Monthly Archives: September 2018

Tears,Fire and Brimstone At The Ford/kavanaugh Hearings!!!


The long awaited, much anticipated Christine Ford vs. Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearing finally came to fruition before the Senate Judiciary Committee and what an emotional roller coaster ride of a hearing it was. Starting at 10:00 am, it lasted until 6:45 pm.

The republican hired an independent prosecutor Rachel Mitchell of Arizona who has prosecuted many sexual assault cases to question both parties. I felt she was more sympathetic to Ford and tougher with Kavanaugh. Each senator had five minutes to cross examine each party.

First appearing was the accuser Dr. Christine Ford who is accusing Judge Kavanaugh of assaulting her 36 years ago by having him and another boy who were totally drunk at a house party push her into a room threw her down on a bed, put his hands over her mouth and tired to undress her. She says he feared for her life when his friend Mark Judge pounced on both of them was when they toppled over and she escaped.


Judge Kavanaugh who is Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court has denied all of this. Both his family and Ford and her family have been the target of death threats and she has to go into hiding living from house to house of different friends.

Senate Judiciary Committee staff spoke separately to two men who believe that they, and not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, had “the encounter” with Christine Blasey Ford that is the basis of her accusation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.

The information was released by the committee on Wednesday night, but the committee did not name the men or state if it felt their information was credible or would conduct a follow-up investigation.

The committee said that staff interviewed “a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982 that is the basis of his complaint” on September 24.

At Thursdays hearing Ford showed a lot of tearful emotion reminding me of a witness in a Perry mason type of court show. She’s obviously been through some sort of assault  that keeps coming back to haunt her, but she’s had plenty of time to consult with her lawyers one who is a radical feminist who went with her to the women’s march and wore a  pink p***y hat. There is a picture of Ford at the march holding a “Not My President” sign. She insisted it was Brett kavanaugh who did the act even though she couldn’t remember where the house was what day it was or how she got here or how she left.

Many of Ford’s witnesses claim Blasey Ford is mistaken and that they know nothing of the claims she is making Including her own FAMILY which hasn’t signed off on her allegations. Her husband has said she is an attention seeker.

Since the beginning, there have been questions of how many people were attending the party that Ford was at during the alleged assault.

Just yesterday, we learned from Ford’s lie detector test results that she contradicted the original account she gave The Washington Post. She initially told Senator Feinstein that she was with four others. But her polygraph test says she was with four boys and a couple of girls. Now Ford says there may have been more boys or girls in the house during the time of the party.

Ford: “I can’t guarantee there weren’t a few other people there” in addition to the four I remember.

“4 boys” (typed letter to Feinstein)
“4 boys in the room” (therapist)
“3 boys & a girl” (WaPo)
“4 boys & a couple of girls” (letter)
“5 boys, one I didn’t know” (today)

None of whom seem to live in house she doesn’t know the location of on the street she ran away on

There is something really wrong here. She can claim that she doesn’t know how many people were in the house. But, until this point, she has given detailed numbers of how many people were at the party and said there was no chance of mistaken identity.

When the liberal members of the Judiciary committee interviewed her they kept fawning over her saying over and over how brave she was to come forth etc. so much so that it was getting sickening after a while. Diane Feinstein said this was not a trial but a job interview for Judge kavanaugh,but you could have fooled me when the allegations started flying and with a prosecutor asking questions.

After Ford’s testimony Judge kavanaugh entered the room. He read his opening statement that he said he wrote himself yesterday afternoon and went in with very hard emotion and with guns blazing. He accused Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday of leveraging anti-Trump sentiment following the bruising 2016 presidential election into a smear campaign designed to tarnish his reputation and sink his confirmation.

“This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election. Fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons, and millions of dollars in money from outside, left-wing opposition groups,” Kavanaugh said during opening remarks before the panel.

He told how his family has been hurt and even destroyed immensely by this accusation. How he’s always honored women and never assaulted anyone. He said how he loved coaching girls basketball because it gave them encouragement lessons for life, “but after what you unleashed I’ll probably never be able to do that again,” he said to the senators. Kavaanugh went on to say how he’s sent more women law clerks to the bench than any other lawyer in history, “but after what you have unleashed today I’ll probably never do that either,” he said very tersely .You could tell this was a man who has a great mind and is a good man who was deeply wronged.

The liberals on the court like Cory Booker and Kamla Harris who we were so fawning over Ford suddenly came onto Kavanugh like gang busters, Sen. Dick Durbin like most of the senators suggested kavanaugh look at Trump’s lawyer who was sitting down from him and ask him to halt the hearing and ask  for an investigation by the FBI. This was obviously a trap by Durbin to stall the hearing. Brett responded that all the FBI does is ask questions and it is up to the committee to find answers which is why we’re here today, but these senators keprt bringing up an FBI investigation and Brett always answered the same way. This was clearly a stalling tactic by the dems because an investigation would take past the mid-terms which is what they are hoping for.

 Brett has been investigated by the FBI six times every time he went for a new judicial position. In an FBI investigation they not only interview him, but his friends, family and past employers. If he did anything wrong like he is being accused of it would have come up and he would not have been allowed a seat.

After Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Mich., asked Kavanaugh to request an F.B.I. investigation into charges of sexual assault to try to clear his name, Sen,.Lindsey Graham broke from the agreement among Republican senators to have prosecutor Rachel Mitchell ask their questions for them, and fired off his own view on whether an investigation should be launched.


“If you wanted an FBI investigation you could have come to us. What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020. You’ve said that, not me,” Graham said, before turning back to Kavanaugh. “You’ve got nothing to apologize for. When you see [Justice Sonia] Sotomayor and [Justice Elena] Kagan, tell them that Lindsey said hello, because I voted for them.”

 “I would never do to them what you’ve done to this guy. This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics,” Graham shouted. “And if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn’t have done what you’ve done to this guy.

“I cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through,” Graham continued. “Boy you all want power. God I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham. You belong on the Supreme Court and I intend to vote for you,” Graham said”

This speech deserved a round of applause and was Lindsey’s “You can’t handle the truth” moment to the committee.

Brett said he had great compassion for Ford and said “she might have been assaulted by someone, but it wasn’t me.” 

I believe Him!!!

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Posted by on September 28, 2018 in Uncategorized


To The Left Kavanaugh Is Guilty Simply By Accusation!!!


“I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that you were messing around”—REO Speedwagon. Take it On The Run!!

The lyrics from an REO Speedwagon song ‘Take It on the Run’ perfectly describes what is going on with the accusers in the Judge Kavanaugh situation. None of the accuser’s friends can corroborate her story or else they just said they heard about it from others. When it comes to a Republican the left is relentless in their smears, besmirching and lies to destroy their opponent pronouncing them guilty without any proof. Judge Kavanaugh is a good man, well respected all his life and served people he represented and worked with fairly and honestly to a fault, yet because he’s a republican, especially one nominated by Trump the left smears him viciously. Over 200 women who Kavanaugh knew from high school, college and who he worked with through the years and when he worked for Bush all signed a letter endorsing him and vouching for his dignity, fairness and truthfulness and high moral character. Some even appeared on various shows on FOX like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

Now a good man and his innocent wife and two small daughters are shown no mercy by the vicious left. The media and most of left leaning Hollywood all believe his accuser without any reason other than an accusation and that he is nominated by Trump. It’s just guilt by accusation as they don’t seem to believe in the innocent until proven guilty rule of law this country abides by. It’s taking a terrible toll on his kids. Where are these lib women who are supposed to be so concerned about women when it comes to his two daughters? They’re only concerned about lib women. You won’t see them doing it to their own people though.  When Bill Clinton was abusing women left and right they defended him and didn’t believe any of his accusers and they had more proof than these women coming forth. 

Many of Ms. Ford’s friends all say they don’t remember anything like what she claims happened or else they said they only heard about it from other friends.

Surprisingly the Left leaning New York Times has said they can’t find anyone to support Professor  Ford’s claims and now this Ramirez woman who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself to her says she has a foggy memory of what happened that night and doesn’t even know if it was Kavanaugh who exposed himself to her. All her friends deny that it happened when she tried to call them to see if he did or not since she couldn’t remember herself. Her best girlfriend from college at Yale where Kavanaugh went said they shared everything and if Kavanaugh did that to her she would have told her and she never mentioned it.

However, a report by the New York Times casts serious doubts on the veracity of the accusation. 

First reported in the New Yorker, Sunday, the accusation is that the Judge exposed himself inappropriately at a drunken college party. However, the woman was only able to remember the identity of the exposer “after six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney.”

The New York Times investigated the story much further, interviewing dozens of potential witnesses, and finding no corroboration evidence or testimony. 

Pre the Times report:

Judge Kavanaugh’s prospects were further clouded on Sunday when The New Yorker reported on a new allegation of sexual impropriety: A woman who went to Yale with Judge Kavanaugh said that, during a drunken dormitory party their freshman year, he exposed himself to her, thrust his penis into her face and caused her to touch it without her consent.

In a statement, Judge Kavanaugh denied the allegation from the woman, Deborah Ramirez, and called it “a smear, plain and simple.” The New Yorker did not confirm with other eyewitnesses that Judge Kavanaugh was at the party.

The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.

However after interviewing “several dozen people” the Times was unable to find anyone who remembered any such event. They said things got so dicey that they decided to pass on the story. That was an unusual move for the left leaning New York Times. Maybe they decided to be accurate for a change after losing millions of dollars in revenue and subscriptions and being called “the failing New York Times” by Trump.


This is all about getting back at Trump and Roe vs. Wade. The left still can’t get over that they lost. The left likes to legislate from the bench which is why they want a majority on there who will vote their way.

It’s funny that all this has come out all of a sudden right before the mid-terms. That’s the left’s plan, to stall and delay until after the mid-terms and maybe into 2020. This Prof. Ford woman was a party girl who got drunk until she passed out and had numerous sex partners. She also attended the woman’s anti-Trump, march, yet people support Ford blindly without question and no proof. I would like to ask them. Why do you support her? They can’t give you a reason other than like the Senator Hirono from Hawaii said,” Women don’t lie when it comes to sexual harassment?” Oh Noo? They sure do when it fits their situation.


Jake Tapper was quoting from apiece in the Wall Street Journal to Senator Maizie Hirono of Hawaii  that said, “Sexual allegations should be accepted as true merely by having been made. The accuser is presumably telling the truth because the accuser is a woman. This turns American justice and due process upside down.” He then turned the question to Hirono: “What’s your response?”

The Hawaiian Senator responded by saying that if the WSJ actually cared about due process, they would be pushing for an investigation. “For The Wall Street Journal to come out and talk to me about due process or all the women out there that I’m hearing about that never came forward,” she said, “it is really important, not only for these survivors to be heard, but if their stories are as credible as Dr. Ford’s story is, they need to be believed.”

If that’s the case why didn’t they allow an investigation into Karen Monahan’s allegations of abuse against Keith Ellison which was only last month in August.


Why didn’t people like Feinstein stand up for Clinton’s accusers like Juanita Broadderick, Kathleen Willey or Paula Jones?

paiulaJomnes,WilyandBroaderickToday, Feinstein claims to be one of the biggest advocates for women who have been assaulted. But the person she is standing up for has accused is a conservative judge up for a SCOTUS appointment — not a Democrat. It sure would have been nice if Democrats supported any of the women that said Clinton attacked them the way they are supporting Ford and Ramirez.

The more I hear in this case the more I am convinced more than ever that Judge Scalia was murdered so they could get a majority of dems on the SC. When Scalia was in there were five cons and four libs on the court. Obama visited that ranch a week before Scalia did. The owner was a big dem donor. With Scalia out of the way (he allegedly was found with a pillow over his head then later changed to mean above his head. Why would he do that? There was also no official in person autopsy) there were four cons and four libs. Hilary was favored to win and then she would appoint a judge and they would have five libs and four cons,but Trump changed all that. Now we are back to four and four so now they are going full throttle to prevent another con from being on the court and have to wait until after the mid-terms or even 2020 when the libs hope to get in.

Recently Conservative Talk Show host Rush Limbaugh commented on kavanaugh and the republicans saying, “Republican voters and people all over this country are fed up with what Democrat leftist policies are doing to this country, and they want it stopped, and the only agency that can stop it has been the Republican Party, and they have refused to!” Limbaugh went on to say, “If the Republicans do not get this vote taken and have Kavanaugh confirmed, you can kiss the midterms goodbye,” Limbaugh told his listeners. “You can kiss goodbye holding the House and you can kiss goodbye holding the Senate.”

Rush is do right as usual. If the republicans don’t confirm Kavanaugh they will lose everything and become slaves to the democrat party who are ruthless.


 America is on fire because of Democrats’ zeal to trash the reputations of good people just to preserve judge-made “rights” like abortion. The United States was supposed to be a government of laws, not fools. That’s impossible to accomplish in today’s unhinged political environment.

This Thursday Kavanaugh faces his accuser. We will just have to wait and see how this turns out. McConnell said kavanaugh will be voted on and confirmed. Let’s hope he’s right.


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Posted by on September 25, 2018 in Uncategorized


Christine Ford’s Biased Accusation vs.Keith Ellison’s Accuser’s Accurate Accusation!!!


Where is the FBI investigation of the accusations against Rep Keith Ellison? He is accused of Domestic Violence against his former girlfriend Karen Monahan. She has doctor reports and police reports which provide more evidence that the Dr Ford has provided. Dr Ford doesn’t remember anything about the incident except who was there. When can we expect the investigation of Ellison to be requested.

The woman who accused Democratic Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison of domestic abuse last month has reiterated her allegations that the Congressman physically and emotionally abused her during their relationship.

Karen Monahan, the woman who claims that Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison (MN) abused her while the two were in a relationship, released what appears to be medical records on Wednesday that show she told her physician in 2017 that Ellison had physically and emotionally abused her and that she was afraid to speak up because she feared retribution.

Monahan released a photo of her medical report from 11/28/2017 on a Twitter account identified by numerous media outlets as being her account.

“She states that she was in a very stressful environment for years, emotional and physical abuse by a partner with whom she is now separated,” the report states. “She identifies the individual she was involved with as Congressman Ellison, and she is worried about retribution if she identifies him publicly.”

The Free Beacon notes that Monahan claims that Ellison abused her as recently as 2016 and that “she agreed to sit down with investigators to discuss Ellison’s abuse, but he declined a meeting with her.”

Karen Monahan tweeted Monday that the Democrats had not stood by her since she accused Ellison, who is running for Minnesota attorney general, of the abuse.

“I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party. I provided medical records from 2017, stating on two different Dr. Visits, I told them about the abuse and who did it. My therapist released records stating I have been dealing and healing from the abuse,” she wrote on social media. “Four people, including my supervisor at the time, stated that I came to them after and shared the exact story I shared publicly, I shared multiple text between me and Keith, where I discuss the abuse with him and much more. As I said before, I knew I wouldn’t be believed.”

Meanwhile Christine Blasey Ford sent a letter dated July 30, 2018 to Dianne Feinstein stating that in the early 1980s, she was at a “gathering” at a home in suburban Maryland with four others.  Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge, both drunk, forced her into a room and locked the door, and Kavanaugh then got on top of her.  Judge also “periodically” jumped on top of both.  Kavanaugh put a hand over her mouth and she believed he would “inadvertently” kill her.  At one point, Judge jumped on both again, and she took this “opportune” moment to run outside and go home.


Ford reported this incident to her “local government representative” on July 6, 2018.

She then wrote to Feinstein to provide “relevant information regarding the current nominee” to the Supreme Court. Here is the actual letter Ford wrote to Feinstein:

July 30 2018  CONFIDENTIAL

Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein;

I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court. As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.  Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980’s.  He conducted these acts with the assistance of REDACTED.  Both were one to two years older than me and students at a local private school.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.  Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well [sic] from the living room.  They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.  Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh.  They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state.  With Kavanaugh’s hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.  From across the room a very drunken  REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from “go for it” to “stop.”

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial.  The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other.  After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom.  I locked the bathroom door behind me.  Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them.  I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.  I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault.  I did see REDACTED once at the REDACTED where he was extremely uncomfortable seeing me.

I have received medical treatment regarding the assault.  On July 6 I notified my local government representative to ask them [sic] how to proceed with sharing this information.  It is upsetting to discuss sexual assault and its repercussions, yet I felt guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything.

I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss.  I am currently REDACTED and will be in REDACTED.

In confidence, REDACTED.

Ford did not report this until 2012, when she was in couples’ therapy, where she reported it to her therapist.  The therapist notes do not include Kavanaugh’s name, which Ford blames on the therapist.  Her husband, Russell Ford, said he remembered his wife specifically using Kavanaugh’s name during the 2012 therapy session and that they were concerned that Kavanaugh would be nominated to the Supreme Court. Why were they so concerned he would even be named to the supreme court? How would they even know he would be named?

In an article appearing in The American Thinker website they listed seven reasons why Ford’s testimony is not credible.

First, why, if this happened, didn’t this 15-year-old girl immediately tell her parents that she was attacked and then report to the police?  The police could then have questioned everyone at the “gathering.”  She says she thought Kavanaugh would inadvertently kill her, yet she does not report this to her parents and the police?  This isn’t credible.  According to the Washington Post, her explanation is as follows:

My biggest fear was, do I look like someone just attacked me?  I’m not ever telling anyone this.  This is nothing, it didn’t happen, and he didn’t rape me.

Her parents would not believe her because she didn’t look as though someone had attacked her?  What parents will not believe their 15-year-old daughter who runs home to tell them drunken boys tried to rape her?

Second, Kavanaugh has been investigated by the FBI for appointments to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, White House counsel, and other federal jobs.  Why didn’t Ford call the FBI all those times so the FBI could investigate Kavanaugh?

Third, Mark Judge has denied the accusation.

Fourth, according to her husband, the motivation for telling the therapist in 2012 was that Kavanaugh might be appointed to the Supreme Court.  This shows political motivation: she does not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, although she did not care that he was on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Fifth, why write to a “local government representative” on July 6, 2018 and then Feinstein on July 30, 2018 instead of contacting the FBI?  The “local” Democrat and Feinstein should have immediately referred this to the FBI for investigation.  Feinstein should have immediately shared the letter with the entire Judiciary Committee so members could question Kavanaugh.  Instead, Feinstein played a political game to wait for an ambush.

Sixth, note the odd language in the letter.  She was at a “gathering,” not a party.  She contacted her “local Democratic representative” to find out how to proceed.  She is a college professor, yet she acts as though she doesn’t know to call the FBI.  She says she received “medical treatment” “for the assault,” but aside from one couples therapy session in 2012, there is no mention of any other treatment.

Seventh, Ford said there were four boys at the “gathering.”  Her attorney, Debra Katz, now says there was a girl present.

Ford’s letter of July 30 and her therapy notes of 2012 show her motivation and provide much material for a vigorous cross-examination if this were a case handled by real attorneys.

The latest is that Ford wants the FBI to investigate before she testifies.  The bottom line is that Ford and the Dems and the media want to delay the vote and hope Kavanaugh withdraws. Ford and the Dems and the media know that her story will not hold up.

Senator Lindsey Graham also spoke out, saying the Democrat tactics were “not about finding the truth, but delaying the process till after the midterm elections.”

The Dems and the media said Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct, including the rape of Juanita Broaddrick, was irrelevant to Clinton serving as president.  They also said Teddy Kennedy’s driving his car into the pond drunk at Chappaquiddick, leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die, while he swam away and waited twelve hours to report to the police, was irrelevant to him serving as senator and running for the presidency.

First of all why is a “credible” Doctor seeing a Psycho Dr. for Meds? Besides the fact that all Statute of Limitations ran out 28 years ago. She just wants the vote to be delayed until after the election in the hope that there will be a blue wave in the senate and the dems will have the majority.

This is all selective moral outrage. All these people who oppose Trump suddenly believe this woman just because she is a dem and opposes kavanaugh. Never mind that she doesn’t remember the exact date or where the party was or how she got there or how she got home or how many people were actually there.

 Yes keith Ellison’s accuser has a right to be outraged. She was beaten and reported her situation right away with a doctor’s note and nothing happened. This wasn’t thirty four years ago, but just in 2016. It just goes to prove that if a dem abuses a woman like Clinton did with Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey or Paula Jones they let it go, but if a republican is accused of abusing a woman without any proof they are automatically guilty.

 Now Ed Whelan, Justice Scalia’s former law clerk and president of conservative think tank the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), came out in defense of Brett Kavanaugh and said compelling evidence will come out next week exonerating Kavanaugh.

 The “Maryland suburban home”–the scene of the alleged sexual assault described by Christine Ford to WaPo as being ‘not too far from the Columbia Country Club’ may have belonged to Kavanaugh’s friend named Chris Garrett, says Ed Whelan.

Follow this thread by Whelan…

Dr. Ford may well have been the victim of a severe sexual assault by someone 36 years ago. Her allegations are so vague as to such basic matters as when and where that it is impossible for Judge Kavanaugh to *prove* his innocence

According to Ford’s letter, the assault occurred “in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.” Her WaPo account adds that the house was “not far from” the Columbia Country Club.

 The “four others” that she and her lawyer have identified are Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, P.J. Smyth, and a female classmate of Ford’s. None of the four lived in the vicinity of the Columbia Country Club.

 Kavanaugh’s home was 3.6 miles away; Smyth’s 4.3 miles; Judge’s 10 miles; and the female classmate’s 7 miles.

 There is a house that is barely a half-mile from the Columbia Country Club. Street address: 3714 Thornapple Street, Chevy Chase.

 The floor plan corresponds closely to Ford’s description of the house where the gathering took place

 Who lived in this house? Chris Garrett, a Georgetown Prep classmate, friend, and football teammate of Brett Kavanaugh’s.

 Folks who knew both Kavanaugh and Garrett in high school have commented on how much they resembled each other in appearance.


 Ed Whelan went on to say, “If you’re at a gathering of “four others” in someone’s home, you’d ordinarily think that the four others include the host who lives in the home. And that host would be the person least likely to act like a guest and most likely to use private areas of the house.”

  Whelan admits he did not have proof for his claims but they were only his assumptions.

 Feinstein is refusing to give Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley the unredacted letter Christine Ford sent Senate Democrats in July further fueling suspicions there is exculpatory evidence in the letter.



Posted by on September 21, 2018 in Uncategorized


The Left Rears its’ Hypocritical Ugly Head When It Comes to Judge Kavanaugh!!!


All these women who believe this accuser without any proof are libs who don’t want Kavanaugh on the seat. They automatically believe her without any proof. Yet when Juanita Broderick came forward with her rape claim against Clinton with proof with a photo of her and Bill on the same day and a witness who saw her right after all disheveled and a swollen lip they were quick to denounce her and said that happened so long ago. Not with this one though. The left is so hypocritical. This whole charade is about Roe V Wade and to stop Trump. This is all about political hardball: Democrats could have vetted this allegation months ago without public hysteria instead of waiting for the last minute.

Democrats on Tuesday proved they’re not out to carefully consider Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. They just want to use it as the pretext to keep the circus running for weeks.

Led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, they’re now demanding a long, drawn-out investigation into Ford’s sexual-assault allegation. But what’s to investigate? She can’t give a specific time and place for the event; is the FBI supposed to track down everyone who attended a high-school party in the DC suburbs in 1982?

Meanwhile, the accuser still hasn’t responded to numerous requests from the Senate Judiciary Committee to arrange the testimony she claims she wants to give — raising questions about whether she’ll even show up at Monday’s hearing.

Republicans have made clear they’re prepared to treat Ford’s allegations seriously and allow her to be heard, publicly or privately.

Juanita Broaddrick, an ardent Trump supporter who was raped by Bill Clinton, was hesitant to believe the allegations made against Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford however. She cited Ford’s timing and lack of firm details in her retelling of the account.

“They wanted the sensationalism in the 11th hour,” Broaddrick said of Senate Democrats sitting on the sexual misconduct allegation throughout Kavanaugh’s lengthy confirmation hearing, “This woman came forward and they held it till now. This is an weaponization of the sexual assault.”

Broaddrick compared Ford’s retelling of the experiences with her own traumatic experience. “When I went through her accounting of what had happened, I cannot imagine not knowing where you were and who was there and when it happened. I remember everything that had happened to me. Friends found me immediately after the rape and witnessed the condition I was in. I remember all the specifics, the exact time it happened, 8:30 in the morning.”


As I watch what is happening now I think, my goodness the double standard,” Broaddrick said of the Kavanaugh allegations, “I saw the media sit on my story and question my allegations. The media downgraded the most horrific event of my life. The Me Too movement has never accepted the Clinton Survivors of the sexual assault. They have never acknowledged me or Kathleen Willey or Paula Jones. They want nothing to do with us.”

Multiple psychologists disagree on how memory is stored and recalled after a traumatic experience.

One memory that is clear as day for Broaddrick was what she said to Clinton years later when he attempted to apologize to her after announcing his candidacy for president.

“I told him, ‘You go to hell.’”

Below is a clear accounting and description of Chistine Blasey Ford circulating around social media. She was offered to appear before the Judiciary Committee on Monday either in an open forum or closed door. At first she agreed, but now she wants the FBI to investigate. Brett Kavanaugh has been investigated six times already by the FBI and there is no need to further another investigation.

CristineBalseyFord desriptionMeanwhile, the accuser still hasn’t responded to numerous requests from the Senate Judiciary Committee to arrange the testimony she claims she wants to give — raising questions about whether she’ll even show up at Monday’s hearing.

Republicans have made clear they’re prepared to treat Ford’s allegations seriously and allow her to be heard, publicly or privately.

Former FBI assistant director Chris Swecker told CNN that the accusation against Brett Kavanaugh would not hold up in court.

Swecker was asked a series of questions about the scope of potential FBI involvement with the recent sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court nominee. Kavanaugh is facing an allegation of sexual misconduct in the 11th hour of his confirmation process from Christine Blasey Ford, who has publicly accused him of assaulting her 36 years ago when they were both teenagers. Kavanaugh has forcefully denied the allegation, as has others who were allegedly present during the sexual misconduct.

Swecker said that the FBI had no business looking into the 36-year-old allegation. “The FBI has no independent jurisdiction to open up a standalone investigation of rape allegations or assault allegations that may have taken place 36 years ago,” Swecker said, “That is a local crime. Unless it involves a federal official or on federal land or has some federal nexus, there’s just jurisdiction to do it.”

Host Brooke Baldwin asked about the facts of the case and how law enforcement could prosecute with so few details. “How would you even go about investigating something like this?” Baldwin asked, “Because clearly she remembers what she says specifically happened to her, but she doesn’t remember where it happened. She doesn’t remember when it happened. How do you investigate with so few details available?”

“But it’s all fairly thin. None of this would hold up in court,” Swecker said bluntly.

The CNN host noted that Kavanaugh had already gone through six FBI background checks and asked what is in them.

“Well, these background checks are called special inquiries. They are very thorough,” Swecker said, “They talk to employers. They do criminal checks. They do broader checks of public information that is out there. They interview people who have relevant information: associates, social network, people who are part of their social penumbra. These are the most thorough background checks that you can possibly do.”

A woman named Christina king Miranda who claime she knew Ms. Ford and Kavanaugh recently tweeted and posted on her Facebook  page that she graduated from Holton Arms, that she knew both Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford, and that she remembered the alleged incident being “spoken about for days afterwords [sic] in school.” She subsequently deleted the tweet:

Her tune has changed pretty considerably:

To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions, and I stand by my support for Christine. That’s it. I don’t have more to say on the subject.

— Cristina King Miranda (@reinabori) September 19, 2018

 Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens accuses the left of politicizing sexual assault to stop the Supreme Court nominee. “This is the most disgusting behavior by the Left,’ Owens said recently, “We have reached the peak of lunacy with the left. They will stop at nothing to delay and even cancel Brett kavanaugh and they must he held accountable for this disgusting behavior.”




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Posted by on September 20, 2018 in Uncategorized


Another High Tech Lynching!!!


On the eve of Judge kavanaugh’s vote the democrats are still using last minute underhanded skullduggery to postpone it. Diane Feinstein has had her now famous anonymous letter accusing Judge kavanaugh of sexual misappropriations since July but waited until after Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings ended before referring it to the FBI. Feinstein has had the letter since July but waited until after Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings ended before referring it to the FBI. The Senator claimed its author had “requested confidentiality” and “declined to come forward or press the matter further.” But, as the Washington Post admitted yesterday, Christine Blasey Ford contacted them at the same time she reached out to Feinstein. Did she collude with the Post and the Democrats to ambush Kavanaugh?

Did Ford make a deal with the Democrats and the Post to hide behind the shield of anonymity until it was too late for the Trump administration to replace Judge Kavanaugh with another nominee who could be confirmed before the midterms? Their obvious hope is that the Democrats will eke out a majority in the Senate and prevent President Trump from appointing any further conservative justices to the Supreme Court. The Washington Post story says, in passing, that Ford is a registered Democrat and a university Professor in Palo Alto, Calif. Her social media accounts appear to have been scrubbed, but some information remains suggesting that she is member in good standing of “the resistance.” This doesn’t sound too shady and Coincidental now does it? Have you ever noticed how everything with democrats is about sex? But I digress.


Judge Kavenaugh’s vote is scheduled for Thursday Sept.20th, but now It is being postponed for a hearing next Monday by the Judiciary Committee between Mr. kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasely Ford. Many people are opposed to postponing the vote and I agree.

The allegation and the new hearing call into doubt whether Republicans can meet their self-imposed deadline to seat Kavanaugh on the high court by early October. Several key Republicans said they wanted to hear directly from the woman, and Democrats renewed their calls to slow down the process.

This is another stalling tactic by the left to unseat Kavanaugh that many are comparing to the “high tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas when he was nominated.


They are going to oppose anyone Trump nominates anyway. So they should just go through with the vote on Thursday.

Judge Kavanaugh’s background has been thoroughly vetted by the FBI on six different occasions throughout his decades of public service, and no such allegation ever surfaced. Furthermore, Judge Kavanaugh and others alleged to have been involved have unequivocally denied these claims from their high school days. The Committee has received letter after letter from those who’ve known judge Kavanaugh personally and professionally, including 65 women who’ve known him since high school, speaking to his impeccable character and respect for others, especially women.

 Sen. Lindsey Graham, among the most influential Republican members of the committee has decided to put the onus of proof back on Ford by inviting her to talk directly with the entire committee rather than leveling charges at Kavanaugh through Senator Feinstein, her fellow Democrats, and the Washington Post. Specifically, he put it as follows:

“If Ms. Ford wishes to provide information to the Committee, I would gladly listen to what she has to say and compare that against all the other information we have received about Judge Kavanaugh.… If the Committee is to hear from Ms. Ford, it should be done immediately so the process can continue as scheduled.

All of which brings us to the question of her veracity. According to the Post, Ford has an imperfect memory of the events. “Ford said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident.… She also doesn’t recall who owned the house or how she got there.”

She does seem to remember the county, and this will no doubt be helpful to the committee if she musters the courage to appear. She never mentioned the event to anyone until 2012, when she attended couples therapy. The therapist’s notes from those sessions conflict with her current story but she claims that is an error on the therapist’s part. Laura Ingraham stated on her show that the therapists’ notes said Ms. Ford named four people none of which was kavanaugh then changed it to two.

Her basic story goes thus:

She alleges that Kavanaugh — who played football and basketball at Georgetown Prep — held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication. [Kavanaugh classmate Mark] Judge stood across the room, she said, and both boys were laughing “maniacally.” She said she yelled, hoping that someone downstairs would hear her over the music, and Kavanaugh clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her.

She escaped by locking herself in the bathroom, from whence she emerged after a few minutes. She isn’t sure how she got home. That’s pretty much it. This event happened 36 years ago among adolescents. The victim and the villain were under the influence of alcohol and the former can’t remember half of the details — yet somehow recalls enough to ruin the latter’s career. The latter says it never happened. This is why we have the Sixth Amendment, folks. Anonymous accusers enjoy little credibility and less respect among honorable people. These are characteristics they share with Democrats and journalists. The Senate should confirm Kavanaugh next week.

Notice how quick all these libs are rushing to accept this woman’s story without any proof yet when Juanita Broderick told her story of Bill raping her with pics of her with Bill that day and a nurse witness who saw her right after, the feminists all said, “Oh that was so long ago” but now with kavanaugh’s accuser’s story they are quick to jump on the bandwagon and believe her. Liberal bias and hypocrisy abounds.

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Posted by on September 18, 2018 in Uncategorized


Looney Leftists And Their last Minute Schemes To Delay Kavenaugh Vote!!!


As the vote on Judge Kavenaugh comes to fruition next Thursday the democrats are all of a sudden pulling every trick in the book to stop him bizarre as they may be.

First they came out with the ridiculous assertion that Kavenaugh’s clerk Zina Bash made a white power sign by having her fingers shaped in the OK sign while resting on n her forearm when sitting in back of him. Since when is the OK sign a symbol of white power, but the DestroyTrump Media went along with it.


Her father angrily countered in a tweet saying her mother is Spanish and he is Jewish from Poland and her grandparents were holocaust survivors so that assumption that she is connected to a white power group is utterly absurd. Zina herself laughingly trolled the media the next day by purposely flashing the OK sign over Kavenaugh’s shoulder.

Zinabash withOkoverK shoulder

The Anti Defamation league responded with a statement saying “The ‘OK’ gesture is not considered a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League, which says its connection to white supremacy was born out of a hoax.”ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE

This got me to thinking as to where did this come from. I did some research and found that this whole white supremacist thing is a hoax invented by 4Chan a virtual frat house for anarchists and trolls and now thoroughly debunked.

 “There is little that 4channers like so much as a hoax and in recent months they have served up a number of fakeries with white supremacist themes to largely credulous online audiences,” the ADL said in a May 1, 2017 post seeking to debunk conspiracy theories, titled “No, the ‘OK’ gesture is not a hate symbol.

Several days later when a Coast Guard Captain was giving a televised report on Hurricane Florence  a Coast Guard worker in the background casually brushed the side of his head and for a milli-second his fingers formed the OK sign and liberals pointed it out that he was giving the white power sign and he was relieved of his duties. So will the coast guard apologize to their crew member for their being had since it is a hoax?

It used to be that it was the far right like Alex Jones that was obsessed over such symbols now it is the left who believes shadowy forces run the country and the observant can spot their signs. Is this all part of Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Now Diane Feinstein has come out with a letter allegedly by a woman who claims Kavenaugh tried to rape her and held her down with his hand over her mouth when they were in high school some 30 years ago.

 The woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has identified herself and is speaking publicly about her allegations against Kavanaugh for the first time, according to a Washington Post investigation published Sunday.

Christine Blasey Ford, now a 51-year-old professor at Palo Alto University in California, described an incident between the two in high school, alleging that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed one summer in the 1980s and forced himself on her. 

Ford told the Post that Kavanaugh “groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it.”

She also said Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth when she attempted to scream for help.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Kavanaugh last week denied the allegations,

Senate Democrats said last week that they had referred the incident to the FBI, which confirmed that it received the letter detailing Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh on Wednesday night.

“Upon receipt of the information on the night of September 12, we included it as part of Judge Kavanaugh’s background file, as per the standard process,” an FBI spokesperson told The Hill on Thursday.

Ford told the Post that Kavanaugh and a friend, Mark Judge, were both “stumbling drunk” when they took her into a bedroom while they were at a house in suburban Maryland. Judge and Kavanaugh were both students at Georgetown Preparatory School.

Judge and Kavanaugh pushed Ford onto a bed in the room, where rock-and-roll music was playing at a high volume, Ford alleged.

According to her, Kavanaugh “held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication,” the Post reported. She added that both of the boys were laughing “maniacally.”

Ford was able to escape when Judge jumped on top of her and Kavanaugh and broke them up, she said. She said she then locked herself in a nearby bathroom for five or 10 minutes before leaving the house.

The guy who was there, Mark Judge, said he does not recall this ever happening.

At first Ford didn’t want to be named but now she is coming out? Smells like she is being paid off by Feinstein and company or by Soros. Lying liberals are so desperate, I’m surprised that they haven’t paid off someone to say that Trump was on the grassy knoll on Nov. 22, 1963.

Kavenaugh has been vetted fully many times over the years and especially now with 65 meetings with senators sitting through 30 hours of testimony and 2000 questions including with Feinstein.

If this allegation were true it surely would have come up by now. Feinstein interviewed him twice in July and didn’t say anything then or brought it up during the hearings. This is a desperate last minute attempt to unseat Kavenaugh. Sixty women who knew Kavenaugh back then have said it never happened.

 Meanwhile Independent journalist Mike Cernovich says Christine Blasey is a far-left activist who spent all weekend deleting her social media accounts.  Yes a BS allegation from a Trump-hating partisan hack meant to assassinate the character of a good man.The Dems are so dirty they had to go back over three decades to Kavanaugh’s high school days to dig up ‘dirt’ using a left-wing activist.




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Posted by on September 17, 2018 in Uncategorized


The Insanity and Serious Mental Illness Known As Trump Derangement Syndrome!!!


There once was a time when the republican and democrat parties would pretty much get along with each other in order to represent the people they served. Over the years that has changed. Republicans became very weak and feckless while the democrats moved further and further to the left where they are now a communist/socialist party with an angry ‘do as I say’ attitude. Then along came Donald Trump promising to drain the swamp and make America great Again and he succeeded. This so triggered the left and the fact that he managed to defeat their rigged election of their ordained Hillary Clinton that they have completely gone off the wall in the deep end and into total insanity known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters defied the clause of the first amendment against inciting to riot and tells her supporters to confront and verbally assault and harass Trump supporters wherever they see them and tell them they are not wanted. Thus they confronted Sarah Sanders in a restaurant in Virginia, Pam Bondi in a movie theater in Florida and Kirsten Nielsen in a restaurant in Washington D.C. Maxine has  never faced any consequences for her calls to violence. It is a mystery why anyone would support Maxine. She is an agitator without a coherent message. Plus, she feels powerful with a microphone in her hand. She is stuck in it because her constituents keep falling for it and voting her back in. As one commenter recently and humorously said, “Maxine keeps talking about “Peachmint.” Is that a new kind of tea?”

On Sunday, a 35-year-old Castro Valley man named Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican candidate Rudy Peters at his campaign booth at the Castro Valley Fall Festival. Farzad was screaming about Trump. CBS Bay Area reported that according to witnesses, Farzad Fazeli made disparaging, profanity-laced remarks about the Republican party and President Donald Trump. Thank God the switchblade malfunctioned preventing Farzad Fazeli from stabbing Peters.

NBC Bay Area reported:

Farzad Fazeli, 35, approached Rudy Peters at his campaign booth at the Castro Valley Fall Festival in “an aggressive manner,” and made disparaging remarks about Peters and the republican party, witnesses told officers. Fazeli allegedly pulled out a knife and attempted to stab Peters, but the knife malfunctioned and Peters got into a physical altercation with Fazeli. No injuries were reported from the incident, according to Sheriff’s spokesperson Sgt. Ray Kelly.

Fazeli fled the scene but he was later arrested with a switchblade knife located on his person, officials said.

Now the Washington Post is blaming Trump for Hurricane Florence. On Tuesday night, as Hurricane Florence approached the Carolinas, The Washington Post issued an op-ed insisting that President Trump is “complicit” in the attacks powerful hurricanes mount against the United States. I’m surprised they didn’t use the word “collusion.”


Noting that Florence, a Category 4 hurricane, will be the strongest hurricane to ever hit the East Coast so far north if it comes inland, the Post opined, “ … when it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit. He plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks.”

The Post then quoted a climate researcher who posited of Hurricane Harvey, “Harvey could not have produced so much rain without human-induced climate change.” The op-ed continued. “Now  Florence is feasting on warm Atlantic Ocean water.”

Then, a direct slam against the Trump administration: “With depressingly ironic timing, the Trump administration announced Tuesday a plan to roll back federal rules on methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is the main component in natural gas.” And a predictable comparison between Trump and environmentalist Barack Obama: “The Trump administration has now attacked all three pillars of President Barack Obama’s climate-change plan.”

The Post concludes, “The president has cemented the GOP’s legacy as one of reaction and reality denial. Sadly, few in his party appear to care.”

Yes Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well at the Washington Post and other mainstream media outlets. If they did their research instead of trying to slander Trump they would realize that under Trump greenhouse gas emissions have been going down. Thanks to how great the economy is going, people are investing more in environmentally friendly solutions.

trump jealosey

Another act of Trump Derangement Syndrome is a college professor who shot himself in the arm in the men’s room of a college protesting Trump.

A longtime sociology professor at the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) is facing felony charges after shooting himself on Aug. 28, the second day of the school year, The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The professor, Mark Bird, took his .22 pistol into a restroom on campus. He taped a $100 bill and a note that said ,”For the janitor,” (to clean up the blood) onto one of the mirrors.  Bird stumbled out of the bathroom, bleeding, before he collapsed. Multiple faculty and at least one student witnessed the encounter before a 911 call was made. When police arrived at the scene the .22 and a spent shell casing were found on the bathroom floor.

Witnesses told police they heard a loud noise come from the bathroom but they had no idea Bird was armed or had shot himself, police reports indicate.

“One college employee told police that he held Bird’s hand to calm him down as others tried to stop the bleeding. While waiting for authorities to arrive, Bird said he had shot himself in protest of President Donald Trump, police noted in their report. The report did not elaborate,” The Review-Journal reported.

Around 9 a.m. that morning a campus-wide text alert was sent to students and faculty letting them know the scene was clear and the firearm had been recovered.

Court records show Bird was charged last month with discharging a gun within a prohibited structure, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and possessing a dangerous weapon on school property. And this guy is teaching students???? If this is what passes for an “educator” these days. That explains a lot of things.

So you mean to tell me a liberal professor was illegally carrying a concealed weapon?!  Surely that gun must have put itself in his pocket and fired on him while he was simply using the men’s room. It HAS to be the NRA’s fault! Makes one wonder exactly where he bought it, how long he’s owned it, what his stance on gun ownership has been, etc.

Shooting himself to protest Trump. There’s a word to describe this idiot’s behavior: insanity. It reminds me of the Buddhist Monks who set themselves on fire protesting the Vietnam War. Just more proof that liberalism is a mental disease.

As one comment I saw said, Trump has to be re-elected.  I need four more years of watching the TDS libbies!!”


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Posted by on September 13, 2018 in Uncategorized


In Spite Of Resistance Trump Keeps Making America Great Again!!!


As President Trump continues to deliver peace and prosperity for the first time since September 11, 2001, the increasingly hysterical, outraged, and desperate Resistance could not stop jumping pounding on him especially politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Corey Booker, Kamala Harris and Hillary and Obama all criticize him constantly while offering nothing constructive in return. Through it all Trump remains unfazed and undeterred.

While Trump continues to make the kind of sound decisions that (among many other things) have turned around our economy, put two superb justices on the Supreme Court (Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation seems secure), reigns in Putin and North Korea, and have all but wiped out ISIS, all these sore losers, grifters, and left-wing liars have to attack him with is his unorthodox management style.

What they do not want you focused on, especially with the midterm elections weeks away, are the unprecedented results of Trump’s “chaotic” management style, results that have lowered black and Hispanic unemployment to record levels, brought manufacturing back to the Rust Belt, and made the endless War on Terror feel like a bad memory.

Briterbart News presented a list of nine occasions the Resistance tried and failed at their attempts to portray Trump as incapable of doing the job and not up to task as Trump racked up a successful confirmation hearing for Kavanaugh and the kind of economic news the media assured us was no longer possible.

  1. Aretha Franklin’s Funeral

Al SharptonStevie Wonder, and others used the occasion of a funeral — a funeral! — to trash Trump while peacocking as our moral and intellectual superiors, but they did so in the company of credibly accused rapist and perjurer Bill Clinton and rabid racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.Oh, and after singer Ariana Grande was hit with a Taco Bell joke, she was groped.

 2. John McCain’s Funeral

There they were, all of America’s fading media and political elite, hectoring and lecturingthe rest of us about how awful it is to divide people, about how crude Trump is… And these classless rubes did this at a church funeral.

But this happened only after John McCain himself used his own funeral to create a mean-girl invite list meant to fulfill his dying grudges with petty snubs — including Sarah Palin and a sitting president. But we are supposed to believe Trump is the childish and mean-spirited one.

(At her father’s funeral Meghan McCaine took a swipe at Trump saying America always was great. I’m sorry Meghan but under Obama 93 million people were out of  the workforce,50 million were on welfare,45 million on food stamps, companies were moving out of here to other countries in droves, unemployment was high and our military was reduced to pre-WW11status, Our friends became enemies and enemies became friends, Obama gave 150 billion to  the No,1 states sponsor of terrorism and another 1.5 billion for release of the hostages all in cash flown in the dead of night. I don’t consider that as being great.)

 3. Bob Woodward’s Latest Book

Again, another shallow attack on Trump’s management style, and one with no allegations of wrongdoing. What we have here is just another grift, another chapter in the long con, another attempt to concoct a national crisis over something as stupid and shallow as palace intrigue.

 4. Dirty Cop Robert Mueller

George Papadopoulos, a former low-low-low-low level Trump campaign hanger-on, the man we are told is the key to the media’s collapsing Russian Collusion Hoax, will serve 14 days in prison for lying to authorities. In the meantime, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper are allowed to run free and wild, even though a credible case can be made that all committed perjury. Papadopolous is such a snorer, the far-left CNN scheduled an “exclusive” interview with him for late on a Friday night.

 5. The Return of Lying Crybaby Barack Obama

America’s lecturer-in-chief returned to the campaign trail Friday to lie about Trump and have a tantrum over the fact he is not receiving credit for Trump’s many successes.

Obama actually claimed Trump did not condemn the Nazis and racists at Charlottesville, although he clearly did so on at least two occasions. (Trump also deported a living Nazi who was here for decades that Obama knew about and did nothing about it.)

Obama also tried to gaslight us into believing Trump’s roaring economy had nothing to do with Trump, even though Trump is accomplishing things Obama said were only possible with a magic wand.

Then Obama lied about his treatment of the media, with the claim he never went as far as Trump. The truth, however, is Obama went much, much further. While Trump criticizes and mocks the media, Obama  weaponized the Department of Justice to spy on, intimidate, and declare the media unindicted co-conspirators. Naturally, proven liars and conspiracy theorists, like CNN’s Brian Stelter, still swooned over and used fake news to cover up for their Precious Barry.

(Only 750 people showed up for Obama’s rally compared to the 8-10 thousand that show up for Trump’s rallies. In Obama’s speech there were some clever and cutting lines about Trump being divisive, but to appreciate them you had to forget Obama’s eight years in the Oval Office. Those without amnesia will recall that polls said Americans thought the nation was more divided when he left than when he started, including along racial lines.)

  1. Anonymous New York TimesOp-Ed Confirms Deep State

Some un-American narcissist published a column in the far-left New York Times to brag that he and a dark cabal of unelected, unaccountable Deep Staters are actively working to sabotage a duly elected president’s agenda. But again, there are no allegations of wrongdoing on Trump’s part, just phony hand-wringing over his management style. At first, the corrupt media cheered this brave whistleblower, until they realized he had just confirmed everything Trump and his supporters have said about the existence of the Deep State’s festering Swamp.

 7. Chuck Todd Compares Media Critics to Segregationists

In a bitter and meandering op-ed for the far-left Atlantic, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd declared war on media critics, especially those working at Fox News whom he claims are responsible for getting Trump elected and the media’s unprecedented integrity and trust problems.

Todd also compared media critics to southern segregations, which is fake news because all of those segregationists were Democrats, just like Chuck Todd.

Nowhere did Todd suggest that maybe-possibly-perhaps other things were contributing to the media’s credibility problems — like countless fake news scandals, op-eds like the one Todd just wrote, and his own employer, the left-wing NBC, which covered up TWO credible rape allegations against powerful Democrats.

 8. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) Goes the Full-George Costanza

The highlight of the Democrat Party’s norm-busting, pathetic, and disgusting attempts to stop the Judicial Committee hearings for Trump’s insanely qualified Supreme Court nominee was, without a doubt, Sen. Booker’s ridiculous “Spartacus” moment — which ended up being more of a George Costanza moment.

At first, Sen. Shameless Liar claimed he was “Spartacus” for risking his Senate career to make public a couple of confidential documents. Turned out it was all a hoax. The documents had already been approved for public release, and Spartacus knew it. Booker also acted like he was Perry Mason, running into chambers with the smoking gun to save the day to defeat the eeeevil Kavanaugh, when all Booker held were nothing burgers. This incompetent boob wants to be president?

 9. Bill Maher Victim-Blamer

On his Friday night HBO show, far-left comedian Bill Maher ignored the half-dozen or so Democrat women who claim they were groped by disgraced former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) to smear as a liar the one woman who actually has a photo of Franken groping her — Leann Tweeden.

Maher wants Franken to run against Trump in 2020.

Meanwhile, in the real world, in the world outside of this manufactured bubble where Trump’s management style means he is not “fit to be president,” we are out here enjoying real wage growth, real job growth, real peace, and real prosperity. And the only thing we find unsettling and worthy of the word “crisis” is this increasingly desperate and dishonest attempt to overturn a presidential election because a bunch of losers can’t deal with a duly elected president’s style.

Just look at this list of Trump accomplishments so far, more than any other president in history

Lower taxes.
Two outstanding SCOTUS appointments.
Record number of Appeals Court appointees.
Embassy moved to Jerusalem.
Roaring  economy. 4% growth was impossible, now it isn’t.
Record breaking employment.  Minorities can work again which shows Trump is no racist. After all, would a racist create the lowest black unemployment ever?   Or the lowest Hispanic unemployment ever?  Or  the lowest female unemployment in 65 years?  Or the lowest youth unemployment in 50 years?  Everyone is doing great in the Trump economy — especially all the groups Trump supposedly hates.

Iran hoax agreement nullified.
Paris hoax agreement nullified.
Pro-American trade agreements negotiated.
Korean War Hero remains returned from North Korea.
NATO allies finally agree to pay up.
Obamacare neutered.
Afghanistan casualties- Obama’s US annual peak was 499. Now 1 a month.
Illegals curtailed.
US now leads the world in energy production.
Wall started.
Refugees nearly reduced to zero.
Crippling regulations discarded.
Trillions of corporate dollars repatriated.
EPA neutered.
much more

It’s a tsumami of winning…..for starters. The liberal/marxist legacy of hate has been stopped in its tracks for now anyway.


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Posted by on September 10, 2018 in Uncategorized


Arrogant Obama Takes Credit For Trump Economy!!!


Obama could not hold back his irritation that Trump is receiving credit for the roaring economy nearly two years after his leaving office.

At a speech at the University of Illinois, Obama scoffed that some of the greatest economic numbers in American history are occurring under Trump’s administration. Obama mentioned the financial crisis at the beginning of his term saying “When I came into office in 2009 we were losing 800,000 jobs a month.”

“Millions of people were losing their homes. Many were worried we were entering into a second Great Depression. So we worked hard to end that crisis but also to break some of these longer-term trends,”  Obama said, “And initiated the longest streak of job creation on record. We covered another 20 million Americans with health insurance and we cut our deficits by more than half, partly by making sure people like me who have been given such amazing opportunities by this country, pay our fair share of taxes, to help folks coming up behind us.”

“I mention all this just so when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama then said, “I’m glad it’s continued but when you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on, when the job numbers come out, monthly job numbers, suddenly Republicans are saying ‘It’s a miracle.’ I have to remind them, actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016.”

Notice all the times Obama referred to himself during his speech. In fact he referred to himself 102 times in a 64 minute speech.

Obama missed an opportunity to show America that he RESPECT the office of the president. Instead, he sows negativity which only begets more negativity. The data shows that the Trump economy is one of the greatest in American history. According to a recent CNBC report:

“During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3 percent-plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.

Friday brought another round of good news: Nonfarm payrolls rose by a better-than-expected 201,000 and wages, the last missing piece of the economic recovery, increased by 2.9 percent year over year to the highest level since April 2009. That made it the best gain since the recession ended in June 2009.”


In an article on attacked Obama coming out now saying “You’re coming out of hiding now because the smell of fear is so pungent that you could no longer stay holed up in your DC bunker with your dark, former advisor, Valerie Jarrett. You needed to get out and reinvigorate your angry minions. You needed to get out and remind Americans that your race war isn’t over yet, and tell them that despite the fact that the Democrat Party has been humiliated by the historic economic successes of President Trump, that you’re still here, and together, with your crooked former Attorney General Eric Holder and your crooked former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, you will do everything to fight our President and his promise to “Make America Great Again”.

Your presence in Chicago today reminds your base that you’re still using racial hatred and division as a way to agitate and scare minority voters into going the polls in 2018.

You’re presence reminds your base that you’re still fighting  behind the scenes to force your agenda, as you work with dirty politicians like former Governor Terry McAullife to give felons the right to vote, to find ways to bring massive groups of illegal immigrants into our voting booths, and to achieve the most difficult task of all… finding  a way in the most impressive economy in decades, to make Americans see the need to rely on government for help.

Most importantly, however, is that your presence today, reminds Americans of why we all voted for President Trump in the first place.

President Trump responded to Obama’s divisive and critical speech in the best way possible, with a joke. He told the crowd at his Montana rally that he “fell asleep” during Obama’s speech. Trump also mocked Barack Obama for attempting to take credit for Trump’s amazing economy. Trump reminded the crowd of his  supporters, that the truth of the matter is, while President Obama was in office he presided over the weakest economic recovery this nation has ever had. 

Barack Obama, the first President in US history to not attain 3% GDP growth even though he had eight years to do it. A President who spent so much he slowed any growth he was generating. The national debt grew from 11.5 trillion to 20 Trillion under Obama, as did the Misery Index by 53%.

 Food Stamp recipients rose by a staggering 42%. Ironically, gun manufacturing boomed under the UN gun grabbing rhetoric of Obama’s by 192%.

Now under Trump’s leadership there is  a surge in company profits and near-record levels of optimism from consumers and businesses. Wall Street investors acknowledge that the current numbers are a uniquely Trumpian achievement and not owed to policies already set in motion when he took office. Business confidence is soaring, in part thanks to a softer regulatory environment. Consumer sentiment by one measure is at its highest level in 18 years. Corporate profits, owed in good part to last year’s tax cuts, are coming close to setting records. At a time when most economists had been using the term “full employment” to describe the economy, 3.9 million more Americans have joined the ranks of the working during the Trump term. During the same period under former President Barack Obama, employment had fallen by 2.6 million. The economy in total, while still not in breakout mode, has grown by $1.4 trillion through the second quarter under Trump; the same time period for Obama saw a gain of just $481 billion, or a third of Trump’s total. Businesses are investing, consumers are spending and innovation is on the rise as well. Construction workers wages are up, black and Hispanic unemployment are at record lows, 120  utility companies have lowered their rates due to the tax cuts.


But we are all supposed to believe that the current roaring economy is due to Obama’s economic recovery strategy. Not President Trump’s corporate tax cuts or the reopening of factories humming the tune made in America again. Give me a break!!!


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Posted by on September 8, 2018 in Uncategorized


Liberal Lunacy At The Kavanaugh Circus Hearing!!!

judge-brett-kavanaughLiberal democrats are still so triggered and unhinged by their loss in the 2016 election and getting moreso every day that they are sounding and acting like they are consumed by a mass psychosis that is never ending since Trump took office. Now it is with the kavanaugh hearings.  They sound like whining kindergartners stomping their feet to get their way.  Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi all try to say Trump is mentally unfit to be president yet it is they who are the mentally unfit ones. The country deserves to get a good long look at the Democrats’ mental state as exhibited by their constant fury and desperation.

To understand why the democrats are so unhinged at these hearings you have to go back to pre-2016 election. Liberals always love legislating from the bench which is why they constantly look for a majority on the Supreme Court. Prior to the last election  there were five conservatives and four liberals on the court. When Judge  Alito died mysteriously at the retreat run by a democrat donor (The owner said they found him with a pillow over his head and the coroner didn’t even examine his body, but gave his assessment over the phone) that left them with four conservatives and four liberal judges. People wanted Obama to appoint a new judge  which would make it five liberals and four conservatives, but it was too close to the election so they decided to wait until after the election figuring that HiIlary would get in and pick a good liberal judge. Instead Trump won to their shock. Surprise and dismay and he appointed Neil Gorsuch to the Court. Now they were back to five cons and four libs again. Now Justice Kennedy retired and Trump is left with another pick and he picked Judge Brett kavanaugh which would bring it to five conservatives if he is appointed. This caused the libs to become completely apoplectic and go ballistic.

At the beginning of the hearing libs were united in attempting to shut down the hearing until after the mid-terms when they feel they will have a majority in the Senate. Right now republicans have the votes and kavenaugh is expected to be confirmed. The democrats simply can’t abide by the fact that Trump sits in the white house where Hillary should be and he shouldn’t be able to put a new nominee on the court.

The stalling whining tactics and protestations are another case of the Mueller Investigation, an underhanded attempt to overturn the election whose results they can’t accept.

Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Cory Booker, D-N.J., both of whom have already announced they will not support Kavanaugh’s nomination, attempted to shut down the Senate Judiciary Committee Kavanaugh hearing. Harris immediately called for an adjournment so that she could supposedly review more of Kavanaugh’s documents. Then Booker jumped in. By the end of the first 40 minutes of the hearing, Harris had interrupted eight times; Booker 10 times; Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., 13 times; Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, six times; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., three times; Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., twice; Se. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. once; and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., once. Apparently, all were acting at the behest of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., 


That was just the beginning. Women’s March activist and terrorist sympathizer Linda Sarsour showed up to scream at Republicans; she was arrested. Several more feminist protesters showed up dressed as cast members of “The Handmaid’s Tale”; other feminists simply screamed at the top of their lungs during the hearing, forcing their ejection. Planned Parenthood Action tweeted, “This is what the resistance looks like, and we’re going to fight like hell to #StopKavanuagh.”

And so, the Democrats deployed the next prong of their attack: whining. First, a bevy of leftist commentators on Twitter deployed to inform Americans that Zina Bash, a former Kavanaugh law clerk, was secretly utilizing a white supremacy signal while sitting behind Kavanaugh. All she was doing was sitting with her arms crossed and had her thumb and fore finger together like the O.K sign resting on her arm innocent enough . I’ve sat like that similar when you are sitting for hours and the unhinged libs took that as a white power sign. Amy Siskind of  The Weekly List tweeted, “What fresh hell is this!!!??? Kavanaugh’s assistant Zina Bash giving the white power sign right behind him during the hearing? This alone should be disqualify!!!” Eugene Gu, a Twitter celebrity doctor, called the supposed sign a “national outrage and a disgrace to the rule of law.” Video of Bash earned millions of views on Twitter within a few hours.


There’s only one problem: Bash is half-Mexican and half-Jewish, and her paternal grandparents were Holocaust survivors. Oops.  Another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just because she folds her arms a certain way and has her fingers a certain way all of a sudden it is a white power signal? There’s no evidence that Kavanaugh Ally Threw Up A White Power Gesture And People Should Stop Saying It.

But more whining was in order. Fred Guttenberg, the father of a Parkland shooting victim, stated that he tried to introduce himself to Kavanaugh but Kavanaugh wouldn’t shake his hand. Again, there was only one problem: That never happened. White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah explained: “As Judge Kavanaugh left for his lunch break, an unidentified individual approached him. Before the Judge was able to shake his hand, security had intervened.”

Each Trump-hating Democrat on the committee took his or her turn flaunting the left’s radical anti-freedom agenda, as the American people got a glimpse of what life would look like if Democrats were entrusted with control of government. The incessant whining and name calling got so bad that Kavanaugh’ s wife and children had to be exited from the hearings so as not to  hear their father’s abuse.  It is not a freedom of speech to deny someone else’s freedom of speech. This sort of thing is NOT “free speech” it is libel and should be ACTIONABLE in any genuine court of Western law. These liberals are coming apart at the seams, they see the writing on the wall and they know they can’t do anything about it except to show the world how immature they are. They aren’t interested in any dialogue unless they get to control the mood. This gives you an idea of what life would be like if the democrats had won in Nov.

By contrast, Kavanaugh delivered an opening statement that emphasized he would judge cases fairly and without political influence,“My judicial philosophy is straightforward,” Kavanaugh said. “A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written. A judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent.”

“The Supreme Court must never be viewed as a partisan institution,” Kavanaugh added.

 The Democrats on the committee are all going to vote against Kavanaugh’s confirmation, and in large part have already publicly stated as much. If there was a chance at changing minds and getting to “yes,” that might be a reason to look at more records from Kavanaugh’s esteemed career . He is an honest and very intelligent man one of the best judicial minds in the country with integrity and honesty and dignity.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has said she will not retire as long as Trump is in office. However that is not up to her and she may not get that wish since she has some serious health issues. If she does have to leave and Trump gets to pick another judge then the dirt will really hit the fan and we’ll need three bags of popcorn for that one.


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Posted by on September 6, 2018 in Uncategorized