Fauci Before The House!!! Lock Him Up!!

05 Jun


I’m just watching Fauci testifying before the House subcommittee on COVID. It’s no wonder this weasel gets off every time, because these Dems are praising him to the highest. This guy, Robert Garcia, who’s from California, said both his parents died from COVID, and he thanks Fauci for coming out with the vaccine that saved millions of lives and thanked him for all the research he’s doing  and he called anybody who criticizes him as an extremist and conspiracy theorists.

I was about to gag. He was saying how Fauci saved millions of lives throughout the world. Marjorie Taylor Green was great in saying all the things we’ve always said, that this whole virus was really a bio weapon and it harmed millions of people and that vaccines are not safe.

Then  Garcia came in and praising Fauci to the highest and his team saying what wonderful work they did. But Doctor Ronnie Jackson, came down hard on Fauci saying how he funded the research in China and the lab and he was behind the vaccine that wasn’t safe. And he lauded into Fauci really great, but anybody who criticizes Fauci naturally the Dems call them conspiracy theorists and they did so in this hearing. These are the same people that go after Trump too.

I’ve written about this many times in my blog. And I’ll repeat it here. At the very beginning of this virus, before any theories about bats and caves and Wuhan markets and labs letting a virus leak a good friend of mine who has had Medical school training when I sent him the ingredients I said it was made out of before these theories came out he told me then that this was a man made virus. He could tell by the ingredients of it. I still maintain his theory and I believe him.

SARS‑CoV‑2 is a stealthy virus that transmits effectively through the air, causes a range of symptoms similar to those of other common respiratory diseases and can be spread by infected people before symptoms even appear. If the virus had escaped from a BSL-2 laboratory in 2019, the leak most likely would have gone undetected until too late.

Global Virus variant and mutating cells concept or new coronavirus b.1.1.7 variants outbreak and covid-19 viral cell mutation as an influenza background with dangerous flu strain as a medical health risk as a 3D render.

Whether the pandemic started on a lab bench or in a market stall, it is undeniable that U.S. federal funding helped to build an unprecedented collection of SARS-like viruses at the Wuhan institute, as well as contributing to research that enhanced them. Advocates and funders of the institute’s research, including Dr. Fauci, should cooperate with the investigation to help identify and close the loopholes that allowed such dangerous work to occur. The world must not continue to bear the intolerable risks of research with the potential to cause pandemics.

Monday night On Sean Hannity’s and Jesse Watters show they had a huge expose on Fauci on his whole trail of lies on how he knew before the pandemic that it escaped from the lab and he got the CIA to help him cover it up.

He blamed everything on his assistant and lied to Congress. James Comer Says if Trump gets in, he wants Trump to arrest Fauci for perjury for lying to Congress.

Sean had Sen. Rand Paul on his show has been really after Fauci for years now and has been right all along.

Sean Hannity:

And earlier today, Doctor Flip flop Fauci testified on the Hill before subcommittee investigating the origins of coronavirus. And while getting grilled by House Republicans. Fauci you try to rewrite history. When he was pressed by Jim Jordan on the Lab League theory, Fauci denied suppressing any theories. Actually claimed to have had an open mind. Really take a look.

Jim Jordan: Why is it so important the virus not have started in a lab? Wasn’t so important that the virus not we don’t know. We know is important to someone in the Biden administration. So much so that the top people that met at the top, people at Facebook are asking why are we getting all this pressure to, downplay the lab league theory. And we have an e-mail from June of the same year, June 4th, 2020. One saying the same thing, it was certainly important to somebody.

Fauci: Well, what does that got to do with me?

Jordan:I’m asking you because you’re the expert on coronavirus. I’m saying why was the administration so pushing not to have the lab leak theory as something that was viable?

Fauci:I can answer that. I’ve kept an open mind throughout the entire cabin.I have an Open mind. I said U.S. tax dollars flow through a grant recipient to the lab in China.

Jordan: Yes, of course. It was a civil award to the warning. And who approved that award? Excuse me. And who approved that award? What agency approved that award? National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Your agency approved that, right?

Fauci:Yes, it did after. Does that have anything to do with this now Saying the lab league theory.

Jordan:No. Nothing to do with it, nothing. What do you do? You agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?

Fauci: Not on my part.

Jordan”Really,? really? wow!

SH: Alright here now with reaction is the author of Deception, the Great COVID Cover Up is Senator Rand Paul, from the great state of Kentucky, Now in the early months of the pandemic, Senator. Fauci expressed he wasn’t convinced that the COVID-19 virus was spread as a result of a lab link. Now, in the earliest months in January, aren’t there emails that you’ve written about, talked about that showed just the opposite, that they were in a panic? That number one, they may have funded it #2 they knew gain of research. You know, function research took place and coronavirus research took place and that they may have funded it.

Rand Paul:

The very frightened emails he gets from an assistant in January of 2020 We funded this from his assistant. This is gain of research, gain of function research that we funded. But I don’t know how that could have happened because it never went before the safety committee. So yes, they knew very, very quickly and they were worried about guilt, they were worried about culpability. They’re worried that anybody’s hands that touch the money, anybody who approved the money going to Wuhan would ultimately get blamed. So Fauci actually organized a paper called Proximal Origins. He had five virologists write the paper. Most of them were well rewarded with large crafts. Christian Anderson got a $9 million. About a month after this, meanwhile, all these people were privately saying, ohh, my goodness, it looks like it was manipulated. But publicly they were saying it’s a conspiracy theory. They went to Facebook, they suppressed it. They told Facebook To suppressed the story of anything coming from the lab. It’s all conspiracy theory. No way was Fauci ever objective. Fauci leaned in on this. He pressed hard, and he used his 40 years worth of accumulated power to try to suppress suppress any story that this came from the lab.

SH: And anybody that disagreed was labeled a conspiracy theorist. But how soon into the pandemic do you believe Doctor Fauci knew? That in fact, it was gain of function, it happened in the Wuhan Lab, and it happened with American taxpayer dollars. What are the emails show you?

RP: On January 27th there’s e-mail starting at 6:00. They’re going across the ocean to Jeremy Farrar and England and back they go on till 3:00 in the morning. At 3:00 in the morning, Anthony Fauci sends an e-mail to the head of the safety committee. The head of the safety committee should have seen this research but never did. And he sends him an e-mail saying, hey, nothing to see here. Here’s a paper that says, in all likelihood this came from animals, not from the lab. Why is he sending that to the head of the safety committee? Because the safety committee was never allowed to review this, for three years I’ve been asking the NIH for the deliberations. If this is not gain of function, I want to see the discussion between the scientists, Fauci says. All the scientists up and down, they all said it wasn’t gain of function. Let me see the deliberations. I wanna see the arguments for and against. They won’t reveal this. They are tighter lipped than the CIA on this. And the NIH has resisted really requests from Democrats and Republicans. The Democrat chair of my committee has Co signed this request. It’s over a year old and my individual requests are three years old. They have resisted. They have obscured. According to Fauci’s assistant that he threw under the bus today, David Morenz, According to him it was a targeted cover up and that they destroyed emails and evidence. But today the most shocking and surprising thing was Anthony Fauci threw David Morens, A 20 year assistant, under the bus and acted as if it already ever met him. He wasn’t part of the inner circle, never made decisions, had no access to my office, all completely automated, what David Morens says.

SH: Is this the same system that sent that e-mail? Oh my God, this is this is gain of function.

RP: David Morenz worked for 20 years for Anthony Fauci. He’s called the special advisor to the head of the agency, which Anthony Fauci is. But today Anthony Fauci could not run fast enough. And the real question is this. If we were to get a prosecutor someday, maybe a new presidential administration that ask David Morens Underoath and says you’re gonna go, you’re going to be punished for destroying records. You may see present time. Would you be willing to give us the full story on what Anthony Fauci knew and when he knew it? I think there’s a great deal to be had, but I think one of the reasons for Morenz Is the fall guy here and they’ve they’ve chosen him as a fall guy. He’s been paid for over a year not to work and i know at least one payment of $400 he’s on paid leave for over a year, maybe two years now for the age they’ve never made decisions on.

SH. He Finally admitted taxpayers funded gain of function. OK, now we’re learning that NIH scientists received $710 million in royalties from drug makers of the COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic. That shows breaking, Senator. What should the American people know about that?

RP.:I think when you have a drug company that makes a vaccine like Maderna, and I know at least one payment of $450 million and sharing the proceeds of the vaccine, you have to wonder how anybody could be objective. So if Maderna has a new drug, how can they be objective? And they’ve just received $450 million in the company. So it, it really is a situation, it’s a revolving door between Big pharma and the government. Somebody’s gotta put an end to it. And f not the next president I will.

I report,you decide!!!

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Posted by on June 5, 2024 in Uncategorized


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