Monthly Archives: May 2024

Biden Agrees To Debate Trump, But Only On His Rules!!!! Sorry Joe,That”s Not How It Works!!!

A further show of weakness cowardice Biden has agreed to debate Trump, but only on his rules. These rules are.;

1) No third party candidates. Like RFK Junior.

2) No live audience.

3) Candidates mikes must be muted after they’re done speaking. So there’s no interaction back and forth.

4) Biden only wants moderators from ABC, CBS or CNN.

Trump has agreed to debate Biden even go on CNN. But says. Neither candidate has the right to choose what moderators they want. Both candidates have to agree. Trump has agreed to use Dana Bash as one of the moderators and no teleprompters or Cheat Sheets Like Biden is famous for using. Let’s see where this goes.

Biden Has released a video of him trying to be a Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry  Type of guy by saying “go ahead Donald, make my day. I’ll debate you anytime, anywhere.” During this 13 second ad there was at least six cuts so Joe can’t say anything straight without. being interrupted.

Clearly, the Biden administration is attempting to curtail as much of Trump’s “showman” side and opting for the most boring format possible by having no live audience for in-person reactions.

Plus the stipulation of no live audience accomplishes two benefits for Biden’s side. Not only does it eliminate distractions that could throw off the aging president’s flow, but it also deprives Trump of the ability to feed off the energy and reactions of a boisterous crowd, which he thrives on. The provision for muting microphones benefits Biden for the same reason.

But it looks like Trump is raring to go, whatever the handicap.It’s a big gamble on Biden’s part, but after looking at his shrinking poll numbers, his team has apparently decided he has to take it.

However, if there has to be debates, the Biden team has made sure they will be done on their terms. Every condition put forth by them is strategically crafted to show Biden in his best light. Having the debates hosted by a major television network instead of the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates increases the likelihood of a friendly moderator from one of the leftist mainstream news channels.

However, Biden was all bravado when he posted his challenge to Trump on social media. “Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,” he said. “Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal.”

Trump responded to the challenge video in his more verbose method, writing on Truth Social, “Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced – He can’t put two sentences together!”

“Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far,” the presumptive Republican nominee said. “It’s time for a debate so that he can explain to the American People his highly destructive Open Border Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his really WEAK Foreign Policy which is allowing the World to ‘Catch on Fire.’

“I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September,” the post continued. “I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds — That’s only because he doesn’t get them.

“I’m ready to go,” he said. “The dates that they proposed are fine. Anywhere. Anytime. Any place. Let’s see if Joe can make it to the stand-up podium.”“Just tell me when, I’ll be there. ‘Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!’” he concluded.

Fox political contributor Charlie Kirk said “the reason they want to debate so early is they’re hoping people will forget about them the time the election comes around. And that’s another reason why they might want to make these debates virtual, so people will forget and not have anything dramatic or occur. Charlie said no matter what they do, Trump will always beat Biden in any debate.”

 Sean Hannity voiced his disapproval with these rules on his show the other night, saying, “They’re  trying to collude the media mob and Joe Biden. They dictate all of the conditions, all of the rules, and Donald Trump gets no say. Sorry, that’s not how it’s ever worked. And that’s not fair. Americans will see right through that. Now it makes me wonder, does Joe, they know that Donald Trump is gonna insist on the simple things like no teleprompter. They’re gonna insist you can’t have somebody as left wing, like a radical left wing talk shows like Fake Jake. They know that If they’re gonna mute the mics, that means that that would mean the moderators too. They know that they can’t put stuff on the screen. So the idea that Donald Trump doesn’t get any say on any of this, no, that’s never worked like that. It can’t work like that here. It’s bad enough he’s agreed to go on to liberal networks and then he said Fox. I think Fox will be fair.”

So far, Trump is leading Biden in almost every state in almost every poll. In a Fox News poll 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. The economy was so much better for everyone under Trump.

Biden is repeating the false claim that inflation was at 9% when he took office after being called out in a press conference last week.Well, actually it was 1.4% back in January 2021. It took him about 18 months to realize that If he even now realizes it,

In a recent Fox poll on the economy:

70% said the economy is fair or poor.

89% said grocery prices are a problem and too high.

84% said gas prices are a problem.

59% disapprove of the Biden economy.

60% Of America Is now Living paycheck to paycheck. Americans are struggling with the cost of gas and food. America was so much better under Trump.

This shows that Biden economics Is a disaster for America.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee recently commented on the Biden economy saying “Joe Biden will blame McDonald’s and not his own ridiculous mismanagement of the economy for everything that’s going wrong. He always says, Ohh, it’s these greedy Corporations. It’s not the greedy corporations they are trying to help Americans. But the reality is Joe Biden has butchered and just completely bungled this economy into oblivion.”

I recently received this warning from Wayne Allen Root for Trump. I agree. I think this could be a trap. Please read this carefully and pass it on.

Democrats want Biden to debate? Are you kidding me? He’s clearly a brain-dead puppet with dementia and diapers. The man doesn’t know where he is most of the time… or what decade it is… or what he’s signing. He doesn’t know the names of the national media at his press conferences – he needs charts with their names on their seats.

But suddenly he wants to debate? In June? Trust me, it’s a trap.

There are a myriad of possibilities why Democrats want this….

First of all, President Trump, do not agree to a debate without drug testing Biden. He cannot stay lucid for 90 minutes without state-of-the-art drugs. Don’t debate him unless he agrees to a drug test immediately preceding the debate, with independent doctors.

Second, Biden will absolutely use an electronic listening device in his ear. Biden has no ability to answer questions on the fly. The man reads the words “period” and “end of sentence” on his teleprompter. How can he answer questions on the fly… or debate you? He can’t.

I guarantee you; Biden’s team will be giving him the answers in his ear. Don’t debate him, unless he agrees to no electronic listening devices, and agrees to be searched on the stage.

Third, Democrats cheat. They rig debates just like they rig elections. All the questions will be given to Biden days before the event – just like Democrats already did with Hillary before her debate with Bernie Sanders. Your team must come up with a way to ensure no one sees the questions in advance. Lie detector tests?

Fourth, why would you agree to debate on only biased liberal TV networks like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC? There are 2 debates. One can be on a liberal network, one can be on a conservative network.

Why would you ever agree to play two “away games?”

Fifth, you need fair moderators. Would the Biden campaign allow me as the moderator of the debates? Why not? I’m an Ivy League grad who has been in the media my entire adult life. I’ve hosted shows on major networks for 35 years. But they’d say “Wayne is biased. He’s an America-First, MAGA, conservative, Trump warrior.”

Yet, every media member they pick will be a biased, liberal, Deep State, DC Swamp, Trump-hater with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If they can have a Trump-hater as moderator, why can’t you demand one moderator at each debate of your choice? Each side gets a draft pick!

Pick me, Mr. President. I volunteer to moderate, representing Real America’s Voice TV.

Lastly, here is the real trap. Why June?

This debate in June is the tip-off. Something is very wrong.

But no matter what Mr. President, if you only listen to one piece of my advice…

Refuse to debate, unless Biden agrees to be drug tested.

Report you decide.



My Message to President Trump: The Debates are a Trap. Something is Wrong. Drug Test Biden. – Wayne Allyn Root

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Posted by on May 17, 2024 in Uncategorized


Trump Holds Largest Political Rally Ever At Jersey Shore!!!

Under sunny skies and cool breeze in Wildwood,N.J. home The largest, widest, safest, cleanest beach on the East Coast and one of the top ten in the world. Trump held a massive political rally that ended up being the largest political rally in history, attended by anywhere between 80 and 100,000 people  where he repeatedly blamed President Joe Biden for the criminal charges he’s facing as the presumptive nominees prepare to face off in the November election and called his New York hush money case “a Biden show trial.”

Blasting the Democratic president “a total moron,” Trump before a crowd of tens of thousands repeatedly characterized the cases against him as politically motivated and timed to harm his ability to campaign.

“He’s a fool. He’s not a smart man,” Trump said of Biden. “I talk about him differently now because now the gloves are off.” Trump also categorized Biden as the worst, most incompetent president in history. Worse than Jimmy Carter.

“I’ve been indicted 7 times,” Said Trump. “That’s more than famed gangster Al Capone. Every indictment I get I wear as a badge of honor because I’m protecting you. They’re coming after my freedoms because they really want yours and I won’t let them do that. They’re coming after me because they’re really coming after you and I’m just standing in their way.”

Mid major speculations about who his final running mate pick would be, the ex-president was accompanied by an unlikely surprise guest, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Together, they arrived at the venue in the presumptive GOP nominee’s ‘Trump Force One’ campaign plane.  Burgum opened up for Trump

Trump was like his old self, beaming being humorous,energetic and spoke for about two hours, most which was off the cuff and ad-libbed, something Biden could never do. Biden recently had a rally and only 100 people attended. Trump imitated Biden at this rally with the fact that he can’t find his way off stage and Trump pointed out that he has an entrance on the right side, he has an exit on the left side, has a stairway and back of him. But at another rally when he imitated Biden “the fake news media picked it up and made it look like I couldn’t find my way off the stage,” he said.

These rallies have got to be a great boost for Trump after what he’s going through now with sitting in a courtroom all week listening to a biased judge, biased prosecutor and bias lawyers. attacking you day in and day out and then bringing in lowlife witnesses like Stormy Daniels and convicted liar Michael Cohen.

Trump said all the illegals coming in here are ruining the country and the reason they’re mostly coming in is because of the free benefits. He said once he gets in office, he’s going to have the largest deportation in history because our country can’t sustain it. He said under Biden, 8 million illegals have come in here and if they keep coming, we’ll have no Social Security, no Medicare, and no Medicaid. As of now the Democrats want all the illegals to have Social Security and they’re getting free Obamacare.

Trump also mentioned that the prison, jail, mental institution and insane asylum population in a lot of these third world countries is down because they’re sending them all here.

Trump said that once he gets in office, he will end the Ukraine /Russia war because he’s met personally with both leaders and can end that war right away.

Trump also read the poem The Snake, as he does at most of his rallies, which is symbolic of what our country is going through now with the illegal immigration. The snake is about a poor woman who finds a half frozen snake and the snake begs her to take him in which she does and she feeds the snake and revives him. When the snake bites her and gives her a vicious bite and it’s poisonous she says to the snake. “You bit me after I took you in. Your bite is poison. And now I will die.”
 To which the snake replies, “Stupid woman. You knew I was a snake before you took me in” Trump says this is what our country is going through now.

This is always a popular part of Trump’s speech when he reads the snake, which he’s been doing for quite a while now.

Trump said he’s hoping to turn blue states red which New Jersey is now a blue state and he hopes crowds like this will make it red. He said he wants this election to be” too big to rig.” which a lot of the signs the crowdr read. Other signs, read “Joe Biden. You’re fired.”

The crowd exited very orderly and peacefully considering they were between 80 and 100,000 people packed like sardines. No fights broke out that are usual with Democrat organizations meeting.

I report, You decide.

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Posted by on May 12, 2024 in Uncategorized


Biden Threatens to Deny Military Assistance To Israel, and Emboldens the Terrorists!!!!

These Jews helped Biden get elected with votes and money.  Now, Biden is stabbing Israel in the back.

It’s obvious that these people have no loyalty or love for their native country.

 President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he would not supply offensive weapons that Israel could use to launch an all-out assault on Rafah — the last major Hamas stronghold in Gaza — over concern for the well-being of the more than 1 million civilians sheltering there.

Biden, in an interview with CNN, said the U.S. was still committed to Israel’s defense and would supply Iron Dome rocket interceptors and other defensive arms, but that if Israel goes into Rafah, “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used, that have been used.”

On his  Wednesday night show Sean Hannity had quite a segment on the fact that our Feckless, Disgraceful President Threatened to deny aid to Israel, our only ally in the Middle East who surrounded by terrorist nations and fighting for their lives If they attack Rafah a Hamas stronghold.

One  Commentator accurately posted about Biden threatening to cut off aid to Israel when Menachem Begin  was their president.

“Biden was a Senator from Delaware and confronted then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin during his Senate Foreign Relations committee testimony, threatening to cut off aid to Israel. Begin forcefully responded,

“Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

Senator Biden reportedly banged on the table with his fist, and Begin retorted,

“This desk is designed for writing, not for fists. Don’t threaten us with slashing aid. Do you think that because the US lends us money it is entitled to impose on us what we must do? We are grateful for the assistance we have received, but we are not to be threatened. I am a proud Jew. Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats. Take note: we do not want a single soldier of yours to die for us.”

Now Biden is doing it again with Netanyahu our closest ally with Israel surrounded by terrorist nations and fighting for their lives when in 2019 Biden told an interviewer that “cutting aid to Israel is preposterous.” Now he’s completely turned around on that stand and is cutting aid to Israel.

Sean had this to say. “Biden’s betrayal of Israel is even worse than we thought. If you can believe that’s possible, look at this new report. The administration decided to keep his decision to pull the weapon shipment for Israel quiet until after his Holocaust remembrance address. How despicable. And in light of his abandonment of our ally Israel, our one true ally in the region, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “Israel will stand alone if necessary.”  

Biden’s decision was celebrated by one group, the radical squad members on Capitol Hill, who credited the vile anti-Semitic protesters with pressuring the administration’s decision to abandon Israel just as late as flip flop after years of promising strong, steady support, Unwavering support for Israel.

Sean had Mark Levin on his show and he was fired up and pissed off at Biden. Rather than summarizing his speech, I am repeating it here in its entirety so you could  see it yourself.

Mark Levin: “You know, let me let me speak to this Sean from my heart. My family and I are red blooded Americans. We love this country to the core. But I’m going to speak to you in a few minutes here that we hav not just a red blooded, patriotic American, but a person of the Jewish faith. And I’m gonna speak to Joe Biden directly. Who the hell do you think you are? Who the hell do you think you are? To use these blood libels against the Jewish people, that are indiscriminately murdering Palestinian civilians when you spew the lives of the Hamas terrorist against the Jews and unleash anti-Semitism in this country around the world like we’ve never seen before. Who the hell do you think you are? To tell a democracy the Jewish people that elected this government that you don’t like their government, That you don’t like their Prime Minister. That they need to remove them and place them with some clown or lapdog that you prefer? Who the hell do you think you are? To tell the Israelis that they cannot defeat Hamas, which has said proven again and again that they want to wipe out the Jewish population in Israel. Who the hell do you think you are to be funding Iran and Hamas and the Houthis and Hezbollah arming them with our money. With money from oil sales. Who the hell do you think you are? You say you provide weapons to Israel. You haven’t provided a damn thing to Israel. Congress provides weapons to Israel. You’re the one violating the Empowerment Act in the Constitution by withholding. Who the hell do you think you are dictating to the Jewish people who survived The Babylonians, The Persians, the Romans are the Third Reich, telling them that they cannot wipe out Hamas, which is committed to the evisceration of their population. Who the hell do you think you are to exploit the Jews here at home by going to Sacred property, the Holocaust Museum of Memorial, as a political stunt? While secretly behind the back of the Jewish state, you’re cutting off arms. Who the hell do you think you are when your party Your Democrat donors whip up anti-Semitism all across this country and you don’t tell them to stop and you don’t send the US Marshals in there so the Jewish kids can go to school. And you don’t direct the FBI to cut off this foreign funding from Qatar. Your buddies at Qatar. Your brothers buddies at Qatar. Who the hell do you think you are to tell the Jewish people in Israel whether they get to live or whether they get to die? I am sick and tired of you. I am sick and tired of Your propaganda. I’m sick and tired of You’re exploitation of the Jews in this country. You think that Bernie Sanders, a self hating Jew or Thomas Friedman or Anthony Blinken represent the Jewish people in Israel? You think the Jewish billionaires that fund you and your party represent the Jewish people in Israel? Let me tell you something, pal. You’re dead wrong. You’re exploitation of The Jews. Your lies. I’m a Zionist. I’m ironclad with Israel and your little propagandist, Kirby and the rest. I’ve had it up to here with you people. The Jews have survived more than you. The Babylonians. The Persians. The Romans and the third right, You’re a pipsqueak. They’re gonna fight Hamas. They’re gonna defeat Hamas, whether they are without you and Blinken and your party and the rest of the reprobates, like it or not. And when Donald Trump says if you’re Jewish and you vote for Bliken then something wrong with you, you better believe it. That is suicide. You’re voting with the very people who are marching in the street. One trick extermination. Wake up America. And let me say this. Speaking of America, I wanna thank the American people, 80% of whom support Israel, 70% of whom support Israel, wiping out Hamas. God bless each and everyone of you. Diverse backgrounds, all colors, all religions. You understand. You understand good from evil. You understand Barbarians who slaughter women and children who do things that are unimaginable, which is why the media won’t show what took place on October 7th. Joe Biden and Blinken funded October 7th. Donald Trump was destroying Iran. He bankrupted Iran. They didn’t have arms. Biden and Blinken coming off her office, They arm them. They give sustenance to Hamas and Hezbollah. They violate the Teleports Act. They’re paying the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Biden, why don’t you condemn the Nazis that run Iran. the Nazis that run Hamas. The Nazis that run Hezbollah by name. You know their names. Rather than trashing the Jewish elected leader of Israel, why don’t you name them? Look at their human rights abuses. Why don’t you give a damn? You stand there with the King of Jordan twice. You know what the king of Jordan does to his people? You know many people he’s executed. You know how many people he’s thrown in prison, including a stepbrother. You know anything about him?. He slaughters people, He imprisons people. He cuts off free speech. You understand Biden who you’ve turned your back Against the Jewish people in Israel, I have nothing but contempt for this man. My father was right. He was 17 when he joined the army after  Pearl Harbor. We grew up in Philadelphia, right next door to Biden, and he always said to me that Do not trust that man. I don’t trust him. I have nothing but contempt for him, and I’m done.”

For those of you who may not remember or weren’t around when 9/11 occurred. After we were attacked hundreds of people In these Arab nations were dancing in the streets and celebrating. I remember seeing that at the time. When Trump became president, he also mentioned that and the media all laughed at him and tried to deny it and say it wasn’t true. Well, here is the proof below. Check it out on this link.

I report, you decide.

Palestinians Celebrating 9-11-2001 – YouTube

Biden says he will cut off offensive weapons if Israel …

Netanyahu says Israel can ‘stand alone’ after Biden threatens arms halt – The Washington Post

Hear Mark’s passionate rant here:

Mark Levin to Biden: ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ | Fox News Video

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Posted by on May 10, 2024 in Uncategorized


Hydra: The Lost Island!!!


Hydra The Lost Island is  made for TV film from 2009 that I didn’t get a chance to see until now on YouTube and I really like this film. I like the characters in it, I like the story and the acting was very good.

The story concerns a wealthy tycoon who lost his wife, son and daughter to murderers who were never caught. He and his second wife are seeking revenge for that by getting a ship captain to kidnapped 4 people with criminal backgrounds who were convicted and later let off and leave them off on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean where millionaire hunters who are paying him $1,000,000 each so they can hunt them down and kill them for the sport of it .

This reminded me of the 1930s film called The Most Dangerous Game about a man who hunts down real people on his private island.

Although the island is supposed to be uninhabited what nobody realizes is that a giant hydra, which is a snake with four long heads, inhabits the island. If you attack any of these heads and cut it off it spawns 2 more.

The tycoon’s new wife is a super sexy, flirtatious blond woman who likes to flaunt herself off in front of the other men.

The four criminals consist of three men and one woman who are kept chained In the galley of the ship until the captain releases them.

Once they are on the island, they discover the hydra and that’s where the fun begins. The four hunters who are after these criminals also encounter the Hydra and not with good end results either.

What is not known is that one of the captives is a special unit army commando who served under the captain in the army. The captain of the ship personally picked him to be part of this group. You are kept guessing if this captain can be trusted or not as he doesn’t really care for the idea that Tycoon is paying him for.

Once they are on the island, they also come across another woman who has been on the island for several months now trying to escape the hydra and living off the fruits of the land.

The four on the island create booby traps for the other men and are quite successful at it.

Overall, I found this to be a very entertaining film And if you like movies about four bad guys who are really good guys, A crazy tycoon and his super sexy wife and a captain you keep guessing whether he can be trustworthy or not All combined with a huge four Headed Hydra then this is a movie worth watching. You can find it on most YouTube channels. I have a trailer for it below.

I report, you decide.

Hydra – Trailer – YouTube

Hydra – The Lost Island Full Movie | Monster Movies | The 

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Posted by on May 8, 2024 in Uncategorized


       Trump Is Back Better Than Ever!!!


Trump held two very big rallies on Wednesday, his day off from court, one in Wisconsin and one in Missouri. He was the best I’ve ever seen. He was Very upbeat, very vigorous, very energetic, with a great sense of humor. You wouldn’t think he was a man who has sat through what he’s been going through for the last couple of weeks. He interacted with the people and even brought up one patron who was dressed like Uncle Sam. Trump got him up on stage with him and signed his hat for him.

It was such a refreshing pleasure to hear Trump speak after seeing our mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, feckless president In the public eye.

Trump commented on what has been happening to him and said. All these charges are “Complete Bulls**t. He said “everything Biden touches turns to Sh*t like The economy, inflation, the disaster in Afghanistan and other things.”

Trump pledges that when he gets back in office on day one, he plans to have the largest deportation this country has ever seen to get all these illegals out of here and back to where they belong. I don’t know how he intends to do that with millions of people who have been scattered all over the country by Biden flying them in everywhere. Trump even mentioned how Biden’s been flying these illegals in and so they don’t have to encounter the wall.

Trump mentioned how crime is down and all these European and Third World countries, because these countries are sending their misfits here, “they’re emptying their prisons, jails, mental institutions and insane asylums,” Trump said, “and sending them all here. We have become their dumping ground for the world.”

One good friend of mine summed up  his rallies this way, which is the. best way I can think of and took the words right out of my mouth.

“ The best one I’ve ever seen.  

He was in great form, healthy, radiant, sharp, funny, confident, with great resolve, and knew exactly what was going on, obviously much more than he can say.  He also knows exactly how to resolve those issues – and very quickly.  He even said he did not know much in 2016, but now he knows, and who the good people are.  Very few public men will admit to a weakness as he did.  Only the strongest men can do that.

Let me go on record to say, if he makes it alive to the election, and he will win it, there is no stopping him.  With all the pummeling he’s taking, be it in courts, illegal gag orders, threats on his family, poisoning attempts, his finances,  many fake indictments and counting,  even his private home invasion, and so much more, he is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.  It almost seems by design to give him 4 years off, to analyze all in retrospect, before returning to the presidency.  I have never seen such an indomitable force.  A true hero.

The Deep State and all it’s operatives, and he knows them all, will become a feeble footnote in history.  The terrorist muslims will flee like the cockroaches they are, but they will not escape justice.

The most dangerous and critical time will be these next 6 months leading to the election.  He said the election will not be stolen again.  He is a man of his word.  He always keeps his word.”

The more lies and evil actions the Marxist/Islamic leftists throw at POTUS Trump the stronger he gets and the more people on the fence and even many Democrats will vote for him including union members who see how Bidenomics  & illegal alien invasion will cost their jobs.

\With all these protesters Fighting across the country at different college campuses, I was glad to see New York Mayor Eric Adams. Stand up to where Biden should be.

When Adams saw some protesters taking down an American flag and replacing it with a Palestinian flag, he became enraged and said “this is an utter disgrace. You don’t take down the American flag and replace it with a flag from another country. Many brave men and women died for that flag, and it should be honored. “Adams went on to say that there were many bad actors influencing a lot of these riots which is true.

Officers with the New York City Police Department restored the American flag on the City College of New York campus after it was replaced with a Palestinian flag by anti-Israel agitators during a protest.

Also our timid and equally feckless, Secretary of Defense John Kirby said he didn’t know of any bad actors that were among these rioters.

Come on John, open up your eyes. Many  bad actors are involved. Who do you think is Printing up all these signs for these protestors. Who do you think is supplying all these tents for these protesters? Money has been traced back to people like George Soros. The Rockefeller Foundation and a major company in Palestine. These are all bad actors. Open up your eyes, John.

It’s been several days since the riots started. And when reporters asked Biden what he thought about this he took a page from Trump and said there are good people on both sides. This is exactly what Trump said when the KKK was marching in South Carolina that time and riots broke out. At that time, the media came down on Trump like it was the crime of the century, and everybody wanted to get a news story in about it. Now, when Biden says the exact same thing in this situation, that’s even worse the media ignores it and there’s crickets. His staff made an announcement, saying that Biden will make a statement on May 5th. You mean it takes him five days to think of a statement To say when he should have said it in the first place. Meanwhile, rioters are disrupting the cities they’re in, Breaking things, smashing glass, punching and attacking people. So Biden figures he has to make a statement and gets up there and he seems like a scared little kid saying rioting and breaking things are not peaceful protests. Who listens to that?

Trump in the meantime. Paid a visit to the chief of police. In New York to discuss what to do about these protesters. That’s more than Biden could ever do, rather than just standing there stiff like making Platitudes to stop rioting.

We need Trump in there for sure. It can’t come soon enough for me. Get these feckless wimps out of office and put someone strong in there who will Make these other countries fear us once again and not have us cower before them like we are under Biden.

We are witnessing the abject failure of universities to hold accountable those who have hijacked university campuses and failed to protect Jewish students, faculty, staff, and other supporters of Israel. Immediate action must be taken.”
 Jim Berk, CEO, Simon Wiesenthal Center
FBI Urged To Investigate Pro-Hamas Campus Extremists Fueling & Mainstreaming Jew Hatred: University Officials Must Make Campuses Safe Again for Jewish Students
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is urging FBI Director Christopher Wray to bolster the FBI’s investigation into surging anti-Semitism in the United States.

“The onslaught of anti-Semitic hate speech on universities across the country is part of a coordinated and concerted effort to target Jewish students and threaten their safety on campus. This is not about free speech; this is about hate speech designed to foster anger, which has led to violence. This is not about the right to gather; this is about a small group, led in many cases by non-students, impeding the rights of all students to travel safely on their own campus,”saidBerk.   And Kirby says they don’t know of any bad actors on these campuses. Get him out of there.


I report, you decide.

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Posted by on May 2, 2024 in Uncategorized