Monthly Archives: October 2018

The Left Wing Destroy Trump Media is The Enemy Of The People!!!



Trump has called the media “the enemy of the people” and I couldn’t agree with him more. I’m a former newspaper journalist and was always taught to get both sides of a story and be objective. Over the last couple of decades about 40 years they have been slowly getting one sided towards the left and an arm of the democrat party  and manipulating the stories to fit their needs to their liking. And that is a crying shame.

They can take a good person like Trump who is very benevolent, caring and hard working and helps people and loves this country and make him look like an evil villain while they take an evil, self centered, greedy self serving person like Hillary and make her look like the best thing that happened. With them what is good has become bad and what is bad has become good.

Before becoming president Trump worked hard day and night to get where he is and wants others to be successful like him and shows what they can become if they work hard for it. He has paid off people’s mortgages for them that were in dire need.  He has set up trust funds in his name for people’s kids who couldn’t afford it, he’s paid people’s hospital bills for them, he once flew a young boy hooked up to machines to a hospital in New York on his private jet when a normal plane couldn’t carry him, As President  he’s giving everyone tax breaks, he’s putting people back to work again has the lowest unemployment in 50 years and is getting countries to respect us again including getting  North Korea to denuclearize and for all this the media vilifies him 24/7 just because they lost an election and can’t have their way..

Hillary on the other hand is a mean,  cold hearted person who throws ashtrays and vases at her husband Bill, screams a lot when she addresses a crowd and talks loud  and has a vile mouth and temper that the press hides.  When she started out she lashed onto Bill when she found he was going places, followed him around wherever he went and then took over when he got there. Remember her saying “With one you get two” when he was elected and she took over? She manipulates people and moves them around like chess pieces for her own needs then discards them like yesterdays garbage when she’s done. If she were president it would be a national nightmare for this country with this woman run amok. Remember from nightmares you can awake and from this nightmare if she were elected there would be no awakening. China and North Korea were teaming up against us and we would have gotten into to WW111, Unemployment was high and would continue  to be high because that’s how the dems get power by having dependency on them, our hostages would not have come back, our soldier’s remains from the Korean War would not have come back  and the coal miners would be out of business likes he said she was going to do and she was going to raise taxes sky high. She has committed crime after crime that would have a normal person put away in prison for a long time, but she escapes unscathed. Yet he media portrays her like the second coming.


I’m not the most religious person, but I have a strong Christian faith and really believe that Trump was sent by God to fix this country. There are too many unexplained things happening to back this up. The entire press was against him, the entire Democratic party was against him, half the republican party was against him, they rigged the election against him and robbed it from Bernie Sanders and he still won. Now that he is in office they ate throwing everything in the book at him and nothing sticks and his ratings get higher.

The difference between a politician and a businessman is that a politician talks the talk and uses people to get elected. A businessman gets things done. That’s the difference between Hillary and Trump. In spite  of 98% negative coverage Trump is still winning.



Posted by on October 31, 2018 in Uncategorized


Bernard kerik Walks Off CNN Panel And Trump’s latest Accomplishments!!!

CNN biasallthetime

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who famously led the New York Police Department during the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the resultant aftermath recently walked off  a panel discussion on CNN..

Speaking in an exclusive podcast interview with Breitbart News on Wednesday evening, Kerik explained what had transpired earlier at CNN that merited his getting up and walking out.

“I was scheduled to be on CNN. We were supposed to talk about the investigation and seizure of these devices, and right in the beginning of the set, they suspended us and they went to (former CIA Director) John Brennan, who was somewhere speaking … and then he went on a 10-minute rant about the president,” Kerik said.

“You know, as somebody that led through the worst terror attack in our country’s history, and knows how important unity is — especially on a day like today, and in the aftermath of this — I just found it appalling that CNN would use this time to let this guy go on this political rant about the president, and I walked off,” he added.

Kerik emphasized that no one on the panel talked about Maxine Waters, who’s encouraging hostility against conservatives, Eric Holder engaging in violent rhetoric, or the assassination attempt made last year on multiple Republican Members of Congress at a baseball field.

Is it any wonder why Trump supporters shout CNN sucks at his rallies? How much MORE proof do you need? CNN is most DEFINITELY fake news when ANYTHING about our President is being reported . They don’t see anything positive despite all the promises our President has kept and all the MAGA policies he has brought to our country. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ,PBS the NYT, WaPo, etc are all doing the bidding of and funded by the Socialists/Communists anti American Resistance.


The mainstream media would NEVER allow something like what Kerik said that puts Dems in a bad light, to get on the air. If they did, they wouldn’t air his reasons for walking out, but make up their own headline rationalizing his walk out saying “Republican shuns media because we made him wait until after someone else had their say.”

I’m for one am glad he walked off. CNN will always take the opportunity to have someone rant about President Trump, than to have a real hero speak. The media is consumed with hatred…all because they lost an election. They are hopelessly insane and then they get mad when he calls them fake news.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Trump recently said that the anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false reporting of the mainstream media. He is so right. They accuse him of having all this hate rhetoric causing problems we see today when it was they who started it all. They were against him from day one starting with his Inaugural address which they called dark and somber. It has been all attack and negativity ever  since then. Cory Booker, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters have all called for violence and harassment against Republicans. Run of the mill entertainers who identify as Democrat talk about killing the president. They constantly misrepresent things he says, take things out of context and just plain make things up. They get mad when he calls them the enemy of the people, but he is right. If they really cared they would honestly report all the good he is doing instead they censor it and choose to bash him unmercifully instead every chance they get.

So far Trump has had 280 accomplishments in 20 months, more than all the presidents put together, but you would never know it if you read the mainstream media or TV pundits. Just some of Trumps successes include: having the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years in all aspects of employees blacks, Hispanics, Asian and Women, lowering the FICA tax so people have more money in their paychecks, lowering the big business tax from 35% to 21% thus enabling companies to hire more people, lowering the small business tax from 21% to 15%, giving married couples a $25,000 tax deduction plus just now adding an additional 10%. Giving single people a $12,000 tax deduction plus an additional 10%, giving permission for the Keystone pipeline and Dakota pipeline to be built, thus creating 43,000 jobs, allowing our vets to see their own doctor and the government paying for it rather than having them wait months for a VA doctor, giving terminally ill patients the right to try a new controversial procedure if they have a terminal disease instead of flying overseas for a cure, lowering the cost of prescription drugs,it was  President Trump who acknowledged that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel and he had the US Embassy moved to Jerusalem, building up our military after Obama lowered it to pre WW 11 conditions, getting North Korea to denuclearize and getting our hostages back without paying a cent as opposed to Obama giving Iran 1.7 billion for our hostages and getting North Korea to send the remains of our soldiers back from the Korean War, getting rid of  800 of Obama’s 1200 regulations that were hindering us from achieving  so companies can come back here and make things in America again. So far 630,000 manufacturing jobs have been added, you know, the jobs Obama said were never coming back and you needed a magic wand for them to come back.

No the mainstream media won’t report any of this which is why Trump calls them the enemy of the people.  Many people in this land should wake up and see that our present president is trying to save this nation before it becomes a disgrace and goes into oblivion which is where it was headed.

cheesrtoallmy haters



Posted by on October 29, 2018 in Uncategorized


Pipe Bombs To Elite Dem Houses!!Another Dem Plot Against Trump?

 “Everybody’s shouting Which Side Are You On?“–Bob Dylan,Gates of Eden.-1968Crude_pipe_bombs_sent_to_Obama__Clintons_1_60039026_ver1.0_1280_720

There was once an old Twilight Zone episode called “The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street” wherein some Martians come down and start turning people’s electrical appliances off and lights off and on until they were all fighting and blaming each other so the Martians could eventually take over. This sounds a lot like what is happening here today.

Ever since the dems and Hillary lost the election they have been seething against  Trump and doing everything they can to overturn the election. They and Hillary still can’t accept the fact that they lost and now with the mid-terms coming up they hope to take back the senate and house so they can impeach Trump and kavenaugh and take back our tax cuts and booming economy Trump is giving us. They have tried to throw everything at him and nothing sticks. They tried the Russian collusion hoax for two years and it showed nothing, they tried to take down Brett Kavenaugh as Trump’s pick for the S.C and that didn’t work. Next they tried mob violence and that didn’t work which brings us to the current pipe bomb crisis.  Everything is happening around election time. The caravan,  the bombs, everything.  Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Rush Limbaugh commented saying the only people who benefited from this were the Democrats.

“Would it make a lot of sense for a Democrat operative or Democrat-inculcated lunatic to do it? Because things are not working out the way they thought,” he pondered.

He also appeared to agree with one caller who questioned the legitimacy of the event.

“You’re right about the Clintons: There are no coincidences with them. This is a philosophy that I have extolled for years on this program, asking people to never forget. There are no coincidences. In fact, you know, you say these are all deep state players — Soros, Bill and Hillary, Obama and so forth. It is curious. They’re not even on the radar in the midterms when you get down to it, other than they’re trying to get themselves on the radar. But see, that’s the thing. They’re trying to get noticed,” he stated.

Former Fox News Reporter Adam Housley tweeted out that the explosives were hoaxes and were never meant to detonate.

He wrote:

From fed source: “complete hoaxes” multiple wires when they only needed one. Reports of cell phones being involved was false. So no intention of harm.  Now  the questions. Dry run, or a false flag from the right or left trying to mess over the other side?

Meanwhile, the media wants a rush to judgment to blame Donald Trump. But Housley’s report makes it clear this incident is not so cut and dry.

This whole thing has more fish smells to it than the Fulton Fish Market and more questions than answers. Notice how the Dem’s & their pals in the MSM only wake up when they receive a package  after all of the bilge and hate and terror they have been spreading for the last two years. Just wait: we will find out this is just another Dem hoax put on by one of their operatives. No postmarks? Hand delivery to prominent elites’ homes? No cameras showing the delivery, even to the Secret Service protected targets?  (The FBI has since said they are checking video from Soros’ home)  Certainly, no explosions. Very odd indeed. Also odd that a CNN photographer felt safe enough to take several pictures of the “bomb” as it sat on a table next to a container of …… Clorox wipes??? Also odd that George Soros’ son managed to write a piece about the bombs that appeared in the NYT the same day they were first reported.  So many questions.

 The CNN package arrived by mail to a screening facility in Midtown Manhattan before being delivered by courier to the CNN offices, an official said. The package was not screened because it was relatively small.

Isn’t the media even a little curious why the “bomber” attached postage to an envelope that was delivered by a courier? Who was the courier company? Where was the pickup? Who paid for the delivery? Is that “courier” already found and arrested, and gives clues as to who’s behind that “special delivery”?

The devices were poorly made and some discovered could not have exploded, but it’s unclear if that was intentional, or if they were just badly constructed, officials said. They said some of the bombs had substantial flaws, some had subtle flaws and some have yet to be examined.

Here is an x-ray of one bomb:


At the FBI headquarters in Quntico said they found sulphur in some of them which would make them go off. The ATF are examining cell phone towers around delivery sites and now they are saying they have video from Soros’ house.

Officials said they are not aware of any new devices being discovered but are still concerned there could be more, and cautioned anyone who comes across a potential package of this type to treat it as dangerous.

President Donald Trump is calling on the country to come together after a series of packages containing pipe bombs were sent to former Democratic officials and CNN, but he’s also pointing a finger at the media.

Trump said Wednesday as he kicked off a rally in Wisconsin: “We want all sides to come together in peace and harmony.”

But he says the media “has a responsibly to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories.”

Mail bombing targets so far:

  • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

  • Former President Barack Obama

  • Former CIA Director John Brennan

  • Billionaire George Soros

  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder

  • Maxine Waters, D-Calif. (Two bombs were addressed to Waters.)

  • Actor Robert De Niro

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden (Two bombs were addressed to Biden.)

 A senator on FOX today said he thought this was the work of a mentally ill person. I disagree. I think this was contrived by a very intelligent person or group of people like ANTIFA. One FBI agent said he thinks they came from Florida and were sent to three states. It’s curious and coincidental that Hillary was speaking there on that same day campaigning for Donna Shalala.

HilaryinFla.This is shaping up more like a democrat crisis with dem operatives to blame Trump and the republicans right before the mid –terms. Democrats have said if they get in they will impeach Trump and Kavenaugh, open our borders, take away your tax cuts that Nancy Pelosi calls “crumbs” and keep Obamacare and impose socialism on us all. So far republicans are doing better than expected and it looks more like a red wave than a blue wave coming.

Would the dems do something like this to try to get more voters?  Of course, they would ! They have nothing to offer so they must create another crisis to ramp up and then accuse the other side. Typical Alinsky strategy! They are sick power hungry obstructionist greedy for power to enslave America and enter global government which is what Hillary and Soros are all about.

Look at all the lies they make up, Russia, kavanaugh, that cost the tax payers a lot of money. They are a bunch of corrupt people and will stop at nothing to achieve their means to an end. But in the end if this is one of their operatives this will all fail just like all their policies. Or it could be a very adept mentally ill person like the senator said who is fed up with all the attacks by the left. In any event let’s hope they solve this real soon.

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Posted by on October 25, 2018 in Uncategorized


Violent Political Rhetoric!! Whose Line Is It Anyway?


When several pipe bombs were discovered mailed to prominent political figures like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and CNN pendants right away started blaming the rhetoric Trump uses at his rallies. Never mind that when Steve Scalise was shot Hillary compared the republicans to the Taliban, Never mind that last week she said we won’t be civil until we’re back in power, never mind that Eric Holder said “When they go low we kick them” never mind that Maxine Waters told her followers to mob up and confront republicans wherever you find them and get in their faces whether it is in a dept. store, restaurant or gas station and tell them they are not wanted.  Madonna says she dreams a lot about blowing up the White House, Kathy Griffin holds up a severed head of the president, Andrew Cuomo says conservative extremists are not allowed in the state of New York, No surely it can’t be rhetoric from them, it must be Trump.

Now that the tables are turned and it is their people who are threatened they sing a different tune. Hillary is now calling for civility and everyone uniting and getting together, Andrew Cuomo is saying similar things about unification from both parties. Their hypocrisy is so blatant.


Talk show host Rush Limbaugh brought up an interesting theory that makes perfect sense, “Were the intercepted bombs mailed to various high profile Democrats actually sent in some sort of “false flag” operation to help Democrats at the ballot box come November?,” asked conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday.

Limbaugh openly questioned why any right-winger would be behind such an operation when Republicans have been dominating politically and such acts would only work to hurt the party. Implying some sort of left-wing operation, Rush asked if “these bombs were intended to be discovered in screening” and not actually meant to cause harm to the individuals addressed on the packages.

“Were these bombs intended to be discovered in screening?” asked Limbaugh. He also questioned how “someone smart enough to make a bomb” could be “dumb” enough to think such packages would actually be sent to Soros or Obama.

“It doesn’t make any sense for a Republican or conservative to do this,” suggested the talk show host. “If they really care about winning these elections, this makes no sense to do. This is gonna be instant fodder for the Democrats and the media to blame it on Trump and his supporters. …. It doesn’t make any sense for … a Republican or conservative, to do this, if they care about the elections. None whatsoever.”

“It would, however, make sense if a Democrat(s) were behind the devices,” suggested Limbaugh. “ Everything has backfired on the Democrats, from their wild tactic with now Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh to their uptick in “mob” tactics,” he noted.

“Would it make a lot of sense for a Democrat operative or Democrat-inculcated lunatic to do it? Because things are not working out the way they thought,” he said, adding, “Things that are supposed to cement it, like the Kavanaugh trick backfires, and these mobs are backfiring. They are not achieving their objectives.”

“What sense does it make for a conservative Republican to gum up the works here by sending a bunch of bombs that are not gonna go off and that are gonna be discovered? It doesn’t make any sense in any way, shape, manner, or form,” emphasized the radio host.

Limbaugh then read the following tweet from freelance journalist Alessandra Bocchi: “As a journalist, my job is to be skeptical. Terrorist attacks are committed during times of desperation, not victory. People who’ve won against Obama/Clintons/Soros have no reason to attack them now, when they’ve all but become irrelevant.”

“Exactly my point!” Limbaugh exclaimed.

“I asked it just a moment ago: Who on our side’s worried about the Clintons? We’re laughing at ’em. A nationwide stadium tour with Bill and Hillary? Are they gonna have the ‘Bimbo Eruption Section’ where those babes get comped? And Obama? Folks, Obama? I’m telling you, he can’t draw crowds. He’s out there trying to claim credit for this economy when he wouldn’t know how to create it!” he continued. “In fact, the Democrats are the people that have people on their side that love bombs! Bill Ayers! One of Obama’s buddies, in fact. I’m not saying that there’s any connection. Do not misunderstand me.

“There are no coincidences with [the Clintons],” posited Limbaugh.

“In fact, you know, you say these are all deep state players — Soros, Bill and Hillary, Obama and so forth. It is curious. They’re not even on the radar in the midterms when you get down to it, other than they’re trying to get themselves on the radar. But see, that’s the thing. They’re trying to get noticed,” he said. “The Clintons desperately need to be noticed all the time, and Obama is trying to recapture some glory, trying to show everybody he can still move the needle. It isn’t working.”

Four suspicious packages sent to prominent Democrats – and CNN – all contained the same return address, law enforcement officials said.The packages all had one odd thing in common: The return addresses belonged to Wasserman Schultz, law enforcement officials told NBC. It seems unlikely that Wasserman Schultz is behind the suspicious packages. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the former head of the Democratic National Committee while Obama was president. Sounds like a red herring to me. What idiot would put their correct return address on a bomb package?

Rush’s theory makes a lot of sense. A democrat operative planting makeshift bombs that are not planned to go off but make it seem like a Trump supporter would do it. Who’s going to send all those bombs to all those prominent people to NOT have them blow up?

However there are also a lot of insane people out here and the rhetoric coming from these dems is enough to have someone go off the deep end and go ballistic and want revenge for hitting on the republican side and not reacting so they decide to take things into their own hands and throw a scare into these dem leaders for revenge.

So who really is responsible for inciting political violence? Surely it is impossible it’s the rhetoric of the left because to them if the dog bites or the bee stings or you stub your toe it must be Trump’s fault.


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Posted by on October 25, 2018 in Uncategorized


Report Shows 25% Of Millennials Suffer From PTSD As A Result of the Election!!!


everychild i a winner

What a bunch of wimps!!!!

A new psychological study from San Francisco State University claims that a full quarter of millennials are suffering from bouts of post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, because of the 2016 elections.

The study is by no means comprehensive — the research pool was limited to 769 students studying psychology at Arizona State University — but of those millennials chosen for the test, 25% reported experiencing “clinically significant” levels of stress, along with other symptoms of PTSD.

 “The scale is used to gauge the extent to which individuals have been impacted by an event in such a way that it might lead to diagnosable post-traumatic stress disorder,” lead researcher, Melissa Hagan said in a statement released alongside the study.

“What we were interested in seeing was, did the election for some people constitute a traumatic experience?” Hagan added. “And we found that it did for 25 percent of young adults.”

Those students suffering symptoms all qualify for an official PTSD diagnosis, according to the study itself. And students who self-identified as a minority, as female, as a Democrat, or as a non-Christian reported the most significant stress levels.

“Black and  nonwhite Hispanic students scored higher on the assessment than their white classmates, for instance. Gender, political affiliation and religion all played even larger roles. Females scored about 45 percent higher than males on the assessment, and Democrats scored more than two and a half times higher than Republicans,” the study said.

Hagan attributed the “clinically significant” stress levels to both the election’s “surprise” result and rhetoric tossed about in the final weeks of the campaign — specifically Donald Trump’s comments about what makes a person a real American.

If Trump’s rhetoric affects them to the point where they are suffering from PTSD which most soldiers in battle suffer from or abused women suffer from then no wonder they are called snowflakes. This comes from being coddled by lib professors and misreporting by the destroy Trump media. What are they going to do when they get out in the real world there is no safe spaces for them and a boss on the job doesn’t like what they are doing or how they are performing and criticizes them? This is what comes from having everything handed to them and not being able to fight on their own for things they want.

I invite these whining babies to go hang out at their local VA outpatient facility.

Maybe ask if you can sit in on a group session and hear from some of our nation’s combat veterans (veterans of a war that has been going on about as long as these overly-sensitive snowflakes have been alive), in order to listen and learn what real PTSD is all about, and how damaging it can be.

Once you’ve done that, then ask yourself whether you still think you really have PTSD as a result of the 2016 election. It’s more like a temper tantrum they are having or a good taste of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Crybaby Millennials
Crybaby Millennials

This is what happens when you hand out trophies just for showing up!! When Mommy and Daddy shelter you from things that make you upset!! When they do everything for you!!  When professors teach you that everyone is either an oppressor or the oppressed!! The rest of us with normal upbringing are just fine!

I recently saw this comment that explains real PTSD:

Mighty Lu Bu •

As someone who actually has PTSD (thanks to the United States Marine Corps, but I’m not complaining) this is absolutely pathetic. Yeah I have PTSD, which translates into anxiety that is highly manageable. My PTSD was the result of all the stressful situations that I was exposed to in the Marines, which included witnessing the death of a recruit during boot camp, participating in countless live fire ranges and getting yelled (and sometimes roughed up) by my squad leader. I never used it as an excuse for anything nor would I ever. So let me get this straight, these weaklings have PTSD simply because of an election results? This is why I do not consider myself a millennial; even though I was born in 86′ I have nothing in common with these sniveling cowards.

If they did a little research beyond what the media tells them they would see how better off they are under Trump and pardon the expression “man-up.” They have no back bone to them which makes it easier for people like Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi and others to control them like robots.

Under Trump we’ve had enormous tax breaks for families,(a couple gets a $25,000 tax cut and single person gets a $12,000 tax break and next week Trump is adding an additional 10% tax  cut to that for middle class families),companies are coming back here which will provide jobs for them when they get out of college.

*Uunemployment for all minorities black, Hispanic and Asian and women  are all down to historic levels.

*No more rockets are being fired over Japan.

*Over 400.000 new jobs in manufacturing that Obama said were never coming back.

*Consumer confidence is at an all time high.

*Four million fewer people are on food stamps and working.

*Trump’s approval rating is higher than Obama’s mid-term approval rating.

*Trump has acquired 289 accomplishments in 20 months more than all the presidents put together.

Meanwhile Obama is trying to take credit for Trump’s job approval rating and accomplishments saying they all started under him. That maybe true to a small extent, but Trump lifted 800 of Obama’s 1200 regulations and freed up all these  measures so they could happen. Do I detect a hint of ego jealousy by Obama here?

Compare Obama’s legacy compared to Trump’s.  Under Obama:

*We had the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970’s.

*Almost 95 million people out of the labor force.

*Worst recovery since the1940’s.

*Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years.

*Almost 13 million more on food stamps.

*Over 43 million living in poverty.

*He was the only president in history not to reach 3% GDP growth which Obama said was the new normal we all had to accept.

* five million people lost their doctor and plan under Obama after he said you could keep them.

If Hillary got in we wouldn’t have our hostages back.

If Hilary got in North Korea would not be denuclearizing.

If Hillary got in we wouldn’t see lower taxes,

If Hillary got in we wouldn’t be seeing over 4% GDP rate.

If Hillary got in we would not be seeing all this low unemployment.

Remember this, A politician talks the talk, but a businessman like Trump gets things done and Trump is keeping all his promises.


The democrats will continue with these failed policies and worse if they get in the mid-terms. So to all you Millinneals stop obsessing and distressing over Trump and being used as useful idiots to the democrat party.  You should be rejoicing. Just open your eyes. When it comes to the mid-term elections do you want freedom or government control of your lives? To me the choice is clear.




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Posted by on October 24, 2018 in Uncategorized


Is Another Civil War On The Horizon?


Gentlemen, you have a republic, if you can keep it!!— Thomas Jefferson on signing the Declaration of Independence.

Remember the days when people could debate reasonably over political ideology? That all changed the day Donald Trump won the presidency. Now, we have elected democrat representatives showing their true colors openly condoning violence against conservative and GOP elected representatives.

All the violent, condoning, rhetoric coming from people like Rep. Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are spewing is finally starting to take hold.

Maxine telling people to organize a group and get in the faces of Republican representatives whenever you see them, in a gas station, in a restaurant, in a dept, store and tell them they’re not wanted etc., Eric Holder saying when they go down we kick them, Hillary Clinton saying they will not become civil until they get back in power and the media all thrives on all of this since they back the dems and especially Hillary. This is being done for one reason so Dems can regain power as the chief power monger herself, Hillary said.

Mitch McConnell has been confronted several times with his wife Transportation Secretary Elaine Choe. Most recently he was in a restaurant with his wife when a protester approached his table banged on it telling McConnell to get out of the country, he then took McConnell’s doggie bag and threw it out onto the street. This is the second time McConnell has been accosted in a public place. His wife has been intimidated in places also.

Ted Cruz and his wife were confronted in a restaurant in Texas and forced to leave. According to Ted the owner was a good friend of his and let he and his wife back in through the back door to the kitchen after the protesters left and they finished their meal.

Pam Bondi, Attorney General of Florida was at a movie theater with her boyfriend when confronted by protesters one which called her boyfriend names and spit in his face.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten Nielsen was confronted in a restaurant by protesters and of course we can’t forget what happened to Sarah Sanders and her family being kicked out of a restaurant in Virginia. That restaurant has since lost plenty of business as has the whole block since the incident.

So far each of these victims have taken the high road and acted with great restraint, but eventually push comes to shove and you can only take so much and it won’t be long before someone gets hurt or killed. Just remember what happened to Steve Scalise at the republican baseball team practice last year.

Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton only care about their own power the rest of the country be damned. They achieve that power through massive regulations and by having as many people dependant on them and government as possible through high unemployment and poverty so people have to go on government assistance like welfare that they provide through higher taxes.

Trump is giving power back to the people and money back to them through tax cuts and removing 800 of Obama’s regulations that were enslaving us all. He is truly making America Great Again and these dems can’t stand it and resent him for it. Now there is so much tension in the air it is like a balloon about to burst if one more breath of air is put into it. Something is uneasy in the air.

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Posted by on October 22, 2018 in Uncategorized


Caravan Swells to 5000! Vows To Reach U.S.!!!

caravan swells to5000

Last week when FOX Talk show host Sean Hannity was interviewing Rush Limbaugh Rush wanted to know who is funding these migrant caravan people, what and how do they eat and where do they go to the bathroom. I would like to know that myself and wonder where they go to the bathroom and what and how do they eat. I assume they just urinate and defecate on the streets on the way since there are now 5000 of them walking on their way here from Honduras and Guatamala. Upon doing some research I found out how they are being funded.

So we are expected to believe that just out of the blue, 4,000 people in Guatemala just decide to gather together and without resources head to a better life in America. What does this say for the country and government of Guatemala ? And of these 4,000 some odd people no one had sought asylum or requested a legal option at the US embassy ? And just three weeks before the midterms ? The media is  loving the suffering of the children in this political game, make sure they are crying and up front behind a fence and blame Trump and Republicans.

The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, but the effort is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention ProBono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN),the America Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA,” WND reported. “At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.”

Leftist billionaire George Soros is funding the well-organized anti-Trump migrant caravan invasion from Central America that has been hitting the United States-Mexico border in defiance of immigration enforcement

The financial and political connection between Soros and the radical pro-immigration activist group was revealed last month. His interference with national borders is challenging numerous governments’ customs policies so that he can unleash his global mass-immigration movement, which is being countered across the globe.

Several major ultra-liberal foundations and corporations have supported the asylum-seeking migrant caravans, and Soros’ funding has been tied to several groups that have spearheaded the “refugee” invasion coalition – also dubbed “the Soros Express.”

Former AILA President Victor Nieblas Pradas is behind many of the Soros-led caravans and contends that detaining mothers and their children who break into the U.S. illegally is inhumane, unfair and unjust.

“There is simply no humane way to detain families,” Pradis declared in an AILA announcement.“Asylum seeking families should be given due process, not expedited removal – and the end of the road must be the end of family detention entirely.”

Soros in cahoots with big-time leftist players on immigration

With the CARA coalition being officially announced last week, it was also reported by (World Net Daily) that other groups financially supporting the northbound Central American migrant caravans through Mexico include the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and the MacArthur Foundation.

It was also stressed that there are deep ties between this left-wing activism attacking the border and corporate and foundation sponsorship, as Pueblo Sin Fronteras has been recognized as a member of the National Day Laborer Network – a group affiliated with United for Justice and Peace, Caravan Against Fear and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

“Alex Mensing is one of the organizers of the Pueblo Sin Fronteras group, [who is] serving as an official spokesman at the border,” WND informed. “While identifying himself as a paralegal at the University of San Francisco’s Immigration and Deportation Defense Law Clinic, he also works with CARA [and] regularly briefs leftist website and magazine Mother Jones.

The financial and political connections between Soros and the radical pro-immigration activist group was revealed last month.

“After following the money, it becomes clear where Mother Jones’ agenda lies,” Big League Politics (BLP) divulged last month. “A report from CNS News shows that Mother Jones has received immense funding from George Soros through the Foundation for National Progress, which has received over $1 million from George Soros.”

His interference with national borders is challenging numerous governments’ customs policies so that he can unleash his global mass-immigration movement, which is being countered across the globe. His ultimate goal is a one world government which is what Obama and Hillary also want.They are puppets for Soros.

“George Soros has a clear incentive for groups like Pueblo Sin Fronteras flooding into the United States,” BLP’s Luke Rohlfing added. “He has been pushing for more open immigration laws around the world, resulting in him being condemned by world leaders.”

Cash-strapped Democrats are grateful for Soros’ deep pockets, as elected officials are happy to forward the billionaire’s anti-Trump, pro-immigration agenda.

“The Democratic Party links are also in strong evidence, [as] earlier this month, Oregon’s Democratic Governor Kate Brown accepted a contribution to her re-election campaign from Soros – his first direct involvement in that state’s elections,” WND noted. “Three days later, Brown announced the Oregon National Guard would not be participating in President Trump’s effort to get the Guard providing border security.”

“Kate Brown has consistently ignored problems facing everyday Oregonians and has instead used the office of governor to make herself a national left-wing celebrity,” Currier contended, according to WND. “Now, Brown is cashing in and taking big campaign donations from notorious leftist puppet master, billionaire George Soros.”

Writing checks to mobilize the invasion of Western democracies to alleviate the so-called “refugee crisis” is something Soros has been doing for years.

“Soros pledged Sept. 20, 2016, to invest up to $500 million in programs and companies benefiting migrants and refugees ‘fleeing life-threatening situations,’” WND recounted.

Soros’ agenda works hand-in-hand with Pueblo Sin Fronteras’ initiative, which was formed to give preferential treatment to migrants – above and beyond that given to long-established citizens of numerous nations.

In fact, the very name, “Pueblo Sin Fronteras” – translated “People Without Borders” from Spanish – is  derived from the group’s objective of “abolishing borders” – which was highlighted by the group when the caravans to the US border started n March to pop within borders and let everyone in, crime, terrorists  and everything else all in an attempt for power for them and the destroy what’s left of   the United States so they can Have their New World Order of government dominance over the citizens.

I’m beginning to believe the accusations that democrat operatives have been sent down to these countries to spread the message that America is taking in anyone, with jobs galore. Reason, its planned to happen just before the midterm elections and will help democrats get elected.

It used to be that when a person emigrated to this country they were required to have a job, a place to live, and a sponsor who would ensure that if they lost either of them they’d take responsibility for their needs until he could get another job or place to live. They were also required to have a working knowledge of English. What has happened in the last 50-60 years that these are no longer requirements?

Numerous “refugees” slated to enter Israel, Italy and Hungary have also reportedly been funded through migrant programs financially backed by Soros.



Posted by on October 21, 2018 in Uncategorized


Invasion U.S.A. Thousands of Immigrants From Honduras and Guatamala Coming Here!!!

immigrantcaravan 2immigrantcaravan

A new caravan of immigrants is approaching the U.S. Southern border and President Trump is not happy. Trump issued a threat to Honduras that he will cut off aid to the country if they do not stop the group of 1,600 or more Hondurans heading to the U.S.
President Trump has informed the government of Honduras in no uncertain terms that the United States will cut aid to the Latin American country if a migrant caravan marching towards the United States is not stopped. The caravan has since garnered up to 4000 migrants all coming here. This is not immigration this is an invasion. The U.S. military will “CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER” with Mexico if officials there don’t soon stop the northward push of a massive migrant caravan, President Trump warned Thursday, amid reports the procession had swelled in size to about 4,000 people.

The president dispatched Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to meet with government officials in Panama on Thursday and Mexico on Friday to discuss border security. Hopefully, the president’s threat will convince our neighbors to the south that he is serious about dealing effectively with this vital issue.

Adam Shaw, at Fox News, reports:“The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!” he tweeted.

The caravan, consisting of approximately 1,600-2,000 migrants, crossed into Guatemala on Monday as it makes the trek towards the U.S. border. Reuters reported that as many as 3,000 migrants crossed into Guatemala.

The Associated Press reported that the caravan was met at the border by approximately 100 Guatemalan police officers as they chanted “Yes, we can.”

Outnumbered, the police did nothing to stop the caravan walking into Guatemalan territory after a two-hour standoff. Officers later set up a roadblock outside the city of Esquipulas. After another hours-long standoff, with officers telling them to go back to the border, the police eventually let them pass.

The caravan originated in San Pedro Sula in northern Honduras, one of the country’s main transportation hubs.

Trump Spoke to President Hernandez of Honduras about the migrant caravan heading to the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence delivered a strong message from Trump that said the U.S. will not tolerate this blatant disregard for our border & sovereignty. 

 By Tuesday night, Trump had expanded the threat to the other two countries in the “Northern Triangle” of Central America:

We have today informed the countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador that if they allow their citizens, or others, to journey through their borders and up to the United States, with the intention of entering our country illegally, all payments made to them will STOP (END)!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 17, 2018

President Trump understands that he must act to deter additional waves of illegal immigrants from entering the U.S., putting themselves at risk and violating our immigration laws with impunity. If illegal immigrants believe they can enter the U.S. at will, many more may choose to come here in violation of our laws.

The president tweeted Thursday morning: “….The assault on our country at our Southern Border, including the Criminal elements and DRUGS pouring in, is far more important to me, as President, than Trade or the USMCA. Hopefully Mexico will stop this onslaught at their Northern Border. All Democrats fault for weak laws!”

 Mexico is likely to step in to defuse the situation, as it has in the past. The Mexican government has already announced that caravan members who don’t have proper visas won’t be allowed to enter Mexico from Guatemala. (In April, Mexico allowed a caravan of more than 1,000 migrants to enter the country, but later forcibly dispersed them.)

– More Honduran migrants tried to join a caravan of several thousand trekking through Guatemala on Wednesday, defying calls by authorities not to make the journey after U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to cut off regional aid in reprisal.

The caravan has been growing steadily since it left the violent Honduran city of San Pedro Sula on Saturday. The migrants hope to reach Mexico and then cross its northern border with the United States, to seek refuge from endemic violence and poverty in Central America.

Several thousand people are now part of the caravan, according to a Reuters witness traveling with the group in Guatemala, where men women and children on foot and riding in trucks filled a road on their long journey to Mexico.

“The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!” the president tweeted.

The president was responding to reports that a group of 1,600 or more Hondurans hoping to reach the U.S. crossed the border into Guatemala on Monday. Members of the caravan have said they are fleeing poverty and violence in their home country in search of a better life.

The U.S. gave $175 million in aid to Honduras in fiscal 2017, according to the United States Agency for International Development.

  “We’ve lived in neighborhoods where our children have seen disaster after disaster,” said Daisy Turcios, resting briefly outside a school. “We have seen dead bodies thrown in front of us. So that’s my goal, in truth, to reach a country where life can change for my children.”

While this woman is sincere and well meaning I’m sure she is in the minority rather than the majority. There comes a point where it is time to put out the “No Vacancy’ sign and close our borders. The melting pot has boiled over, the sides have split and the flood is raging. It has now become like a bucket of water that is overflowing and nobody has turned the hose off yet so a flood in our house is ensuing.

Still, none of these travelers followed American law to get here. If they had, they would have spent months in dialogue with their local American embassy or consulate officials to process the appropriate paperwork.

A very good online buddy of mine wrote a fascinating and truthful to the core article on the dangers of this mass influx. She said: “What Do We Get in Return? Be certain it isn’t all good. Nor will the vast majority contribute to our Nation’s progress and betterment. We know about the drugs and gang affiliations, but more dangerous is the SILENT KILLER that goes Undetected !!!!   DISEASES  !!  In September 2016 the Center for Disease Control issued a report that there are 22 NEW diseases in our Country. Some are a resurgence of those previously eradicated here. Some like this ‘NEW’ strain of polio, numerous others waiting for a ‘name’.  NONE HAVE A TREATMENT OR CURE. How many of our children and grandchildren are sharing a school room with the ‘newly arrived carrier?

 Another mark of a “Coup in progress’ is to dominate our language.  We already spend millions to print government documents/forms in other languages. Our schools must have bilingual teachers and textbooks, Even the restrooms and polling places are marked in at least two languages!  Going to a Walmart, at least in border states, almost makes one feel like they need a passport!!”

 Many of these immigrants coming here are not assimilating like the original intent of immigration is, but bringing in their own cultures in here which is causing quite a disarray in bringing down our country as they make demands that our government recognize their languages, customs and cultures here. Gangs like MS-13 are numbered in the tens of thousands and are notorious for cutting up people with swords and knives and dismembering them. We constantly see immigrants who commit murder who have been deported five and six times like the one that shot Kate Steinle.

 Illegals have no rights, they are not entitled to hearings and should be deported immediately. The constitution was written for the protection of American citizens not invaders and any judge that thinks or says otherwise is a jackass.

 Meanwhile Guatemala authorities detained a Honduran politician heading with hundreds of migrants towards the U.S.-Mexico border yesterday after President Trump threatened to cut off foreign aid.

Fox News reports:Ex-legislator Bartolo Fuentes, who is said to have organized the march, was detained by Guatemalan authorities after failing to register with migration officials upon entering the country.  Wilmer Simon Gomez and Michael Fajardo were among two others detained from the migrant group.

An official with the country’s migration agency said that Fuentes was to be taken to a migrant shelter and then deported.

.Hillary’s plan was for what she called a “hemispheric common market.” In a Wiki Leaks release Hillary said she envisioned a hemispheric Common Market with open trade, open markets and open borders.”

We certainly dodged a huge bullet with President Trump’s victory. if the Democrats had been able to implement Hillary’s stated “Open Borders and Amnesty” policies, no conservative would win the White House ever again which is what I’m sure their goal was..

Watch Comedian and satirical song writer Ray Stevens’ song about illegal immigration

Ray Stevens – Come to the USA – YouTube

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Posted by on October 19, 2018 in Uncategorized


CNN’s Blatant Racism Explodes!!!

          done-lemon-bakari-sellers-tara-setmayer-1280x720When Kanye West visited President Trump CNN went full racist mode and attacked him using the most very blatant racist language. Don Lemon started the ball rolling by saying “what we saw was a minstrel show.”

He was accused of being an illiterate token whom black people don’t want to be black. In the segment presided over by a chuckling Don Lemon, CNN commentators Bakari Sellers and Tara Setmayer repeatedly attacked Mr. West, in terms immediately called out as racist “Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” Mr. Sellers said.

Added Ms. Setmayer: “He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration?”

She also called Mr. West “an attention whore, like the president.”

CNN, just how LOW will this news organization go ? Those comments were disgusting, and RACIST, and apparently Bakari Sellers, and Tara Setmayer are both too ignorant to understand that ! Don Lemon, was NO better, LAUGHING at their comments.

I haven’t heard the term negro used in such a derogatory mode like that since the civil rights riots of the sixties. The Democrats are having a full on freakout  in their response to Kanye West’s support, indeed embrace, of Donald Trump.


As well they might…. ‘kanye is a one-man wrecking crew to their beloved identity politics.  Times change and so do world views.  According to a tweet from Real Clear Politics’ Tom Bevan, here are the various ways what we may now safely call full-blown Kanye Derangement Syndrome is expressing itself.

For those keeping score at home, in the last 24 hours folks on CNN and MSNBC have called Kanye:

1) dumb
2) mentally ill
3) a house negro
4) a token
5) a minstrel

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) October 12, 2018

We can add to that Snoop Dogg calling Kanye an “Uncle Tom” and, most ridiculous and reactionary of all, Donna Brazile proclaiming ‘Ye had set blacks back “155 years.”  That, needless to say, is the same Ms. Brazile who cheated during the election by passing CNN questions in advance to Hillary Clinton and then lied about it.

The comments made against Kanye West were clearly unnecessary and not the least bit funny. It is not okay to put people down for their choices, nor make a lot of “black people” jokes when the entire panel would be furious if FOX News aired such garbage. They are not just making fun of a black male in America, but also people with mental health issues. Why shouldn’t he be “taken serious.” If Black people would just take a moment to think about what Kanye is saying, we would stop being so quick to attack.. Wake up people and stop vetting people against people. Anyone has a right to support whatever candidate they want without being harassed or considered to be a “black token”. Maybe the CNN panel above should pick up a few books to read and CNN should start finding more intellectual people to speak on behalf of the community if they find the comments made to be so hilarious.

Kanye has exposed the left as the true racists. They’ve come unhinged in a way America has been able to ignore until now. America is getting “woke” to the fact that the progressive left can’t stand the thought of one of their plantation “negroes” speaking his/her mind. What kanye said in his meeting with Trump and the media was very sincere and from the heart and much more intelligent than the CNN people could ever be .He expressed unbridled enthusiasm and energy in his meeting with Trump. These people would be wise to not underestimate this man. He is worth a billion dollars and earned it and is spreading it wisely to help others. He is a strong voice for the black community and these CNN panelists know it and can’t stand the fact that he loves Trump so much.

Liberals have tried to use the word racist as nothing more than a tool to shut down  any and all logical discussion on facts because truth, facts, and logic don’t matter to liberals. Plus they are incapable of any form of critical thinking. They have over used the word “racist” to the point where it’s been watered down and doesn’t have the same impact or meaning. Being called a racist has about the same consequence of changing one’s socks which is what Kanye alluded to in his speech.

Kanye scares them in a way black conservatives like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, etc. never could. Kanye is a product of our culture and they realize if the fabric of their dominance there is torn, it could lead to big changes that are retrograde to their hateful, death-cult agenda. The leftist hordes, all inclusive, as long as  you agree with them.

 kanye’s not alone. Blacks are deserting the dem party in droves. CNN and MSNBC and their democratic masters know that if Kanye’s message resonates with Black America and they start thinking for themselves and stop towing the Democratic party line that they are done for.

Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 35%.

This day last year: 23%

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 4, 2018

No matter how you feel about polls, twelve points in one year is significant.  This is especially true (and surprising) considering the constant drum beat from the press that Trump is a racist somewhere south of George Wallace.

Somebody isn’t buying it — and it’s not just Kanye West. If this number grows just a little bit, the Democratic Party is in deep trouble.  The party relies for its electoral power on overwhelming support from African-Americans, a dependency in itself inherently racist and suffused with reactionary identity politics.  Without the black vote, the Dems might as well rename themselves the Celluloid Party and run Hollywood agents for mayor of Malibu.  It’ll be their best chance for success.

  Today’s Democrats are the natural heirs of George Wallace:  “Segregation  now!  Segregation forever!”   Only their brand of segregation means segregated dorms at Harvard and a blacks-only graduation ceremony.  Talk about reactionary. Is that what MLK wanted?  Gimme a break!!.

You can hear kanye’s full passionate, unbridled speech with Trump in the oval office here.

BREAKING: Here’s Kanye’s EXPLOSIVE Meeting With President Trump And The Media | Right Wing Videos

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Posted by on October 15, 2018 in Uncategorized


When Taylor Swift Comes Out For Democrats She’s Brave.When Kanye West Comes Out For Trump He’s A Token Negro!!!


Kanye West, rapper,billionaire mogul and husband of Kim Kardashian was invited to lunch with President Trump to discuss prison reform,but turned out to be what would ordinarily have been a staid White House photo-op into what must have been one of the most unusual encounters in the Oval Office’s storied history.

Talking at speed on everything from Trump’s protectionist trade policies to black gun crime and “infinite amounts of universe,” Kanye left the normally talkative president almost speechless with his performance.

Kanye said how his parents separated when he was young so he didn’t have much male heritage in his life and now married in kardashian family he still doesn’t have much maleness in him, but when he wears the Make America Great Again hat he feels like superman which is his favorite superhero.

“That was quite something,” Trump said at the end Kanye’s freewheeling soliloquy.

“It was from the soul. I just channeled it,” the musician said, adding — to gasps from presidential staff — that Trump “might not have expected to have a crazy MotherF****r like Kanye West supporting him.”

Kanye then gave Trump a big hug. 

kanye WestandTrump

The rapper, who has broken ranks with much of the left-leaning entertainment industry to come out in support of Trump, even said he could be president himself — but “only after” Trump in 2024. Kanye is worth a billion dollars.

 West garnered headlines earlier this month when he praised Trump after a performance on “Saturday Night Live” while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

“The liberals bully you and tell you what you can and cannot wear. And they look at me and say, ‘It’s not fair. How the hell did you get here?” West said. On Trump, he said: “If someone inspires me and I connect with them, I don’t have to believe in all their policies … We need to have a dialogue not a diatribe. Try love. Try love.”

West also bashed the media, saying: “Ninety percent of news are liberal. Ninety percent of TV, LA, New York, writers, rappers, musicians, so it’s easy to make it seem like it’s so so one-sided,” he said. “The blacks weren’t always Democrats. You know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and put them on welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s a Democratic plan.”

Kanye West gets it. MAGA is working for all Americans. 

 Naturally the folks at CNN didn’t take too highly of West’s remarks since they can’t handle the truth when people like West are so blatant so they resorted to racism and insults. Following West’s comments, Alisyn Camerota, co-host of CNN’s “New Day,” said his behavior is alarming and asked the audience if it’s time to be concerned.“I think [his rants are] a little bit uncomfortable, I just am wondering if it’s time to start worrying about Kanye because he does go on, sometimes, nonsensical rants,” she said. “He has taken a break for some stress related issues, so I’m concerned.” Has she noticed Nancy Pelosi’s nonsensical rants lately? Talk about being concerned about someone.

On Tuesday, a guest commentator on CNN went much further.“Listen, black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft, OK?” Tara Setmayer said. “They’ve had it with him. And he’s an attention whore like the president. He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson; he’s the token Negro of the Trump administration? This is ridiculous. And no one should be taking Kanye West seriously; he clearly has issues; he’s already been hospitalized.”

Kanye West was hospitalized for bi-polar disorder. He has since been stabilized on the right medication. That is extremely insulting for that commentator to make such a statement.  Many brilliant people throughout history like Presidents and world leaders  and half the entertainment world is bi-polar.

Another black member of the panel said  that “West is an example of what happens when negroes can’t read.” Who’s the racist now CNN hmmm? That’s pretty racist stuff coming from CNN who is so supposed to be so liberal and PC. No wonder they are at the bottom of the barrel in ratings.

Donald Trump Jr.  slamed CNN for mocking Kanye, “Kanye dares to think for himself so @CNN commentators mock him, saying Kanye (a wildly successful businessman) “is what happens when negros don’t read.” At some point you have to ask, why is free thought & expression so dangerous & scary to liberals?”


 Singer Taylor Swift, the 28-year-old who dropped out of high school and later earned a GED, on Sunday at the American Music Awards declared that she opposes Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn, a Republican.

“Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me. These are not MY Tennessee values,” Swift wrote on Instagram. “I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country.”

“I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent,” she wrote. Swift also said she would not vote for someone “who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love.”

Following Swift’s comments liberal celebrities like Rob Reiner, Ellen  Degeneres and Mark Hamill all praised Swift for her comment saying how brave she was for saying what she did.

The Washington Post covered the breaking news, then the next day wrote a story headlined, “Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Democrats is followed by a spike in voter registrations.” (Swift had urged young people to register, but for the record, the spike had little do with her — the deadline for registering was just 48 hours after her post, and registrations always spike during that final period.)

These singers and actors are great at what they do, but when it comes to politics they are political morons. As Laura Ingraham said in the title of her book, “Just Shut Up and Sing.”

Greg Gutfeld, co-host of Fox News’ “The Five,” broke it all down succinctly.

“There’s a big difference between these political statements by Taylor Swift and Kanye. Taylor Swift was a virtue signal to try to preserve her reputation among her peers. And I don’t blame her for that because, you know, she needs to maintain her relevancy even though she’s filthy rich. Kanye’s the opposite of Taylor Swift in that he’s stepping away to speak what he believes to be a truth. He may be right, he may be wrong, but it’s the truth that his peers hate.

And that’s dangerous and it’s brave. So what Taylor is doing is the opposite of bravery. It’s not cowardice but it’s not brave. Whereas Kanye’s a symbol of a greater act of sacrifice, the willingness to expend his career and his capital to challenge, again, he is challenging the mob. And they don’t call him Yeezus for nothing. So here you have exactly the response where some comic from SNL is calling him a jackass because he’s willing to take the risk,” Gutfeld said.

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Posted by on October 12, 2018 in Uncategorized