Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Vaccines Are Not Safe, Not Effective,Not A Vaccine And People Are Dying And Permanently Injured From Them!!!


I’ve been writing about and warning people about the dangers of these shots from the beginning on how they were never tested for side effects or long and short- term effects and just released and the people of the world were the guinea pigs. This was the biggest medical experiment thrust upon the world and now we are seeing the effects. An experimental drug is not a vaccine.

People who were triple vaccinated are coming down with Covid twice. Presidential press secretary Jen Psaki is one along with other Government officials and Elon Musk just tested positive again after getting the shots.

In the four weeks ending February 27th, 397 unvaccinated Britons died of Covid, compared to 3,512 who were vaccinated. Using a broader definition, which may include more incidental deaths unrelated to Covid infections, the numbers are even worse, with 5,871 vaccinated people dying compared to 570 unvaccinated. (The United States does not publicly provide this data; it is not even clear American public health authorities collect it comprehensively.)

Meanwhile, new Covid infections have nearly doubled in Britain in the last two weeks, and now top 60,000 a day. British media outlets have connected the rise to Britain’s “freedom day” on February 24, which marked the legal end of Covid restrictions. With over 73% of Britons “fully vaccinated” you would think these numbers would be the other way around since the rulers are telling the slaves the shots keep you from dying.

Update Jan 7, 2022: The numbers in a Denmark study  are now confirmed by government data from Germany showing that vaccinated people are 8X more likely to develop Omicron than unvaccinated people. This is not surprising since a paper from Germany showed the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.

Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.

In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.

Yes, the whole world was bamboozled by the creators of these shots in the name of depopulation for their Great Reset Agenda for 2030 of getting the population down to 500 million as written on the Georgia Guide Stones.

These criminals are Bill Gates and his population control agenda of getting rid of 6 billion people through vaccinations to save the planet, “Vaccines are the best way to depopulate” Gates has said,

Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Council and creator of The Great Reset Agenda where according to him, “you will own northing and be happy.” The Great Reset is The New World Order which is obedience to the state,

George Soros, Big Pharma creators of the vaccines along with Dr. Fauci who created the virus and vaccine at the same time before China released the virus as a bio-weapon and various smaller groups known as the deep state which are a clandestine organization within the government that literally runs everything and never is held accountable because of their secrecy. These globalists are using the vaccine to speed up depopulation.

Dr. Fauci is the worst one for creating the virus in his gain of function experiments in China in 2015.  In 2016 Fauci made an announcement that “this administration would be hit with a surprise pandemic”. (see below) How would he know three years in advance unless he was behind it. Senator Rand Paul confronted Fauci at a Senate hearing and said to him, “We know of your gain of function research where you combine one virus with another virus to create a third dangerous virus and then find a vaccine for it.” Paul accused Fauci of killing millions of people around the world with his vaccines and experiments.

Paul and Ted Cruz and Jim Jordan have vowed to get Fauci if they get the majority in the mid-terms. They better start early because 80 year old Fauci is retiring this year and may be off on some foreign island drinking pina collates somewhere where he cannot be touched. Fauci is the highest paid individual in the government and retires with a huge pension. He also was paid half a billion for his vaccine.

Meanwhile people were dying by the thousands and coming down with permanent injuries because of these shots. Corona virus cases are mounting in spite of the vaccine and mandates and it is estimated tens of thousands are dying. The CDC says the latest statistics from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) connected to the CDC says corona virus injuries now exceed 400,000 and new data shows the Covid vaccine is more dangerous than all the vaccines combined in history. More vaccinated people are coming down with Covid than non- vaccinated. So far this year VAERS reports 2,063,606 adverse effects,26,059 vaccine deaths,143,559 vaccine related hospitalizations through March 18, 2022 an d those are just the reported ones.The real counts can be much higher.

The latest data from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) suggests that upwards of 160,000 Americans may have died so far from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Getting a “booster” shot will only speed up the death process.

It is not just that the jabs do not provide the claimed amount of protection against the Fauci Flu. The fact of the matter is that they provide no protection at all in the long term and actually destroy a person’s immune system.

People who take the Biden “Booster” shots will only accelerate this process by adding even more immune-destroying chemicals to their bodies. The downward spiral will move even faster, in other words, the more shots a person gets.

The spike protein hijacks your mitochondria … forever. Mitochondria is the heart of your immune system. Essentially, it takes over your immune system. The spike proteins are the bioweapons. Your own immune system becomes a deadly weapon. This is HIV on steroids also mass genocide.

A vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting a disease which is why people get the flu shots. These shots do none of that. People are still getting covid, passing it onto to others and dying from it. This was not a vaccine per se, but experimental gene therapy. They contained a spike protein that was in the virus meant to build antibodies to fight the virus, but  instead destroyed the RNA around our cells that protect our cells and went through the whole body and weakened our defenses. The shot also contains an HIV protein that further weakens the immune system.

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.” “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,”

 Dr. David Martin, a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, developer of linguistic genomics, and molecular biologist, Dr. Judy Mikovits said in a presentation recently.  “You cannot have a vaccine that doesn’t claim to result in either immunity or blocking transmission”. He goes on to say “—by their own patents and reference material, neither Pfizer nor Moderna claims this. Rather, they only classify their products as ‘gene therapy’.”

Many doctors and prominent scientists are speaking out against this vaccine.

Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the MRNA technology for the vaccine is also against it saying it is the fully vaccinated who are the super spreaders.. People who are getting vaxxed are super spreaders if they touch someone because of the spike protein passes through the skin.People are still dying from covid after being fully vaxxed.You can still get it and still pass it on.

Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday night it’s “outrageous to be giving vaccines to young people because they have … a very, very low risk of dying from COVID.”

“So, they don’t get a benefit,” she said. “And when you look at the potential harm from these vaccines, it just doesn’t make any sense.”

She explained that when the vaccine gets injected into the arm, the “immune cells come in, they take up the vaccine” and “start making spike protein,” which is the most toxic part of the virus.

The immune cells rush into the lymph system and many of them end up in the spleen, where they produce antibodies, as designed.

“The problem is that those terminal centers in the spleen are really the place where Parkinson’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases,” she said.

Seneff explained how Parkinson’s is generated, concluding “it feels to me like this is a perfect set-up for it.”

The latest data from the United Kingdom’s PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report suggests that people who have been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are losing about five percent of their immune systems per week.

Doubly injected people between the ages of 40 and 70 have already lost about 40 percent of the immune system capacity from the moment they get injected.

Cases of myocarditis have exploded in the US since the rollout of the experimental vaccine, even in populations that aren’t normally as likely to develop the condition, like children and young adults.

But the figures also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency, they progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realized. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination.

The most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021, according to the analysis of financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower,

Dowd, with the assistance of an unnamed “insurance industry expert,” compiled data from the CDC showing that, in just the second half of 2021, the total number of excess deaths for millennials was higher than the number of Americans who died in the entirety of the Vietnam War. Between August and December, there were over 61,000 deaths in this age group, compared to 58,000 over the course of 10 years in Vietnam

Dr. Zelenko does not mince words and he just came right out and said it on Clay Clarke’s show: yes, the vaccinated have AIDS. Not HIV-produced AIDS, but make no mistake they have AIDS.

AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

And that’s exactly what is happening. Their bodies are losing all ability to defend themselves.  That’s what immuno-deficiency means.

Pfizer had over 1500 deaths in their first trial run and two thousand injuries. They tried to get the FDA to cover up their findings for 50 years, but a federal judge caught it just in time and ordered their findings open to the public. Pfizer also paid off the FDA to get their vaccine approved. None of the other makers are approved.

It’s a shame it took two years, crashed economy, and many lives lost. May Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the deep state and all these vaccine makers burn in eternal hell.

I report.You decide.

Listen to this lawyer speaking out against the jab!!!

Hear Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that we would be faced with a surprise outbreak. He signed off on funding for the Wuhan institute of virology. He didn’t “predict” the plandemic, he helped orchestrate it

Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017 | NowThis – YouTube


Posted by on March 28, 2022 in Uncategorized


Is The Left Having Buyer’s remorse Over Biden Now Or Is This All Planned?

Recently Bill Mahr asked why Putin didn’t attack Ukraine under Trump. Well to the leftist who claimed falsely that Trump was in with Putin they will say that’s the reason, but the truth is  far different.

Biden is weak, frail and cognitively impaired.

He says weak statements like he doesn’t want to upset Putin or Xi in China so he has to be careful. The whole world sees this and knows they can get what they want now. Putin attacks Ukraine, Iran fired missiles at an American airbase in Iraq and President Xi in China has said that anyone who interferes with their taking over of Taiwan will be met with serious consequences. Xi recently signed a pact with Putin cementing their partnership

while Biden mumbles and stumbles along thinking if you talk nice to these guys they will listen to him. They just laugh at us now Joe. Action speaks louder than words Joe.

Meanwhile the whole world sees a weak Biden fumbling and bumbling along the way as things get worse and worse in our country and abroad and our enemies are emboldened.

The left doesn’t understand that the rest of the world especially our adversaries respects toughness and strength. Trump was strong and to the point and loved our country. He stood up to these world leaders and they respected him for it.

When he faced Putin he told him: “if you try anything that disrupts what we stand for or anyone we support  you will be meant with fire and fury like you’ve never seen before,” Putin respected that and knew Trump meant it.

When Trump had members of the Taliban, Saudi Arabia and  United Arab Emirates over to the white house to sign an historic peace agreement he told them, ’If you fail to cross one ’T’ or fail to dot one ‘I’ or use a comma in the right place you will be meant with such a force it will knock you into the next century.” They knew he meant it and respect that kind of language.

When Trump saw that China was ripping us off for decades now by charging us top price for their cheap products Trump put tariffs on all their imports and exports thus bringing billions back into our country.

Biden not so much. Sometimes he doesn’t know where he is and forgets things and gets gets things mixed up. The world sees this and laughs at us.

According to a new Ipsos/Reuters poll that was conducted on March 21st and March 22nd, Joe Biden’s approval rating has continued to fall to 40 percent, with Americans citing economy and foreign conflict as their top concerns. It was discovered that 54 percent of Americans had an unfavorable opinion about President Biden’s job performance as inflation continues to rise. When asked about the president’s involvement in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, only 32 percent said they approved while 47 percent disapproved. This is a five-point increase from last month.

For 28 weeks straight, the economy has remained the top issue of concern for both Democrat and Republican voters. The record-breaking inflation recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics illustrates the poor economic performance under President Biden’s leadership. At the end of February 2022, the cost of fuel was up 43.6 percent from February 2021. The cost of food has also increased dramatically. “The food at home index rose 8.6 percent over the last 12 months, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending April 1981. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs increased 13.0 percent over the last year as the index for beef rose 16.2 percent. The other major grocery store food group indexes also rose over the past year, with increases ranging from 5.2 percent (dairy and related products) to 8.2 percent (other food at home).” Used car prices are up 41 percent in the past 12 months. The cost of electricity is up 9 percent in the last 12 months.

Importantly, Biden’s approval rating has been underwater in most polls since August of 2021. That was the month during which Biden withdrew U.S. military presence from Afghanistan. Thirteen U.S. Servicemembers were killed in a suicide bombing at the poorly secured Kabul airport during the final days of exiting. 

His exit plan was all asunder also. You never pull out the military before the civilians which is what he did. It has since come out that it  was his wife’s Jill’s plan.

There are still Americans being held hostage in Afghanistan and Biden is doing nothing about them.

Meanwhile Biden’s weak and wobbly responses and actions on the world stage are putting America last and the world is laughing at us and enemies emboldened.

Is this all part of these globalists plan for a New World Order as Biden just announced? In order to create a New World Order one must destroy the America that now exists and that we all love, The destruction of America is intentional. It must happen to institute the New World Order. Ultimately, it is control of natural resources, control of the economy/the world economy.

The general idea behind the New World Order is that a select few will run the world and subject the 99% to complete control, loss of freedom, and outright tyranny.

This talk about a New World Order comes from the same president who tried to implement federal vaccine mandates that the nation has never before seen.

Biden’s New World Order remarks were also compared to the various tyrannical COVID measures he and other Democrats have attempted to keep alive in perpetuity.

I report, you decide!!!

Watch this fantastic video on the New World Order.

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Posted by on March 25, 2022 in Uncategorized


Random Thoughts On Today’s Stories!!!


A lot of things are happening all at once so l decided to do another Random Thoughts column condensing and cover what is going on.

The War In Ukraine and bio-labs!!!

 This is one reason why there is war. The US government uses Ukraine as a piggy bank for Democrat corruption and a clandestine weapons depot. It would clarify why Putin is neurotic about Ukraine joining NATO and infringing on Russian security. Ukraine has Biolabs and armament programs expected to secure toxins, poisons and other harmful substances used as weapons of mass destruction. Getting microorganisms and poisons into labs implies that they are being developed for use at some point. Democrats used to think that this was a Qanon conspiracy theory. It’s not.

Putin is literally the only world leader standing up against NWO/GLOBALIST/Nazi domination, even at the risk of losing his Russian presidency.  He’s actually fighting to protect the world from their 2030 Reset Agenda plan, to kill off 95% of world population.  

Last week, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard released a video on Twitter calling for a ceasefire around the bio-labs in Ukraine in order to secure and destroy any deadly pathogens they contain.

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed”

Nobody disputes that these labs exist. Even the World Health Organization has instructed the Ukrainians to destroy the deadly pathogens contained in these labs.

Last Friday, Reuters reported the World Health Organization has advised Ukraine to destroy the high-threat pathogens being stored in what the WHO called “public health laboratories” to prevent the potential spread of disease among the population.

But that didn’t stop the reckless freshman Utah Senator Mitt Romney from taking to Twitter and accusing Tulsi Gabbard of “parroting false Russian propaganda.” The fussy Romney called Tulsi’s remarks “treasonous lies” that “may well cost lives.”

What an idiot. And to think I once voted for this guy!!!

The Russian propaganda is not that these bio-labs exist. The Russian propaganda is that there are bio-weapons labs in Ukraine that are funded by the US Department of Defense and the US and Ukraine will use these bio-weapons against the Ukrainian population and blame it on Russia.

On Friday, March 18, the Russian Permanent Representative at to the United States Security Council Vassily Nebenzia presented what the Russian government claims is proof of a US bioweapon program in Ukraine and Georiga (Gateway Pundit reported). Nebenzia claims that the program has been running since 2005, and that “American colleagues were not assisting the Ministry of Health as they claimed, but rather the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.”

According to Nebenzia, the US Department of Defense “delegated broad authorities to its affiliated contractor Black & Veatch in cooperation with Ukrainian state authorities.” The experiments on deadly pathogens in Ukraine were not conducted by Ukrainians, but by Pentagon personnel and foreign researchers, Nebenzia claims.

“Simply speaking, Ukrainian authorities gave Pentagon a carte blanche and let them carry out dangerous biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine. Thereby, the American contractor was exempt from any taxes under Ukrainian legislation”, Nebenzia said. He called the programs “a cynical use of Ukraine’s territory and population for dangerous research that Washington does not want to have at home so that to not put its own population at risk.”

A good friend of mine summed it up this way, “As always, Ukraine is, and has always been, the sewer for all criminality, ever since the Nazis made it their headquarters.   This is a perfect example.  

US needed a place to create the most dangerous, lethal, germ warfare, but did not want to have it on our soil.  So what country would allow this on its soil?  Ukraine.  What country is headquarters for Biden family criminal activity?  Ukraine.  Drugs?  Money laundering? Human trafficking?  Child porn?  It’s always Ukraine.”  

This depravity next door was not lost on Putin, who saw the neoNazis take over.  How sad for Ukrainian civilians.

In a way I feel sorry for Zelinsky who most likely never realized exactly the  mess he inherited.  Since he probably wants to disconnect from the Nazi scourge around his neck, he couldn’t have a better ally than Putin, who also wants to be rid of his long time Nazi enemy who settled next door. 

They met.  It’s a shame they could not come to some agreement.  The question remains, Now What?  I hope the answer is not escalation to nukes.”

The Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell!!!!

The New York Times finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real.

In October 2020, The New York Post dropped an “October surprise” on Biden’s presidential campaign and released emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

 It took the NY Times nearly 17 months to grudgingly concede even a fraction of what New York Post readers learned in October 2020. Of course, Times readers would have learned all that too if their paper were still in the news business instead of being a running dog for Democrats.

The one bit of actual news is that Hunter Biden took out a loan to pay the federal government as much as $1 million in back taxes as part of a continuing criminal probe about his business ventures with foreign corporations and individuals.

The Post revealed those emails and many, many more after it came into possession of the contents of the same laptop’s hard drive. Post readers also know the Times was part of the Big Government, Big Tech and Big Media cabal that tried to hide those emails from the public during the 2020 presidential election.

The emails revealed Hunter Biden was doing business with foreign countries and acting as Joe Biden’s bagman as part of his international influence peddling scheme.

The New York Times also confirmed that Hunter Biden paid off a $1 million tax lien when he was reportedly unemployed and “flat broke.”

The Big Tech giants worked together to suppress the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell and blocked links to the New York Post’s bombshell report.

The fake news media also attacked the New York Post’s story on Hunter’s laptop as “Russian disinformation.”

Spies who lie: The New York Post cover today says it all. We can no longer trust the intelligence community in this country. They are liars and political operatives for the Democrat Party. Our intel communities are lost. It’s over.

Truth and integrity mean NOTHING to these people.

But the 51 former “intelligence” officials who cast doubt on The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president. And more than a year later, even after their Deep State sabotage has been shown again and again to be a lie, they refuse to own up to how they undermined an election.

The officials, including CNN pundit and professional fabricator James Clapper — a man who was nearly charged for perjury for lying to Congress — signed a letter saying that the laptop “has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

What proof did they have? By their own admission, none. “We do not know if the emails ... are genuine or not, the letter said. Theyre just suspicious. Why? Because they hurt Bidens campaign, thats evidence enough.

Keep in mind this was written Oct. 19, 2020, five days after The Post published its first story. Neither Joe Biden nor Hunter Biden had denied the story, they simply deflected questions.

The dishonest men and women never should have held positions of such high authority and should be held accountable. They are incapable of being honest with the American public.

And they weren’t the only ones. The fake news mainstream media all lied about the laptop too.

So as a corollary to their reporting fake news about Trump, when they had real news about Biden family corruption, instead of reporting it and letting users share it on social media, they conspired to bury it. 

Blame them for Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency.

And now the Times has the gall to act as if it did heroic digging by claiming Thursday the emails “were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.” Oh, please.

NEVER trust the fake news!!!!

Pfizer CEO Says It’s Time For A Fourth Shot!!!

The CEO of Pfizer has announced the need for yet another shot to combat Covid-19, despite the hard push to sell the effectiveness of the third shot.

Dr Albert Bourla appeared on CBS’ Face The Nation Sunday, where he said that a fourth shot has become “necessary.”

“Right now, the way that we have seen, it is necessary, a fourth booster right now,” Dr. Bourla said. “The protection that you are getting from the third, it is good enough, actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths. It’s not that good against infections but doesn’t last very long. But we are just submitting those data to the FDA and then we will see what the experts also will say outside Pfizer.”

I once was told  that the definition of an expert is a person who hides his ignorance better than the rest of us. It was the experts who said planes would never get off the ground, it was the experts who said  trains wouldn’t go faster than 50 miles an hour and it was the experts that said three mile Island radiation leak would never happen. So much for the experts.

I said at the beginning of these shots their plan was to give them to us gradual until they would be given yearly. Now that seems to be happening. First it was one shot you needed ,then two shots, then  a booster now a fourth shot then yearly.

We are making a vaccine that covers omicron and all the other variants,” he said.

Dr. Bourla said he believes that even though Covid isn’t quite behind us, things have still gone better than they could have. He also believes that “gradually” people can start going back to their “normal lives.”

“But we need to understand that the COVID will not go away in the years to come,” he continued. We will have to live- to learn how to live with it, and we can, as we are living with many- so many other viruses.”

When asked if he thought booster shots would turn into a yearly thing for Covid, he replied, “I think so.”

This comes on the heels that the CDC reports that  the most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021, according to the analysis of financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower, Edward Dowd, who appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room this week to discuss his findings.

Dowd, with the assistance of an unnamed “insurance industry expert,” compiled data from the CDC showing that, in just the second half of 2021, the total number of excess deaths for millennials was higher than the number of Americans who died in the entirety of the Vietnam War. Between August and December, there were over 61,000 deaths in this age group, compared to 58,000 over the course of 10 years in Vietnam

 Millennials were by far hit hardest by the wave of excess deaths, likely because taking the jab was the only way for them to stay employed. Case in point – the excess deaths were almost seven times higher in millennials than the Silent Generation, which includes those who are 85 or older.

“This is the smoking gun: the vaccines are causing excess mortality…the government, through the mandates, has killed people,” Dowd concludes.

More bad news for Pfizer & Moderna; “the 4th dose is not needed as no different than the 3rd dose, such that there is a reported NO benefit; IMO, no dose was needed, I am yet to be convinced otherwise

Regev-Yochay et al. in Israel: “Efficacy of a Fourth Dose of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine against Omicron”

These shots can only hurt you.  The longer people wait, the weaker their brain becomes and eventually lose the will to fight.  The shot also debilitates your immune system as time goes by.  That’s why they still don’t have studies on long term effects from these jabs.

Meanwhile  VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System) reports 2,050,462 vaccine injuries, 25,641 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 34,998 Total Reported Deaths, and 141,112 Total COVID  Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations /223,276 Total Reported Hospitalizations.

Something to think about.

I report, you decide.

See Trump accuse the media of being criminal for not reporting about Hunter’s laptop.

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Posted by on March 20, 2022 in Uncategorized


The Story Behind The War The Manipulative Main Stream Media Isn’t telling!!!

The war in Ukraine is a complex one to understand and the media is not telling you the  full story and has chosen to take sides portraying the Ukrainian people as the underdog to Putin’s savage attack. The ones who suffer here are the civilians who have been displaced by this war and forced to flee to surrounding countries. Both sides are bad in this war and no one is completely innocent like the MSM is portraying. It’s just one side is worse than the other and the west has sided with the lesser of two evils.

On one side you have the Ukrainian socialist government that has always been corrupt and on the other side you have the brutal, power mad communist dictator former head of the KGB. Vladimier  Putin who has used chemical weapons against his own oppressors and who wants to have Crimea and Ukraine back as part of Russia during the old Soviet Union days.

The Ukrainian people  were taken over by Nazi’s after WW2.  The Nazis never went away, they settled in Ukraine, made it their new Headquarters.  The Ukraine military is now their Nazi military.  They had Zelinsky installed as their puppet leader just like Biden is our puppet leader. Putin wants to rid the world of Naziism which is a good thing,but does he have to scorch and displace millions of people to do it? Socialists and communists have always opposed each other and never gotten along.

NWO (New World Order)/GLOBALISTS helped the Dems steal our presidential election and installed puppet demented Biden.  Now we are Deep State controlled, just like the Ukrainian civilians.  They are captive, as we are, under a Deep State regime.  That’s why Putin is having a hard time smoking them out from the Ukrainian people  Our MSM (main stream media)is manipulating the optics..   

We’ve been bombarded day and night by MSM’s single-sided, prejudiced  propaganda against Putin, and wrongfully believing this is fair journalism.  This tactic distracts you from realizing that the attacker is the socialist MSM itself.   We are its’ victims.  They are manipulating all the shots.

Did MSM ever allow you to fully and fairly hear Putin’s side?   Not on your life!  They pull your heart-strings with endless pictures of burning buildings and fleeing women and children – like this is not the norm in a war situation! They show videos, that Putin caused an evil Humanitarian horror.   

MSM keeps you ignorant of the true cause – Putin is defending himself after 8 years of neo-Nazi Ukrainian attacks.  He decided it was enough waiting, and said he has had enough of neo-Nazis.  He is not the perpetrator of this war.  Putin showed tremendous restraint for 8 years.  The Ukrainian people strongly intertwined with Russian people. The media never really reported on this in this country,but a true historian of Russian history and if you do some research will back that up.

Putin says the operation in Ukraine was necessary because the United States was using the country to threaten Russia and Russia had to defend against the “genocide” of Russian-speaking people by Ukraine.

Putin also intercepted the plans of Ukraine’s future assault by germ warfare, finding 28 Biolabs and all the documents in tact.  They were all located close to the border with Russia.   Now it comes out that the Deep State US funded them.  So they falsely claim that Putin CAUSED a horrible humanitarian crisis, WHILE they were planning a lethal germ warfare disaster against the Russians.  As we know from COVID, this type of germ warfare would spread worldwide, but be much more lethal.  We will hear more on this when NATO reviews all the evidence.

When I object to the MSM’s deceitful tactics, it does not mean I am pro Putin, even after repeatedly saying I am for neither side, Communist nor Nazi.  I am against manipulative, dishonest, MSM reporting. 

Perhaps now you can understand how hard to detect George Soros’ MSM manipulations.  “Whoever controls the media, controls the people” Often, there is more than two warring sides in a conflict. Nothing is as it appears.  

It’s always, always, PUTIN!  Beware of those who echo that mantra like Biden and everyone in his administration and media is doing now.

  I have no doubt in my mind if Nazi Ukraine had nukes, they would use them.

I side with stopping the slaughter of innocents,but does Putin have to destroy a country to get back at a certain faction? I don’t sit here and repeat propaganda talking points. It’s Putin’s war that’s for sure.. There is no respect for limits in this war for anyone. Civilians across Ukraine have  been killed in senseless, ruthless Russian shellings. Case in point, a theater in Ukraine was packed with children and women and senior citizens. The Ukraine people wrote in large Russian letters outside so it  could be seen from the air  “CHILDREN” so they wouldn’t be bombed, They were bombed anyway and hundreds of women children and seniors died. Yes, war is hell as the saying goes.

Recently action star Steven Seagal — who was banned from Ukraine for five years in 2017 after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the actor a Russian passport — spoke out on the Ukrainian conflict Monday, saying he looks at both sides “as one family.”

“Most of us have friends and family in Russia & Ukraine,” the action star told Fox News Digital on Monday. “I look at both as one family and really believe it is an outside entity spending huge sums of money on propaganda to provoke the two countries to be at odds with each other.”

I agree with Steven here.He nailed it saying there is an outside force. It’s the Globalists and NWO people as I mentioned above.

“My prayers are that both countries will come to a positive, peaceful resolution where we can live & thrive together in peace,” the 69-year-old added.

Now Biden is using the Ukraine War  to unleash economic Armageddon.

President Biden has signed a $1.5 trillion funding measure this week that also has billions of dollars in money for Ukraine.

The bipartisan law will give money for the government through Sept. Joe Biden, speaking during a White House event this week, said it was a move that proves “the American people … that Dems and the GOP can actually get together and do something.”

Biden stressed that the $13.6 billion in security and humanitarian assistance for the nation of Ukraine included inside the bill, as well. This money is meant to help the Ukrainian people during the Russian invasion.

America’s economy has suffered through sky-high inflation in the past six months. And experts say it could go even higher. With many middle-class Americans paying around, an estimated, $300 per month in additional funds to pay their routine bills all because of Biden’s massive spending and being dependent on foreign oil once again, but  according to Biden and the dems and their cohorts in the media, it’s all  Putin’s fault even though this  happened before Putin invaded..

Democrats have not only not acknowledged the damage that inflation is doing, they have tried to shift the blame onto Vladimir Putin. But the truth is, inflation was going up as early as one year ago. The covid-19 relief checks and large spending plans that Democrats cooked up are without a doubt partially responsible.  Meanwhile Biden has said he is willing to ease up on Russian sanctions against the war in Ukraine to preserve Russia’s sponsorship  of terrorist  Iran’s 10 billion dollar nuclear program. Hey, Joe who’s side are you on anyway? You should be tried for treason in aiding and abetting the enemy.

In his strongest condemnation of the Russian President yet, US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he believes Vladimir Putin ‘is a war criminal’ for his unprovoked attacks on Ukraine.

Biden had been asked by a reporter: ‘Mr. President, after everything we’ve seen, are you ready to call Putin a war criminal?’

At first, Biden replied, ‘No.’

The President then asked if he will ‘go to Poland,’ where millions of Ukrainian refugees have fled following Russia’s invasion.

Seeming to still be processing the first question, Biden then asked the reporter, ‘Did you ask me whether I should call?’

He then added: ‘Oh, I think he is a war criminal.’

The Kremlin responded to Biden’s statement, saying it was “unacceptable” and “unforgivable rhetoric.”

Dmitri Peskov, a spokesman for Putin, told the state-run news outlet TASS that Biden’s comments were “unacceptable and unforgivable on the part of the head of a state, whose bombs have killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world.”

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Posted by on March 18, 2022 in Uncategorized


The Long And Short Term Effects of The Killer Vaccines Are Starting To Show!!!

As many of you know I have been reporting on these killer vaccines since they came out. They never were tested for long or short term effects and we are the guinea pigs. Now the results of these experimental vaccines are coming out. And they are proving to be harmful to your health and are not safe and effective as advertised, in fact, many have died or are experiencing permanent injuries from these shots.

The “Vaccine” is putting people in the hospital in groves; it’s a perfectly designed plan where you can’t blame the jab.

It’s been discovered that these shots weaken your immune system and It’s only a matter of time before this Vaccine kicks in and starts killing Americans with NO PROOF the Vaccine caused the deaths which is what it was designed to do. The NWO has chosen to eliminate common people. When Bill Gates announced his funding of the two major vaccines, in the same breath he felt the population of the planet needed to be 500 million. Sounds like a plan to murder 7 billion of us. Fauci, Gates George Soros and Klaus Schwab are the main culprits behind this. ALL IN THE NAME OF DEPOPULATION & CONTROL.

The ideological split on mask mandates is a microcosm of the larger divide between liberals and conservatives. 

The wearing of masks is all part of the control and who was the leader of the mask mandates? Why Dr. Virus himself, Dr. Fauci. First he said you don’t need masks, then he said masks were optional, then he said you need a mask ,then he  said one mask is no good, you need two masks, then he said if you were vaccinated you didn’t need a mask, then finally you do need a mask.

The same can be said about this so called vaccine. First all we needed was one shot, then it became two shots, then you need a third shot known as a booster. Now Pfizer is saying everyone will need a fourth shot. After that they plan on you getting one twice a year. Each time your immune system gets weaker and weaker. See, they are doing it all by degrees so you will get used to obedience to the state. It’s all about control.

Tonite on Tucker Carlson’s show he said this whole idea of mask wearing is an exercise in obedience to the state to see how people will react in the next crisis.

The United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) union is going to force students to keep wearing masks to school, despite the county’s mask mandate expiring on March 11.

California has lifted the mandates statewide

However, the union has asserted that students must continue to wear masks due to a bargaining agreement that they had reached with the county.

The district said in a statement that it’s still “working with labor partners and other stakeholders” to transition away from mandatory masking.

The problem is that the Vax has severely damaged or eliminated the bodies natural immunity, leaving those that have taken the jab defenseless to fight any new illness that erupts. The Vax has given Cancer and many other respiratory infections a chance to take over our bodies. Without our natural immunity, we have lost our ability to combat ANYTHING that attacks our cells. Plain and simple. Labs MUST develop remedies to combat these new illnesses and stop jabbing poisonous chemicals into our systems that eliminate our ability to heal ourselves once again. DO NOT VAX THE KIDS!!!

As one comment I saw said : It is time we rise up together to stop this. If we all stick together and DO NOT LET THEM have control over these things, they will have no choice but to stop their schemes. We allow them to manipulate us and also they go unpunished for the killing sprees. They need to be held accountable by our government if we can no longer trust the CDC and NIH to be our watchdog and go to bat for our safety. They are a part of the NWO and making money along with Big Pharma – and that is what it is all about! Gates and Fauci (Mr. Depopulation and Dr. Death) – benefitting, along with many other Deep State globalists…..and we need to stop them immediately. They need punished for all the calamity they have brought to us….it is pure evil!! But I wonder also, just how many government officials are in on this? How much have they been benefitting from it?? But the are violating their oath of office which seems to be a common disease among them….along with ignoring their constituents. (Not all…but very many! Get rid of the Deep State Dems and the ripoff Rino’s!!)

And this comment I agree with also: With real science contributing real facts on the danger of the mRNA vaccines that aren’t vaccines and their destruction of the “vaccinateds” immune system and death… the only question that the people of a free nation can ask is WHEN ARE THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMANDING AND MANDATING EVERYONE BE INJECTED WITH POISON THAT DESTROYS OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM, CAUSES BLOOD CLOTS AND HEART DISEASE AND KILLS PEOPLE. The Chief pushers of the poison need to be held accountable. Exterminator Fauci for his aid in the development of the virus and he and Biden for their mandates that everyone takes the poison! I think it is about time that the main pushers of poison be tested to see if their is any sign in analysis that they themselves actually had the poison infected into them.

The vaccinated are still able to spread the virus, get the virus, and even lose the battle to the virus. The vaccinated primarily are the ones getting this NEW illness if that’s what you want to call it. It’s not an illness, it’s an affect of the vaccines.

Now their pushing these jabs on younger and younger people. These vaccines did not have normal protocols followed for their approval and further, there is no knowledge of the long term affects, these will have on us all. What’s truly scary, is the ignorance of people and the ability of tyrants to cause so many to fear a virus that has a 99% recovery rate, and with other methods available for recovery, that they will go and get an experimental vaccine. In itself, it should be alarming that the pharmaceutical companies have been exempted from any responsibility of harm caused from these vaccines.

Jackson River Pediatrics is located in Alleghany County, Virginia.

Recently a patient took a photo of a sign posted at their office in Virginia.

The sign reads: “Sports physicals are done primarily to make sure you are not at high risk for sudden cardiac death on the playing field.  COVID vaccination affects your risk.  In response to worldwide experience and vaccine adverse-event monitoring, we are adopting a more precautionary sports physical sign-off policy:

If you have received doses of any COVID shot, we will not be able to clear you to compete in sports without performing lab work and possibly an echocardiogram to rule out potential heart damage. “

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Posted by on March 16, 2022 in Uncategorized


Biden And Dems Mid-Term Mantra!”It’s Putin’s Fault”!!!


A reporter recently shouted out to Biden as he was leaving, “What is the future of gas prices?” and Biden replied, “They’re going to go up” to which the reporter asked, “What are you going to do about it?” and Biden replied, “There’s nothing we can do about it. Just watch Russia.”

There’s plenty you can do about it Joe.You can open the keystone pipeline again and continue drilling here instead of depending on those terrorist countries. As one senator I heard so aptly put it,”This administration would rather depend on murderous killers than American drillers.” How true!!!!

That’s the dems new mid-term mantra, “If it’s bad it must be Vlad”and “Its Putin’s fault.” since thy have nothing to run on but excuses and know they will take a shellacking in the mid-terms.Even Nancy Pelosi is taken to repeating the Blame Putin mantra.

No Joe it’s not Putin’s fault, this massive inflation and high gas process is your fault and yours alone. You own it.

Under Trump we were energy independent for the first time in 75 years. We were drilling in ANWAR, we were drilling on federally owned lands, we had the Keystone pipeline up and running, gas at the pumps was under $2 a gallon and we were the largest exporter of oil in the world as there is enough oil here for the next 200 years and we could help our allies. You inherited all that plus a robust economy, but you stopped all that on your first day, because it was Trump.

Now we are dependent on foreign oil once again and, Joe, you proved yourself an embarrassment to the world when you begged terrorist countries on bending knee for their oil, Yes you begged terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia and the Mullahs In Iran and Maduro in Venezuela who are all laughing at us now knowing what two putzes we have in office who they can walk all over and get what they want.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that two of the Middle East’s most powerful petrostates, Saudi Arabian and UAE, wouldn’t take Biden’s call. The reasons for this unprecedented snub are obvious: Saudi Arabia and UAE both know Biden isn’t a serious character and know his handlers won’t likely give him the help they need against Iran.

It is important to recall what Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated on November 5, 2020. He said that the next U.S. Administration would surrender to Iran. This was not just tough talk. It was an honest assessment of geopolitical conditions, given Biden’s apparent willingness to give the mullahs everything they want.

It is now bearing bitter fruits. Biden and the U.S. find themselves in this predicament because Biden’s handlers tried to discredit Trump and vindicate Obama. Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, which was so weak, was his most important foreign policy accomplishment. But then Trump made it — correctly — the worst deal that any American administration had ever reached and got us out. Biden’s handlers want to preserve Obama’s legacy. They’re willing to abandon our allies and give the green light to an enemy rogue nation that chants “Death To America.” Old Joe can be thanked for everything he did to secure his Iran deal.

Biden’s lost all leverage because he’s got no credibility and all his fear mongering has fallen flat. Growing numbers of people see through this president every day and realize what a mistake he made to get into the White House

Yes, you, Joe  caused this massive inflation Joe with your three trillion dollar spending spree not Putin. When you spend more than you have in products that causes inflation.

Inflation is going to be our WMD when gas gets to 10 bucks a gallon and bread 10 bucks a loaf America will look like Ukraine. In fact, now Ukraine is banning ALL EXPORTS of wheat, oats and other crops, sending food supply SHOCKWAVES around the world. More and more countries will be protecting their own food so local people don’t riot when food prices go up. You can expect food riots here in the states soon too. But according to Joe, It’s all Putin’s fault. That’s it, Joe, always deflect blame. It’s always someone else’s fault. A page right out of Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules For Radicals.” As much as Biden wants to blame inflation on someone else. He is responsible for it.

74% of US adults who have seen the impact of inflation indicate they are now financially worse off. This figure is up from 66% in July when the study was conducted.

Consumer prices increased 7.5 percent in the twelve months ending in January, the highest rate in four decades and a significant half-percentage point increase over December’s figure.

Since President Joe Biden took office, inflation has been steadily rising. Many experts blame the higher prices on last year’s record fiscal spending, but according to Joe and the dems, “It’s all Putin’s fault.”

Tucker Carlson on Fox News recently reported that these sanctions on Russian oil will hit middle-income Americans who’ve already got hurt for the last two years under the ineffective and unneeded COVID regulations.

With gas prices at their highest in history and rising, Tucker’s warning is timely. As he says, anything that gets moved from one place to another, including food, is going to skyrocket in price. Lying to say it will stop Putin does not make it any better.

Another reason the dems will blame Putin is the revelation that the US funded Ukraine Biolabs.  So Deep State, that’s now us, might launch a global bioweapons release, and plan to blame Putin.  

COVID 19  was a great success.  Why stop now?  Biden and his Deep State don’t care how many of us get killed, as long as they get their way.  Always blame Putin.

Earlier this week, US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland publicly confirmed the presence of US-funded bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine. She even warned that Russia might seize the facilities and launch a biological weapons false flag attack on the world to blame America.

Nuland was being questioned by US Sen. Marco Rubio. It appears that Rubio and Nuland rehearsed this exchange and performed it for public consumption in order to set the stage for a US false flag bioweapons release that will be blamed on Russia.

This means the US deep state plans to release a whole new bioweapon onto the world, then blame Putin for it. They always need a scapegoat for the crimes they’re committing against humanity, of course.

Putin just give the green light for 16000 volunteers from the middle east to join in on the invasion. They probably will be bringing the weapons Biden left in Afghanistan. It would be hard for a writer to make this chit up and make a movie out of the stupidity this bunch of clowns are letting happen.

This is about evil on both sides and we are all in the middle.  This could be settled so easily by sitting down and ironing out a plan of agreement.  No Nato joining per the signed Minsk Agreement, allow the Donbass area to become under Russia’s control as it is all Russians there anyway and no bases in the Ukraine.  Does that sound so unreasonable

Biden afraid to provoke Putin, won’t allow fighter jets to Ukraine. He might as well help Russia bombard Ukraine. Biden won’t do anything because he knows Russia and China both own him thanks to Hunter.

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Posted by on March 11, 2022 in Uncategorized


Putin Turns Off Fertilizer Supply To The World!!!


Putin recently  Announces Ban of Certain Exports and Raw Materials in Response to Biden Blocking Russian Oil & Gas

Tonite on Laura Ingraham’s show she had a report that said Russia supplies two thirds of the world’s fertilizer and now Putin has decided to turn off the fertilizer spigot to the world. And can you blame him? He sees the world ganging up on him and denying him trade, money and purchasing any of his products with various sanctions so he’s not going to take it lying down and retaliates. He says, “Ok two can play  this game. I’ll turn off your fertilizer supply and then you’ll have no crops.”

Russia’s war on Ukraine is continuing to boost food prices. While the US and European countries are engaged in economic warfare against Moscow, it appears Russia’s turn to strike back has emerged. 

On Thursday, Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said Russia decided to suspend fertilizer exports. This comes when global food prices are at record highs, and European fertilizer makers are struggling to produce nutrients ahead of the spring growing season, increasing global food inflation risks. 

President Vladimir Putin said the fertilizer export ban was a move to ensure stable domestic food prices. This is another sign of growing protectionism worldwide as countries grapple with soaring food prices. Putin said fertilizer markets are deteriorating, making food a lot more expensive.  

Notably, Putin added that Russia has agreements with “friendly countries” on fertilizers.

Possible Russian retaliatory measures follow a series of Western sanctions on Russia, which have collapsed the ruble, locked the central bank out of a large chunk of its foreign-currency savings, and crushed its ability to trade with the outside world by removing certain Russian banks from SWIFT.

 If you think food is high now, just wait a few weeks and see if you can afford it. And Biden expects us all to get electric cars when we can barely put food on the table?

Meanwhile, China FM Spokesperson, Zhao Lijian was quoted earlier today as saying Beijing will retaliate with a “serious response” if the US hits sanctions on China over Ukraine. 

Things are getting a little bit out of control. 

Laura also had a report that many Russian Americans are taking heat in this country because of the war. So much so that Facebook and Instagram are suspending their hate speech rules and allowing violent rhetoric now.

Facebook and Instagram have loosened some hate speech restrictions as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, parent company Meta said Thursday.

What they’re saying: “[W]e have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as ‘death to the Russian invaders,'” a Meta spokesperson said in a statement. “We still won’t allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians.”

Details: Reuters reported Thursday in an exclusive that the policy change will allow users in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine to issue calls for violence against Russian soldiers.

Users in those regions will also be allowed to use language targeting Russians in posts that clearly denote the context of the invasion.

Calls for the deaths of Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko will be permitted unless the posts include other targets or two indicators of credibility, such as location, according to internal emails obtained by Reuters.

The big picture: Russia blocked Facebook entirely last week and has made similar crackdowns on other Western tech companies.

Way to go guys. With all the flaming idiots out there now innocent perfectly good Russian Americans will be getting insults and violent threats online and in person just because they are Russian. As the late, but great radio talk show host Bob Grant used to say, “it’s sick out there and  getting sicker.!!!!”

Russia To Ban Fertilizer Exports To ‘Not Friendly’ Countries; China Warns US Against Retaliation

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Posted by on March 11, 2022 in Uncategorized


Biden Beggar In Chief,Part Two!!!


During the campaign Biden admitted that gas and oil prices would rise under his administration and Trump warned everyone they would if Biden got in. Now everyone is seeing the truth and feeling it in their wallets. Biden refused to stop importing Russian oil even as people begged him to stop supporting Putin’s war by purchasing oil from him.

You see to Biden it’s about feelings and appearances. But to Putin it’s about crushing his opponents without mercy. Bend to his will or die for not doing so.

To Biden, as long as he can appear to care, allow everyone else at the table to come up with the plan, and give some sort of statement that’s been empathy-tested for dramatic effect then he’s “doing his job.”

That’s the whole mantra of liberal thinking when it comes to foreign affairs, “You be nice to them and they’ll nice to you.’  No that is wrong guys. This is a world ruled by the aggressive use of force and Ukranian President Zelensky is doing just that in fighting back against Putin who also believes in using force.

Finally after the whole country was protesting against  him, Biden finally stopped receiving Russian oil, but instead of going to our oil supply which we have enough of for the next 200 years and making us energy independent again like Trump did, he goes to the terrorist nations like Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to beg them to send us their oil. Saudi Arabia refused.  Now the oil prices at the pump s are higher than they ever were and climbing higher because these terrorist countries see a weak minded individual and administration hey can walk all over, who will give them whatever they want and make tones of cash with.

The reason Biden is doing this is because he is so beholden to the environmentalists and his Green New Deal friends like AOC and her squad. He and they said they want to make us a fossil free nation and is promoting electric cars for everyone. Right now people are struggling to put food on the table and can’t afford a $60,000 electric car and also you will have to have a home charging unit put in and charging stations everywhere. That’s the trouble with liberal thinking it’s all idealism and emotion and fantasy devoid of  facts and reality.

President Biden has said that he will not send Americans to fight in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia. But behind closed doors, his administration is making plans that could get the U.S. embroiled in a new war for years to come.

According to a report in The Washington Post, the U.S. and its allies are “quietly” preparing to support a “long, bloody” insurrection against Russian rule.

Biden, like other Western leaders, has cheered the brave resistance of the Ukrainians. But in private, the U.S. and its European allies are anticipating that Kyiv will fall before long as Russia continues to make advances, the report said. In that event, the conflict would shift into a guerilla war.

Washington is preparing to support the insurgents and set up a government-in-exile to rival a Russian occupation, the report said.

“We’re doing contingency planning now for every possibility,” an official said.

Officials told the Post they are keeping their plans secret because they fear Western support for an insurgency may provoke a broader conflict with Russia, especially if Ukraine’s government relocates to a NATO country like Poland.

The Biden administration is sending Stinger missiles to help the Ukrainians counter Russian airpower, and Biden has asked Congress to authorize another $10 billion in military and humanitarian aid.

Fox News just announced they are sending one million dollars to Ukraine aid. I wonder If these lib entertainers will hav another We Are the World concert to raise money for Ukraine. I wouldn’t put it past them and then Russian ships will intercept all the aid like what happened in Africa that time with the We Are the World concert and the people it was meant for never got to see it..

After nearly two weeks of spirited resistance, the Ukrainians have kept their capital, Kyiv, out of Russian hands. But there are signs that a new phase of the war is on the horizon.

The U.S. and its allies are making plans to set up a government-in-exile, with a handpicked successor to president Volodymyr Zelensky in case the Ukrainian leader is captured or killed, The New York Times reports.

With a Russian takeover looking increasingly likely, the U.S. is looking for ways to keep a Ukrainian government intact to counteract a Russian puppet regime in Kyiv, the Times reports.

Zelensky has an immediate acting successor lined up: a former top aide and current Parliament speaker, Ruslan Stefanchuk. But Ukraine’s constitution is unclear about the line of succession beyond that.

The U.S. has been pushing Ukraine to keep top officials on the move and away from Kyiv, the Times said.

A reporter recently asked Biden who is responsible for the rising gas prices and he said “Russia is.” No Joe it is you and your refusal to make us energy independent  like Trump did and cater to your terrorist buddies who are raising it while you hope people stop buying gas and promote your electric cars and Green New Deal agenda.

An article appearing on NBC News said President Joe Biden didn’t race to ban Russian oil. He was pushed into it by an unusual alliance of Republicans and climate-conscious liberals.

Of course, supporters of the embargo uniformly cite the defense of innocent Ukrainians as their top priority. But that’s not the whole story.

Once divided over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Republicans have found unity in demanding an oil ban that is perceived as a hawkish response to autocratic Russian President Vladimir Putin — and which will inevitably lead to higher gas prices that give them more political ammunition.

For liberals, banning Russian oil — banning any oil — is a step toward reducing global dependence on fossil fuels and the power of petro-state leaders, while higher gas prices create an incentive for consumers to buy electric vehicles.

“This is a critical moment for the climate movement,” said Marcella Mulholland, political director of the liberal group Data for Progress.

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has provided a clear reminder of the need to free the global economy from oil and gas controlled by dictators like Putin.”

These complementary goals brought together a strange-bedfellows coalition of lawmakers, from the political right and the political left, that began drafting legislation to ban Russian oil imports last week. They are also largely united — for similar reasons — in their opposition to seeking more oil from Venezuela, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

I report, you decide.

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Posted by on March 9, 2022 in Uncategorized


Biden=Beggar in Chief!!!


As the war in Ukraine and Russia rages on, Biden still is funding Putin’s war by continue buying oil from him. Not only from Russia but he is on bended knees begging countries that hate us like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran who chants death to America and death  to Isreal, for their oil when he inherited energy independence from Trump. Biden turned off the Keystone XL pipeline and laid off 70.000 workers and told them to find other high paying jobs. Like it’s that easy Joe.

Now thanks to the beggar in chief we have the highest prices ever for gas at the pump and grocery products and other much  needed products that we depend on.

The world is uniting to sanction Russia for its unacceptable military aggression.  But under Joe Biden’s leadership, America continues to purchase as much as 200,000 barrels of Russian oil EVERY DAY, sending tens of millions of dollars to Putin’s war machine! 80% of Americans believe we must stop funding Putin and his war by immediately halting the purchase of Russian oil.


Energy Secretary Mayor Pete Buttigiege  says that to get away from dependence on foreign oil and ending the war in Ukraine for everyone to buy an electric car. Sure Mayor Pete like everyone can afford a $60,000 car that has to be charged every 60 miles. Kamala Harris went along on the bandwagon and said that we should have electric buses. Sure just snap your fingers and they all will appear at no cost. You people are living in such a fantasy world.

An article appeared in Reuters by Josh Cohen explained the root causes of today’s Ukranian problem. Jews escaped Nazi Germany only to find them dominate  in Ukraine and slaughtering them, This war is a response to Ukraine’s increasing aggressiveness by its’ dominate Nazi group.

Still that is no reason to blow out a whole country to smithereens destroying hospitals and innocent people who may not have heard the warning if indeed there even was one like they say.. The NWO and their lackey Nazis are evil but so is Putin and Putin can destroy us all in short order. Actually I think this war is caused by Russia taking Crimea and then Russia attempting to take the two southern states as well.

Here’s an excerpt from the Reuters article from four years ago.

As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.

A January 28 demonstration, in Kiev, by 600 members of the so-called “National Militia,” a newly-formed ultranationalist group that vows “to use force to establish order,” illustrates this threat. While the group’s Kiev launch was peaceful, National Militia members in balaclavas stormed a city council meeting in the central Ukrainian town of Cherkasy the following day, skirmishing with deputies and forcing them to pass a new budget.

Many of the National Militia’s members come from the Azov movement, one of the 30-odd privately-funded “volunteer battalions” that, in the early days of the war, helped the regular army to defend Ukrainian territory against Russia’s separatist proxies. Although Azov uses Nazi-era symbolism and recruits neo-Nazis into its ranks, a recent article in Foreign Affairs downplayed any risks the group might pose, pointing out that, like other volunteer militias, Azov has been “reined in” through its integration into Ukraine’s armed forces. While it’s true that private militias no longer rule the battlefront, it’s the home front that Kiev needs to worry about now.

When Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea four years ago first exposed the decrepit condition of Ukraine’s armed forces, right-wing militias such as Azov and Right Sector stepped into the breach, fending off the Russian-backed separatists while Ukraine’s regular military regrouped. Though, as a result, many Ukrainians continue to regard the militias with gratitude and admiration, the more extreme among these groups promote an intolerant and illiberal ideology that will endanger Ukraine in the long term. Since the Crimean crisis, the militias have been formally integrated into Ukraine’s armed forces, but some have resisted full integration: Azov, for example, runs its own children’s training camp, and the careers section instructs recruits who wish to transfer to Azov from a regular military unit.

There’s no easy way to eradicate the virulent far-right extremism that has been poisoning Ukrainian politics and public life, but without vigorous and immediate efforts to counteract it, it may soon endanger the state itself.

Meanwhile we must turn our attention to the fact that, even as Russia was marshaling its invasion forces, the Biden administration was relying on Russia as its principal intermediary in the negotiations with Iran. It’s doubly humiliating: The president and his envoy, appeasement aficionado Rob Malley, have turned to a rogue for help because the other rogue they are pleading with for a deal won’t deign to negotiate directly with the United States.

In other words we are siding with Russia against Iran and to get them to stop producing nuke while begging Iran for oil, but opposing Russia in Ukraine, So Biden is colluding with Russia to get a new nuke deal. That’s one hell of a dangerous strategy.

Biden is planning on going to Saudi Arabia next month. That should be interesting. If Biden left everything in place Trump did he could sail right through is four years and people would be happy ,but I guess he wanted to make a  name for himself or the people under him who control his every move wanted to crave power so bad that they didn’t think of the consequences and really messed everything up or they just hate America so much and want to implement  their  socialist agenda on us.

I report ,you decide.

Russia has lost 1,000 troops-a-day to ferocious Ukrainians in big blow to Putin – World News – Mirror Online

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Posted by on March 8, 2022 in Uncategorized


Biden=Beggar In Chief!!!


As the war in Ukraine and Russia rages on, Biden still is funding Putin’s war by continue buying oil from him. Not only from Russia but he is on bended knees begging countries that hate us like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran who chants death to America and death  to Isreal, for their oil when he inherited energy independence from Trump. Biden turned off the Keystone XL pipeline and laid off 70.000 workers and told them to find other high paying jobs. Like it’s that easy Joe.

Now thanks to the beggar in chief we have the highest prices ever for gas at the pump and grocery products and other much  needed products that we depend on.

The world is uniting to sanction Russia for its unacceptable military aggression.  But under Joe Biden’s leadership, America continues to purchase as much as 200,000 barrels of Russian oil EVERY DAY, sending tens of millions of dollars to Putin’s war machine! 80% of Americans believe we must stop funding Putin and his war by immediately halting the purchase of Russian oil.

Energy Secretary Mayor Pete Buttigege  says that to get away from dependence on foreign oil and ending the war in Ukraine for everyone to buy an electric car. Sure Mayor Pete like everyone can afford a $60,000 car that has to be charged every 60 miles. Kamala Harris went along on the bandwagon and said that we should have electric buses. Sure just snap your fingers and they all will appear at no cost. You people are living in such a fantasy world.

An article appeared in Reuters by Josh Cohen explained the root causes of today’s Ukranian problem. Jews escaped Nazi Germany only to find them dominate  in Ukraine and slaughtering them, This war is a response to Ukraine’s increasing aggressiveness by its’ dominate Nazi group.

Still that is no reason to blow out a whole country to smithereens destroying hospitals and innocent people who may not have heard the warning if indeed there even was one like they say.. The NWO and their lackey Nazis are evil but so is Putin and Putin can destroy us all in short order. Actually I think this war is caused by Russia taking Crimea and then Russia attempting to take the two southern states as well.

Here’s an excerpt from the Reuters article from four years ago.

As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.

A January 28 demonstration, in Kiev, by 600 members of the so-called “National Militia,” a newly-formed ultranationalist group that vows “to use force to establish order,” illustrates this threat. While the group’s Kiev launch was peaceful, National Militia members in balaclavas stormed a city council meeting in the central Ukrainian town of Cherkasy the following day, skirmishing with deputies and forcing them to pass a new budget.

Many of the National Militia’s members come from the Azov movement, one of the 30-odd privately-funded “volunteer battalions” that, in the early days of the war, helped the regular army to defend Ukrainian territory against Russia’s separatist proxies. Although Azov uses Nazi-era symbolism and recruits neo-Nazis into its ranks, a recent article in Foreign Affairs downplayed any risks the group might pose, pointing out that, like other volunteer militias, Azov has been “reined in” through its integration into Ukraine’s armed forces. While it’s true that private militias no longer rule the battlefront, it’s the home front that Kiev needs to worry about now.

When Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of Crimea four years ago first exposed the decrepit condition of Ukraine’s armed forces, right-wing militias such as Azov and Right Sector stepped into the breach, fending off the Russian-backed separatists while Ukraine’s regular military regrouped. Though, as a result, many Ukrainians continue to regard the militias with gratitude and admiration, the more extreme among these groups promote an intolerant and illiberal ideology that will endanger Ukraine in the long term. Since the Crimean crisis, the militias have been formally integrated into Ukraine’s armed forces, but some have resisted full integration: Azov, for example, runs its own children’s training camp, and the careers section instructs recruits who wish to transfer to Azov from a regular military unit.

There’s no easy way to eradicate the virulent far-right extremism that has been poisoning Ukrainian politics and public life, but without vigorous and immediate efforts to counteract it, it may soon endanger the state itself.

Meanwhile we must turn our attention to the fact that, even as Russia was marshaling its invasion forces, the Biden administration was relying on Russia as its principal intermediary in the negotiations with Iran. It’s doubly humiliating: The president and his envoy, appeasement aficionado Rob Malley, have turned to a rogue for help because the other rogue they are pleading with for a deal won’t deign to negotiate directly with the United States

In other words we are siding with Russia against Iran and to get them to stop producing nuke while begging Iran for oil, but opposing Russia in Ukraine, So Biden is colluding with Russia to get a new nuke deal. That’s one hell of a dangerous strategy.

Biden is planning on going to Saudi Arabia next month. That should be interesting. If Biden left everything in place Trump did he could sail right through is four years and people would be happy ,but I guess he wanted to make a  name for himself or the people under him who control his every move wanted to crave power so bad that they didn’t think of the consequences and really messed everything up or they just hate America so much and want to implement  their  socialist agenda on us.

I report ,you decide.

Russia has lost 1,000 troops-a-day to ferocious Ukrainians in big blow to Putin – World News – Mirror Online

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Posted by on March 8, 2022 in Uncategorized