, “I will pass this onto Vladimir?

As everyone was taking shots at Trump for his post-summit press conference with Putin, Hillary decided to get her two cents in: She knows and knew then that Medvedev was just a puppet of Putin because Putin could not run again and had to take a break, he was and is the power in Russia…more progressive obfuscation and lies.

Hillary Clinton

Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?

 Hillary, as most know by now, sold massive Uranium rights off to Russia for 140 million to her foundation. And let’s not forget about the infamous “reset” button Hillary offered the Russians while Obama was in office.


Need we also point out the numerous occasions the Russians were have found to have hacked American government computers while Obama was in office — yet nothing was ever done.

Hillary also fired back “I would argue most important for voters to consider is the relationship between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin,” Clinton says in the 2016 clip. “[Putin] knows he can use flattery to get into Donald’s head, to make Donald the Kremlin’s puppet.”

“So ask yourself, why would Putin be trying to get Donald Trump elected president?” Clinton continued. “Could it be because of all the nice things Donald has said about him or the fact that he has promised to adopt pro-Kremlin policies, or maybe because of the extensive business dealings with Russian oligarchs. Now, since Donald won’t release his tax returns and don’t hold your breath, we don’t know the full extent of his business relationships, but what we know is disturbing.”


Mike Huckabee apparently hit his breaking point, as he unleashed a tweet that absolutely shredded Hillary Clinton: Former Arkansas a Governor Mike Huckabee tweeted back:

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Hillary tweeted, “Q for Trump as he meets Putin: Do U know which team you play for?” @POTUS never accepted $500K dollars for 1 speech from Russian bank, taken $140m for his foundation from Russian sources, or sold Russia 1/5 of US uranium supply. Which team are YOU on, Hillary?

While Democrats are still melting over Russia, President Donald Trump shared an old video of Hillary Clinton talking about the United States helping Russia become a strong, stable, and prosperous country.

President Trump on Thursday tweeted out part of an old interview with Hillary Clinton during which she argues a “strong Russia” is in the world’s best interest. “We want very much to have a strong Russia because a strong, confident, prosperous, stable Russia is, we think, in the interests of the world,” Clinton says in the 2010 interview with First Channel Television, which is partially owned by the Russia government, according to The Hill.

The president tweeted the video along with the caption: “Will the Dems and Fake News ever learn? This is classic!”

The video, which  has been viewed more than three million times in less than 24 hours, encapsulates the media double standard.

I guess Hilary forgot she said those things about supporting Russia. I think it was a good idea for Trump to play up to Russia. As the saying goes, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Trump said “if Putin doesn’t live up to our relationship he knows I will become his worst enemy.”

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has been one of President Donald Trump’s most outspoken critics over the president’s comments following a summit in Helsinki, Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But, it was not so long ago that Schumer and Putin were literally having coffee and doughnuts together.

The cherished moment for Schumer occured after a Russian-owned oil company, Luk oil, opened its first gas station in New York. Schumer played tour guide for Putin and showed him around town. The tour included a stop for coffee and some Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

After the visit, Schumer said: “When I showed the president of Russia a Krispy Kreme doughnut and he ate it and said it was good, that was one of the more surreal moments I’ve had in politics.”


Schumer’s “friendship” with Russia did not stop at doughnuts and coffee, either. As George W. Bush’s presidency was winding down and Democrats were making a play for the White House in 2008, Schumer was calling for a better working relationship with Russia.

After the visit, Schumer said: “When I showed the president of Russia a Krispy Kreme doughnut and he ate it and said it was good, that was one of the more surreal moments I’ve had in politics.”

When Clinton and the Obama administration openly discuss having a good relationship with Russia, it’s called diplomacy and good policy. But when Trump and his team do the exact same thing, they are labeled as traitors and accused of colluding with Russia to undermine America.

 Trump’s critics took issue with the president after he appeared to give some credence to Putin’s claim that Russia did not meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Trump also said at the news conference — and again on Tuesday — that he strongly supports the U.S. intelligence community, who concluded that the Russians did attempt to interfere in the election. But that wasn’t good enough for many in the media, as pundits and hosts called Trump’s performance “embarrassing,” “disturbing,” “sickening,” and “un-American.”

 The White House announced Thursday that Vladimir Putin has been invited to Washington this fall, even as leaders in Washington tried to fully understand what happened when President Trump and the Russian leader met earlier this week in Helsinki.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the planned visit in a tweet, saying that national security adviser John Bolton extended the invitation and that “discussions are already underway.”

 When you look at it this is a typical Trump way of poking his finger at his critics by saying, “You know how you critics criticized me with my meeting with Putin? Well guess what? I’m doing it again only this time over here.”  Trump is a real leader and when you criticize Trump he hits back twice as hard. When will they ever learn?



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Posted by on July 21, 2018 in Uncategorized



Skyscraper-Movie-Stars-Dwayne-Johnson Skyscrpaer is the latest action film from Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson and has all the breath catching, heart pounding action of a typical “Rock” movie. It is also loaded with tons of movie clichés and is a combination of “Die Hard” and “Towering Inferno.”

In Skyscraper, the biggest (fictional) free-standing building in the world catches on fire at its structural midpoint, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson‘s family is stuck inside.

Mr. Johnson’s character,  Will, a security analyst, visiting Hong Kong on business with his surgeon wife, Sarah (Neve Campbell), and their twins. Sawyer and his family are the first civilian residents of the biggest skyscraper on the planet and it is hailed as the “safest” place to live.  It is a shining, self-contained city, stretching 200-plus stories into the clouds, it’s the brainchild of billionaire Zhao Long Ji . Soon after Sawyer interviews for a high-end security job in the world’s tallest building — an ugly metallic behemoth  known as The Pearl, violence happens. .

You can probably deduce what happens next: one-and-a-half hours of Johnson, as security expert and father-of-two Will Sawyer, kicking ass, taking names, and absolutely owning the sky-high tower and the villains in every way imaginable.

A team of villains, led by the menacing Kores Botha (Roland Moller), has broken in with highly flammable chemicals in order to steal a computer thumb drive containing all the crime syndicates around the world. Botha has threatened to extort millions of dollars from Zhao Long ji who is using the thumbnail to expose Botha.

Sure enough, the vigilante group seeks to destroy the building and take the valued prize from the owner, and Sawyer is framed for it. The bad guys set the building ablaze, trapping Sawyer’s family, and he’s the only one who can save them. Will is wounded in a brutal fight and must perform self-surgery and uses plenty of duct tape.

Will dodges bullets and more bullets, scales a soaring construction crane and leaps across an impossible void, a superhero without cape or portfolio. Again and again, he also dangles by a single, sweat-slicked hand as all of Hong Kong anxiously watches his escapades below or on TV, oohing and ahhing in presumptive harmony with the movie’s audience.

There is a clever scene featuring an art display that comes up from the floor revealing many life size mirrors so you don’t know who is real and who is the reflection. This is very similar to the mirror scenes in the Bruce Lee movie “Enter the Dragon” and the Terrence Hill movie “My Name is Nobody.”

Skyscraper” also provides a surprisingly solid role for Campbell; Sarah is never a damsel in distress, but rather a combat-trained surgeon capable of kicking her own allotment of butt while also caring for her kids. (She also speaks several Asian languages, which comes in handy throughout the film.)

This is a fun action movie with so many implausible scenes so you should just check your brains at the door and enjoy the ride.

Check out these exciting trailers Skyscraper (2018) Movie Trailer |


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Posted by on July 19, 2018 in Uncategorized


Destroy Trump Media Journalists Attack Trump/Putin Summit As Disappointing!!!


Yesterday’s Trump – Putin Summit news conference brought out a new level of craziness in the anti-Trump Democrats, self-appointed foreign policy experts in the media and their fellow travelers among #NeverTrump Republicans.

What seems to have enraged President Trump’s opponents the most is that their attempt to hijack the summit to focus on the phony charges that President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election failed, and that Trump and Putin focused on important bilateral issues, such as nuclear weapons, the denuclearization of North Korea, the war in Syria, and energy trade between Russia and Western Europe.

Journalists and many republicans chastised Trump for not holding Putin for aggression on the world stage and for meddling in the election. If Trump did that can you imagine the reaction from Putin? Matters would be much worse and there would be hell to pay by Putin. You have to be diplomatic when dealing with people like Putin and Kim in North Korea and that is just what Trump is doing. I would like to inform these critics that we have had our share of aggression on the world stage too in places like the Middle East and Vietnam and other places and Obama tried meddling in Isreal’s elections to get Netanyahu out. It’s easy for these journalists to sit behind their keyboards and criticize Trump. I bet it would be a different story if they were in Trump’s shoes then again matters might be worse than they are now. Trump doesn’t take orders from anyone and is a true leader that loves his country and top negotiator. These things the average person and so called journalists don’t understand. Like Trump said in England, “These people aren’t going to like whatever I do” and that is so true.

Journalists entered the press conference expecting Trump to denounce Putin for alleged election “meddling.”When asked about so-called election “meddling,” President Trump pivoted to the fact that there is no evidence the Democrats  were hacked. Trump reminded the liberal journalists in attendance that the Democrats refused to turn over their server to the FBI. Without an independent investigation of the server, it is impossible to prove the Democrats were hacked. President Trump also said both the United States and Russia are to blame for sour relations between the two countries.

Journalists flipped out. They revealed what motivates them about this story is their pure, unadulterated hatred of President Trump. But instead Trump pointed out that it’s the media who are spreading conspiracy theories with no basis in reality.

Did people want Trump to start a war with Russia over some highly skeptical indictments of 12 Russian agents? That is really stupid. Can’t anyone see that this is grasping at the last straw for Meuller and Rosenstein. They both know they are going down the tubes and they created 12 indictments they knew could never be proven. They just wanted to create an atmosphere of distrust for the summit.

What Democrats, Trump critics like Senator John McCain, and Witch Hunters like Robert Mueller wanted President Trump to do would jeopardize the lives and safety of American military and intelligence officers around the world and make international relations infinitely more complex and difficult.

In his press interview with Sean Hannity, Trump said that Putin told him that Putin and his investigators would WELCOME Mueller to come to Russia and even stated that Russia would be willing to extradite the people who “interfered” if there was sufficient evidence.

We don’t really know how Putin would react if there was evidence. Mueller does not speak Russian of course, but there are a number of translators who would be willing to go.

Those calling out President Trump for not accusing Putin of hacking the 2016 election are pure idiots consumed with hate for Trump. They have no definitive proof that the DNC server was hacked by Russia, in fact the server was denied access to the FBI and now cannot be located. Sounds  rather suspicious to me.

 Senior reporter Dan Rather even got in on the attack saying:

Dan Rather


 The President of the United States trusts the word of a former KGB agent over the consensus of the American intelligence community backed by a ton of facts. That is a shocking reality. Everyone who excuses Trump’s behavior must answer that now, and when history inevitably judges.

 Dan Rather, where is the ton of evidence?? They have been investigating for over a year and nothing has been brought out…I didn’t think Dan Rather was still alive much h less around.

Not only has Mueller been investigating for over a year, but the NYT put over 20 reporters on then candidate Trump, the day he announced his intension to run, looking for dirt. So it comes out to way over 2 years, and nothing.

Yes there is a ton of evidence…on Hillary colluding with Russia. How about her signing off with nine other groups the selling of 20% of our uranium to them for 145 million dollars to her foundation . Uranium that can be used to make atomic weapons to be used against us. Did they forget how she paid a foreign national with Russian connections, Christopher Steele a million dollars funneled through a law firm Fusion GPS to write a phony dossier on trump? Do they not remember how Bill doubled his speaking fees from $250,000 to $500,000 for a half hour speech over there? Do they conviently forget that this Russian meddling happened under Obama?

If they want to talk meddling, Russian collusion and treason, then Hillary and Obama is where you look, but they won’t dare do that since she is their girl who should be president as far as they are concerned.

As far as Trump – Russia collusion – a ton of nothing = nothing.

Trump says he meant the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he doesn’t see why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections.

Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said he meant he doesn’t see why Russia “wouldn’t” be responsible.

He also said he accepts the American intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the election, but he denied that his campaign had colluded in the effort.

Trump spoke a day after returning to the U.S. to nearly universal condemnation of his performance at Russian President Vladmir Putin’s side in Helsinki. Putin said he wanted Trump to win the race against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

However, Vladimir Putin made a bombshell claim during Monday’s joint press conference with President Trump in Helsinki, Finland, when the Russian president said some $400 million in illegally earned profits was funneled to the Clinton campaign by associates of American-born British financier Bill Browder – at one time the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia. The scheme involved members of the U.S. intelligence community, said Putin, who he said ‘accompanied and guided these transactions.’”

The report explained the situation developed after an offer from Russia to allow special counsel Robert Mueller’s team to come to Russia for their investigation – as long as there was a reciprocal arrangement for Russian intelligence to investigate in the U.S.

Putin continued, “It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. So we have solid reason to believe that some [U.S.] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest in questioning them.”

The report cited comments from Philip Giraldi of the Strategic Culture Foundation that ascribed to Browder fault for the new Cold War. He’s described there as “a hedge fund operator who made his fortune in the corrupt 1990s world of Russian commodities trading.”

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Posted by on July 17, 2018 in Uncategorized


Trump Meets Putin And Holds Joint Press Conference!!!


Before Trump left for his summit with NATO and Putin, democrats chastised him saying he shouldn’t meet with Putin because Russia is our enemy. These same democrats are the ones who supported Hillary giving Putin that silly reset button and when she sold 20% of our uranium to Russia. They also never complained when Bill doubled his speaking fees to Russia to $500,000 for a half hour speech. Now with Trump in charge they suddenly call Russia our enemy again. Trump is so right when he mentions about the foolishness they played with Russia.

Trump lauded a new opportunity for U.S.-Russian cooperation as he sat side by side with Vladimir Putin after the Russians showed up an hour LATE for 90 minute summit

‘I think the world wants to see us get along we are the two great nuclear powers. We have 90 per cent of the nuclear and that’s not a good thing,’ Trump said. 

‘It’s a bad thing and we hopefully can do something about that because it’s not a positive force. It’s a negative force, so we’ll be talking about that among other things.’ Then he added: ‘We all have a lot of questions and hopefully we’ll come up with answers.’ 

‘Most importantly we have a lot of good things to talk about,’ Trump said after opening his remarks with praise for Russia’s hosting of the World Cup. 

‘I  want to congratulate you on a really great World Cup, one of the best ever,’ Trump exlcaimed.

He went after U.S. ‘foolishness and stupidity’ dealing with Russia 

Trump is so right again. For decades they’ve been playing the public for fools, ever smooth, and ever full of excuses for miserably failing us—but under that facade, they are cunning, corrupt weasels whose only priorities are personal wealth and power, and they don’t care a whit about this country or us taxpayers except when they are running for re-election.

Trump earlier vented that no matter how well he does he won’t be appreciated. That is so true. Trump has done more than any president so far Home and abroad with over 100 accomplishments. He’s lowered taxes for the American people with big business from 35% to 21% and small business to 15% the lowest in history so they can hire more people and people have more money on their pockets. The GNP growth is approaching 4% while under Obama it was only 2%. Companies are coming back here to build factories and manufacture things here that will create jobs also. The economy is doing better than ever with black unemployment the lowest in history, Hispanic unemployment the lowest in history and women’s unemployment  the lowest in history. He’s met with more world leaders in the shortest period of time than any other president and is hoping to bring peace throughout the world and is hoping his meeting with Putin will solve some conflicts. His meeting with NATO and getting them to pay their fare share to the defense of NATO has brought 48 billion dollars back into our country. Up until now the U.S. was paying 70 cents for every dollar spent on NATO.

 Yet through all these accomplishments demonstrators who are purposely grossly misinformed and being manipulated by the mainstream destroy Trump media and George Soros still come out in force to demonstrate against him. When one looks at these demonstrators in their silly costumes and signs it’s as if they are at one big party and you can plainly see they are children trying to solve adult problems.

European  Union President Donald Tusk called on the United States, China and Russia to work together to cool the global trade tensions, warning that they could spiral into violent “conflict and chaos”.

Democrats had called for the summit’s cancellation after new revelations surrounding the election meddling. But Trump has insisted it is “a good thing to meet”, as he attempts to replicate with Putin the sort of personal rapport he proclaims with the autocratic leaders of China and North Korea.

If his instinct proves right and the pair find common ground, then the summit may take the heat out of some of the world’s most dangerous conflicts including Syria.

But, over breakfast with Niinisto, he insisted NATO “has never been stronger” and “never been more together” thanks to his insistence on all allies paying their fair share.

With Washington and Moscow at loggerheads over Ukraine, Iran and trade tariffs as well as Syria, even Trump has cautioned that he is not approaching the Putin summit “with high expectations”.

Trump also held a joint press conference with Putin. During the conference Putin presented the winning soccer ball of the World Cup they just won to Trump as a symbol of joint peace between their two nations to which Trump thanked him and tossed it to Melania who was sitting in the front row with Mike Pompeo and Gen.Kelly and other dignitaries. Both leaders denied there was any collusion with the election and Putin said he was not aware of the 12 Russians who were recently indicted. He gave the impression they acted on their own without any notice to him.


Trump said he wanted to know where the server was that they got information from and to write the fake dossier on him and  wanted to know what happened to the 30,000 e-mails Hillary had and where her server was. He must have known she used bleach bit to destroy them as FOX has talked about that a lot.

Trump mentioned about the Peter Strzok hearings and said Strzok’s actions were a disgrace to the FBI and a disgrace to America. Both leaders said they would work together to put aside any differences and for a more peaceful world.

The 72-year-old brash billionaire has been president for 18 months, while the former KGB officer, 65, has run Russia for the past 18 years.

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Posted by on July 16, 2018 in Uncategorized


Trump Hating FBI Agent Peter Strzok Testifies!!!


The long awaited testimony by Peter Strzok finally happened before the House Oversight Committee. Strzok is the former Trump hating FBI agent who was second in charge on Mueller’s committee investigating Russian collusion in to the election before he was let go because of bias. He was having an affair with FBI agent Lisa page who was also on the FBI investigation before she was let go. The two are both married to other people and had an affair and exchanged 50,000 text messages over six months. It was these text messages that caused this hearing and investigation into the investigators.


Strzok had previously testified behind closed doors for 11 hours. The hearings started at 10 a.m. and were still going on well after 6 pm with a one hour break at noon.

Thursday’s public testimony was very intense like a giant fireworks display and at times seemed like a WWE smack down match as both democrats and republicans traded harsh barbs with each other. Democrats accused their republican colleagues of being hostile and angry when it was THEY who were the hostile and angry ones. Many stuck up for Strzok and some went as far as to say Trump was not fit for office showing their own bias. Republicans on the other hand were more constrained and only got irate when attacked by democrats. Strzok, throughout it all, remained defiant and maintained that he did not show bias in those infamous messages with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Strzok displayed various emotions ranging from arrogance, smugness with a wise ass smirk on his face to outright anger.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy tore into Strzok at the opening of Thursday’s hearing, saying he showed “textbook bias” on the job.

This later escalated into a stunningly heated exchange in which Strzok claimed he was kicked off Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe because of “perception,” not because of bias.

After Strzok said he didn’t “appreciate” how Gowdy was characterizing those events, the congressman fired back:

“I don’t give a damn what you appreciate, Agent Strzok.”

TreyGowdy PeterStrzok

There were 72 members questioning Strzok and the chair alternated them with one Republican questioning then followed by a democrat and each had five minutes to ask questions. Many democrats accused the republicans of having a waste of time with the hearing and said they should have hearings on more important things like the 3000 children separated from their parents at the border and gun control, etc.

Dem Rep.Luis Guiterrezz said angrily that the only people who care about his hearing is FOX News and the Kremlin.

Strzok refused to answer House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan regarding which individuals gave the Bureau three copies of the Trump dossier, claiming the FBI will not allow him to divulge his sources.

After Jordan got Strzok on record admitting to having read the dossier, the Ohio representative zoned in on an email Strzok sent to a number of intelligence officials, including a woman he was having an extramarital affair with, former FBI counsel Lisa Page. In the email, Strzok discussed the different version of the dossier the FBI received from three separate sources.

“We got an e-mail that you sent. It should be presented there or should be in front of you there. I want you to take a look at this. This is an e-mail you wrote to Lisa Page, Bill, Jim, and cc’d Andy McCabe. The subject is Buzzfeed is about to accomplish the dossier. Are you familiar with this e-mail?” Jordan asked.

“I am,” Strzok replied.

“It says this, ‘Comparing now the set is only identical to what McCain had, parentheses, it has differences from what was given to us by Corn and Simpson.’ Did you write all that?” Jordan asked.

Strzok tried to get around the question, but Jordan persisted “It says ‘Peter Strzok’ and it says to ‘Lisa Page’ and a whole bunch of key people to the FBI. Did you write it?” Jordan asked.

“I did write this,” Strzok replied.

Jordan then tried to figure out who the Corn and Simpson Strzok was referencing and what their relation was to the dossier dumps. Strzok said that he is unable to answer that question under FBI direction.

Increasingly frustrated, Jordan then tried to coax Strzok to reveal the identities of Corn, Simpson and another source, Page.

“I just want to figure this out. I want to figure this out, agent Strzok. You’re referencing three copies of the dossier: the Buzzfeed copy you have, the one john McCain’s staff gave to you and the one that you said you got from Corn and Simpson. The one McCain gave to you and the one Buzzfeed has are identical in your words, but they have — the Corn and Simpson one is different,” Jordan said.

Jordan is referencing David Corn, a veteran reporter who works for Mother Jones, and Glenn Simpson, a founder of the opposition research firm behind the Trump dossier, Fusion GPS, in his questioning of Strzok

Strzok refused to answer that there were three copies of the dossier presented to the FBI, despite the fact that he referenced them in his email to intelligence officials.


Although Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan were the best interrogators, there was misappropriations on both sides. The hearing got heated and chaotic as Strzok was informed by Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte that he would be held in contempt of Congress for not answering the questions specifically from Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy.

After dodging multiple questions from Gowdy, Strzok gave a lengthy answer defending his anti-Trump behavior as never influencing his investigation into either Trump or Hillary.

“The suggestion that I in some dark chamber in the FBI would somehow cast aside all of these procedures — all of these safeguards — and this is astounding to me,” Strzok said, “It deeply corrodes what the FBI is in American society, the effectiveness of their mission and is deeply destructive.”

After the impassioned line, video captures multiple Democrats on the Judiciary committee bursting into applause for Strzok, a witness they are supposed to be questioning and investigating.

Another democrat representative suggested that Strzok should get a purple heart which was an insult to that medal.

When republican Louis Gohmert questioned Strzok about his truthfulness, Strzok replied that he always tells the truth and does not lie, to which Gohmert replied, “Can you look your wife in the eye and say that?”  That was a reference to Strzok having an affair with Lisa Page. At that point Chairman Bob Goodlatte slammed the hammer down and said that was inappropriate. Strzok also fuming at that also said that was not pertinent to this hearing.

Several members brought up the text messages Strzok sent to Page saying he could smell Trump supporters when he was in Walmart and other similar derogatory statements about Trump supporters. Strzok apologized and said he chose the wrong words and should not have said those things.

Republican Rep. John Walker questioned Strzok about sending 50,000 texts over a six month period.  “That’s 100 texts a day. Were you doing this when you should have been working?” Walker asked.

Strzok replied that many were work related and not all were personal.

Lisa Page is scheduled to testify next after refusing at first. She then said she needed more time to get things together.  Should be interesting as she’s had time to get her story straight after listening to Strzok’s testimony today.




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Posted by on July 12, 2018 in Uncategorized


With Trump Libs Are Against It (Even If They Are For It)!!!

DissentRacist Famous comedian Groucho Marx once sang, “Whatever it is I’m against it.” The same could be said with today’s liberals when it comes to Trump. They’re against it Even if it’s something they support.

With Judge kavenaugh it’s not so much him they are against, but the constitution. Liberals like to change things by the bench and need liberal judges to do that who will waver. Judge Kavenaugh is an originalist which means he goes strictly by the constitution and said that’s how he would judge things. The Supreme Court is not suppose to make new laws or get rid of old ones, but just judicate on certain cases and render an opinion for others to decide.

As Rush Limbaugh recently stated on his show “The thing you need to understand about that, among all other things, the left is not opposed to Justice Kavanaugh. They are opposed to the Constitution. It’s the Constitution that scares them. It is the Constitution that threatens them. That’s the nature of their opposition.

Before Judge Kavenaugh was even nominated the Women’s March group had posters printed up slamming whoever Trump nominated with fill in the blank spots to insert a name. No matter who he nominated they were against it.

Now, the left is also scared to death of next potential nomination. They’re scared to death of the future of Ruth “Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg has been in poor health and over 80. If Obama and Hillary had known what they were doing, they would have cajoled Ruth Ginsburg into retiring while Obama was president so that he could name her appointment and have that seat guaranteed for the Democrats for the next 40 years, but they calculated there was no way Hillary could lose.

 It didn’t even occur to them that Donald Trump would win. It never occurred to them that a Republican might have a chance to appoint the next couple of justices, or three. They assumed that would be their exclusive right. And so they didn’t make any suggestion to Ruth Ginsburg that she retire. Now  they are freaking out that Trump can name two more judges.

 For decades now ever since the cold war, libs have been demanding that we pull out militarily from European nations saying they should build up their own defenses instead of us funding them.  Now Trump is over there saying just that. Actually he was saying that long before he even became a candidate.

President Trump on Wednesday demanded that NATO allies increase defense spending immediately and double their current goal for burden-sharing in the defense alliance.  Trump stood up to our allies in Europe and told them the U.S. will no longer be Europe’s ATM machine.  As of now we pay 70% of NATO’s budget, that’s 70 cents for every dollar NATO spends and Trump told them this will end. As Trump gathered with leaders of NATO countries for a summit in Brussels, he also repeatedly said Germany’s energy dependence on Russia undermines its independence.

He blasted the German government for not spending more on defense and suggested that a 3-year-old energy supply agreement has left Germany “captive” to Russia. Trump urged Merkel to buy natural gas from the U.S. Hours later, though, Trump took a softer line during a face-to-face photo op with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Donald J. Trump


What good is NATO if Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars for gas and energy? Why are there only 5 out of 29 countries that have met their commitment?

The U.S. is paying for Europe’s protection, then loses billions on Trade.   Europe Must pay 2% of GDP IMMEDIATELY, not by 2025.

 Liberals who once accused Trump of being Putin’s puppet now accused him of being too harsh on Putin. They can’t have it both ways. Dems have nothing to offer so all they do is complain and attack.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that he agrees with President Trump on spending issues and thinks Trump’s leadership was responsible for making other NATO countries pay more.

Trump took to opportunity to blast the media for not reporting it.

During a joint appearance, Stoltenberg said, “First of all, it’s great to see you again, Mr. President.  And good to  have you here for a summit. And we are going to discuss many important issues at the summit. Among them is defense spending. And we all agree that we have to do more. I agree with you that we have to do make sure that our allies are investing more. The good news is that allies have started to invest more in defense.”


He continued, “After years of cutting defense budgets, they have started to add billions to their defense budgets. And last year was the biggest increase in defense spending across Europe and Canada in that generation.”

Trump then asked why the spending increase happened last year.

“Why was that last year?” Trump asked.

“It’s also because of your leadership, because of your carried message…” Stoltenberg responded.

Trump then pointed to the press and poked at the media for not reporting on his successes.

“They won’t write that, but that’s okay,” Trump said.

“No, I have said it before, but the thing is that it really has,” Stoltenberg said. “And your message is having an impact, and we are going to build on that to make sure that we have further increases.”

Now libs in the media are blasting him for wanting to pull out of NATO even though they were all for it for decades now.

On his radio show today Rush Limbaugh explained the deal between Putin and Merkel with Germany receiving cheap gas from Russia “the Nord Stream pipeline, the special pipeline direct to Germany from Russia, a deal made between Putin and Angela Merkel which  Trump called them out on it today. This pipeline strikes at the heart of NATO unity. This is Angela Merkel sabotaging other NATO nations by making a straight deal with Putin while every other pipeline goes through all the other European nations. This pipeline gets… For now, ’cause Putin controls the price, it gets cheap Russian gas to Germany and bypasses all of the smaller eastern European nations, and this gives Russia incredible leverage over Merkel! It allows Russia to pressure them while Germany is held harmless. It’s bad policy for NATO countries, and Trump has the guts to call ’em out on this!”

President Trump’s fiery salvo at German President Angela Merkel in today’s NATO summit is spot on, according to the Daily Mail:

Donald Trump’s claim that Germany imports 70 per cent of its gas from Russia at a fiery Nato summit today is correct – and the country will soon receive even more.

The EU’s statistics agency, Eurostat, says that Russia is responsible for up to 75% of Germany’s total gas imports.

And experts say that figure could dramatically increase after a new pipeline between Russia and Germany opens in two years time.

Germany already imports 55 billion cubic meters of gas from Russia via the Nord Stream pipeline and will pump another 55 billion cubic meters through the new Nord Stream 2 network.

Trump also stated that Germany spends billions annually relying on Russian gas. Again, he’s correct.

Germany’s gas bill from the Russian Federation’s state-run company Gazprom last year amounted to a staggering 17 billion euros ($21 billion).

Suddenly liberals are OK with the use of pipelines that endanger the environment to transport fossil fuels that are causing global warming that will exterminate life on Earth.

Meanwhile back home here over 200,000 jobs were added in June as the number of employed Americans set its 10th record since Trump took office. Additionally, Trump sums up America’s economic policy as “jobs, jobs, jobs.” Also, just in time for the midterms, the Democrat party issued a statement calling Trump’s jobs agenda “reckless.” Isn’t that what Joe Biden always campaigned on when he said “Jobs, jobs, jobs?”

So whatever Trump is for liberals are against it even if they support it.


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Posted by on July 12, 2018 in Uncategorized


Trump Nominates Judge Brett Kavanaugh!! Liberals Go Nuts!!!


Trump nominated Judge Brett kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Monday.While liberals are going nuts making Judge Brett Kavanaugh out to be a rightwing ideologue, his record tells a different story of a judge committed to applying the law and the Constitution as written. That may be a radical idea to liberals and Democrats, but it is the view that held sway in our judiciary for almost 150 years.  President Trump was looking for a young, solidly conservative and intellectually powerful judge to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court and he found one in Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

In his statement before America last night Kavanaugh stated, “My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written, and a judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent. For the past 11 years, I’ve taught hundreds of students, primarily at Harvard Law School. I teach that the Constitution’s separation of powers protects individual liberty, and I remain grateful to the dean who hired me, Justice Elena Kagan. As a judge, I hire four law clerks each year. I look for the best. My law clerks come from diverse backgrounds and points of view. I am proud that a majority of my law clerks have been women.”

Kavanaugh concluded, “I will tell each senator that I revere the Constitution. I believe that an independent judiciary is the crown jewel of our constitutional republic. If confirmed by the Senate, I will keep an open mind in every case.”

He clerked for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy — the man he now seeks to succeed — and served on special counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s team in the 1990s.

That long history will give the Senate plenty to review as it looks to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the high court.

 He has been through the process before, having won confirmation to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on a 57-36 vote in 2006.

His nomination process then was dominated by his record in the Bush administration.

He has since added 12 years of service and more than 300 opinions on the appeals court.

Kavanaugh is a father and a family man. He feeds the poor with catholic charities and is a coach to his daughter’s basketball team. He’s giving his time to charity and also tutors some school kids. How much better can you get? He’s giving his daughters the same support his father gave them. How many men do that?  Many of these politicians protesting him are wealthy and scandal  ridden so they have no right to throw the first stone.

 Democrat lawmakers and liberal groups held a raucous late-night rally on the steps of the Supreme Court to oppose President Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.


The rally began shortly after Trump’s 9 p.m. Monday announcement and included chants of “Hell no on Kavanaugh.” The speakers say the nominee poses a threat to abortion rights and health care protections.

This is what you get when libs have no power. It doesn’t matter who he picked, the left would still be in outrage. Even if he said he would leave it open for 6 years, still the same results. Libs protest about the border situation and say  they want to reunite children with their families, but at the same time they want unlimited authority to rip fetuses “from our wombs,”

Libs were so sure Obama would replace Scalia with liberal Judge Garland or Hillary would and the court would be liberal for the rest of your life.  Chuck Schumer even called Trump while he was on Air Force One and urged him to pick Garland, but Trump hung up on him after five minutes.  My how Trump  up ended their plans.

Of course the liberals are going completely unhinged like they always do protesting Trump’s nominee before he was even nominated or they even knew who was going to be nominated. Considering just how ignorant the Liberals have become this story is no surprise. Just listen to those NYU students condemning the choice when there was no choice. Insanity amongst the liberals is rampant.

Justice kagan was approved in 90 days the fastest of any judges under Obama and the fastest of any supreme court justice and didn’t have half the credentials  Kavanaugh has and he had 300 major decisions. He is also one of the best legal minds in the country

While liberals are going nuts making Judge Brett Kavanaugh out to be a rightwing ideologue, his record tells a different story of a judge committed to applying the law and the Constitution as written. 

Washington’s WTOP Radio reports Kavanaugh’s professional life has been a succession of jobs that have raised his profile in legal circles. After earning undergraduate and law degrees at Yale, he was a Kennedy law clerk in the early 1990s before joining independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s team, where Kavanaugh co-wrote the report that served as the basis for President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.

Kavanaugh worked on the effort by Bush’s campaign to halt the recount of votes in Florida in the disputed presidential election between Bush and Al Gore in 2000. WTOP also reports he worked in Bush’s White House for five years, including nearly three as Bush’s staff secretary.

Judge Kavanaugh will protect our religious liberties, uphold the rule of law, and interpret the Constitution as it was originally understood by our Founders.
Senate liberals know that we have the opportunity to reshape the Supreme Court for an entire GENERATION, and they are ready to obstruct and unleash a smear campaign against our nominee. They and their protesters in the street are acting like big cry babies, stomping their feet to get their way. I can’t wait to see liberals in a complete rage when  President Trump appoints conservatives to replace the aged Ginsburg and Breyer who may be up next.

Just like during Justice Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings, we need to remind Democrats to stop playing politics and to put America FIRST. Fasten your seat belts everyone because it’s going to be a wild and crazy bumpy ride.


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Posted by on July 10, 2018 in Uncategorized


Will Trump Derangement Syndrome Lead to A Second Civil War???

 TrumpdietcokehabitandTDSNow after being absent and quiet for three months Obama comes out after yet another three month vacation and tries to dump on Trump again he has had everyone in the democratic party trying to undermine Trump. Funny everyone finally saw he had nothing to offer in his second term. Everything he had done had failed.. People are not as stupid as Obama thought, they see right through the democratic party. They have nothing to offer, they have no direction. The democratic party has done nothing in the last year and a half. Now they want people to vote for them, now that is funny. Keep following Obama’s failed policies and say good bye because you are going home without a job!

Crazy how putting America first seems to create jobs and prosperity.  What is amazing is that Trump is doing all of this with 100% of the Dems firmly opposed to 90% of what he’s doing. Not to mention the media’s 90% negative press against him.

The hypocritical, self-centered elitists who populate Hollywood still cannot let go of the fact that their anointed and pre-ordained, unqualified presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton got stomped on by the anti-political establishment underdog neophyte, our 45th POTUS, Donald John Trump.

Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton and Obama’s daughters faced little scrutiny. However, the current First Family is under constant bombardment from the MSM and the fools from the entertainment industry. It’s common knowledge of the vile, evil and disgusting things that were said about FLOTUS Melania Trump, First Daughter Ivanka Trump, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and KellyAnn Conway.

All these attacks on Trump have been described as Trump Derangement   Syndrome or TDS. As defined by Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a satirical psychological diagnosis used to explain the hysterical, and at times the promise of physical violence, which results in the bellicose and belligerent behavior of ”people” directed towards anything related to President Donald John Trump, or pertaining to his presidency.

While it’s not intended to be a logical argument, TDS is a pointed jab at an individual’s excessive and extremist emotional state, as well as other aggressive physical displays. In other words, it’s a whiny, harmful and regressive reaction by Leftists to something that didn’t go their way.

TDS is “a satirical psychological diagnosis?” I beg to differ. It’s as real a mental illness as anything else. These clowns espouse the never-ending lies of Russian collusion, the empty accusations of obstruction, then question Trump’s health and mental acuity.

Despite the MSM still making claims that Trump is infringing and violating the First Amendment, he merely calls them out for their childish and boorish behavior. He calls them out for reporting leaks without verification. That’s what I like about Trump. He doesn’t take crap from any of these leftist bullies and loons and throws it right back at them. The more they attack him the higher his ratings go. He has accomplished more than any president in the shortest period of time in spite of all their filthy attacks.

The condemnations and threats of physical violence, along with the nonstop filth that spews from the trash of the entertainment industry directed at Trump his family, the administration and the successful policies being implemented come from extremist liberal leftist maniacs, who don’t live in the real world. 

So far 16 reporters from various news organizations from around the country have been fired for reporting fake news stories about Trump.

Recently The Five’s co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle and Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow first discussed the dismal state of the media.

Guilfoyle told Marlow, “Who are these jokers? You see them on television, and they have a blog, and everyone thinks they’re a journalist, and they’re a joke. They’re provocateurs. They have no substance and no meat, let alone any intellect. It’s unbelievable in this day and age anyone calls themselves a journalist because they can post something on the Internet.”

A poll by Rasmussen shows that 59% of Americans believe that the left will resort to violence in order to stop Trump.  The poll was taken following several high-profile confrontations by the left with high-level White House employees.

And 31% believe that the U.S. is headed for a second civil war.

Of those people surveyed, 59 percent say that they’re worried Trump critics will become violent; a third of everyone polled said that they’re “very concerned” that things will come to that point.

Conversely, 16 percent said they aren’t worried about it at all.

These percentages of people who think violence will be the direct result of policy disagreement are higher than they were under the Obama administration.  During President Obama’s second year, 53 percent of people believed his opponents would turn toward violence while 28 percent stated that they were “very concerned” about the potential for violence.

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters say it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, with 11% who say it’s Very Likely.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 59% consider a second civil war unlikely, but that includes only 29% who say it’s Not At All Likely.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Democrats (37%) are more fearful than Republicans (32%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (26%) that a second civil war is at hand.

While the prospect of a civil war is extremely remote,  not so the probability of political violence roiling our streets.  One could easily imagine a Democratic takeover of the House and attempts to impeach the president sending hundreds of thousands into the streets, where it wouldn’t take much to ignite a bloody conflagration.

The kind of confrontation between Trump-haters and administration officials we’ve seen recently is mostly unplanned and spontaneous.  But we should be aware that there are those on the left who have been salivating at the opportunity to throw the U.S. into chaos.  They may be planning on taking advantage of left-wing protests to goad the right into a violent reaction that would start a cycle of violence that authorities would be hard pressed to stop. 

. With the hysterical left having convinced itself that Trump is a personal threat, it may be inevitable that a Trump official or supporter is targeted and attacked.   Further, with the unhinged quality of opposition to the president, how many on the left will actually cheer if a Trump official is murdered in the street or outside his home?

Recently a CRAZED Liberal Punched Trump Supporter Then Dragged Him 30 Feet By Car For Having a Trump Flag. Jeff Good of Boyton Beach, Fla. was watching fireworks from his yard when a guy drove up to his property and asked him to move his rump flag. When Good refused the guy punched him in the face. Good grabbed the guy’s car to get at him but the guy drove off dragging Good 30 feet. CRAZED Liberal Punches Trump Supporter Then Drags Him 30 Feet By Car For Having Trump Flag – YouTube

In a recent campaign ad, the Republican National Committee highlighted how the leftist progressive base of the Democrat Party has simply become “unhinged” in the era of Trump, increasingly issuing threats of harassment and violence against the president, his family, members of his administration and his supporters more generally.

Their unmitigated enmity toward Trump and those who elected him in 2016 — which they refuse to accept and get over — has consumed them to such a point that they no longer care for the former unwritten rules of political decorum and polite discourse with one’s ideological opponents.

In Canada a man walked into a restaurant wearing a Make America Great Again hat. The waiter asked him to remove it and when the man refused the waiter asked him to leave which he did. The manager immediately fired the waiter. Later that night the waiter wrote on his facebook page that the hat represented   racism, sexism homophobia, and bigotry. I would have asked the waiter to prove it.

In Texas a 16 year old boy was wearing a Make America Great Again hat and a 30 year old man ripped it off his head as he was eating at Whataburger and threw his drink in the boy’s face shouting profanities at the kid and saying this going in my fireplace. He also ripped some hair out of the kid’s head. He was later arrested and fired from his job as a part time bartender.

“I support my President and, if you don’t, let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off,” he said. “I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me.”

A spokesperson for Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., also told Fox News hours earlier the Congressman was looking to see what he could do to secure the teen a signed hat and Don jr. said if he could get the kid’s personal information he would send him one signed by the president.

One man posted on Twitter that all Trump supporters should be murdered. Former actor and now conservative  pundit and activist James Woods reported the guy to the FBI saying “If this guy turns out to be the next mass shooter don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

 These people are wound so tight and don’t have a sense of humor. And it’s all because they’re poisoned by raw hatred. And it’s getting worse.



Posted by on July 7, 2018 in Uncategorized