Monthly Archives: September 2022

WEF Admits: COVID Was a Test to See How Far You’d Comply!!!


As many of you who read my blogs know I have been writing extensively about the World Economic forum’s plan for a global reset by 2030 which would include total control of everybody’s life. This is headed by Klaus Schwab head of the World Economic Forum. I recently found an article that explains it all that I’m reprinting here so you can check it out for yourself. They have a scary future plan for this planet with their idea that it’ll be a better place. A better place for who? Just these elites who will control the rest of us.

Here’s the article:

“COVID lockdowns, mandatory masks, jab mandates, and everything else associated with the Plandemic  was to see how far people would comply.

“Klaus Nazi Schwab and WEF is acknowledging in this article that COVID was a “test of social responsibility” or to put it another way, a compliance test, for incoming carbon restrictions,” stated Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Telegram group.

Natural News wrote:

All of this is now being extrapolated into the WEF’s “climate change” protocols for creating a new sustainable world. This will include “personal carbon allowance programs,” meaning people will soon be restricted in every aspect of their lives based on the fictitious notion of a “carbon footprint.”

If the WEF is successful in its mission to reset and transform the world, then humanity of the future will only be allowed to do certain things at certain times and in limited quantities. Freedom will become a thing of the past.

Humans will be told to no longer eat meat, or to only drive their car so many miles in a day. Drawn to its logical end, there could also be a cap on the number of breaths a person takes because all that carbon dioxide is melting the polar ice caps, we are told.

“They justify surveillance state, relay covid with blame on people and pseudo deductions like climate to produce political economical [sic] turmoil and take over,” wrote someone on Twitter about the WEF’s game plan moving forward.

Unless enough people woke up throughout the plandemic and realized the scam, the WEF’s plan for the future will likely succeed. Billions of people who dutifully wore a mask and got every injection and booster pushed by the government will voluntarily allow themselves to be herded into this new paradigm.

In addition to social credit score-style emissions restrictions, the WEF wants everyone to live in a “smart home,” meaning a home that is controlled externally by third parties that regulate electricity and water usage.

Not a conspiracy theory!

An admission from Schwab and his globalist henchmen.”

I report, you decide!!!

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Posted by on September 24, 2022 in Uncategorized


This Pandemic Is Over, But Is Another On The Way???

In a recent previous blog of mine I discussed how this current pandemic and vaccine was planned back in the 60s by the Super elites like David Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger Dr Fauci, Klaus Schwab and a few others all planned it for the future saying by 2000 there’d be so many disasters in the world that were man made that people had to be eliminated for the sake of the planet and the one way to do it is through disease and vaccines so they planned to have a disease similar to the Black Death that would be released and killed a lot of people then they would try to convince him with a vaccine we’re supposed to protect them and instead would destroy their immune system which is what’s happening now. Now there are predicting another pandemic for this winter one doubt we will have no  cure for at the moment. More on that below.

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, President Joe Biden declared “the pandemic is over,” but quickly added that “we still have a problem with COVID, we’re still doing a lot of work on it.”

Biden then reiterated: “But the pandemic is over” and his evidence was the fact “no one’s wearing masks. Everyone seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it’s changing, and I think this is a perfect example of it.”

Biden’s prevaricating position that “it’s over” but “we still have a problem” is exactly what we’ve come to expect from the regime when it comes to covid. After all, the Biden administration still enthusiastically supports the Pentagon’s vaccine mandates, and in the federal courts, the administration continues to push for a variety of federal mandates, including air-travel mask mandates and various federal education programs such as Head Start. The feds still want forced vaccines for federal contractors. Travel to the United States still requires proof of vaccination. The federal government is even expected to announce “at least one additional extension to the current emergency.”

So, short of a disease fully disappearing, there’s no clear definition of when a pandemic is gone.

They’ll Still Cling to Their Pandemic Powers.

True believers in lockdowns and forced vaccines, however, will likely continue to debate under what conditions people can be “permitted” to live their lives without intervention from health experts. Moreover, as we’ve seen, the regime isn’t relinquishing its newfound powers.

Yes, people are bored with the current emergency, and they’re not listening anymore. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be hoodwinked by the next “emergency,” whether the crisis is one of racism, a lack of abortions, or the climate. This is why the administration will keep suing in federal court to keep alive its prerogatives to impose vaccine mandates, border closures, mask mandates, and more. The regime may have admitted that people aren’t listening about covid at the moment, but that doesn’t mean the regime will willingly give up one ounce of power.

People With Jobs Are, All of a Sudden, Becoming Disabled at Alarming Rates

“Employed people are getting disabled at a faster rate than the general U.S. population.”

Right now there is in the General Population: 6.6% rate of change in disability.

Employed Population: 22.6% rate of change in disability

And what’s the key variable that differentiates employed people from the general population over the past year and a half? VACCINE MANDATES!

Which leads us to the only logical conclusion: these jabs, on a clear and convincing basis, are primarily responsible for this sudden spike in disability. ‘This Is Disturbing’: The Shots Could Be Weakening Immune Systems for Generations which is probably the goal of these evil elites like Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, Charles Schwab and others who are responsible for these viruses for their depopulation goal to save the planet.

How many people have been disabled by the shots? Well, according to VAERS (as of September 9), there have been 14,833 U.S. reports of permanent disabilities after taking the jab. That’s quite a few, and each one is a tragedy, but I’m afraid that’s just a tiny fraction of the actual number. Remember, there’s a significant underreporting factor in VAERS. That accounts for much more than 14,833 entries in VAERS…

So let’s turn to another source, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This is a database, updated in real-time, and what it shows is over a 10% increase in disability claims from 2020 up until now, increasing from about 29 million Americans to a peak of just under 33 million.

This is  disturbing: The Shots Could Be Weakening Immune Systems for Generations   which is what these evil elites probably want like Doctor Fauci, Bill Gates. George Soros. Charles Schwab and others who are responsible for these pandemics in their quest for depopulation.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is now funding studies on how to best manipulate people to receive “future” COVID-19 vaccines – including “targeted” messaging and financial compensation – despite studies continuing to show links between the vaccine and myocarditis.

Bill Gates accused of premeditated murder of a 23 year old man who died after injection. Criminal complaint has been filed in India’s High Court. They are seeking the death penalty because Bill Gates also killed 8 female children by unauthorized trial of HPV vaccines in India.

The next Plandemic is going to be the Marburg virus. This is a haemorrhaging fever similar to Ebola with an 88% mortality rate. 
Now firstly don’t worry, the ones pushing this agenda won’t release anything that would kill them. This will be a fake Marburg. 

Many of the covid vaccine injured are displaying clots and uncontrollable bleeding. This will be claimed to be Marburg. GAVI and the WEF are already making announcements about the virus. 

They’ve already developed a PCR test for Marburg, even though there is no official ‘pandemic’ yet. 
More worryingly, they’re already rushing through a ‘vaccine’ for Marburg.  
Even more worryingly, the main ingredient in the new vaccine is Ricin. One of the most toxic poisons on the planet. 
They will allow the vaccinated to travel globally this Christmas. 
They’ll need a cover for people bringing ‘the virus’ back to their home countries. 
A new pandemic will be declared, they’ll claim there is asymptomatic spread. 
The media will pump fear harder than we’ve ever seen. 
People will lose their minds believing that there is a pandemic of something with an 88% chance of making them bleed out and die. 
At this stage jabs will be mandatory and the police and military goon squads will be in full force trying to ‘save humanity’ and dragging off people who refuse the Marburg vaccine to the now built concentration camps to be forcibly injected. 
The Ricin ‘vaccine’ is the real death shot and there will be billions of people lining up for it and fighting to be at the front of the lines. 
If you think you’ve seen panic during COVID, multiply that by 20 or 30 X with what’s planned and is coming up. 

Keep your families very close, hold the line and spread this message far and wide.

Marburg virus is the causative agent of Marburg virus disease (MVD), a disease with a case fatality ratio of up to 88%, but can be much lower with good patient care. Marburg virus disease was initially detected in 1967 after simultaneous outbreaks in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany; and in Belgrade, Serbia.

Marburg and Ebola viruses are both members of the Filoviridae family (filovirus). Though caused by different viruses, the two diseases are clinically similar. Both diseases are rare and have the capacity to cause outbreaks with high fatality rates.

Marburg virus disease (MVD), formerly known as Marburg haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.

The virus causes severe viral haemorrhagic fever in humans.

The average MVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 24% to 88% in past outbreaks depending on virus strain and case management.

Early supportive care with rehydration, and symptomatic treatment improves survival. There is as yet no licensed treatment proven to neutralize the virus, but a range of blood products, immune therapies and drug therapies are currently under development.

Rousettus aegyptiacus, fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family, are considered to be natural hosts of Marburg virus. The Marburg virus is transmitted to people from fruit bats and spreads among humans through human-to-human transmission.

Community engagement is key to successfully controlling outbreaks

So far the Marburg virus is limited just to third world countries like New Guinea,Ghana and a couple of cases in Serbia and Germany let’s hope it stays there but with two million people from all over the world coming here just this last year to join the other two million illegals already here and very few are checked for what they’re bringing in here who knows what’s coming in here now.

– Guinea today declared the end of the Marburg virus disease outbreak having recorded no new cases over the past 42 days—two incubation periods, or the time between infection and the onset of symptoms. The virus was confirmed on 9 August, marking the first time the disease emerged in the country and in West Africa.

Depopulation is LIT! #ArrestBillGates #Treason The New Normal!

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Posted by on September 23, 2022 in Uncategorized


The virus and Vaccine Were Planned In Advance As A Bio-weapon And Meant To Be Used Against Us By Elites And Their Planned Depopulation Program!!!

As many of you know who have been following my blogs I have been writing about this virus since the very beginning and found it very suspicious and also how harmful this vaccine is. At the very beginning when this virus came out I sent the chemical composition of it to a friend of mine who used to be a pre-med student. He studied it and wrote back to me saying “Jim this is a man- made virus.” I couldn’t believe it and then later on it came out that it was truly a man-made virus. I have since found an article that details the whole history of this virus and verifies what I said here and what it says is chilling indeed and what is happening today. I am including an excerpt from the article and including a link to the entire article at the end so you can read it for yourself.

Apparently in the early 60s a group of elites that included Henry Kissinger then vice president Nelson Rockefeller, Dr Fauci and other medical and professional elites decided that a lot of these natural disasters that were happening in the world were destroying the planet and would only get worse and to save the planet people had to be eliminated. The idea was to come up with a virus similar to the Black Death that could harm as many people as possible and there would be no known cure for it. A vaccine would later be developed which would be a fake vaccine making people think they were immune to the virus but in actuality the vaccine was destroying their autoimmune system making them vulnerable to any other new disease. After enough people were eliminated the real vaccine would be administered. This is what we are witnessing now as thousands of people all around the world are being vaccinated and dying. in England and Wales 24,000 people had died from COVID out of that group 91% were triple vaccinated which leads people to believe that the vaccine is what causing the death. There was also another 24,000 who have mysteriously died and they said unknown causes. The assumption is that it’s the vaccine that’s causing it and the medical community doesn’t want to admit it.

  • There have been 24,005 excess deaths in England & Wales since April and mortality rates per 100,000 are highest among the vaccinated in all age groups suggesting the Covid-19 vaccine may be to blame;
  • The same reports reveal it takes approximately five months for that elevated mortality rate to be realised. This suggests the Covid-19 vaccine may be to blame for so many excess deaths occurring 5 months after the mass winter Booster Campaign.
  • There have also been 25,855 Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of 2022 & up to the end of May 2022, 91% of those deaths were among the triple/quadruple vaccinated.

Here is a few excerpts from the article I had just mentioned.

In the beginning, there was the depopulation “Club of Rome” whose mandate was to pave the way for the New World Order’s “Great Reset.” And it all started with the idea of using “Gain-of-Function” experimentation to develop the ultimate bioweapon that would attack the body’s immune system! This is where the story begins!

In 1968, the Club of Rome determined the limits to growth; the results of the study was that civilization as we know it would collapse shortly after the year 2000 unless the population was seriously reduced. Several top secret recommendations were made to the ruling elite by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the autoimmune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. Dr. Peccei had come to the conclusion that a plague similar to that of the Black Death was needed in order to “rid” certain groups from the population. The orders were given to develop the microbe and to also develop a cure and a prophylactic. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be introduced by vaccine administered by the World Health Organization. The prophylactic was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when they decided that enough people have died and it would be announced as “newly developed.

This plan was called Global 2000. Funding was obtained from the U.S. Congress under H.B. 15090 (1969) and given to the Department of Defense 1970 budget to produce “a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.” Virologists refer to this as “Gain-of-Function” research that alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range (the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect). The bottom line is that these bioweapons would be resistant to the immunological processes that we depend on to maintain immunity; they would be more infectious and lethal. This was the beginning of the “Gain-of-Function Experimentations“… and they never stopped!

The project was carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Since large populations were to be decimated, the ruling elite decided to target the “undesirable elements of society” for extermination. Initially they targeted the Black, Hispanic, and homosexual populations and currently they are targeting the rest of society. The name of the project that developed the HIV virus that causes AIDS is MKNAOMI. The African continent was infected with HIV via Smallpox vaccine in 1977. Members of the gay community in the U.S. population were infected with HIV in 1978 with the Hepatitis B vaccine through the Centers for Disease Control and now the rest of mankind is being infected through the COVID-19 Vaccine! Vaccines armed with HIV autoimmune disease causing agents are the NWO’s “modus operandi” for mass depopulation!

In 1962 Roy Ash, Henry Kissinger, and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, all members of the infamous Club of Rome, were financial investors in a company called Litton Bionetics. They helped to finance and establish the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which was part of the National Institute of Health (NIH) at Fort Detrick which included Litton Bionetics administration at the facility. By 1968, Dr. Robert Gallo was NCI project officer for Bionetics where new cancer viruses that were functionally identical to HIV were created. And it was Bionetics that directly supplied Merck Pharmaceuticals with the HIV bioweapon used to formulate both the Smallpox and Hepatitis B vaccine. Although all existing records of Project MKNAOMI were destroyed, it’s clear that the scientists of the illuminati at Fort Detrick declared their own secret war against mankind and made unilateral decisions to eliminate 90 percent of the world’s population without our knowledge or consent. These are your Judges, Jurors and Executioners whose decision was final and without an option to appeal; Narcissistic Satanic “White Coats” catering to their NWO Masters!vaccines.

A former vice president for the EcoHealth Alliance, a major funder of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, claims that his organization “developed” SARS-CoV-2 through gain-of-function research that makes viruses more dangerous.

“The process of developing SARS-COV2 was also described in detail in the proposal submitted to, and ultimately funded by, the National Institutes of Health (HHS NIH), The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), by EcoHealth Alliance with the WIV and [University of North Carolina] listed as collaborators,” according to the sworn declaration of Andrew Huff, who is represented by the attorney Thomas Renz. 

The statement is included in a much larger packet dated Sept. 12 posted by Renz, who represents clients challenging COVID-19 mandates, apparently directed to Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, whose name is in the file name. The packet has irregular punctuation and capitalization throughout.

“Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-COV2 and lied to Congress about funding Gain-of-Function work,” Renz wrote in the summary – a claim also recently made by former CDC Director Robert Redfield. “Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover-up the funding of the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in SARS-COV2.”

I report, you decide

The Club of Rome & The CIA Depopulation Program at Fauci’s Fort Detrick – Civilian Intelligence Network 3.0

Whilst they knew you were mourning the Queen’s death, the UK Gov. quietly published reports confirming the Triple Vaccinated account for 91% of COVID Deaths throughout 2022 & there have been over 24k “unexplained” Excess Deaths since April – The Expose –

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Posted by on September 21, 2022 in Uncategorized


The Hypocrisy of Martha’s Vinyard Residents And Other Liberal Sanctuary Dems!!!

The meltdown over the 50 illegals flown to Martha’s Vineyard is fun to watch. The racist white limousine liberals on Martha’s Vineyard are not happy about their new poor, brown neighbors.

The migrants were only on the island for 44 hours when the residents arranged for a military jet from the National Guard to transport them to a military base. After they left these hypocrites waxed eloquently about how these migrants enriched their lives and their bravery and they are so great. Well if they enriched their lives so much why were they in such a hurry to make them leave?

Gavin Newsom wants to bring criminal charges against Governor DeSantis for doing such an act. Governor DeSantis was only doing what the Democrats want to do, but now they’re investigating him for it. I guess they don’t like the fact that he was diversifying their island.

Meanwhile Joe Biden is transporting migrants by the hundreds on jets in the dead of night to cities all over the country just dropping them off on the streets. Now that’s criminal. DeSantis at least was transporting them to a humanely safe place, a beautiful island where they could be taken care of but these hypocrites immediately brushed them off their island and then acted so eloquent how there was so impressed with them. What hypocrites!!! And in the eyes of the world too.

Nancy Pelosi only lives a few miles outside San Francisco which is her district where thousands of homeless are on the streets living in the most deplorable, squalid conditions you can imagine. They’ve been that way for years yet she’s done nothing about it and remains in office. Another hypocrite.!

Martha’s Vineyard Homeless Shelter Coordinator Lisa Belcastro melted down over the 50 illegals during an interview with the Cape Cod Times. Martha’s Vineyard happily hosts thousands of tourists every summer, however, when 50 poor illegals are dumped on the island, its a “humanitarian crisis” but 4.2 million illegal immigrants in 19 months, a “secure border.

“The difficult challenges are — we have to, at some point in time they [illegals] have to move from here to somewhere else – we cannot, we don’t have the services to take care of 50 immigrants and we certainly don’t have housing. We’re in a housing crisis as we are on this island! We can’t house everyone here that lives here and works here!”

She continued, “We don’t have housing for 50 more people.”

A Bostin Radio correspondent  responded. “US govt provides up to 120 days of resettlement support after a refugee(legal or illegal) has been granted asylum. These 50 are all asylum seekers and have already been processed. Lisa Belcastro needs to stop being a mouthpiece for the rich and entitled.”

Martha’s Vineyard Leftists Claim There is NO ROOM on Island for Illegals — but Hotels and Vacation Homes can House Thousands!

There are Plenty of house cleaners and yard men for the woke island citizens so why are they complaining.

Just check out the link below to see the many beautiful resorts they can house these migrants and more in. I guess they aren’t as diversified and open as they claim be on their signs.  I hope Gov. DiSantis send  more as is rumored and let’s see if they still feel enriched by them.

I’m still waiting for Obama to offer up 15 of his 30 acres there for a tent city to house them. The same goes for Oprah who has a house there and any of these other mega rich celebrities who have homes there where they hardly live in.

Liberals are exposing their own hypocrisy!

I report, you decide.

Hypocrites: Martha’s Vineyard Leftists Claim There is NO ROOM on Island for Illegals — but Hotels and Vacation Homes can House Thousands!

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Posted by on September 20, 2022 in Uncategorized


The Anti-Liberty Authoritarians of the Fascist Far Left!!!

“Everybody shouting which side are you on”—Bob Dylan,”Gates of Eden” 1968.

The following is taken from an article I read that describes the far left perfectly as they try to project their views on the far right blaming the right for all this fascism and destruction when it is really them doing it. Another Saul Ainskyy tactic to always blame the other side for your faults. The author makes the point that Mr. Trump and his followers are essentially antifascists, who want minimal government, while the anti-liberty leftists want maximum government. Biden’s Democrats seek a one-party state. Trump’s followers want freedom from government power.

Which side wants to go all authoritarian, all the time? 

Democracy versus Autocracy

Which side suppressed freedom of assembly and freedom of religion? 

Which side is censoring the press

The words ‘Media Control’ in a lightbox style with a dystopian grunge feel. This is part of my signs for social history collection. The concept is about the control over people with the media.

Which side wants unlimited government? (As opposed to limited government) 

Which side believes in the common good over the individual good (Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the original German)? 

Which is the side of collectivism? (As opposed to individualism.) 

Which side wants people to be controlled? (As opposed to those who have no such desire.) 

Which side is extensively exploiting the nation’s socialist media as its propaganda organ to gaslight the people in the tradition of Joseph Goebbels?

Which side is making up new definitions for words daily? 

Which side makes up new definitions for fascism depending on the situation? 

Which side is destroying the right to privacy?

Which side is openly talking about civil war if it doesn’t win? 

Which side projected its “Reichstag moment” on the other? 

Which side is illegally attempting to create a gun registry? 

Which side is constantly working to destroy the sensible individual civil right of self-defense? 

Which side is weaponizing federal agencies (IRS, FBI, ATF, etc.) against its political opposition

Which side is setting up systems to snitch on people, as was the tactic of the Gestapo and the Stasi? 

Which side perpetuates the racism of gun control

Which side has used those agencies to censor the press to impact the outcome of an election? 

Which side is spying on the other? 

Which side mandated that people wear useless slave masks? 

Which side forced people to get “the jab” in violation of the Nuremburg code

Which side wants to “break your will” over emissions? 

Which side is trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment by taking firearms from innocent people with unconstitutional gun confiscation orders

Which side caused the death of an innocent man via the implementation of an unconstitutional gun confiscation order? 

Which side is unconstitutionally confiscating private property without due process, violating the 5th and 6th Amendments? 

Which side is inflicting a process of punishment on innocent people? 

Which side has a strange obsession with the guillotine, like the National Socialist German Workers’ Party? 

Which side is applying a double-standard of justice? 

Which side wanted to set up an “American Gestapo,” a secret police at the beck and call of a future president? 

Which side loves to play the circular logic game of “proving” ridiculous childish insults? 

Which side is exploiting beyond belief its own “Reichstag fire“? 

Which side is demonizing and dehumanizing the other with pejoratives like “MAGA Republicans”? 

Which side is trying to control what is shipped by private entities? 

Which side exploits a “serious crisis” to its political advantage? 

Which side is openly trying to gaslight the people, blaming President Trump for the violent crime taking place now? 

If you answered the anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left for all of them, you would be correct. 

Forget about the fact that they keep on coming up with new definitions for fascism, depending on what we happen to be doing now. If we all walked around saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, they would say that’s a vestige of fascism. 

Well, too bad for them that almost everything they are doing compares to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. If the fascism fits, wear it. 

The eyes of Big Brother is watching secretly from behind the digital curtain of the USA flag

I report, you decide!!!

This story was originally published here. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack


Posted by on September 19, 2022 in Uncategorized


Thousands Dying Around The World Listed as Unknown Cases!!! Very Suspicious Indeed!!!

The fact that we have supposedly just come through 2 years of a pandemic that again supposedly killed millions, and there now seems to be an epidemic of young people mysteriously dying, and they make ZERO mention of covid and ZERO mention of whether or not these people have received the toxic injections , is awfully suspicious. Wouldn’t they want to indicate that it wasn’t covid, and then mention that these individuals were injected to point out “don’t worry, its not covid”. The only reason you wouldn’t mention it is because you KNOW its the toxic injections that are causing the deaths. They’ve already admitted that the injections attack the heart, so why is it so difficult for them to make the connection that these unusual heart attacks in young people just might be connected to the toxic injections.

There are literally 1,000s…all neatly filed under…”Unknown Cause”. Which is now the leading ’cause of death in the world.
The tyrannical government and medical authorities who pushed thru the fake vaccine(poison pokes) sure as hell know these deaths are caused by the “vax’….but it will never be revealed in the media or any court of law….and they will never admit it

Unusually high death rates are being reported in European countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and the U.K.

The death rate has sharply risen in Europe by an average of 11 percent since April this year.But experts are more baffled by the fact the deaths are not directly related to the coronavirus.

Volkskrant – a top newspaper in the Netherlands, reported that hundreds more people are dying every week than usual.

Since the spring, approximately 5,000 more deaths have been recorded – which is compared to pre-COVID numbers.

But Dutch health agencies refuse to release data behind the cause of deaths, citing “privacy concerns.”

The shady approach was criticized by Dutch commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, who noted that health privacy was “universally suspended” when the Dutch government demanded citizens’ vaccination status when entering public places.

Elsewhere in countries like Spain, the excess death rates are much worse as reports that the country registered almost 10,000 more deaths than in the same month of 2019.

According to the statistics analyzed by the Carlos III Health Institute, Spain’s rising death toll can be accounted for by coronavirus infections – but just 1,872 deaths were attributed to Covid-19 – and another fifth due to the extreme temperatures.

The Spanish government admitted tha many deaths could not be accounted for and ordered a detailed investigation.

DANGER: CDC Admits COVID Shots Cause Serious “Systemic Reaction” in More Than HALF of Children

It turns out more than half of the children they’ve tracked who got Covid 19 shots ended up having a “systemic reaction” to them, meaning some sort of response from their entire body rather than just from where they got the shot. And in six percent of cases, the reaction was bad enough that the child wasn’t able to perform normal daily activities. 

Richard Hirschman, who has been an embalmer since 2001, has noticed “a change of condition of bodies since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines.” These changes include the huge increase in people with blood clots, the strange nature of these blood clots, and patients who have died of cancer without any of the tell-tale signs, such as hair loss and emaciation. “Unfortunately, there is a new normal,” he says. 

Hirschman has embalmed thousands of bodies during the course of his career. Last year, he handled over 600 himself. So he knows the signs to look for, and he knows what blood looks like. “In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time,” he says, “but since May last year, something about the blood has changed. It’s not normal. It’s drastic.”

When Hirschman first started seeing anomalies, he thought it strange, “but when you see the same thing over and over, you start to realize that something’s not right.”

Hirschman and many of his colleagues in the industry noticed an increase in clotting during the pandemic, “but it wasn’t until the roll-out of the vaccine that these really unusual fibrous structures started appearing.” 

He describes a normal blood clot as having a texture like grape jelly or jam. If you were to pick it up, it would likely disintegrate in your fingers. Before 2021, blood clots would appear in between five and 10 percent of bodies. These days, says Hirschman, those numbers are more like 85 percent. “The majority of bodies I embalm are clotted,” he says. “Out of 358 bodies this year, only around 60 were not clotted, and a half of those were heavily clotted. Prior to last year, it wasn’t like that. Nothing like what we see now.” 

What is more, these clots are unlike anything he’s ever seen before. He describes them as “a white fibrous structure, like calamari, a rubber band or spaghetti. Even the small ones are unusual looking, like worms. They resemble a small parasite.” Typically, blood clots come out of veins during the embalming process, very, very rarely out of an artery. However, Hirschman recently took one out of an artery 33 inches long. “Normally, I wouldn’t be able to pull a clot of that length without it falling apart,” he explains. “It’s the white, fibrous length that’s unusual. I canTheot possibly imagine that being inside a healthy person.” 

Hirschman suspects the vaccine is causing these clots. “

The CDC now says covid jabs causing myocarditis isn’t “misinformation” after all, after YEARS of Big Tech censorship for those who said it first.

The latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that so-called “vaccines” for covid germs come with an exceptionally high risk of myocarditis, pericarditis and other related heart inflammation troubles.

Contrary to what CDC mouthpieces like Rochelle Walensky have been saying, it is not “misinformation” to say that the shots cause cardiovascular damage. They clearly do, as the data speaks for itself.

The most damaging injection appears to be Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) variety, which in the 16-17 age category for males results in 71.5 cases of myopericarditis per million injected after the second dose. In the 12-15 age category for males, the figure was 42.6 cases per million injected.

Moderna’s mRNA shot was not much better, causing the same condition in 37.7 young men per million between the ages of 18 and 24 after the second dose. The 12-15 age group of young men was not calculated. (Related: A peer-reviewed JAMA paper written by CDC scientists found that Chinese Virus injections trigger myocarditis at much higher rates than the government is officially letting on.)

Lockdowns don’t kill people. Vaccines and guns kill people. Oh and Alec Baldwin kills people. Blaming all those deaths on missed diagnoses because of the lockdowns is utter crap. Those are the exact symptoms/deaths caused by the Jab.

I report, you decide.

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Posted by on September 19, 2022 in Uncategorized


Governor DeSantis sends migrants to Martha’s Vineyard!! Dems and residents enraged!!!

Two planes carrying migrants were sent by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday night, his office said, infuriating Democratic politicians and prompting a frenzied response that included humanitarian aid by locals and assistance by Massachusetts officials.

The migrants received Covid-19 tests, food and hygiene items upon landing, but the island’s resources are limited. The migrants, few of whom speak English and who are mostly from Venezuela, according to the New York Times, have been relocated to a church on the island in the meantime. The migrants reportedly wandered for three miles from the landing site until they ran into locals, according to CBS Boston. Local Spanish-speaking high schoolers were recruited as translators to communicate with the migrants.

NPR was able to interview three of the migrants late Wednesday. “They (the migrants) told us they had recently crossed the border in Texas and were staying at a shelter in San Antonio,” NPR’s Joel Rose said on Morning Edition.

The migrants said a woman they identified as “Perla” approached them outside the shelter and lured them into boarding the plane, saying they would be flown to Boston where they could get expedited work papers. She provided them with food. The migrants said Perla was still trying to recruit more passengers just hours before their flight.

“She (Perla) offered us help. Help that never arrived,” Andres said. “Now we are here. We got on the plane with a vision of the future, of making it.” He went on to explain why he boarded the plane with so little information in hand. “Look, when you have no money and someone offers help, well, it means a lot.”

Most of the arrivals spoke little or no English, and Spanish-speaking high school students were pressed into service as interpreters.

Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee said many of the migrants were confused.

“We have talked to a number of people who’ve asked, ‘Where am I?’ And then I was trying to explain where Martha’s Vineyard is.”

It’s the latest in a series of moves by Republican governors to transport migrants to northern liberal enclaves to protest what they say are inadequate federal efforts on southern border security. Located off the coast of Massachusetts and long known as a posh summer destination for wealthy vacationers, Martha’s Vineyard provided an unusual and unexpected place for the migrants to be sent.

All over Martha’s Vineyard there are signs saying how they welcome all minorities, gays, LGBT people and migrants so Governor DeSantis sent 50 illegal immigrants to Martha vineyards and the residents became enraged locals who were interviewed said “no not here send them someplace else.”

The signs  support for black people, the LGBTQ community, migrants, refugees, indigenous people and adds: ‘All are welcome here.’ Other, more generic, versions of the same sign have also popped-up in backyards across the US in recent years. 

The Dems attacked Governor DeSantis and Governor Abbott unmercifully saying how they shouldn’t be trafficking migrants. Biden called DeSantis move to send migrants to Martha’s vineyards as UN American and reckless.

Governor Newsom of California wants to bring kidnapping charges against the GOP and the Desantis for using children  and migrants sending them to Martha’s Vinyard,

Disantis and members of the media fought back and reminded how the dems particularly Biden sent busloads of immigrants to various cities around the country in the dead of night at 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM so Joe has no cause to scold GOP members. The same goes for the Dems, they were all equally guilty of sending hundreds of migrants to various cities around the country in the dead of night in busloads.

Now the Dems are mad because DiSantis made them look in the mirror and see what they’ve been doing and they don’t like what they see so they have to blame him.

Former President Obama has a multi million dollar mansion on 30 acres of property in Martha’s Vineyard. He could easily use 15 of those acres to set up a tent city for these migrants.

Conservatives have joked that Martha’s Vineyard residents will be tearing down woke yard signs proclaiming that refugees and migrants are welcome after Ron DeSantis flew 50 of them to the wealthy island. 

Right-wing commenters believe many residents of the ritzy enclave will be tearing down the popular signs for fear of being asked to put their money where their mouths are, and take in some of the mainly-Venezuelan incomers.  

‘Whole lotta Martha’s Vineyard residents about to take down the ‘all are welcome here’ lawn signs sitting in front of their mansions,’ joked Andrew Wagner, a GOP operative in Minnesota, in a tweet. 

The move by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to send the planeload of unauthorized immigrants, mostly from Venezuela, to the island on Wednesday came as a surprise in the affluent community – where prominent liberals such as the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey and Larry David all have homes. 

But supporters of DeSantis pointed out that for years, many homes and businesses on the island have displayed a sign with various inclusive messages, including ‘we stand with immigrants’ and ‘all are welcome here.’ 

‘I wonder how quickly those ‘All are welcome here’ signs disappeared from the various Martha’s Vineyard properties?’ one Twitter user joked. 

Many Martha’s Vineyard residents have flocked to help relief efforts at a local Episcopalian church, and made donations – but onlookers are keen to see just how far their charity will stretch. 

Officials on Martha’s Vineyard have slammed the airlift as a ‘cruel and inhumane’ stunt that uses human beings as ‘political pawns’ — but insist that they are welcoming the migrant group with open arms.

‘This is a community rallying to support immigrants children and families. It is the best of America,’ tweeted state Rep. Dylan Fernandes on Thursday morning. 

Following their arrival on Wednesday, the migrants stayed overnight at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown, which provided emergency shelter by clearing out the parish hall and setting up cots. 

On Thursday morning, they enjoyed a breakfast of cereal and milk. Officials on Martha’s Vineyard say they are working with a coalition on the island to provide “shelter, food, and care to individuals” who arrived on the island Wednesday, according to a statement from the county Emergency Management Association.

The Edgartown Police Department said no further supplies are needed for migrants who arrived Wednesday and asked that people refrain from dropping off additional items in order to keep traffic flowing.

As one commenter recently said,”I t doesn’t get better than this. Leftists freaking out about illegals in their neighborhoods. Eff them. The hypocrisy is huge.”

I report, you decide.

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Posted by on September 16, 2022 in Uncategorized


Biden Celebrates While Stocks And The Country Implode!!!


As the country continues to crash and burn hundreds of people gathered on the White House lawn to hear Biden celebrate the countries economy and his inflation reduction plan which is anything but reducing inflation.

In an agitated and rambling speech often shaking his first and sounding like a cross between a raving lunatic and an old man yelling at kids to get off his property filled with gaffes and misinformation and sporting his aviator sunglasses, Biden touted how vice president Harris was a great vice president and he’s bringing inflation down and he’s going to reduce the deficit by one trillion $500 billion. Good luck with that Joe!

Americans are now paying more in taxes than they do for food and the price of groceries has surged to the highest level we’ve seen since 1979. inflation is a dismal 8.3%, stubbornly high rate rents and food prices boosted the US inflation in August. Gas is still higher and double the price than it was under Trump and the US emergency oil reserves tumbled to the lowest since 1984 because Biden denied drilling and cut down the pipelines. There is a two point interest rate hike with more to come.

The housing market is on the verge of completely imploding and new home sales will stop. When Trump left office the average 30 year fixed rate mortgage was 2.77% today under Biden it’s 5.89%. Monthly mortgage payouts on a $500,000 house under Trump was $1637 today under Biden it is $2369.

This affects middle class families and lower income people. Biden and his Dems are destroying the American dream for everyone. Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck and the market has dropped the lowest since before the pandemic

Despite this, Biden felt today was a great day to celebrate getting inflation “under control” and his achievements. In your mind only Joe. We’re talking economic collapse, the death of patriotism in America and the intense crime surge we’re witnessing as our leaders turn their back on the USA And you think this is cause to celebrate?.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed nearly 1,300 points lower Tuesday as technology stocks led the market to its worst day since June 11 2020, following an unexpected uptick in August consumer-price inflation.

So, the August inflation number (8.3%) is below the June number (9.1%) so Biden will (again) declare that inflation is zero and nobody in the media will call him on it.

Biden is raising taxes on poor families, middle income people and fixed income families. Recently Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich tweeted: “In March of 2021 the White House says inflation isn’t happening. In the summer of 2021 they said inflation is transitory and it’s fine. it’s a high class problem. In August of 2022 Biden says we have zero inflation. Today Biden is holding a celebration for the inflation reduction act which makes inflation far worse.”

Stocks are sinking, costs surge, everything that should be down is up and Dems think that this is a reason to celebrate. Celebrating good times? C’mon Joe!!

I report, you decide!!

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Posted by on September 14, 2022 in Uncategorized


1323 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 900 Dead After Covid Injections!!!

I have been warning about these untested shots from day one and the mortality list from them keeps growing.

They keep moving the goal post when it comes to these shots. In the beginning we were told all you needed was one shot for COVID then one shot became two shots then two shots became three shots then three shots became three shots and a booster now it’s a booster quarterly and it doesn’t seem to be working as people are still coming down with COVID and people are still dying from it. Now more people are now dying from the shots than are dying from COVID and more people are getting COVID that are vaccinated then unvaccinated.. These shots were put out too fast because Trump wanted it out in 90 days and it takes at least a year for a good vaccine to be tested and put out. This vaccine was never tested fully and the animals that was tested on all died and we became the experiment, we became the victims.

President Biden and his wife were quadrupled vaccinated and still  came down with it.

Now we see many young healthy athletes dying right after they have had their shots. This is not normal. These shots were made so you can’t tell right away if it works or not. Usually you get side effects several weeks afterwards. They also weaken your immune system so you can come down with something you normally wouldn’t come down with and not blame it on the shots.

It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID injection.

According to a report, 1,100 otherwise healthy athletes have died of “sudden death” since 1966. But 3/4 of them, or 673, died in the last year. Gee, do you wonder why is that ?

According to a comprehensive list of fallen athletes, since Jan. of 2021, 673 athletes have suddenly died despite having no known illnesses or conditions. But only 428 such deaths occurred between 1966 and 2021. That means we have had nearly twice as many sudden deaths in just one year compared to 40 years previously.

Well, for one thing, sports all across the world have been forcing athletes to take the experimental COVID “vaccine” for two years, already.

The site that composed the list, Good Sciencing added, “It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.” reports, “It was easily discernible for anyone with half a brain, simply by looking at the track records of those promoting the shots, transhumanists like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, and vaccine profiteers like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, Henry Kissinger, the Rockefeller Foundation, all of whom believe the world is vastly overpopulated.”

In one peer-reviewed study, 94 percent of vaccinated patients with subsequent health issues were found to have abnormal blood.

The sociopaths running this massive global depopulation scheme are doing their best to smear anyone who dares to speak about the damage these shots are doing to human hearts, lungs and reproductive organs. Brilliant doctors and researchers like Naomi Wolf, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche, Dr. Peter Breggin and many others have sounded the alarm.

In fact, a coalition of 400 doctors from around the world sent an open letter to the media on September 10 that declared the Covid jabs an international medical crisis.

The declaration comes after research from specialists at Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University found vaccines could be up to 98 times more dangerous for children than COVID-19 itself.

Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research stated, “We declare that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and death co-related to the administration of products known as the COVID-19 vaccines.”

Few have listened to those bold researchers and doctors who are sounding alarm bells.

Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research stated, “We declare that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and death co-related to the administration of products known as the COVID-19 vaccines.”

Almost all of these vaccine casualties have had their cause of death classified as “unknown.”

Prior to the release of the Covid injections, the average athlete deaths per year was 29, according to the International Olympic Committee research. Compare that to the nearly 900 known athlete deaths recorded over the last 18 months, all of which have been unexplained.

According to Real Science, available data shows that worldwide professional soccer match cardiovascular deaths in 2021 were 300% higher than the 12-year average

While COVID-19 played some role in the majority of the excess deaths for adults over the age of 34 during the two pandemic years, the opposite was true for younger people,” reported The Epoch Times.

“For people 34 and younger, the number of excess non-COVID deaths was higher than those related to COVID, the data show.”

Most life insurance carriers are labeling covid jab deaths as “Covid-19” deaths. Middle-aged people died at TWICE the expected rate last summer, according to life insurance data .

Gateway Pundit added, ” dozens of these athlete deaths including an 18-year-old high school athlete, a 24-year-old Irish soccer player, a 27-year-old doctor and triathlete and so, so many more.”

At the same token  many  fact checkers disagree saying the sudden deaths in athletes as misinformation

Numerous montage videos showing sports stars collapsing or suffering chest pains during matches are circulating on social media. There is no evidence currently that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to an increase in sportspeople collapsing or dying due to heart issues such as myocarditis.

Recently conservative commentator Wayne Allen Root got married. There were 200 people at his wedding. Eight months later 33 of those people all died and all were previously vaccinated . Coincidence?

Yeah, do you wonder why all this is happening?

I report, you decide.

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Posted by on September 14, 2022 in Uncategorized


Georgia Guide Stones Blown Up!!!


I have written about the Georgia guide stones in my blogs many times before. Now someone has come and blown them up. This was very mysterious and was in the dead of night. They say that a silver sedan was seen driving away from this site. See the video below.

The Georgia guide stones are 19 foot tall monuments written in seven languages describing a peaceful existence and population control after the apocalypse the main commandment says to keep the population down to 500 million.

People from all over the world and the country came to visit these monuments which were on acreage of farmland in Georgia.   To call the Guidestones unique is to be guilty of monumental understatement. Picture, if you will, several granite slabs, also dubbed “America’s Stonehenge,” with cryptic  messages carved in multiple languages like “Be not a cancer on earth”        

“It’s usually some new Facebook post, or some new YouTube video, or some quirky little thing” that pops up, said Graves, the mayor of Elberton, Ga. His typical response is that he’s proud to have them.

For more than four decades the Georgia Guidestones served as an unusual rural roadside attraction and a testament to the region’s granite industry.

Until somebody decided to blow it up this month. Around 4 a.m. on July 6, someone placed an explosive device at the base of the granite monument just outside of town and demolished one of the 19-foot-tall slabs. For safety reasons, the rest soon followed.

“My initial reaction was heartbreak and anger, frustration,” Graves said. “And I think that’s consistent with the community’s reaction.”

Some people keyed in on other guides like “Keep the population below 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature” and to “Guide reproduction wisely.” That’s led to protests, plenty of conspiracy theories about ties to Satan and sometimes, light vandalism.

“There’s been numerous occasions that people have come over and spray painted it, they’ve put the NWO – the ‘New World Order’ — they’ve sprayed that on it a bunch of times,” Mart Clamp, the owner of Clamp Sandblasting. The Guidestones are a bit of a family affair for him.

“My father sandblasted all of the lettering into the Guidestones, and for the last 25 years I have maintained the Guidestones any time somebody came up that graffitied or did any kind of damage to them,” he said.

Clamp points the finger for the bombing at the recent trend of monument removals – sanctioned and unsanctioned – plus a fringe candidate for governor calling for the demolition of the Guidestones as her top priority. “It sets the mood for the crazies to come out and do their thing,” Clamp said.

It wouldn’t surprise me if that gubernatorial candidate hired someone to do it.

.A former candidate for governor, Republican Kandiss Taylor, had pledged to turn the monument “to dust” were she to have been elected. Taylor placed third in the state’s May 24 primary, with 3.4 percent of the vote.

That failed candidate, as well as others who believe conspiracies about the Guidestones, have falsely claimed that God struck the monument down with righteous lightning — despite surveillance video showing a person planting a device and running away.

Elberton Mayor Daniel Graves says his county is a solidly conservative and religiously observant, so outside voices claiming Satan’s hold on the stones don’t add up. “Our view of righteousness is not an Almighty God that needs zealots to do his dirty work and destruction,” Graves said. “That’s hatred … all the dynamite in the world can’t change a man’s heart.”

For now, law enforcement, including the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, is still searching for those who planted the explosive device. The GBI released surveillance videos from the site but have not shared any other details.

Local prosecutors have suggested the bombing comes with a steep sentence of at least 20 years in prison, since the stones were owned and maintained by the county and considered a public building. And the residents of Elberton are left picking up the pieces — literally and metaphorically — after the bombing.

(See video here)

Georgia Guidestones monument is destroyed after explosion

Locals blame conspiracy theories for Georgia Guidestones bombing : NPR

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Posted by on September 6, 2022 in Uncategorized