Travesty, Tyranny And Injustice!!! Welcome to the United Socialist States of America,a Banana Republic!!!

01 Jun

If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.”—Donald Trump

What we are witnessing is our country being turned into a third world country. How dare these Democrats talk about democracy. How dare they!!!!

First we had a rigged election. Now we have a rigged Court system. This was all designed by Obama, Biden, and I’m sure, George Soros.

Judge Merchan is a Soros appointed judge. There was nothing legal or just about this. You have a judge who is not a real judge, he’s just an acting judge and wasn’t even on the list of 20 judges they had to pick from to preside over this. He was an ardent Biden supporter and should have recused himself. His daughter works for Biden. The prosecutor was A Biden Supporter. The defense never had a chance. Every time they tried to speak up, the judge would strike them down. Every time they tried to object, the judge would strike it down. But let the prosecution object. He was fine with that.

These Republicans Better stop being so timid, feckless and ass wipes and start getting some backbone about them. Leo Tolman, a state attorney said that when a bully starts in the only way to stop him is giving him a good punch in the nose to knock him out. That these Republicans should go after their opponents on the other side who committed crimes and bring them to justice. Unfortunately, Leo, We the people have been saying that for years now. And nothing is done.

How dare they talk about the rule of law and accountability when their party is so criminal infested by people who break the law all the time. And nothing is done to them.

Michael Cohen Who’s Trump team called the G.L.O.A.T.(Greatest Liar Of All Time) Lied to Trump, Lied to his wife, Lied to Congress. and admitted during this trial that he stole 10s of thousands of dollars  from Trump. At least he served time in prison.. Hillary Clinton who deletes 30,000 federally subpoenaed emails, which is obstruction right there and hired A British spy, Christopher Steele, to create a fake dossier on Trump and nothing is done to her.

The Democrats fight dirty in everything they do. They know they can’t win a fair election, so they have to cheat which is what they did in this last election. They know they can’t beat Trump, they see his support, so they have to get him out of the picture. They set up this sham trial. I’m sure the jury was all biased since Trump couldn’t get a fair trial there. There were 32 charges against Trump and you mean to tell me it took a jury only two days to come to a unanimous guilty vote? I’ve seen trials were a person was on trial for murder and sometimes the jury would be out for two weeks just on the one charge. That shows you how biased these jurors were too. This trial was a kangaroo court and a pig circus. Trump never stood a chance. These libs who are cheering him now are going to find this is going to backfire on them and this weaponized system can come after them too.

People are enraged and I’m sure they’re gonna show at the polls. When Trump came out of this trial, he was pretty stone faced and he said everyone knew that this was a fake trial and that the real answer will be at the polls on November 5th. But how do we know how they are not going to cheat then?

Here is a statement by Col.Allen West:

   My Statement on Today’s Trump Verdict Congratulations, Democrats — aka progressive socialist leftists — you have just elected Donald Trump! . Please go out celebrate and refer to Trump as a felon. Yep, a jury of Biden voters, in the courtroom of a judge who should have recused himself, found former President Trump guilty of charges brought forward by a Soros backed DA that were wrongfully elevated from misdemeanor to felony and were past the statute of limitations. One no previous prosecution touched. In the meantime Joe Biden violates the Constitution by allowing millions of illegals, including single military aged males into the country. Biden is guilty of illegally possessing classified documents and information but supposedly is too old and senile to stand trial. Biden’s son Hunter lied on ATF Form 4473 and illegally purchased a firearm. So please, go ahead and revel in your miscarriage of justice that would make Joseph Stalin proud. We shall work hard, wait, and celebrate on November 5th when you leftist Islamic jihadists supporting tyrants and imbeciles are crushed.

How does Judge Merchan end up with all the Trump trials, when the selection of cases assigned to judges is random?  How can the Defense (Trump) go first in their final arguments, when the Prosecutors never identified what the crime was that the defense was fighting on,  until the final day of closing arguments and giving the Prosecution the last word?  So many other anomalies.  This is highly irregular. Meanwhile. People reacting to Trump’s conviction have flooded his sites with donations to the tune of a Record $50 million dollars in 24 hrs. Trump commented on the Witch Hunt trial: on his truth social siteI DID NOTHING WRONG!” the site quoted Trump as saying. “They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, AND NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!” the site said.

All these Dems and media who are rejoicing, I notice that it’s very typical what they say. It’s all emotion devoid of fact. Typical liberal reaction. I like what Greg Gutfeld said, that “these people aren’t reacting so much to the verdict. They’re reacting to their own mentality.” You ask any one of these people to explain the verdict to you and the trial and they can’t give you a correct answer. You asked them why they hate Trump so much and they’ll give you stupid answers like they don’t like his tweets. But there are people who don’t support Trump or don’t care about him, but are sympathetic to what happened to him. And don’t like how these libs are reacting so they may end up voting for him in November. I do have a feeling that this whole thing is going to backfire on these Corrupt Judges and lib media big time in the end,but right now I feel like we’re in a balloon that’s fully blown and one more breath that’s gonna make it burst. It’s going to be a long, hot summer. There is even talks of a civil war breaking out.
I report. You decide.

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Posted by on June 1, 2024 in Uncategorized


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