80 Year Old Trump Hater Robert De Niro Gives Unhinged Rant  Outside the Courthouse Where Trump is Inside!!!

29 May

Washed Up has been Trump hating actor Robert De Niro gave an unhinged rant outside the courthouse where Trump was reading from a preprinted script and having to look down to read it just like Joe Biden does including pauses in between sentences. DeNiro, a longtime Democrat who recently voiced an ad for Democratic President Joe Biden, attended a Biden campaign event on Tuesday outside the Manhattan courtroom with two former law enforcement officers, Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone, who were at the US Capitol when it was attacked by Trump supporters on January 6, 2021. Backed by plainclothes policemen who were present at the January 6 uprising De Niro accused Trump of all kinds of things most people have never heard of. He accused Trump of ruining the country and eventually will destroy the world. Hey Robert, I got news for you. They accused Trump of getting us into a war when Trump ended wars, it was your guy Biden now has two wars to deal with. It was Trump who kept us safe at the border, and your guy Biden took down the wall and let  in millions upon millions of illegals, many of which are terrorists, plotting against us now. Under Trump, we had the lowest unemployment in 50 years. Under Biden, it’s going up. Under Trump, we were drilling here and gas prices were down to $1.40. Biden comes in, stops the drilling here and  got us dependent on foreign oil once again from countries ruled by terrorists. And when the price of oil went up Biden went for our emergency resources, which are Only supposed to be used during wartime and extreme emergencies. Under Trump, inflation was down to 1.9%. Under Biden, it’s up to 9%. and climbing. Under Trump, everyone was doing well. Under Biden. 65% of the country are living paycheck to paycheck. Food prices are going through the roof. You said under Trump other countries were laughing at us and now under Biden they’re not. Excuse me, Robert, but it’s just the opposite. Countries respected us under Trump. With Biden, they are laughing at us. Hey Robert, you want somebody like Dementia Joe with their hands on the nuclear football? You want to support somebody who doesn’t know where he is and gets confused all the time and struggles to read a teleprompter? I notice you had to read from your pre printed script Like most actors do. Trump can speak before 50,000 people for two hours at a time without looking at a teleprompter. In fact, he even jokes about the teleprompters at his speeches. Trump loves this country. Biden only pretends that he does. You, Robert, are suffering from the worst severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome I’ve ever seen.

De Nero said Trump will use the armies to turn against American citizens. I’ve never heard of that. Where is he getting that info from? He said under Trump our country will perish from this earth. He accused Trump of wanting to terminate the Constitution. Trump never said he was going to do that, but Hillary did. She had a whole new constitution planned for this country.

I’ll let Conservative podcaster Barry Cunningham describe his reaction here, which I think is perfect First Deniro, then Cunningham..:

DeNiro:“ we are definitely laughing at you. Is the time to stop him. My vote once and for all. We don’t want to wake up after the election saying what? Again? My God, what the hell have we done? We can’t have that happen again. Yesterday was Memorial Day. It’s a good time to reflect on how Americans fought and died so that we may enjoy the freedoms guaranteed to us by a democratic government, a government that is, President Lincoln said of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. Under Trump, this kind of government will perish from the earth.

Hey Robert, get your head out from under your posterior and face the light.

Barry Cunningham:

Niro says Trump is not going To do anything that the people want him to do. He’s not gonna run this country. You know, of the people, by the people. I think he’s speaking about the Bidon administration. Nobody wanted to send gazillion dollars over to that country over there. Nobody, nobody says, hey, listen, let’s go spend hundreds of billions of dollars over there,. That’s how bad people don’t want it. I don’t know about you, but  I don’t think a lot of people want their kids playing against kids that aren’t supposed to be playing against those kids. Again, we have to tap dance with language because of what? You’re not getting it. The freedoms that you think Trump is going to take away are the freedoms that have already been taken away that we’re trying to reinstate. You are a nut job. You don’t even understand what you’re saying. You understand that if things happen the way they’ve laid them out and what they wanna do Your movies can’t be shown anymore. You think you’re gonna rake in gazillions of dollars of royalties or even act in future movies? It ain’t happening unless you get approval from whoever is gonna be in control of the speech and language in that movie. And then make sure when you do a movie, you’ve got, you know, 50% of the people better be. people of color. And then you better bring in the other denominations. And by the way, maybe your next leading lady might not be a lady. You OK with that? I’m pretty sure you’re not.

As Deniro spoke,hecklers With Trump hats on, started yelling things at him like “You’re a gangster. F YOU. Gangster, Gangster. Your movies suck.”

Yes, in typical Democrat mode, De Niro accused Trump of everything Biden is doing. The rule from Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. Accuse the other side of what you do.

Laura Ingraham was right when she wrote her book “Shut Up and Sing” These actors and performers are great what they do, but when it comes to politics, they’re political morons. And so it is with DeNiro too, He’s an age old political moron who hasn’t had a decent movie in decades now. And the hecklers are right, his movies do suck.

I report, you decide.

BREAKING NEWS : Robert DeNiro STARS In The NEWEST BESTEST Trump Campaign Ad EVER! – YouTube

  Biden Campaign’s Courthouse Publicity Stunt Devolves Into Chaos       
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Posted by on May 29, 2024 in Uncategorized


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