We Were All Lied To. The Pandemic Was a Big Scam!!! ScamDemic!!! And They’re Going to Do It Again!!!

26 May


That’s right, the whole pandemic worldwide was one big scam perpetrated by people in the deep state for power, control and money. Chief among these deep state people were Klaus Schwab, head of the WEC, and his depopulation plan for 2030 known as the Great Reset, The mad scientist himself Doctor Fauci,  billionaire Bill Gates and the chief power maniac, George Soros or, as I call them, the Four Horsemen.

Ohh sure parts of it were real. Fauci doing his Gain of function experiments here, which were later banned and Obama funding him $5,000,000 to practice over in Wuhan, China. Gain of function is when you combine one virus with another virus to create a third virus and try to find a cure for it. Fauci headed the National Institution of Health.

His experimental research in China was to become the COVID-19 virus. Fauci is a globalist. Who is also one of the four horsemen as I mentioned above for depopulation, power and control. He in fact created this virus. He also created the vaccine for it that was never approved and never fully tested.

When news of the virus broke out, people started to panic and Trump himself became worried. He wanted something fast to stop this, so he instituted Operation Warp Speed where he wanted a cure within 90 days.

The only problem is it takes at least a year or two for a good vaccine to come out. People lined up by the thousands with lines going around the blocks. All to get this vaccine that they knew nothing about. Something that when injected in them couldn’t be removed.

Trump was given Doctor Fauci as an adviser. Not knowing anything about him other than he was the head of the National Institute of Health. Fauci also had invented remdesivir and mandated that all hospitals use it as the cure all for COVID. As a result, many people died from Remdesivir, including my wife and my friends cousin.

Doctor Yagan, the former CEO of Pfizer, said that nobody died from the virus. It was no difference than the regular flu, but they died with the virus. Meaning they had underlying conditions and the virus just multiplied that condition. Hospitals. also got in on the action. and had rules that If you are admitted with the virus they would get $15,000 and if you died with the virus they would get $30,000. There were cases where even if people died from a heart attack. They would put down on the death certificate it was from the virus.

People were panicking. And the medical community advised Trump to have lockdowns where people stayed in their homes for a certain amount of time, even a few months, this was all about control. They even had the rule to stand 6 feet apart and you could see lines of people in stores and everywhere standing 6 feet away from a person. Now it has come out that nobody knew where that rule came from, and that is not an official rule.

People also were dying from the vaccine. Since it was never really tested and we were the guinea pigs. More people died from the vaccine than from the virus. Then the CDC came out and said the vaccine didn’t really protect you from the virus, it just lessened the symptoms. People who are vaccinated five times still were coming down with COVID. The CDC even recently admitted they knew from the beginning that these shots wouldn’t work. But went and produce them anyway Knowing the millions of dollars they would get.

New evidence uncovered by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis shows that Dr. Morens (Dr. Fauci’s top advisor) wrote in an email, “I forgot to say there is no worry about FOIAs. I can either send stuff to Tony [Fauci] on his private gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble.”  

The Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released a staff memorandum titled Allegations of Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases former-Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci. This memo presents overwhelming evidence from Dr. Morens’s own email that he engaged in serious misconduct and potentially illegal actions while serving as a Senior Advisor to Dr. Fauci during the COVID-19 pandemic. The memo includes previously unreleased email correspondence, obtained by subpoena, that incriminates Dr. Morens in undermining the operations of the U.S. government, unlawfully deleting federal COVID-19 records, requesting kickbacks from the EcoHealth Alliance, and using a personal email to avoid the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and repeatedly acting unbecoming of a federal employee. Further, the memo reveals new emails suggesting Dr. Fauci was aware of this nefarious behavior and may have even engaged in federal records violations himself.

After a hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis on May 23, 2024, the committee issued a press release explaining its finding that “Dr. Fauci was aware of Dr. Morens’ nefarious behavior and may have even engaged in federal records violations himself.” Despite the fact that he appears to have been using his personal account to conduct government business, official emails remain subject to FOIA, no matter what account they are stored in, and AFL is committed to uncovering them.

Now they are planning it again with this bird flu Pandemic. The FDA and WHO are once again sounding alarms, this time over a potential low-probability bird flu pandemic, deliberately stirring public fears to manipulate and control global health policies.

Doctor Simone Gold The head of America’s Frontline Doctors. Had a recent article in their latest newsletter where he stated about the upcoming bird flu virus. that isn’t really that harmful. But they will use a lot of Misinformation And manipulative scare tactics to win over the population. Doctor Gold states.”ons of readiness with tests, antivirals, and vaccines, the timing of these announcements—just before the WHO’s pandemic treaty vote and the U.S. fall elections—raises significant concerns about fearmongering and its use in driving political and medical agendas.

Avian Influenza and Bird flu crisis and poultry virus as a chicken viral infected of fowl livestock as a health risk for global infection outbreak and disease control concept or agricultural public safety symbol with 3D illustration elements.
Yellow bird flu quarantine barrier before defocused background. Horizontal composition with copy space. Bird flu quarantine concept.

This narrative isn’t new to us. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed a similar pattern: escalating fear led to broad governmental controls, rushed “solutions,” and the push for extended mail-in voting. 

Global Virus variant and mutating cells concept or new coronavirus b.1.1.7 variants outbreak and covid-19 viral cell mutation as an influenza background with dangerous flu strain as a medical health risk as a 3D render.

Now, as then, AFLDS stands as the leading voice of truth, reason, and calm against the backdrop of the Medical Industrial Complex’s alarmist tactics.

 “I’ll repeat what I proclaimed at the original White Coat Summit, “we were not held down by a virus as much as we were held down by the spiderweb of fear. It drained the lifeblood of the American people, American society, and the American economy.” 

And now the deep state, the medical community and Friends are all planning to do it all over again with the bird flu pandemic. Beware my friends.

Political Crisis Or Environmental Concept: Mud Cracks With US Flag

I report, you decide.

How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People? | Canada Free Press

The Who Plans Rule the World And Control Us All!!! | Jaycee’s Commentaries

The Covid19 Virus and Vaccine Was Created To Harm Us And A Mass Genocide Attack On The American People And The Worl In The name of Depopulation And Climate Change!! | Jaycee’s Commentaries

The Covid Vaccine Is Fake And Deadly And Put Out By Fauci, Bill Gates, The Deep State And Others In The Name of Depopulation And Saving The Planet!! | Jaycee’s Commentaries

The vaccinated now account for a majority of COVID deaths.

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Posted by on May 26, 2024 in Uncategorized


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