Monthly Archives: June 2024

Is This The Start of World War 3?


For the past few months now Trump has been warning us that the disastrous policies of mumbling, bumbling, stumbling Joe Biden will get us into World War 3. He is so weak and compromised that we’ve become the laughing stock and easy mark of the world. Trump said if he were in office, he could end the war between Russia and Ukraine in one day.

Now China is having war games right off the shore of Taiwan.

Recently, Vladimir Putin. Warned Ukraine that if they used missiles or weapons made by America both countries could face dire consequences.

Seemingly calling Putin’s bluff the United States sent American made cruise missile to Ukraine to which they intend to send inside Russia.

Now a flotilla of ships that the Russian defense ministry describes as a “strike group,” including a nuclear-powered submarine armed with modern “Caliber” cruise missiles, landed in Cuba just 90miles from the U.S.The arrival of four Russian military vessels in Cuba has people wondering about a Cuban missile crisis 2.0

The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal (Russian: Х-47М2 Кинжал, lit. ‘Dagger‘; NATO reporting nameAS-24 Killjoy) is a Russian hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile.[4][5] It has an estimated range of 460–480 km (290–300 mi)[6] and a reported top speed of Mach 10.[3][6] It can carry either conventional or nuclear warheads[7] and can be launched by Tu22M3 bombers, MiG-31K interceptors, or modified Su-34 fighter-bombers. It is the first hypersonic weapon used.[8]

It has been deployed at airbases in Russia’s Southern Military District and Western Military District.[9][10]

 I recently Saw, an interview with former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter. Ritter was saying that these Warships are equipped with hypersonic missiles, which we don’t have and are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Ritter said that just two or these missiles, equipped with a nuclear warhead, could wipe out the entire East Coast. When asked how close are we to nuclear war Ritter said. “We’re just one Missile launch away from that.”

Ritter was shown an interview with Lindsey Graham where Graham said we have to support these Ukrainian people from a lot of big countries such as Russia. Ritter said that’s not true. The US could care less about the Ukrainian people. He said Ukraine is enriched with a vast amount of wealth in resources, and the United States can’t wait to plunder that. Ukraine used to be part of Russia and Putin wants that brought back, plus the resources that go with it.

Russia, it is not anywhere near as dreary and iron fisted communism as our deceptive, fake news media likes to portray it.   It is us, the US, who has the hostile govt. and hostile, dangerous cities.  Every new law or regulation is to harm us.  Our alphabet agencies are corrupt and against us.  Even our open border is to deliberately let in the worst prisoners, cartels, and sickos to prey on us.

Most importantly, the Russian people love their leader.  They gave Putin an 84% approval rating.  That alone speaks volumes.  When was the last time one saw that in the US? Putin has said many times that he does not want war.

When Trump as president, we had peace in the Middle East for the first time. He had Israel, Saudi Arabia, The Taliba and the United  Arab Emirates all at the White House at the same time to sign a peace treaty. He told them at the time “If any of you failed to dot and I or cross a T or break this Treaty you’ll be met with a force that’s going to knock you into the next century.” They knew he meant business and consequently the treaty was so successful that five other countries joined in. It was even televised, but the media never really took up on it naturally, because it was Trump.

He then met with Putin in Russia and Xi in China and told them. I”f any of you make any moves against our allies in Taiwan or Ukraine. You are going to be met with fire and fury like you’ve never seen before.” They knew he meant it, and we had peace there too.

That is the only language these leaders understand is pure force and pure force what they use. You can’t be nice to them. You’ve  got to be tough and you have to be threatening because that’s the only language they know. Not like this wimpy, stumbling, dementia driven president we have now who is getting us Into World War 3 along with his puppet master, Obama.

It is now more than ever obvious that Joe Biden is the single most incompetent person to have ever stepped foot in the Oval Office and our enemies know it.

He cowers before Afghanistan. He cowers before China. He cowers before Russia and sending billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine. He is so compromised that the other countries know he’s easy and can walk all over him and get their way.

The clock now stands at its closest to doomsday since it began ticking. The idea began in 1947 to warn humanity of the dangers of nuclear war. Last year the clock was set at two minutes to midnight – midnight symbolises the end of the world – the same place it was wound to in 2018.

the symbolic Doomsday Clock, which indicates how close our planet is to complete annihilation, is now only 100 seconds away from midnight.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) said on Thursday that the change was made due to nuclear proliferation, failure to tackle climate change and “cyber-based disinformation”.

The clock now stands at its closest to doomsday since it began ticking.

The idea began in 1947 to warn humanity of the dangers of nuclear war.

The symbolic Doomsday Clock, which indicates how close our planet is to complete annihilation, is now only 100 seconds away from midnight.

Statue of Liberty half buried in the sand

I report, you decide!!!

Scott Ritter Warns: Nato IS MOBILIZING Hundreds Of Thousands Of Troops! Great War Will BREAK OUT?

Scott Ritter REVEALS: Russian Nuclear Submarine Detonates Directly at U.S, Stern Warning to NATO – YouTube

This election is not about Republican vs Democrat; Conservative vs Liberal. This election is all about what kind of a nation will the United States be.   Please listen to this man. Truer words were never said. I am in awe and speechless. This man tells the truth. And goes to the heart of the matter and is very inspiring. Please listen to him tell us why it is imperative that Trump gets in..


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Posted by on June 16, 2024 in Uncategorized


Fauci Before The House!!! Lock Him Up!!


I’m just watching Fauci testifying before the House subcommittee on COVID. It’s no wonder this weasel gets off every time, because these Dems are praising him to the highest. This guy, Robert Garcia, who’s from California, said both his parents died from COVID, and he thanks Fauci for coming out with the vaccine that saved millions of lives and thanked him for all the research he’s doing  and he called anybody who criticizes him as an extremist and conspiracy theorists.

I was about to gag. He was saying how Fauci saved millions of lives throughout the world. Marjorie Taylor Green was great in saying all the things we’ve always said, that this whole virus was really a bio weapon and it harmed millions of people and that vaccines are not safe.

Then  Garcia came in and praising Fauci to the highest and his team saying what wonderful work they did. But Doctor Ronnie Jackson, came down hard on Fauci saying how he funded the research in China and the lab and he was behind the vaccine that wasn’t safe. And he lauded into Fauci really great, but anybody who criticizes Fauci naturally the Dems call them conspiracy theorists and they did so in this hearing. These are the same people that go after Trump too.

I’ve written about this many times in my blog. And I’ll repeat it here. At the very beginning of this virus, before any theories about bats and caves and Wuhan markets and labs letting a virus leak a good friend of mine who has had Medical school training when I sent him the ingredients I said it was made out of before these theories came out he told me then that this was a man made virus. He could tell by the ingredients of it. I still maintain his theory and I believe him.

SARS‑CoV‑2 is a stealthy virus that transmits effectively through the air, causes a range of symptoms similar to those of other common respiratory diseases and can be spread by infected people before symptoms even appear. If the virus had escaped from a BSL-2 laboratory in 2019, the leak most likely would have gone undetected until too late.

Global Virus variant and mutating cells concept or new coronavirus b.1.1.7 variants outbreak and covid-19 viral cell mutation as an influenza background with dangerous flu strain as a medical health risk as a 3D render.

Whether the pandemic started on a lab bench or in a market stall, it is undeniable that U.S. federal funding helped to build an unprecedented collection of SARS-like viruses at the Wuhan institute, as well as contributing to research that enhanced them. Advocates and funders of the institute’s research, including Dr. Fauci, should cooperate with the investigation to help identify and close the loopholes that allowed such dangerous work to occur. The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.

Monday night On Sean Hannity’s and Jesse Watters show they had a huge expose on Fauci on his whole trail of lies on how he knew before the pandemic that it escaped from the lab and he got the CIA to help him cover it up.

He blamed everything on his assistant and lied to Congress. James Comer Says if Trump gets in, he wants Trump to arrest Fauci for perjury for lying to Congress.

Sean had Sen. Rand Paul on his show has been really after Fauci for years now and has been right all along.

Sean Hannity:

And earlier today, Doctor Flip flop Fauci testified on the Hill before subcommittee investigating the origins of coronavirus. And while getting grilled by House Republicans. Fauci you try to rewrite history. When he was pressed by Jim Jordan on the Lab League theory, Fauci denied suppressing any theories. Actually claimed to have had an open mind. Really take a look.

Jim Jordan: Why is it so important the virus not have started in a lab? Wasn’t so important that the virus not we don’t know. We know is important to someone in the Biden administration. So much so that the top people that met at the top, people at Facebook are asking why are we getting all this pressure to, downplay the lab league theory. And we have an e-mail from June of the same year, June 4th, 2020. One saying the same thing, it was certainly important to somebody.

Fauci: Well, what does that got to do with me?

Jordan:I’m asking you because you’re the expert on coronavirus. I’m saying why was the administration so pushing not to have the lab leak theory as something that was viable?

Fauci:I can answer that. I’ve kept an open mind throughout the entire cabin.I have an Open mind. I said U.S. tax dollars flow through a grant recipient to the lab in China.

Jordan: Yes, of course. It was a civil award to the warning. And who approved that award? Excuse me. And who approved that award? What agency approved that award? National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Your agency approved that, right?

Fauci:Yes, it did after. Does that have anything to do with this now Saying the lab league theory.

Jordan:No. Nothing to do with it, nothing. What do you do? You agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?

Fauci: Not on my part.

Jordan”Really,? really? wow!

SH: Alright here now with reaction is the author of Deception, the Great COVID Cover Up is Senator Rand Paul, from the great state of Kentucky, Now in the early months of the pandemic, Senator. Fauci expressed he wasn’t convinced that the COVID-19 virus was spread as a result of a lab link. Now, in the earliest months in January, aren’t there emails that you’ve written about, talked about that showed just the opposite, that they were in a panic? That number one, they may have funded it #2 they knew gain of research. You know, function research took place and coronavirus research took place and that they may have funded it.

Rand Paul:

The very frightened emails he gets from an assistant in January of 2020 We funded this from his assistant. This is gain of research, gain of function research that we funded. But I don’t know how that could have happened because it never went before the safety committee. So yes, they knew very, very quickly and they were worried about guilt, they were worried about culpability. They’re worried that anybody’s hands that touch the money, anybody who approved the money going to Wuhan would ultimately get blamed. So Fauci actually organized a paper called Proximal Origins. He had five virologists write the paper. Most of them were well rewarded with large crafts. Christian Anderson got a $9 million. About a month after this, meanwhile, all these people were privately saying, ohh, my goodness, it looks like it was manipulated. But publicly they were saying it’s a conspiracy theory. They went to Facebook, they suppressed it. They told Facebook To suppressed the story of anything coming from the lab. It’s all conspiracy theory. No way was Fauci ever objective. Fauci leaned in on this. He pressed hard, and he used his 40 years worth of accumulated power to try to suppress suppress any story that this came from the lab.

SH: And anybody that disagreed was labeled a conspiracy theorist. But how soon into the pandemic do you believe Doctor Fauci knew? That in fact, it was gain of function, it happened in the Wuhan Lab, and it happened with American taxpayer dollars. What are the emails show you?

RP: On January 27th there’s e-mail starting at 6:00. They’re going across the ocean to Jeremy Farrar and England and back they go on till 3:00 in the morning. At 3:00 in the morning, Anthony Fauci sends an e-mail to the head of the safety committee. The head of the safety committee should have seen this research but never did. And he sends him an e-mail saying, hey, nothing to see here. Here’s a paper that says, in all likelihood this came from animals, not from the lab. Why is he sending that to the head of the safety committee? Because the safety committee was never allowed to review this, for three years I’ve been asking the NIH for the deliberations. If this is not gain of function, I want to see the discussion between the scientists, Fauci says. All the scientists up and down, they all said it wasn’t gain of function. Let me see the deliberations. I wanna see the arguments for and against. They won’t reveal this. They are tighter lipped than the CIA on this. And the NIH has resisted really requests from Democrats and Republicans. The Democrat chair of my committee has Co signed this request. It’s over a year old and my individual requests are three years old. They have resisted. They have obscured. According to Fauci’s assistant that he threw under the bus today, David Morenz, According to him it was a targeted cover up and that they destroyed emails and evidence. But today the most shocking and surprising thing was Anthony Fauci threw David Morens, A 20 year assistant, under the bus and acted as if it already ever met him. He wasn’t part of the inner circle, never made decisions, had no access to my office, all completely automated, what David Morens says.

SH: Is this the same system that sent that e-mail? Oh my God, this is this is gain of function.

RP: David Morenz worked for 20 years for Anthony Fauci. He’s called the special advisor to the head of the agency, which Anthony Fauci is. But today Anthony Fauci could not run fast enough. And the real question is this. If we were to get a prosecutor someday, maybe a new presidential administration that ask David Morens Underoath and says you’re gonna go, you’re going to be punished for destroying records. You may see present time. Would you be willing to give us the full story on what Anthony Fauci knew and when he knew it? I think there’s a great deal to be had, but I think one of the reasons for Morenz Is the fall guy here and they’ve they’ve chosen him as a fall guy. He’s been paid for over a year not to work and i know at least one payment of $400 he’s on paid leave for over a year, maybe two years now for the age they’ve never made decisions on.

SH. He Finally admitted taxpayers funded gain of function. OK, now we’re learning that NIH scientists received $710 million in royalties from drug makers of the COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic. That shows breaking, Senator. What should the American people know about that?

RP.:I think when you have a drug company that makes a vaccine like Maderna, and I know at least one payment of $450 million and sharing the proceeds of the vaccine, you have to wonder how anybody could be objective. So if Maderna has a new drug, how can they be objective? And they’ve just received $450 million in the company. So it, it really is a situation, it’s a revolving door between Big pharma and the government. Somebody’s gotta put an end to it. And f not the next president I will.

I report,you decide!!!

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Posted by on June 5, 2024 in Uncategorized


Travesty, Tyranny And Injustice!!! Welcome to the United Socialist States of America,a Banana Republic!!!

If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.”—Donald Trump

What we are witnessing is our country being turned into a third world country. How dare these Democrats talk about democracy. How dare they!!!!

First we had a rigged election. Now we have a rigged Court system. This was all designed by Obama, Biden, and I’m sure, George Soros.

Judge Merchan is a Soros appointed judge. There was nothing legal or just about this. You have a judge who is not a real judge, he’s just an acting judge and wasn’t even on the list of 20 judges they had to pick from to preside over this. He was an ardent Biden supporter and should have recused himself. His daughter works for Biden. The prosecutor was A Biden Supporter. The defense never had a chance. Every time they tried to speak up, the judge would strike them down. Every time they tried to object, the judge would strike it down. But let the prosecution object. He was fine with that.

These Republicans Better stop being so timid, feckless and ass wipes and start getting some backbone about them. Leo Tolman, a state attorney said that when a bully starts in the only way to stop him is giving him a good punch in the nose to knock him out. That these Republicans should go after their opponents on the other side who committed crimes and bring them to justice. Unfortunately, Leo, We the people have been saying that for years now. And nothing is done.

How dare they talk about the rule of law and accountability when their party is so criminal infested by people who break the law all the time. And nothing is done to them.

Michael Cohen Who’s Trump team called the G.L.O.A.T.(Greatest Liar Of All Time) Lied to Trump, Lied to his wife, Lied to Congress. and admitted during this trial that he stole 10s of thousands of dollars  from Trump. At least he served time in prison.. Hillary Clinton who deletes 30,000 federally subpoenaed emails, which is obstruction right there and hired A British spy, Christopher Steele, to create a fake dossier on Trump and nothing is done to her.

The Democrats fight dirty in everything they do. They know they can’t win a fair election, so they have to cheat which is what they did in this last election. They know they can’t beat Trump, they see his support, so they have to get him out of the picture. They set up this sham trial. I’m sure the jury was all biased since Trump couldn’t get a fair trial there. There were 32 charges against Trump and you mean to tell me it took a jury only two days to come to a unanimous guilty vote? I’ve seen trials were a person was on trial for murder and sometimes the jury would be out for two weeks just on the one charge. That shows you how biased these jurors were too. This trial was a kangaroo court and a pig circus. Trump never stood a chance. These libs who are cheering him now are going to find this is going to backfire on them and this weaponized system can come after them too.

People are enraged and I’m sure they’re gonna show at the polls. When Trump came out of this trial, he was pretty stone faced and he said everyone knew that this was a fake trial and that the real answer will be at the polls on November 5th. But how do we know how they are not going to cheat then?

Here is a statement by Col.Allen West:

   My Statement on Today’s Trump Verdict Congratulations, Democrats — aka progressive socialist leftists — you have just elected Donald Trump! . Please go out celebrate and refer to Trump as a felon. Yep, a jury of Biden voters, in the courtroom of a judge who should have recused himself, found former President Trump guilty of charges brought forward by a Soros backed DA that were wrongfully elevated from misdemeanor to felony and were past the statute of limitations. One no previous prosecution touched. In the meantime Joe Biden violates the Constitution by allowing millions of illegals, including single military aged males into the country. Biden is guilty of illegally possessing classified documents and information but supposedly is too old and senile to stand trial. Biden’s son Hunter lied on ATF Form 4473 and illegally purchased a firearm. So please, go ahead and revel in your miscarriage of justice that would make Joseph Stalin proud. We shall work hard, wait, and celebrate on November 5th when you leftist Islamic jihadists supporting tyrants and imbeciles are crushed.

How does Judge Merchan end up with all the Trump trials, when the selection of cases assigned to judges is random?  How can the Defense (Trump) go first in their final arguments, when the Prosecutors never identified what the crime was that the defense was fighting on,  until the final day of closing arguments and giving the Prosecution the last word?  So many other anomalies.  This is highly irregular. Meanwhile. People reacting to Trump’s conviction have flooded his sites with donations to the tune of a Record $50 million dollars in 24 hrs. Trump commented on the Witch Hunt trial: on his truth social siteI DID NOTHING WRONG!” the site quoted Trump as saying. “They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, AND NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!” the site said.

All these Dems and media who are rejoicing, I notice that it’s very typical what they say. It’s all emotion devoid of fact. Typical liberal reaction. I like what Greg Gutfeld said, that “these people aren’t reacting so much to the verdict. They’re reacting to their own mentality.” You ask any one of these people to explain the verdict to you and the trial and they can’t give you a correct answer. You asked them why they hate Trump so much and they’ll give you stupid answers like they don’t like his tweets. But there are people who don’t support Trump or don’t care about him, but are sympathetic to what happened to him. And don’t like how these libs are reacting so they may end up voting for him in November. I do have a feeling that this whole thing is going to backfire on these Corrupt Judges and lib media big time in the end,but right now I feel like we’re in a balloon that’s fully blown and one more breath that’s gonna make it burst. It’s going to be a long, hot summer. There is even talks of a civil war breaking out.
I report. You decide.

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Posted by on June 1, 2024 in Uncategorized