Doctors Warn Covid 19 Shots Can Have Long Lasting Effects While One Is Suspended For Telling The truth!!!

26 Aug

A while back I wrote a blog on how these Covid shots are harmful to your health due to the spike protein int hem. I received both a lot of criticism and praise on this article Some said I should be ashamed of myself or writing that and called me dangerous. I wasn’t spouting my opinion, but quoting world renowned virologists and doctors including Dr. Yeardon who was the former VP of Pfizer who was trying to stop the distribution because of the harmful effects.

Now  Dr. Joseph Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, and Internet business person.

recently interviewed Dr. Vladimir Zelenko a Ukrainian-American family physician known for promoting a three drug cocktail of hydroxychloroquinezinc sulphate and azithromycin as part of an experimental outpatient treatment for COVID-19 about the COVID-19 mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna  being harmful to people who are getting the jab.

Although both are warning against the shots, there are things individuals can do to protect themselves if they did take the experimental jabs. First and foremost, do not take any of the booster shots in the future.

The discussion focused on the mRNA shots. While Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is not mRNA, Mercola has provided reasons not to trust it either.

Zelenko has joined Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer, and Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winning virologist, in issuing a dire warning that the “shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots” and “there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years,” Mercola wrote.

The reason for the danger from the mRNA shots, Zelenko said, is because of the spike proteins that the Salk Institute has found to be “toxic,” and these spike proteins will make it to “every single cell in the body.”

Your entire body becomes a spike protein factory,” Zelenko said. “Several orders of magnitude more than if you were to get COVID, because COVID infects the upper and lower airways primarily. Those are the cells that get infected and begin to produce spike proteins. But here we’re injecting the vaccine and it actually travels to every single cell in your body and converts every single cell in your body into a factory for spike proteins.”

Mercola states: “I suspect this modified mRNA may remain viable far longer than anyone suspects, thanks to its synthetic nature. What’s more, there’s a mechanism by which the mRNA can be reverse transcribed into your DNA, which would make the spike protein production permanent — and probably intergenerational.”

The government’s own data, from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is reporting nearly 7,000 dead from the vaccines, but Zelenko says the VAERS report is a “piece of garbage” and the number of deaths “definitely it’s being underreported.” He estimates “there are already around 200,000 dead Americans, directly related to the vaccinations.” (The current VAERS report says 13,000 deaths, but he is probably right as this is only 10% of reported deaths so the actual count could be much higher as he says. See below)

Zelenko notes the suppression of voices warning against the shots. Just this week, Wikipedia has removed recognition from Dr. Robert Malone as the creator of the mRNA technology as he has warned against the experiment. That comes on top of YouTube and other social media censorship of Malone.

By understanding how the COVID-19 virus invades the human body, researchers are better equipped to determine how to develop a vaccine or treatment to effectively destroy the virus and prevent its further spread around the globe

Meanwhile an Irish woman virologist Dr. Anne McCloskey who works on the COVID-19 frontlines in Northern Ireland is speaking out against the shots. Distressed by what she’s witnessed in the hospital, Dr. McCloskey pleaded to others to stop the COVID-19 injections.(see below)


Dr. McCloskey stated she’s never witnessed anything like this before. Young, healthy people developing upper body blood clots and doctors turning a blind eye to make a connection to the jabs.

Dr. McCloskey boldly stated the jabs are killing people and causing a dire situation in the hospitals. And others need to make a stand to protect the children at all costs.

Unsurprisingly, Dr. McCloskey faced suspension shortly after issuing her warning. Her statement doesn’t agree with the mainstream COVID-19 narrative.

As a result, she’s now being investigated.

The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) said it was suspending Dr McCloskey “as a precautionary measure while it undertakes a full investigation”.

Dr McCloskey cannot work for the health service during that time. The HSCB said that suspension was “not an automatic occurrence when undertaking an investigation”.

In the nine-minute video posted on Sunday, Dr McCloskey made a number of claims, including that there was not enough evidence that it was safe for young people to be vaccinated. Dr McCloskey said she was “distraught” by the number of young people “damaged” by “unlicensed and unapproved” vaccines.

She said many young people had been “coerced, bribed or bullied” into being vaccinated and that vaccines were “malevolent”.

Some unvaccinated Americans are refusing blood transfusions from vaccinated donors for fear that the blood from someone who has received a coronavirus (COVID-19)

There is no evidence to support Dr McCloskey’s comments.

See Dr. McClosky’s statement here:

WATCH: Irish Medical Doctor Anne McCloskey “The Shots Are Killing People,” Suspended After Video

COVID Vaccine Data  Latest VAERS report

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Kill Billions — NWO — Depopulation – YouTube

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Posted by on August 26, 2021 in Uncategorized


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