Biden Doesn’t Think Anyone’s Being Killed In Afghanistan!!!

24 Aug


Everyday Biden disqualified himself more and more to be president. Sean Hannity describes him as being weak, frail and a cognitive mess. His latest diatribe into the world of dementia is his response to a question by George Stephanopolus when he said no one is being killed in Afghanistan now.

Really Joe? There were literally people clinging to and falling to their deaths from U.S. airplanes flying out of Kabul. There are reports and videos of firefights in and around the Kabul airport. The Taliban shot multiple people at a recent protest of their totalitarian takeover.

Biden knows full-well that people are dying and being killed at the hands of the Taliban. If somehow he does not know this, then he is delusional and no longer fit for office.

Our Commander in Chief is literally just hoping that things turn out well after creating a geopolitical disaster by letting politics get in the way of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan. Does Biden even know where Afghanistan is?

Biden spins and refuses to take the blame while all fingers point to him from both parties and media. In a moment that could be out of the twilight zone, liberal reporters decided to actually do their job and slammed Biden for his disastrous handling of Afghanistan. Responding to the disastrous fallout of his Afghanistan withdrawal, President Joe Biden declared that the “buck stops with me” — and then spent the rest of his first public address on the crisis shifting blame and proffering the same flawed arguments that led us to this tragic point.

ISIS is back now under Biden. President Biden, speaking from the White House, said: “We know that terrorists may seek to exploit the situation and target innocent Afghans or American troops. We’re maintaining constant vigilance to monitor and disrupt threats from any source.”

Islamic State is among several terrorist groups present in Afghanistan, with the Taliban. The Taliban had harbored al Qaeda before that group’s terrorist attacks on the U.S. in 2001, and reports have surfaced that the Taliban have freed al Qaeda fighters from prisons as they gained control of the country this month.

President Biden this Sunday said the deployment of United States troops in Afghanistan might be extended beyond the Aug. 31 date to help in the evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies.

“There are talks happening about extending,” Biden stated during a White House media conference. “Our hope is we won’t have to extend. But there is talk goin on, I suspect, on how far we are in the process.”

President Biden maintained that he thinks that all needed evacuations could be completed by Aug. 31 and that the evacuation could be ramping up.

The Taliban rulers of Afghanistan are making it clear to U.S. President Joe Biden that American citizens, and any effort to rescue them, after the August 31 will not be welcome.

The Islamic extremist regime rejected Biden’s offer to extend the deadline and warned of “consequences” for attempting to evacuate U.S. citizens after that point in time.

The Taliban will not agree to an extension of the August 31 deadline for the United States to withdraw troops and a delay will bring consequences,” a spokesman told Sky News.

 Former British  Prime Minister Tony Blair unleashed and called Biden a dangerous “imbecile” over the Afghanistan mess.

Blair, who was Britain’s PN during the early 2000s, blasted Joe “commander in thief” Biden’s decision to withdraw US troops from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, calling Biden’s actions “imbecilic,” “tragic, dangerous and unnecessary,” and added that Biden now has “every Jihadist group ’round the world cheering.”

The former Labor Party leader, who sent British troops to Afghanistan 20 years ago, said Biden’s policies have endangered the entire world.

“The abandonment of Afghanistan and its people is tragic, dangerous, unnecessary, not in their interests and not in ours,” Blair wrote in a lengthy article at The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change website.

“The world is now uncertain of where the West stands because it is so obvious that the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan in this way was driven not by grand strategy but by politics,” he continued.

He also slammed Biden for the “imbecilic political slogan about ending ‘forever wars.’”

It appears that our British allies are not impressed by Joe Biden’s performance in Afghanistan after former Prime Minister Tony Blair unleashed and called Biden a dangerous “imbecile” over the Afghanistan mess.

Meanwhile President Joe Biden was at a loss for words when a reporter pressed him about a new poll which revealed that the majority of Americans believe he is no longer competent enough to do his job.

During a press conference on Sunday, a reporter brought up a newly released CBS News poll that showed the American public’s worsening opinion of the president.

The poll was conducted after the administration had been hit with criticism and backlash from all over due to its disastrous pullout of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

“A new poll out today shows Americans wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, but they disapprove of the way you’ve handled it,” a reporter said to Biden. “The poll also found that based in part on what’s transpired in the last week, a majority of Americans, and forgive me, I’m just the messenger, no longer consider you to be competent, focused, or effective in the job.”

“I haven’t seen that poll,” Biden immediately responded.

“It’s out there,” the reporter responded.

Many have publicly suggested that the Democrat leader is borderline senile – and certainly not fit to lead the United States of America.

Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician under both Presidents Obama and Trump, called on Biden to resign during a Fox News interview last week, saying that Biden is no longer “cognitively prepared” to be President of the United States.

“We’re looking horrible right now on the world stage; this is an absolute national embarrassment,” Jackson said. “And instead of being out in front of this and talking about what’s going on, and what went wrong, and what the plan was, and what we’re gonna do next, Biden’s just been in hiding again, as he always has.”

“Biden, once again, has failed us. He’s embarrassed us internationally,” Jackson continued.

“And, you know, honestly, it is time for him to leave. I’ve been saying this for a long time. I’ve been saying that he’s not cognitively prepared to be our president. And this is just another example of his failure. And I think a lot of this is relevant to his cognitive ability. But he’s created a national security disaster for this country right now. And it’s time for him to move on, and somebody else needs to do this job. He is not fit to be our commander in chief. It’s time for him to resign.”

Jackson added that Biden has avoided increased scrutiny over the matter because “people have cut him slack because they know he’s got these cognitive issues, and he’s older.”

That’s even more of a reason to get rid of him now!!! If it wasn’t for the biased Trump hating media we wouldn’t be in this horrible mess and Trump who really won we’d still be safe and a better place.

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Posted by on August 24, 2021 in Uncategorized


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