Lisa McLean, Michigan Representative Who Fights for Our Vets!!!

25 May

Recently, Mich. Rep. Lisa McClain questioned witnesses on the immigration crisis on the Southern Border during a House Budget Committee hearing. Lisa Is a feisty woman who fights for the rights of the people and here she is fighting for our vets who are getting screwed out of billions of dollars in favor of illegals. I have provided a link below where you can hear her full speech before Congress and I’ve included some comments from people like our vets.

$3 billion for Vets, $66 billion for illegals….That is BS.


As a veteran, I am so disgusted with administration disrespecting us military veterans who put our lives on the line for this country and totally get forgotten about. But these illegal immigrants get all these benifits for coming here illegally. It has to stop!!


66 billion to illegals – how much to the families on Maui and in Ohio, Oklahoma, etc.?


I remember Democrats saying that 5 BILLION to build President Trump’s WALL was too much.


This is not even the point. We shouldn’t be spending one dime on supporting criminals from another country.


You go girl! Lay it on the line, girl! Absolutely shameful the way this regime is running the country! TRUMP 2024!

Watch Lisain action here.She really nails it!!!

MUST WATCH: Lisa McClain Goes Head To Head With Liberal Witness: ‘You Have No Facts!’

I report, you decide!!!

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Posted by on May 25, 2024 in Uncategorized


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