Monthly Archives: June 2020

It’s Not About Black Lives, it’s About Control Pt.2


In my previous article I wrote about the origins of the Black Lives Matter Movement and who is behind them and what their goals are and how they are using people to attain those goals. Now I delve deeper into them and what they are attempting to do to change our country into something it was never meant to be.

 Former U.S. News and World Report contributing editor  Peter Roff had an interesting article about these social justice warriors. “The folks who have so much to say about “systemic racism” have little to say about the number of children dying on Chicago’s streets or on the streets of any city, big or small, due to violence. They have a lot to say about the guns being used and about the police who are trying to prevent it – or at least reduce the frequency of the killings – but not a lot to say about who is killing who.

For more than a month the nation has watched as social justice warriors have marched and rallied against what they say is the systemic racism inherent in the American experience. They’ve occupied public spaces, attacked the police, demeaned, defaced, and destroyed statues and other monuments, and engaged in an orgy of looting and rioting in major cities like New York, Louisville, and Seattle.

Over the same period, hundreds of people have been shot in Chicago. Over the Father’s Day weekend alone, 104 people were shot, 15 of them died, 5 of whom were children.

So, to challenge the social justice warriors who want to make America a better place, now and in the future, let me suggest that, rather than build autonomous zones in places like Seattle that push the police out, invite the police into your crusade. Go to Chicago. Go to the neighborhoods there that have been rendered unsafe by so many shootings. Join hands there and build crime-free zones instead of autonomous collectives like CHAZ, CHOP, and BHAZ.”

So many of these young people have been recruited & brainwashed into thinking it’s about Black Lives Matter. Truth is, as I mentioned before, one of the 3 who started BLM is Opal Tometi. She is Nigerian born, photographed with the Dictator of Venezuela, saying how much she loves that Country under his Communist Socialist regime. This movement has nothing to do with BLM but a smoke screen for infiltration of a Commie Socialist Ideology!! Look at what happened in Venezuela, first was racial unrest, rioting, looting, violence, taking down of statues, destroying monuments, removing anyone with authority off streets, then the Socialist regime took over their Government, sound familiar??? WAKE UP PEOPLE, THE INVISIBLE ENEMY THE PRESIDENT SPOKE ABOUT IS NOT CORONAVIRUS ITS COMMUNIST SOCIALISM INFILTRATION!!!

 Get a clue: LEFTISM CANNOT CREATE! These people are Marxists bent on destroying what is! It’s their stated goal. Destroy Trump, Destroy whites. Destroy history, Destroy police, Destroy economy, Destroy religion, Destroy country. (See “Imagine”. . . )Destroy the U.S.

The violent Antifa thugs are out to destroy the Country. This isn’t about race, it’s an attack on the very foundation of America where statues of civil rights champions are being toppled, churches are being set on fire, with calls to destroy stained glass windows and other effigies depicting Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary. All while our elected leaders watch and do nothing to restore law and order. This is THE clash of civilizations, a war between good and evil that, at its’ core, is an existential threat to the human race.

A 2017 report from Black Lives Matter describes its founders — Garza, Cullors, and Opal Tometi — as “three radical Black organizers.”Cullors said that she and Garza are “trained Marxists” during a 2015 interview with the Real News Network, noting: “We are super versed on, sort of, ideological theories, and I think what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.” Cullors told CNN’s Jake Tapper in June that “Trump not only needs to not be in office in November, but he should resign now.

Founder Patrisse Cullors said that it is her goal.“Well, I’m hands down – Trump not only needs to not be in office in November but he should resign now,” Cullors told CNN “The Lead” host Jake Tapper, on Friday (see below). “Trump needs to be out of office. He is not fit for office. And so what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out.”


“While we’re also going to continue to push and pressure Vice President Joe Biden around his policies and relationship to policing and criminalization, that’s going to be important,” Cullors added. “But our goal is to get Trump out.”

In an interview from 2015 Cullors said that she and others in the Black Live Matter movement are “trained Marxists.” These people are no protesters, no freedom fighters, they represent pure evil paid for by George Soros et al. Bill Gates, and the like. While they fanning the flames, they are guarded and reside behind big walls. Never ever before happened such a blatant and clearly evil attack against freedom, against law against the people of this country! They want anarchy, lawlessness free everything from the stores. They are very brave in packs, not so much when its one on one.

It’s obvious that these losers planned this whole thing and just waited for the right moment to spring it on us.  The situation with that career criminal George Floyd along with the Chinese virus and the social unrest and chaos, gave them the opportunity to act.  However, Marxist or not, ff they continue this crap, then they will find out that if you keep pushing people, then those people can push back and they push back even harder.  That trio will learn a valuable lesson. I understand gun stores are doing one heck of a business with lines going around the corner in some states.

BLM is now insisting Jesus was black.  It is very well documented that Jesus’s father Joseph and Mother Mary (Miriam) were both religious Orthodox Jews.  Their Jewish son Jesus was Bar Mitzvah’d at the Great Temple, where he would discuss the Torah for hours with the greatest rabbis.  This is all highly documented.  No sign of a black Jesus.  Jews are Semitic, not Black.  So let Blacks worship a fabricated black Jesus.  It is in keeping with their trying to erase & rewrite American history.  All fake.
Statues offend them, names offend them, pancake syrup bottles offend them, everything will always offend them simply because they hate our country.  It will never stop because there is no resistance. Yet instead of trying to actually save black lives they are focusing on trying to get rid of President Trump.

The Black Lives Matter website says among their goals are defunding the police and destroying the nuclear family.“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” says their website.

They are even suggesting changing our language. You can’t say ’master bedroom’ anymore. You can’t say ’master lock’ anymore and you can’t refer to ‘The Masters’ anymore referring to the golf tournament and people cave to these radicals. Police are leaving in droves.

Soon we won’t recognize our country anymore.  Our memories of places and events, what we hold dear, soon our holidays, and I can only imagine what else. No one is stopping them, because like cowards, they only do it in Blue States. 

The American blacks were not the only people that worked as slaves.  But they were lucky in the hands of Americans who freed them and gave them every single right and freedom we have.  They will never realize they are now being used, yet again.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) said during a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives that Black Lives Matter was a mandate from activists and that it was “time” for the American people to “pay us what you owe us.”

“Centuries of institutionalized oppression will not be undone overnight, for racism in America is as structural as the marble pillars of this very institution,” Pressley claimed. “With the power of the pen we must legislate accountability, dismantle these systems, and move in the direction of justice and healing. The Justice in Policing Act is a critical step forward and I applaud the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus.”


“But our work is unfinished. There is a rallying cry in communities across the nation,” Pressley continued. “Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time. Pay us what you owe us. Our Black skin is not a crime, it is the beautiful robe of nation builders.”

Hawk Newsome is considered to be the Greater New York Black Lives Matter president. He was asked by Martha MacCallum, from “The Story” “You … have said that violence is sometimes necessary in these situations. What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?”

Her question gets right to the heart of what the BLM group is all about. Newsome stated that “Wow, it’s interesting that you would pose that question like that because this country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical.”

His answer is so full of made-up beliefs that it is hard to imagine that he could lead any group. Every nation has a violent past to it because others have tried to destroy or overtake them. The American Revolution was forced on Americans because the British would not consent to equal representation.


The Founding Fathers tried to keep war away, but in the end, it came. Newsome cannot use the history of America to justify his and the other BLM member’s violent actions. Not when there are legal and peaceful means to be heard in America.

Newsome stated that “I said if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking … figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.

He must have missed the memo from the president that stated all violence towards monuments and federal buildings will not be tolerated, no matter who the person is or what they look like..Pray for our country.

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Posted by on June 30, 2020 in Uncategorized


It’s Not Just About Black Lives,It’s About Control!!!

          black-lives-matter-DC-1024x512Before all this rioting, looting and national upheaval there were more black owned businesses than ever before and more black millionaires than ever before by people who earned it and not something that was handed to them.. For the most part except for a few scattered incidents everyone was getting along until the George Zimmerman/ Trevon Martin incident and then Ferguson, Mo, Detroit, Baltimore and BLM came into prominence.

 The Black Lives Matter organization is a hardcore Marxist revolutionary cell, whose ideology would undoubtedly shock African American religious leaders, business leaders and church members if they were widely known.

  In a 2015 interview with The Real News Network, Patrisse Cullors, who co-founded the organization in 2013 along with Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi, identified herself and Garza as “trained Marxists.”


Garza, Cullors and Tometi all work for front groups of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), one of the four largest radical Left organizations in the country. The others are the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS

 When asked if there was “a lack of ideological direction in Black Lives Matter,” Cullors responded by making the political motivations of the movement crystal clear.

“We actually do have an ideological frame,” Cullors said. “Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers.

“We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories and I think that what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”

The Black Lives Matter Global Network does promote various left-wing/Marxist policies, such as the organization’s desire to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” as is stated on its website.

This desire to dismantle the concept of the family is one that the Black Lives Matter movement shares with the fallen communist state of the Soviet Union, whose most brutal leader, Joseph Stalin, was responsible for the deaths of between 20 to 60 million people during his three-decade rule, according to the International Business Times.

The son of the most famous boxer in history (Muhammad Ali), Muhammad Ali Jr., broke his silence regarding America’s dire status during an interview with the New York Post.  

The interview dealt with numerous talking points, especially about the B.L.M. (Black Lives Matter) movement, which sparked outrage for the left-extremist scene to the point that they’ve been going around the internet boycotting Muhammad Ali himself. 

During the interview in the Black Lives Matter portion, Ali Jr. stated: “My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.”


According to Ali Jr. “It’s not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone – he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is.” he added. 

“It’s a racial statement,” Ali carried on to say. “It’s pitting black people against everyone else. It starts racial things to happen. I hate that” spoken like a truly educated man.

Recently Kamala Harris who is being considered as a VP running mate to Joe Biden said “And once Trump is gone and we have regained our rightful place in the white house, look out if you supported him or endorsed his actions because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it’s you who have betrayed us—–Kamala Harris, June 18,2020.

kamalaharris quote

This arrogant, imperialistic woman fancies herself as the White House being her “rightful place”?  When and by Whom was she bequeathed that honor?  Hasn’t she heard the White House belongs to all of us, We the People”.  We vote in our President.

 How dare we challenge her?  But she thinks the White House is hers from which to rule us.  Once she moves in, she will mercilessly seek us and destroy us if we dared practice our freedom to vote for our choice of candidate!  

This is no woman, she’s a power hungry, vicious, monster.  

Hey Kamala, you were forced to drop out because nobody wanted you to rule them. Go find Biden in the basement, your actual rightful place, and exchange lunacies together. They need to know, if they allow Biden to get into the white house, things will get a lot worse.

People need to know that if Biden gets in things will get a lot worse.

Remind them BIDEN was VP during the riots in Missouri, Baltimore, Detroit, and elsewhere.If they allow Biden to get elected they are in fact participating in the start of the next civil war. It will unravel that fast.

 Tucker Carlsen warned about Kamala Harris and agreed what she said  saying “This is happening all over the country as you know and there’s a reason for it. Roosevelt was the most popular president in American history. He was also the most American president. No other country could have produced Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt’s virtues mirrored the values of America. He was physically brave. He was profoundly literate, highly self-disciplined and amazingly energetic…Teddy Roosevelt was a hero to millions of Americans. He still is. That’s precisely why they are tearing down his statue. They know that if they can force you to watch as they topple your heroes, they have won. There’s nothing they can’t do next.”

“They can decide how you raise your children, how you vote, what you’re allowed to believe. Once they’ve humiliated you, they can control you and that’s why across the country, mobs are tearing down America’s monuments,” he continued.

Carlson also warned about “trojan horse” candidate Joe Biden and what the left will do with him if he wins.

“After November, that trend could accelerate dramatically. And by the way, we should stop pretending that this is an election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. There is no Joe Biden. The Joe Biden you remember no longer exists,” he said. “The babbling husk you see may have the same name and similar features, but behind the mask, there is nothing but a jumbled collection of talking points from the early 70s.”

“The candidate has no independent thoughts of his own. He has no core beliefs. He is empty. He’s a perfect Trojan horse.

For the people who’ve taken over the Democratic Party, he is perfect,” Carlson continued. “Their plan is to ride him to power. Once there, someone tough and calculating and purposefully, Kamala Harris probably, will change the country. How? Well, they’ve shown us how.”

“This may be a lot of things, this moment we are living through, but it is definitely not about black lives, and remember that when they come for you,” Carlson said on Monday. “And at this rate, they will.”

In an article from Conservative Headquarters Digest on the BLM movement it says “We will pull one key element – the role of Nazi collaborator and hard-core Leftist billionaire George Soros.

Exclusive Interview With Billionaire Investor George Soros

Soros has put tens of millions of dollars into the Black Lives Matter movement and the shadowy radical Leftist network that funds it for one purpose and one purpose only – to destroy the “white” American core of capitalism, free markets, limited government and American traditional culture and values.

Please note that in this context “white” does not mean a person of the Caucasian race. “White” in radical construction means anyone of any race, creed, nationality, color, sex, or sexual preference who embraces these beliefs which to the radical Left are irredeemably evil and anyone who aligns with them is “white” in spirit and thus equally guilty of “white crimes.”

But it’s not just Soros who is funding this movement, there are other organizations such as the Fords Foundation, You Tube is giivng100 million dollars to black actors, Tim  Cook CEO of Apple is giving 10 million to black entrepreneurs and the list goes on.

Think it can’t happen here? It can happen here.

That’s the warning from a young woman from Venezuela, who has seen the statue-topplings before – and the street renamings, (and the flag alterings, and the name changings) along the destruction of history, and knows exactly where it leads

“Why do I even worry about some silly little statues coming down?Or some silly little street names changing? Why do I care? It’s because the last time I didn’t care about this, I was a teenager. I have already lived through this thing, when I was living in Venezuela ” she begins.

“Statues came down, (Hugo) Chavez didn’t want the history displayed. Then he changed the street names, then came the (school) curriculum, then some movies couldn’t be shown on certain TV channels. And so on, and so forth…

You guys think it can’t happen to you. I’ve heard this so many times. But always be on guard, never believe that something can’t happen to you. You need to guard your country and your society or it will be destroyed.”

She concludes: “And there’s clearly a lot of people wanting to destroy the U.S.”

In an article in the American Thinker Monica Showalter wrote: Who are the people wreaking havoc on the U.S. with the statue-topplings?  Who are their leaders?  Who is causing this turmoil so redolent of what happened in Venezuela?  The Black Lives Matter leaders are people who openly worship what’s going on in Venezuela.  They’re, in their own words, “trained Marxists,” and they’ve made pilgrimages to Caracas itself, even as the rest of the world could see what a disaster it became.  They take Venezuela as not a warning, but a model.

According to the PanAmPost:

In December 2015 Black Lives Matter sent a delegation, headed by the organization’s co-founder, Opal Tometi, to act as observers during the Venezuelan Parliamentary elections of that year. The Maduro regime did not allow accreditation for observers from the Organization of American States, the UN, or the EU. The only accredited observers where from regimes and organizations friendly to the “revolutionary cause.”

Later that same month Tometi penned an article where she espouses, word for word, the regime’s standard text for international propaganda. “In these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world ,” wrote Tometi about one of the world’s most corrupt voting systems in history.

Thus far, there have been accurate-looking comparisons of these riots and loot-fests hitting the U.S. on a mass scale to the doings of the Palestinian Authority and parallels to the events of the Russian and French Revolutions.  They are useful as pointers.  But the one place that really shows evidence of instigation is the failed state of Venezuela and its controlling agent, Cuba.  In this case, it’s not just the similarities in the end result — the mass riots that engulfed much of South America’s conservative-led states last year are remarkably similar to what is happening now in the States.  There’s actual evidence of collusion.

Now we have the still small voice of experience coming as a warning from a young woman from Venezuela, Elizabeth Rogliani. She’s bound to be ignored, as Russian exiles were ignored with their warnings. She’s bound to be ridiculed, as Cuban exiles were with their warnings.

But what she said was true.

It’s pretty obvious a plan has been set in motion. It’s pretty obvious it’s at least partly Made in Venezuela.

And the picture they have planned for us, based on this woman who knows firsthand, is extremely destructive, and way beyond ugly. One only hopes that somehow, its excellence and power will ensure it be heeded. Her last line: “And there’s clearly a lot of people wanting to destroy the U.S.” is probably the most chilling of all.

You can see her video here:

A chilling warning about where the statue-toppling leads..

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Posted by on June 26, 2020 in Uncategorized


Trump Vs.Joe Biden And The New World Order (NWO)!!!

                            trump andBiden 2

When President Trump first came into office he promised to drain the swamp and fight for the people which he is doing and succeeding magnificently. No president in history has succeeded more for the American people  while having him and his family abused, defied, slandered, smeared and besmirched  by his opponents yet he always manages to come back on top with a good right upper cut to his opponents.

Now he faces re-election. A recent poll taken by the New York Slimes has Biden leading Trump by 14 points. Joe Biden held a 50% to 36% lead over Trump, according to the New York Times/Siena College poll. Mr. Trump was underwater on his overall approval rating, with a 41%/56% approve/disapprove split.

Sixty-two percent of voters said they disapprove of how President  Trump is handling the protests following George Floyd’s death last month, 61% said they disapprove of his handling of race relations, and 58% said they disapprove of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

I would like to ask these people who think Trump hasn’t handled the coroanvirus and riots right, just what do they expect him to do? He offered military assistance to the governors of the states in turmoil and they refused help.

Trump has done more than any of the dems who sat on their hands while he did everything to save the country from the virus. Lets take a good look at what he did to fight the virus:

  • After the first death from the virus in late January when it was discovered it came from China,Trump put a halt from all travel to the U.S from China.

  • After it broke out in Europe, Trump put a halt from all travel to the U.S. from Europe. Trump saved thousands of lives by these travel bans.

  • When it broke out here, Trump gave Andrew Cuomo 40,000 ventilators he requested which Cuomo didn’t need after he found he had a warehouse full of them he didn’t know he had. Trump then stockpiled them for us and the leftovers he gave to countries who needed them.

  • Trump got the two hospital ships Comfort and Mercy here in record time one on each coast.

  • Trump turned the Javits Center in New York into a 3000 bed hospital for corona patients

  • Trump got CEO’s from various medical supply companies who make medical supplies including Mike Lindell from My Pillow fame to the white house to pledge giving support and much needed supplies such as ventilators, hospital gowns, masks and drugs where needed. Mike Lindell pledged to turn 75% of his company over to making masks, gowns and sheets for hospitals.

  • Trump got the army to set up makeshift hospitals around the country for the overflow of patients.

 And where were the dems all this time? They were sitting on their hands plotting against Trump and thinking of new ways to impeach him while the country was dying. So I don’t want people saying Trump isn’t handling the pandemic. There are people in the government known as the deep state who want to get rid of Trump so bad and gain control that they don’t care how many people die in the process.

I don’t believe these polls anyway especially one from the New York Slimes. Why would anyone want to vote for a creepy, old, forgetful, mumbling senile man staying in his basement.  Sounds like something out of a horror movie. The only reason they hate Trump so much is because of the leftist lies from the media.

Joe Biden is not winning in any poles against Trump.  He has no platform to run on, only knows all about the walls in his basement, he doesn’t come out to campaign (like Hillary did)  so what are the supposed people voting on?  We’ve already experienced lying poles in the 2016 election.  This time, whoever believes them deserves the Medal of Stupidity. 

If God forbid, Biden got in he’ll not be running the country but those around him will. They will just pop his face up when needed to make it appear he is in charge. People have two choices in this election. Their job is to vote for the best of those two who will get things done.  Will they vote for the highly corrupt dementia guy hiding in the basement or the energetic guy who is out in the trenches daily fighting for us, and putting his and his family’s life at risk for our safety?  They have to use their minds not their emotions.  Those are their only choices. Just compare the two; lower taxes, safety, jobs, and history of Trump and his business and then Biden with his criminal activity for 40 years. Trump has hired more minorities and women than anyone thinks.

A recent article in Breitbart explained the lefts and rioters goals clearly:

“The modern left’s goals, the modern media’s goals, the goals of the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter are immoral, are the authoritarian goals of tyrants who want to tell us how to think and what to believe, what we can and cannot say… They want total control of our children by way of a failed school system, they want total control of that which shapes our culture by way of an entertainment institution that blacklists those who think different, they want total control of political speech by means of tech fascists, and they want total control of our government by way of cheat-by-mail, removing the electoral college, killing the filibuster, and expanding the Supreme Court.

The left are now the Woke Taliban, and the Woke Taliban cannot achieve those goals through non-violent protest and civil disobedience because those goals are monstrous. So they are forced, like the Bolsheviks before them, to resort to gangsterism and violence, to terror and lies.

We now live in a world where Democrat politicians are doing nothing to stop the violence in their own cities, where the police are obviously being told to stand down as lawless mobs gleefully stream the statues they topple and monuments they desecrate, where a big city mayor sides with the terrorists who occupied six city blocks filled with hundreds of businesses and private residences.

We now live in a world where violence against President Trump and his supporters is openly encouraged by the media.We now live in a world where a New York Times’ Pulitzer winner celebrates the idea she is the gasoline fueling the desecration of churches and decimation of black neighborhoods.

This is all happening right now… In America.

And eventually a Democrat president and congress will agree that Mount Rushmore needs to come down, or needs to be returned to the Indians who will then dynamite it, or we will one day see a group of these left-wing terrorists succeed in dynamiting it.

There is one way to stop it…

Only one…

Come 2020, the American people must repudiate this terrorism at the ballot box, must annihilate the Democrats in such an overwhelming way it will be 50 years before they resort to violence again (remember, it was 50 years ago Democrats used violence to try and preserve the Jim Crow south)…But that’s the only way, and the polls right now are not encouraging.”

We have already been heavily infiltrated by NWO/Globalists/Deep State, in most areas in our lives.  All causes or crises people protest for now, are suspect as being infiltrated by NWO.  It is simply one vehicle NWO uses to divide & conquer, in its goal of world domination.  The “Protesters/Rioters” think they are being supported for their cause, but it’s NWO using them as their useful idiots. There are no causes.  NWO’s only goal now is to bring down Trump in any way they can.  They USE causes.  They want to install a puppet idiot president and themselves in control, not the dumb Dems. That’s all what’s really going on now is all about.  Nothing else.

 So who are these NOW globalists you may ask? Here are but the handful of NWO members:   George Soros, The Clintons, Obama, Bill Gates Foundation, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birxx, WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORG.) our CDC (Center for Disease Control, headquartered in Atlanta) , NIH, Socialist Democratic Party, Bushes, to name a few.  Obviously more names we are familiar with are members, but they are not public figures and don’t go around advertising themselves as such.  You don’t hear from them, but are the movers and shakers behind the scene like Rockefellers and  Rothschilds.


David Vaughan Icke is an English conspiracy theorist, and a former footballer and sports broadcaster.  Icke has written more than 20 books and claims that all these riots and thuggery and tearing down statues has had many reasons why it’s happening now……Is it to Divert Attention from what’s just happened – “It is all a Diversion by the NWO” he says.

They’ve come a long way.  NWO wants to destroy and erase our culture, our history, our governing laws, our religions and their teachings and their churches – even people worshipping a white Jesus are considered racists.  They want to totally clean house so they can install their New World Order, ruled by a handful of the richest people in history from various countries, and have a drastically reduced world population that they use as their slaves.  Soon those too will be changed, perhaps replaced with AI.”


All our freedoms and advancements could be wiped out by one dishonest election.  It is only the NWO closing in on us.  Their biggest, most formidable obstacle is TRUMP.  With elections only a few months away, they are under extreme pressure (UNHINGED!) to destroy everything our country stands for, and install their New World Order Headquarters.


Do you think our upcoming election is an important one?  

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Posted by on June 25, 2020 in Uncategorized


Trump’s Rally In Tulsa A Huge Success Despite AOC’s Sabotaging Teens!!!

Trump Returns In Pennsylvania

President Trump held his first rally in many months in Tulsa Oklahoma on Sunday. Thousands attended in spite of dems and other pendants warning about the virus outbreak which they didn’t warn about during the demonstrations and riots recently.

AOC joins hundreds of Twitter users claiming teens on TikTok and K-pop fans sabotaged Trump’s Tulsa rally and left seats empty by reserving thousands of tickets with no intention of showing up.


AOC and her immature, minions out to destroy Trump called in for hundreds of tickets then planned not to show up to make Trump look bad. They think it’s funny, but it’s not and they are keeping others from enjoying some things they look forward to. These idiot dems don’t want anyone who disagrees with them to have any fun.

Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale said that “all ticket requests have to have a phone number, but these kids are smart, they create an e-mail address then delete it 24 hrs, later.” Perhaps next time they should just announce a rally and lket whoever shows up in first come first served.

In a Twitter post Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, claimed the Trump campaign had been fooled by teenage anti-Trump scammers who reserved thousands of tickets for the Saturday night Tulsa MAGA rally online then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend and bringing down the number so the press and AOC could claim the rally was a failure. She may have at least partially succeeded.

This may backfire on them because now the Trump campaign is looking into mail fraud involved in this case

At the Legal Dictionary is a section titled “Mail Fraud.” It reads as follows, with bold print supplied for emphasis:

In recent years Congress has amended the mail fraud statute twice. In 1988 Congress added section 1346, which states that the term “scheme to defraud” includes a scheme to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services. In 1994 Congress expanded the use of the mails to include any parcel that is “sent or delivered by a private or commercial interstate carrier.” As a result of these amendments, the mail fraud statute has become a broad act for prosecution of dishonest and fraudulent activities, as long as those crimes involve the mails or an interstate carrier.”

Trump supporters had every reason to believe that the Trump campaign was offering them the “honest services” of a free ticket to the Trump Tulsa rally. The Trump campaign was in fact doing that. But the “honest service” of a free ticket was deliberately deprived by those who organized and participated in a scheme to deny them the expected honest service of a ticket by fraudulently pretending to desire that honest service of a ticket — when in fact they were about denying that honest service to Trump supporters. They were utterly dishonest.

Teenage Tik Tok users and K-pop fans in the US claim to have sabotaged a campaign rally held by US President Donald Trump by booking out tickets online.

Translation? Aside from the admission that the objective sought was to have “sabotaged a campaign rally”? The phrase “booking out tickets online” means the use of the internet, the internet clearly “an interstate carrier” per the U.S. statutes on mail fraud.

A story appearing in the Washington Post stated that:

Two senior members of Congress, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), asked U.S. intelligence officials late Wednesday to determine whether the Chinese-owned social-networking app TikTok poses “national security risks.

In a letter to Joseph Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, the lawmakers questioned TikTok’s data-collection practices and whether the app adheres to censorship rules directed by the Chinese government that could limit what U.S. users see. TikTok, which provides users a feed of short videos, has become wildly popular among teenagers worldwide.

“With over 110 million downloads in the U.S. alone, TikTok is a potential counterintelligence threat we cannot ignore,” wrote Schumer and Cotton, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Given these concerns, we ask that the Intelligence Community conduct an assessment of the national security risks posed by TikTok and other China-based content platforms operating in the U.S. and brief Congress on these findings.”

In response, TikTok leaders — writing in an unsigned blog post Thursday — sought to stress their independence from China. The company said it stores U.S. user data inside the United States and that it is not “subject to Chinese law,” while stressing it has “never been asked by the Chinese government to remove any content and we would not do so if asked.”

Meanwhile trump still had several thousand come out to to his rally while millions more watched on other sources.  There were 2.8 million Facebook views, 1.4 million YouTube playbacks That’s 4.2M views,Fox News reported 7.2 million views and again, this doesn’t include any views from other simulcasts. +Millions more watched on other sources. Trump’s a guy who speaks from his heart and not some Obama Teleprompter.

Outside the rally there were a few minor clashes with pro and anti-Trump forces .The Anti-Trump forces shouting Black Lives matter while the pro Trump forces shouted back ”All Lives Matter.” Trump and Pence planned to speak outside the rally to the overflow crowd like there usually is at a Trump rally, but cancelled when it didn’t occur like in past rallies probably  because of fear of the virus.


Trump came away from the rally feeling energized and contrary to what the fake news says, many media pendants praised his speech .White House correspondent John Roberts of Fox News said Trump’s speech  was the best he heard from Trump.

For those who wish to see the rally if you missed it or wish to see it again you can click here.

WATCH LIVE: Trump holds rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma – YouTube


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Posted by on June 22, 2020 in Uncategorized


Major Companies Pander And Cave To BLM!!!


Before all this hoopla demonstrations and riots by groups such as Antifa and the radical organization Black Lives Matter many black people were doing very good. There were more black owned businesses than ever before and more black millionaires than ever before who earned it and worked hard for their money.

Then under Obama we had riots in Ferguson, Mo. And the Freddie Grey case with everything in a turmoil. Black Lives Matter took to the streets shouting epithets like “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!” and “Pigs in a blanket, Fry ‘em like bacon”

Now after the George Floyd incident people led by BLM took to the streets all across the country burning down buildings destroying businesses people worked all their lives for, looted and robbed and even killed people.

The riots and shouting and asking to defund the police caused major corporations to cave and give in to their demands like giving in to hostage takers everything they want.

Google-owned video platform YouTube has announced a $100 million fund for black video creators, as well as a fundraiser special being hosted by rapper Common and actress and singer Keke Palmer.

Variety reports that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has announced a new multiyear $100 million fund dedicated to “amplifying and developing the voices of Black creators and artists and their stories.

How does doling out money on the basis of skin color constitute “fighting racism?”

Wendy’s gave $500,000 to black charities but they burned one of their franchises down anyway after Rayshard Brooks was killed there.

Tim Cook CEO of Apple gave 10 million dollars to black entrepreneurs

United Health Group Inc. said Monday  it’s donating $10 million to address societal issues at the root of George Floyd‘s death, and to rebuild Twin Cities’ businesses that were destroyed by days of rioting.

Minnetonka-based UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) is establishing a dedicated Diverse Scholars trust fund to support Floyd’s children’s education through college. The Diverse Scholars Initiative is a United Health Foundation charity that creates a diverse healthcare workforce, particularly in underserved communities.

United is also donating $5 million and 25,000 volunteer hours to restore numerous minority-owned businesses that were destroyed across the Twin Cities.

The additional $5 million will go towards the YMCA Equity Innovation Center of Excellence in Floyd’s memory. The Innovation Center, a collaborative effort serving the Twin Cities and beyond, is dedicated to advancing equity, inclusivity and systemic change. 

These protestors got TV shows like “Cops” and “Live PD” canceled and want anything to do with police to be canceled also first responders. I wonder if they will cancel  “The Rookie,” one of my favorite shows when it comes back on in the fall. They probably will if not already. They got Legos to not advertise their police station and fire dept. legos and even their donut shop because there is a cop inside and Legos caved to their demands.


But that wasn’t enough for these radicals who want racial diversity. They went after products such as Uncle Bens and Aunt Jemima wanting them to change their logos as it was deemed racist to them and referred to the civil war and they complied. They then focused on Chef Boy Ar Dee and Mrs. Butterworth syrup containers..The owners of Mrs. Butterworth said their figure was supposed to represent a grandmotherly figure, but these Social Justice Warriors said it was too much like a “mammy” figure from the old south.


Even Disney was not immune from these SJW as they went after the ride Splash Mountain because it contained figures from the Disney movie Song of the South from the 1940’s which is deemed racist. Who even remembers that movie and kids don’t even know about it. The figures they are talking about are Br’er; bear, Br’er Rabbit and Br’er Fox.

Tucker Carlson recently stated on his TV show “As of tonight, Black Lives Matter may be the single most powerful party in the United States,” Carlson contiued. “Nobody says that out loud but politicians understand it perfectly well. If nothing else, they understand power — they can smell it at great distances. That is why they are lining up to bow before Black Lives Matter.”

The host pointed out that Republicans, as well as Democrats, have been bowing to the new party, with none other than Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, taking part in a protest march in recent weeks.

“Republican leaders brag about their strong conservative convictions, but mostly they just want to be on the winning team, whatever that is,” Carlson said. “That is why they pause before offending China. It’s why when Black Lives Matter tells them to take a knee, they do.

demskneel 2

“Black Lives Matter now enjoys almost complete immunity from criticism,” Carlson said. “This is unprecedented for an American political movement but Black Lives Matter is more powerful than that. It has single handedly revised our moral framework …”

“Affirming the fundamental equality of all people is now considered hate speech,” he added. “You can be fired for saying it. Again, many people have been. This is a dangerous moment.”


Homicide-victimization rates for black men were 3.9 times the national average and that 52 percent of all known homicide victims were black (2017 data). The perpetrators of these crimes were overwhelmingly African Americans. In 2018, where the homicide victim was black, the suspected killer also was 88 percent of the time. And this is not an exceptional situation. From 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by other African Americans. In fact, high rates of black-on-black crime.

Aunt Jemima pancake syrup, Uncle Ben’s converted rice, Mrs. Butterworth syrup, and anything that even hints of any variation or diversity in our culture is now being eradicated right under our nose.  We are, literally, being homogenized!  By the Left.   So will blackberries be named fruitberries??  What will blackstrap molasses be?  Blackened fish be just grilled fish??  Where does this lunacy end? 

Each liberal will try to outdo the other liberal in being more PC.  No one is to stand out.  Does this ring the bell about the famous Chinese quote:  “Any nail that stands out, will be hammered down.”  This is Communist think, and it is slowly being incorporated into the US.  Soon, our clothing will be narrowed down to the same basic colors and styles.  No diversity or creativity allowed.  It is the literal amputation of our creative self.  

If you manage to come up with something original, it’s not yours, it’s the govt.’s.  That’s what Obama was trying to do to us.  Try to indoctrinate us, that we are not exceptional, and if we succeeded at something, we didn’t build that!  Immediately wipe you out as an individual born with an independent and creative mind.  They aim to destroy any sense of pride of your having accomplished anything.  They want you totally dependent on what they choose to dole out to you.

But predictably, Socialist Dems want us to continue indefinitely to isolate ourselves at home.  It has little to do with crushing our economy, it is much more about crushing us, our independence, ingenuity, and the will to succeed.  

They know  the economy can, and will come back, under Trump, and only as long as we remain what we have always been, the great builders of everything we have today.  But if we buy into this Socialist Dem mentality, we have little hope to regain our position as the strongest nation on earth.  A nation that we have built with our own hands, at a great price, and with the greatest pride.

Democrats and antifa are pushing this agenda stirring up to cause chaos. Changing brand names, removing statues and monuments, and changing names on buildings is not honoring, but dishonoring recognition of the people it was meant to honor. Banning books fits into this category. It is really more about mob control in this country to get their way; are we going to continue to let protest change our traditions? This BS has to stop. Totally fed up,

I recently received this letter from a good friend:


“I just watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes, for the death of a black man named George Floyd.

 I have never seen them kneel for a fallen Police Officer.

 I have never seen them kneel for a fallen Soldier.


 I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of (black and white) babies aborted [murdered] EVERY DAY.

 I have never seen them kneel for a murdered white man or woman.

 I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of black-on-black murder victims.

 I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of elderly people that died in nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.

 I have to ask: WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else?

 In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting, looting, arson, murder and mayhem in communities Nationwide…



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Posted by on June 19, 2020 in Uncategorized


Whose Side IS Dr.Fauci Really On???


Back in 2015 Dr, Fauci asked then President Obama permission to research pandemic diseases and there use as a bio weapon. That kind of research is  forbidden here so Obama gave Fauci 3.7 million to research it in the lab in Wuhan, China.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) under former President Barack Obama gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China a $3.7 million grant to conduct experiments on bats from caves where the deadly coronavirus is believed to have originated.


 The British newspaper The Mail on Sunday first reported on the matter, noting that “the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government.

The US forbid that kind of testing where Fauci was in charge, so Fauci, head of NHI, managed to get the money from the US and continue testing in Wuhan!  If their hunches are right, some say the whole coronavirus could be blamed on Fauci!

Back in 2017, Dr. Fauci publicly predicted there would be a pandemic during Trump’s presidency.  He had been working on weaponizing the virus in Wuhan Virology Lab, because the US forbid work on weaponizing viruses.

NAIAD director Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in January 2017 that the Trump administration would face a surprise infectious disease outbreak. How did he know back then?

Trump just opened an investigation into Fauci and the $3.7 million dollars Fauci got the US to pay the Wuhan lab in China – during Obama years.  Trump immediately stopped the funding.


When Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix first told Trump he would have to shut down the government or two million people would die Trump did that since to him they were the crem dela crem of virologists. I don’t think they really expected him to do that thinking they could ambush him and  say he didn’t care about the people and only about his re-election, but he brought their bluff  did shut it down because he cares about the American people and right after he did that  Fauci realized what he did and then said their tables were wrong, but it was too late, the damage was done.


In the beginning, Fauci relied upon a model from the Imperial College in London that predicted 2.2 million deaths in the U.S.  It turns out that the model, authored by the recently disgraced Professor Neil Ferguson, was garbage, a fact that our America’s most famous virologist only discovered at the same time the rest of us did.  In other words, the man we trusted to make critical decisions about the entire country didn’t even bother to do his homework.

Add to this the fact that our white-coated savior knew almost nothing about the China Virus itself.  He didn’t know how lethal it was (very, not very).  He didn’t know how contagious it was (not very, extremely).  He didn’t know whether it could be spread asymptomatically (yes, no, maybe), or whether wearing masks could help contain it (yes, no, maybe), or whether it was possible to be re-infected (yes, no, maybe).  He’s been all over the map as well on whether we will have a second wave (yes, no, maybe) and yet this didn’t stop him from recommending, on the basis of a sham model, that the economy of the entire country be shut down indefinitely, that 40 million people be put out of work, the millions of children be denied an education, and that small, “non-essential” businesses simply be shuttered, many never to reopen.

One by one, all of his predictions have come to naught.  Not only did millions of Americans not die, but also, as the numbers started coming in, the mortality rate of the China Virus has kept dropping until it is now regarded as just about as threatening as the seasonal flu. 

As for the man himself, he has put tens of millions of Americans through hell on the basis of a flawed model and a complete misreading of the one thing he is supposed to be an expert on: viruses.

Dr.Fauci is constantly flip flopping. During an interview with CNBC, Dr. Fauci reversed course and suddenly claimed he was no longer in favor of endless shutdowns.

“I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,” Dr. Fauci stated.

Dr. Fauci continued back-pedaling from his previous support for indefinite lockdowns by claiming staying shut in for extended periods of time inflicted “irreparable damage” to public health – through suicide, addiction, depression and people dying at home rather than seeking medical care for treatable ailments – and to the economy.

“We can’t stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might do irreparable damage and have unintended consequences including consequences for health,” Dr. Fauci told CNBC. “And it’s for that reason why the guidelines are being put forth so that the states and the cities can start to reenter and reopen.”

Fauci’s final flip flop came when he now claimed the majority of the country was ready to reopen the economy.

“In general, I think most of the country is doing it in a prudent way,” Dr. Fauci stated. “There are obviously some situations where people might be jumping over that. I just say please proceed with caution if you’re going to do that.”

After Dr. Fauci’s testimony, Donald Trump dismissed Fauci’s nay-saying, declaring that Fauci liked to “play all sides of the equation.”

Fake news reporters claimed the President baselessly attacked Fauci.

But Fauci’s interview with CNBC and 180-degree reversal on reopening the economy proved President Trump right.Now the only question remaining is if the President would dismiss Fauci for incompetence and insubordination.

Interesting to note that when the protesters were out in full force Fauci was worried about them spreading the virus,but when they asked him about thousands coming out for Trump’s rally and the dangers of the virus there,his reaction was “no comment” Well that confirms what we’ve always known about him and where his allegiances lies.

Fauci revealed in a radio interview Tuesday that he has not talked with President Donald Trump for two weeks ― despite rising numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in multiple states. However, he told NPR’s “1A” program that he’d now last spoken with Trump “two weeks ago” about “our vaccine development effort.”

Before that, Fauci said in early June that he’d also gone two weeks without talking to the president.

Commentators on Twitter suggested it was another example of the White House’s attempts to wind down the group and focus on rebooting the country’s economy, which Vice President Mike Pence last month said was the plan.

The country is hoping to return to a normal way of life soon, but Dr. Anthony Fauci said that could be a year away. Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, said people need to alter their expectations for summer activities and travel, otherwise they could be adding fuel to the fire and causing more explosions in the coronavirus outbreak.

As states have loosened restrictions over the last month and began to re-open their economies, confirmed cases of coronavirus have begun to spike. Last week, 18 states reported an increase in confirmed cases, with six of those states reporting a jump of at least 50%.

Fauci and others, meanwhile, are considerably concerned about the continued spread of the coronavirus in some states, and believe the rollbacks of restrictions shouldn’t be happening as quickly as they are. As Fauci said:“It’s going to be really wait and see. My feeling, looking at what’s going on with the infection rate, I think it’s more likely measured in months rather than weeks.”

Infectious disease expert Dr. William Schaffner, of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, agrees:“COVID’s not taking a summer vacation. It’s actually having new opportunities to spread.”

As of Monday morning, there have been 115,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19. At the same time, more than 44 million workers in America have filed for unemployment benefits since the pandemic began in mid-March.

NAIAD director Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in January 2017 that the Trump administration would face a surprise infectious disease outbreak. How did he know back then?

You can see his 2017 statement  here.

WHOA! Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a “Surprise Global Disease Outbreak” (VIDEO)

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Posted by on June 18, 2020 in Uncategorized


While Liberals Talk Trump Gets Things Done!!!


The difference between a businessman and a politician is a politician talks the talk but a businessman gets things done. So it is with Trump.

When President Trump was first elected the Mainstream media said they weren’t going to report anything positive about him. Well President Trump has done more than  any other president with over 300 accomplishments, but you wouldn’t know it if you listen to the liberal talking point stations like ABC.NBC.CBS.CNN and MSNBC, or in the New York Times, Washington Post and assorted left leaning newspapers who never got over that Hillary lost.

Former CBS News anchor, writer and host of Full Measure, Sharyl Attkinsson recently cited 109 fabricated stories the media said about Trump trying to pass them off as truths including the  fact that Trump  hasn’t paid his taxes in 18 years which was totally false.

Sharyl Attkisson

In comment sections to many articles you see people chastise Trump and call him names like “the orange man” etc instead of looking at their own lives that are resulting from his accomplishments. Let’s look at some of them,

1) Trump reduced the FICA tax in everyone’s paycheck, (that’s the tax that is taken out of your paycheck each week for those who do not know) so people have more money in their paychecks. My wife has $20 more a week in her paycheck because of that.

2)  Trump said he would lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors and he did that. He contacted the pharmaceutical and insurance companies and had them lower the costs for seniors. Consequently my wife takes a medication that cost $1300 and she only pays $10 for it. My medications were light to begin with about $10-$15 and I only pay about $4.00 now. A good friend of mine has $50,000 worth of medications with a $5000 deductable and he pays $500 a year after that he gets them for free because his insurance picks it up thanks to Trump. Before that he used to pay a  co-pay for them which got quite expensive.

3) My friend is also on low income and disability and is a member of HUD. Recently through his secretary Ben Carson because of the virus and people not being able to get out Trump now issues a box of top brand name food items to people like my friend once a month.

4) Trump lowered the big business tax from 35% to 21% thus causing companies to come back here in droves and hire at higher wages also. He lowered the small business tax from 21% to 15% which also stimulated growth, jobs and the economy. Prior to the pandemic he created seven million new jobs and unemployment in all demographics was the lowest in history and down to 3.5 %. In May of this month two million new jobs have been created and unemployment went down to 13% from 30%.That is a record and 300,000 of the new jobs went to black Americans. Most economists thought unemployment would go up and were off by10 million. It did not. 73% of small businesses are now open.

 5) Trump passed the much needed prison reform bill. Clinton promised it, Bush promised it, Obama promised it, Trump did it.

 6) Trump got the embassy in Tel Aviv moved to Jerusalem where it is supposed to be for under cost and under schedule. Clinton wanted to do it, Bush talked about doing it, Obama talked about doing it, Trump did it.

 7) Trump created opportunity zones for black Americans so they could have equal access to jobs. Trump increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by more than 14%. So between having the lowest black unemployment in history, passing prison reform bill and imcreased funding for black colleges and universities, he’s done more for blacks than Obama did in his eight years and he was supposed to do everything for blacks I thought. Trump also has the lowest women Hispanic and Asian unemployment in history so don’t go calling Trump racist. People already tried taking their racial injustices to the voting booth. It’s why Obama was able to spend eight years in the White House. People were expecting him to get the job done. Trump did what Obama didn’t do.

 8) Trump appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors

 9) Trump ordered his openly gay ambassador to Germany, Ric Grenell to lead a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality across the globe

 10) Trump’s leadership has helped the jobs to come back from the low of the lockdown-induced recession, and at a rate far quicker than most economists predicted. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a statement that said, “total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 2.5 million in May, and the unemployment rate declined to 13.3 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected a limited resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed in March and April due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In May, employment rose sharply in leisure and hospitality, construction, education and health services, and retail trade. By contrast, employment in government continued to decline sharply.”

 11) President Trump has cut more job-killing regulations than any president in American history. He has reversed the tide of the Obama years when regulations and proposed rules amounted to nearly 90,000 pages on the Federal Register when he left office.

 12) During the Pandemic Trump did everything himself while the democrats just sat on their hands and didn’t even offer to help, but instead plotted against him. Trump was able to get the two hospital ships Comfort and Mercy here in record time one on the East Coast and one on the West Coast much to Rachel Maddow’s surprise. He was able to convert the Javits center into a 3000 bed hospital for virus patients. He got the 40,000 ventilators that Gov. Cuomo asked for only to find he didn’t need them because he had a warehouse full of them he didn’t know about so after stockpiling them for ourselves Trump sent the rest to countries that needed them. Trump got CEO’s from various companies, including Mike Lindell of My Pillow fame, to supply ventilators, masks and gowns and other equipment for hospitals and first responders, Trump got the National Guard to set up make-shift hospitals around the country for overflow of patients from the virus.

 13) He got North Korea to stop firing missiles over Japan and stop their nuke testing.

 14) He defeated ISIS by lifting Obama’s  Rules of Engagement that limited our troops and Iraq got their land back. Trump then started pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan leaving only small contingents there.

 15) Trump approved drilling in ANWR and opened the Dakota and Keystone pipelines that made us energy independent for the first time in 70 years and caused prices at the pump to go down.

Meanwhile Wall Street is nervous about a Joe Biden presidency…but who can blame them? If elected, Biden would undo many of President Trump’s economic policies, which have contributed to a booming economy for most of his presidency. Trump’s policies are already showing signs of helping to move the economy off of life support following the pandemic-induced lockdowns.


Fox Business reported, “A 2020 election win by former Vice President Joe Biden would lead to higher corporate taxes and take the wind out of the stock market, according to new research from Wall Street analysts.

The contrast between the two candidates is clear: Trump will grow the economy, and Biden would return the economy to the snail’s-pace growth of the Obama administration.

This is only a part and partial list of Trump’s accomplishments. For a complete list of all his 300 accomplishments in each field click on the link here.


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Posted by on June 11, 2020 in Uncategorized


PC Run Amok;We’ve Become A Nation Of Wimps!!!


Well, when I grew up as a kid we always played guns. Cowboys and Indians. Plenty of western movies  and tv shows. Nowadays that’s out !  Too violent! Everything went toward being politically correct and that’s why the kids are the way they are.They don’t even grow up learning how to defend themselves.

Now LEGO has chosen to get a bit political with all that’s been going on in the United States. With a video of George Floyd going viral, dying under the knee of a rogue cop in Minnesota, riots have broken out. People all over the country are questioning whether police are the good guys we make them out to be.

Most kids fantasize about what they want to be when they grow up: princesses, police officers, firefighters, and the list goes on and on. LEGO supports these different careers with the sets that they have created, too. It’s why there are so many castles and fire departments and police precincts. Some of the LEGO police stations have hundreds of pieces. The LEGO City kits are designed for those starting at the age of six. It gives them mini-figs to help create scenes and have fun.

LEGO doesn’t want to confuse the kids right now, however. They don’t want to have kids associate being a police officer with being fun, apparently.

They have allowed the products to continue to sell but do not want them to be advertised. Why? They’re allowing their requests to the advertisers to be their only thoughts on the matter.

The only thing LEGO has made sure to do is to issue a statement to say that they stand with the black community. They have also identified that they will be donating $4 million to organizations responsible for supporting black children and teaching all children about racial inequality.

That’s great, LEGO, but seriously, in a time like this, kids need LEGO City in their lives. No one is asking for a mini-fig of George Floyd to re-enact what happened.

 LEGO has made the decision to distance themselves from not only police officers but all first responders. This means that the firefighters and EMT are linked in with them. LEGO has sent out a letter to all marketing companies to request that no advertising is done on sets that focus on first responders.

The products can still be sold, but they don’t want to emphasize that they sell them at this time. There are over 30 LEGO products that will be removed from advertising as a result of this letter.

Some of the kits that won’t be marketed include City Police Station, Police Dog Unit, and LEGO Fire Station. Forget about donuts, too. That might be taking it one step too far, but the LEGO City Donut Shop Opening is a kit that made the list of what can’t be advertised, either. Why? One of the mini-figs in the box is a police officer.


So, now, kids won’t be able to play make-believe with the heroes they want to be. There will be no police officers, no fire departments, no police dogs, and not even any donuts.

Not to be outdone Warner Bros, has announced that their beloved cartoon characters Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam will have their guns taken away from them in response to the gun violence in this country.


So, if Elmer Fudd is still going to be on the hunt for Bugs Bunny, how will he supposedly be catching him, if not with a gun?’

The answer to that for Warner Bros is to give the clumsy cartoon character a different kind of weapon: a scythe.

Yes, because a man chasing his prey with what is essentially a large knife is somehow less scary and threatening than a hunter with a rifle.

If you aren’t super familiar with the scythe, it is an agricultural tool with a long, usually curved blade that was primarily used in the days before horse-drawn or tractor machinery to bring in the grain harvest or mow the grass. You might also recognize it as the image eerily similar and so often confused with that of the sickle, which is most commonly found on just about every communist flag and symbol in the world. Coincidence? I’ll leave that for you to decide.

Now, let’s think about what a child will see in this new reboot of Looney Toons.

No longer do we have a hunter scouring the wood for a rabbit with his trusty rifle in hand, a harmless and age-old tradition for men and women all over the world. Instead, we are given images of a man that now raises a scary scythe to slay his opponent. It entirely changes the narrative.

 Furthermore, it, in fact, adds more violence. Think about it; in the realm of cartoons, we all know what happens if Bugs were to actually be shot by the rifle – he simply falls over. Now, imagine what happens if the scythe makes contact with the wascally wabbit’s body. He doesn’t just fall to the ground. He’s cut into pieces with blood and guts everywhere. And yet somehow, this is better for our kids than Elmer Fudd, who can’t hit his target to save his life, walking around with a gun? Give me a break. Warner Bros. has become a puppet to the politically correct.  This PC stuff is making a nation of weaklings, the kids being raised today will have no idea how to handle the real world.

Now HBO has now decided to pull the academy award winning film classic ‘Gone With The Wind’ from viewing on its service over accusations that the film is racist.

The film won eight Oscars including best picture and made history when Hattie McDaniel became the first black American to win an Oscar for her performance. HBO pulling it ha sdrawn criticism from some people . Rep.Paul Gosar wrote “Born today in 1893: Hattie McDaniel, the first black actress to win an Academy Award for her role in Gone With the Wind. HBO removed her award-winning movie on what would have been her 127th birthday.”

 Now who’s the real racist here HBO?

 Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk said,” HBO removing Gone With The Wind is just another part of the left’s sinister plot to erase American culture.

Did you know—the first black American to win an Oscar was Hattie McDaniel for her role in Gone With The Wind?But the left doesn’t care.They just want to see it all burn.”

Adding insult to injury, objections to the Confederate flag, believed by some to represent slavery and subsequent Jim Crow laws, reached ridiculous extremes, with the toy version of The General Lee, the Dukes of Hazards  boys’ magnificent 1969 Dodge Charger,  taken off the market because said flag was emblazoned on its roof. The old Dukes of Hazard reruns were also cancelled.

Even NASCAR got into the politically correct virtue signaling game, although, to their credit, they merely asked, not demanded, that fans not bring Confederate flags to their events. But kudos to many NASCAR fans who dance to their own drum and ignored the plea by bringing these hated flags en masse to races. Actually, Confederate flags represent southern pride, not slavery, to many

Paramount has pulled its’ long running live action show “cops” after 33 years because of anti-police sentiment. The same was with A&E’s Live PD.

Cops, whose 33rd season was slated to premiere yesterday, has been off the air since June 1 when it was pulled with no plans to run any additional episodes. Paramount Network has been moving away from all unscripted programming.

Live PD host Dan Abrams says the show will return to the air.Abrams, 54, spoke out Tuesday on Twitter after A&E pulled new episodes of the series in the wake of George Floyd‘s death. “To all of you asking whether #LivePD coming back… The answer is yes. All of us associated with the show are as committed to it as ever,” Abrams said. “We are still discussing some specifics but I want to assure the #LivePDNation that we are not abandoning you.”

DanAbrams 2

It seems the crusade against police officers and first responders has now reached a new high water mark, how much further can will the far-left push their crusade against law enforcement?

How did we ever get this way you may ask? A very good friend of mine who is a loyal American wrote an excellent letter on how we got where we are. Notice that most of these rioters are young people which plays a big role in where we are today.

This uprising is deja vu.  Every year or so there is an uprising, mostly by the young kids.  They, and I mean all of them, including blacks, hispanics, whites, etc. all American, will organize to create some crazy revolution or another, against what they see as the “establishment”.  Two months in quarantine was their godsend!  

They are all young, mostly teens and twenties, and American, having a collective temper tantrum, now making use of technology (internet) to more effectively gather in large groups, easily organized .  Remember the Flower Children of the 1960’s?  Anti-establishment – don’t trust anyone over 30.  Same thing, but this time with a twist.  The opportunistic political groups (many) with an agenda will, and do, use them. Many groups, like Congresswomen AOC, Ilhan Omar, & Rashida Tlaib, with one  huge agenda or another, are fueling these riots.

 These kids now have use of technology to spread the word quickly to more kids, and create  mayhem.  They think they are original.  No, they just have more efficient technology, and enabled by and paid for by living off of their parents.  Smacks of the old Socialist description:  Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money.

It’s always these young kids.  They literally have accomplished nothing in life, are being totally or mostly supported by their parents, guardians, or govt. handouts, have plenty of time and energy on their hands, because most don’t work.  They are well fed and healthy, live in homes that provide free shelter and all modern amenities like cell phones and cars,  with a ton of time and energy to burn.  They live in the most powerful, rich, and free country in the world, which allows them the FREEDOM to gather (they don’t see their fortune) and publicly rebel, have their temper tantrum with impunity.

 Now, with the new trend of politicizing everything, these kids are the perfect useful idiots for opportunistic political groups who have an agenda.  These groups move in on these young kids, now as young as middle school.  It’s like having a blank slate to do with whatever you want.  Fruits ripe for the picking.  These kids are being  brainwashed to fight injustices against them that never happened or they don’t understand them at all i.e. communism.  Those are the talking points of their opportunistic organizers with their agenda, be it Antifa/Socialism, BLM, Sunrise, Globalism, NWO, Deep State, or any combination of them, since they are all using these kids, etc..  They are organized and taught (brainwashed) through the heavy  use of internet.  COVID shelter at home was a good thing!   Anyone with a cell phone is qualified.  A bicycle or car makes it even better.

 These kids suddenly feel important and relevant.  They feel they are accomplishing something “important” and revolutionary – and never having to work for it.  Clueless.  In reality, all they do is destroy other people’s property, and are given their marching orders, placards in hand, by their organizers.  They are sheep being used, but they don’t see it.  They suddenly feel important because of the destruction and demonstrations they are told to do, words they are told to spew, which makes for the evening news on TV.  This BS anyone can do – ask black people who have been working that agenda for years.  

 They are told to be anti-police because it will guarantee that they can keep causing destruction with no punishment, and thus more easily and quickly push forward the organizing group’s agenda.  What these kids are made to believe is that the police is their dire enemy. 

 Very important to notice.  Do you see organized rebelling of high school kids any where else in the planet?  Kids elsewhere in the world either live under a communis/socialist regime which won’t put up with that BS (i.e. Russia, China, NoKo), or the kids live in a poor country where they face real problems, like basic survival (most of the world).  No time for imagined injustices and being used by opportunistic groups with an agenda like in America.  They have their own existential problems to deal with.  American rebellions by their privileged kids (all of American kids)  is made possible if someone else is footing your bill.  Also, if your government allows you to break the law with impunity.  Other countries’ kids who attempt doing what American kids are doing, will be short lived.  No one will support their imagined injustices – or the way they chose to deal with injustices.  It will be a novelty for a few days then fizzle away, or govt putting its foot down quickly.

One can make a real difference in the world with intelligent, peaceful, and cooperative  planning.  Voting. (Notice how they are targeting the voting method to be by easily defrauded mail?)  No one is victimized, or threatened, nothing is forced, burned, or destroyed, as these rebellious riots are doing.  Those are weapons of ignorant savages.  

Notice the lack of middle aged people marching in these groups?  They are too busy living a real life, filled with its real demands.  Their changes are not accomplished by rioting, burning, and looting in the streets.  Realities of living a real life taught them otherwise.  How they will deal with their rebellious children being used by political groups, remains to be seen.  I can offer the best suggestion:  Vote for Trump 2020.














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Posted by on June 11, 2020 in Uncategorized


The George Floyd Conspiracy; Hoax Or Planned In Advance???

derek-chauvin-florida-house-george-floyd-protesters  Whenever major events  happen in our history conspiracy theories always abound, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the pandemic and now George Floyd. The major theory here is that the George Floyd scenario was acted out by professional crisis actors with the idea of creating a race war so that George Soros and his globalist minions could step in with their New World Order. Several home video detectives have posted videos online that back up their theory.

Numerous video authors are now spotting stunning inconsistencies in the viral videos that claim to show white cops murdering George Floyd in broad daylight. Without exception, these video authors, many of whom are black, believe:

+at least one of the “police officers” was actually a hired crisis actor who has appeared in other staged events in recent years.

+that the black man depicted in the viral videos is not, in fact, an individual named George Floyd.

+that the responding medical personnel were not EMTs but were in fact mere crisis actors wearing police costumes.

These videos appear to reinforce the idea that the George Floyd incident was, if not entirely falsified, most definitely planned and rigged in advance. It is already confirmed that the Obama Foundation was tweeting about George Floyd more than a week before he is claimed to have died. Obviously, since Barack Obama doesn’t own a time machine, the only way the Obama Foundation could have tweeted about George Floyd a week before his death is it the entire event was planned in advance.

The videophiles  say globalists are getting desperate to control the masses because too many people are waking up.

In one video they show the cops leading George to their car after arresting him. He is hand cuffed with hands behind his back and not resisting. When they get to the front of the car George suddenly collapses which they attribute to bad acting. When he falls he is to the right of the right front wheel. When they stop each frame of the close up with the cop with his knee on George’s neck they say in one frame his head is to the right of the left front wheel.. They also note that the practice of putting their knee on the victim’s neck is a practice done by police in several countries and post pictures of them doing just that.

In another video they zoom in on the cops’ badges and note that the badges are fake and sewn on their shirts not pinned on. They claim that the cop Chauvin is a crisis actor and has appeared in the Sandy Hook videos. They claim that the actor playing Floyd has appeared in porno films. They also question why is there a civilian SUV parked right in back of the police car and why are their only two cops arresting him.


Shouldn’t there be more they say and have one cop in the street directing traffic telling everyone to move along while a major arrest is being made? They also note that when the ambulance arrives to take George to the hospital they are not regular EMT people as they have no EMT shirts on but are plain clothes and when they put George on the gurney they don’t check him for a pulse or anything first.

Yet another video says that the name “George Floyd” was faked. It is an anagram for “Edge of Glory,” the title of a Lady Gaga album that promotes globalist messages against humanity. Lady Gaga is also pushing covid-19 vaccine mandates along with Bill Gates and the WHO.


The final video reveals a more detailed look at the total hoax behind the faked killing of George Floyd, revealing that people are mysteriously missing from the sidewalk, where they were supposed to have been located in order to take the video that became the most popular footage:

It’s easy to see that the timing of these riots is designed to destroy President Trump and cause social chaos in the months leading up to the 2020 election, just like Black Lives Matter and Antifa were unleashed against the nation in the run-up to the 2016 election. Isn’t it an amazing coincidence how the masses are whipped up into an emotional rage every four years just as election time comes around again?

It begs the obvious question: Was this event staged and rigged, then coordinated with a radical left-wing terror network to unleash violence, riots and mayhem across America while the lying Lamestream media provides the cover by describing such events as “peaceful?”

A dangerous obedience cult is now rapidly sweeping across America, resembling Nazi fanaticism. That’s why the radical Left is now claiming that “white silence is violence,” meaning that any white people who do not bow down before these allegedly staged events and worship the false narrative are to be targeted for condemnation, censorship or even physical attacks. You are now required to bow down to the left-wing obedience cult, and if you drift the tiniest amount away from the official false narrative, you will be condemned as a racist and a danger to society.

We have now entered a dangerous era in America, where the radical, extremist Left is running a mind control training camp across the entire country, demanding absolute obedience to what these many video authors say is a completely fabricated hoax.

Within 6 hours after George died, a “community journalist” had sent the “video” to the media & the family hired Ben Crumb, the attorney behind Trayvon Martin, and Shaun King of Black Lives Matters was ratcheting up the noise. Within 12 hours, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey held a press conference with the MPD. Within 18 hours, all 4 officers were fired. An hour later, Frey led a Town Hall on the case. It’s like it was all planned ahead of time.

 Members of CAIR “filmed” George Floyd’s death outside Cup Foods in Minneapolis and erected a large portrait of Floyd on the street. They wore Black Lives Matter shirts and handed out sambusas, or stuffed pastries, to mourners in Elliot Park in Minneapolis.

 It took Frey 4 days to respond to the riots, after the entire city had been looted & burned, but within 6 hours he planned a press conference on the Floyd death? PLANNED.

 There is body cam footage from all 4 officers which we’ve NEVER seen, only the cell phone video from a stranger and the Cup Foods surveillance video from a man who is anti-American, anti-police and works for Black Lives Matters. Why?

 The first two officers on the scene, when called from Cup Foods about George Floyd passing a counterfeit $20 bill, were rookies, each with less than 4 shifts as police officers.

 It was his FOURTH day as a police officer when Thomas Lane, 37, pulled his weapon on George Floyd and asked him to put his hands on the steering wheel of his car. Lane asked Floyd if he was ON something due to the foam coming out of his mouth. Floyd mumbled “I can’t breathe.”

 J Alexander Kueng, 26, is a rookie cop who was working his THIRD SHIFT EVER as a police officer when he encountered George Floyd. He stood on the passenger side of Floyd’s car, while Lane held a gun on him. Kueng, who identifies as an African-American, now faces 40 years in prison for the so-called “racist murder” of a fellow African-American.

 Chauvin and his partner showed up late to the scene and helped the two rookies try to maneuver Floyd into the patrol car. They failed. Chauvin pulled him to the ground and kneeled on him.

 Many believe the man who kneeled on Floyd was NOT really Chauvin but a stand-in. Look at this photo of Chauvin 2 years ago with his wife, a Laos refugee, who ran for Mrs Minnesota in 2018. And this photo of the original mug shot compared to the kneeler. You decide.

DerekChauvinAlleged killer cop Derek Chauvin's mugshot after being moved to secure prison.

Not only was Chauvin employed by El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years, he and he wife are real estate agents, own a home in Minnesota AND Florida, are residents of Florida and run an AirBNB there. Up until last week, Chauvin’s wife said he was the “most gentle” man she’s ever known. Now she filed for divorce and said he’s a murderer. Quite a shift in a short period.

 Even more confusing, the media is now claiming Chauvin is a Republican who committed voter fraud while being a Florida resident. Think about that latest spin to tie Trump & Republicans to his actions.

 George Floyd had sickle cell anemia & heart disease & lethal levels of fentanyl & heroin in his body as well as meth, speed & marijuana in his body at the time of death. No one mentions this at all. Why?

 Sickle cell anemia reduces oxygen to your brain & tissues and lowers life expectancy by over 20 years in a HEALTHY individual. Fentanyl slows oxygen to your brain & both meth & speed can cause cardiac arrest.

 The autopsy was performed on May 26th but the actual report was not released to the public until days later, AFTER cities were torched & burned. The toxicology report was complete on May 31st but the results were quietly released to the public on June 4th. Why?

 Floyd tested positive for COVID two months ago, so he DID NOT die from that. He had recovered & had anti-bodies. Fake narrative to cover the drugs.

 Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach, while ransacking her home for money & drugs in Texas in 2007, & served 5 years in prison for armed robbery. He came to Minnesota in 2014 when he got out. How did he get a job working security with Chauvin? Who did his background check?

 George Floyd was a porn star – his screen name was BIG FLOYD – and his “work” appeared on a Middle-Eastern porn site called Habib…

Klobuchar declined to prosecute Derek Chauvin for a police shooting that took place in 2006 that went to a grand jury. He was later cleared. So she knew who he was.

 If people think Communists wouldn’t drug, murder or pay someone to be a patsy to start a race riot to get rid of the police, and engineer a murder for the cameras, you need to get out in the real world!

Cup Foods owner, Mahmoud Abumayyaleh, a Black Lives Matter activist from the Middle East, whose employee called the cops on George Floyd for passing a wet $20 counterfeit bill, knew George Floyd – who was a regular at the store. Who else did Mahmoud know?

 It was Mahmoud’s Facebook post that announced George’s death and called it a racist murder. The day after George’s death, Mahmoud went on every major network to tell his story and called for the immediate arrest of all 4 officers. His partners at CAIR did the same thing.

 Within 6 hours after George died, a “community journalist” associated with Mahmoud had sent the “video” to the media & the family hired Ben Crumb, the attorney behind Trayvon Martin, and Shaun King of Black Lives Matters was ratcheting up the noise. Within 12 hours, Frey held a press conference with the MPD. Within 18 hours, all 4 officers were fired. An hour later, Frey led a Town Hall on the case. It’s like it was all planned ahead of time.

 Members of CAIR “filmed” George Floyd’s death outside Cup Foods in Minneapolis and erected a large portrait of Floyd on the street. They wore Black Lives Matter shirts and handed out sambusas, or stuffed pastries, to mourners in Elliot Park in Minneapolis.

 Within 24 hours of Floyd’s death, thousands of rioters looted & torched Minneapolis while the police stood down and let it burn. It didn’t JUST happen. Engineered by Communists!

 So dear reader is The George Floyd incident real or was it planned in advance. I report you decide.

You can see all the videos posted here:




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Posted by on June 9, 2020 in Uncategorized


A Real Life Escape From New York


In1 981 Director John Carpenter produced a masterpiece film called Escape From New York which has become a fan favorite including mine and a cult classic..With all the rioting, looting and thuggery going on today and crime at an all time high it is reminiscent of John Carpenter’s movie.

For those of you not familiar with the film crime in the country has risen to 400%. Manhattan Island has become the soul prison for the country. A 60 foot high cement wall surrounds the Island with entrances and waterways blocked with armed guards. The U.S. army has bases all around the outside of the Island. There are no guards inside the prison only prisoners and the worlds they have made. The rules are simple. Once you go in you don’t come out.

When terrorists hijack Air Force One with the president on board (Donald Pleasance) and it crashes in New York, the warden played by Lee Van Cleef sends for Snake Plisken (Kurt Russel)who is a rogue special forces soldier wanted for several crimes. The warden tells him he is to go into New York and rescue the president in return for a complete pardon of all his crimes. T o insure that he carries out this mission Plisken is injected with two tablets that will explode in him and kill him in a certain amount of time if he fails.

There are so many great scenes and lines in this film. When the warden (Lee van Cleef) says to Plisken,  “The president’s plane went down in New York.”

Plisken replies ”President of what?”

“That’s not funny Plisken.” He replies.

Although the film was made in 1981 it portrays the future of 1997.Yet it is more like today in 2020. The film is filled with stores being looted burning buildings and run down areas filed with assorted bizarre criminals much like you see today. Along the way Plisken meets an old buddy of his(Harry Dean Stanton) known as Harold to him on the outside but called Brain on the inside who left him to die once but now helps him escape.


 While some parts of New York are being protected, others are in a free for all as rioters break windows in stores like Macey’s and take what they want and tear down boarded windows and break into them with no police around.

Mayor Bill de Blasio imposed a curfew of 11 pm in New York City. How is such a late curfew going to do anything? There has been a significant amount of destruction across all five boroughs of New York City. The curfew is intended to discourage looting and property damage. It’s been happening at night. During the day, the protests are mostly peaceful. By why such a late curfew?

It’s in such a contrast to some of the other cities around the country. Fort Worth, Texas gave residents an 8 PM curfew. Tampa, Florida gave residents a 7:30 PM curfew. Other cities are being more generous – Chicago has a 9 PM curfew.  Los Angeles, too, has a curfew of 9 PM.

With such a late curfew issued in NYC on June 1, it’s no surprise that DeBlasio completely lost control of the city. It was too late. It didn’t offer any kind of assistance to getting people off of the streets.

Perhaps the mayor has seen the error of his ways. As of June 2, he issued the curfew to be much earlier – 8 PM. It ensures that people are indoors for at least nine hours, keeping the looting to a minimum. The curfew will stay in effect through Sunday, June 7.

Meanwhile New York City’s Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Sunday he was giving in to protestors demands to “defund the police” and will be stripping them of funds in the effort to fatten up social services.

The mayor announced during his daily briefing a number of reforms as proposed by a “task force on racial inclusion,” one of which was to shift funding from the police force to youth initiatives.

Today, there are about 36,000 NYPD officers who help keep law and order for about 8.4 million New Yorkers in the largest city in the United States. De Blasio said that the details of the budget shift will be worked out prior to the July 1st deadline.

Meanwhile, Gov. Cuomo hasn’t exactly made it easy to hold everyone to their curfew. He issued a statement to say that he “stands behind” the message of the protesters. However, the violence has taken a turn for the worse in NYC. The level of looting has been troublesome for the city, the state, and the entire nation during the movement. It’s gone from being a way to shed light on the “righteous cause” to a distraction.

DeBlasio didn’t even want to issue a curfew. He didn’t find them to be effective. That might be why he gave such a late one. The curfew violations in New York City carry a Class B misdemeanor, which can be a maximum penalty of three months imprisonment or one-year probation. Is that enough to keep people following curfew? Probably  not.

In Dallas, those violating curfews can face up to six months in jail AND a fine of up to $1,000.

The latest movement abound is to defund the police. Sitting congress women Rashida Tlaib and AOC are in favor of defunding the police as is Mayor DeBlasio.  The Mayor of Washington D.C., Muriel Bowser had people paint in bright yellow letters on the street  BLACK LIVES MATTER leading up to the white house and renamed the street Black Lives Matte Drive. Doesn’t that come under defacing public property? I guess if you’re the mayor it’s Ok to do that.


President  Trump is naturally appalled at the defund the police movement. These same people are in favor of defunding ICE too that would mean cutting back on many police depts. and disbanding some altogether. America does not believe in that.

Dems talk about wanting Criminal Justice Reform. Clinton talked about it, Bush talked about it, Obama talked about it, Trump did it. Blacks talk about wanting equal economic opportunity for blacks. Trump did that with his opportunity zones. Black unemployment is the lowest in history and 300,000 new jobs for black Americans were created in May. So I don’t want to see blacks protesting Trump when he’s done more for blacks than any other president especially their first black president Obama who did nothing for them.

And still the riots continue. We could use a Snake Plisken about now.


See the interesting  opening scene here.

Opening Scene (Escape from New York – 1981) – YouTube

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Posted by on June 9, 2020 in Uncategorized