Biden’s Wave of Illegal Migrant Killers!!!

26 Jun

When Biden opened up the border he unleashed a wave of horror with illegals coming into this country. 10 million so far have come in under Biden. Nobody’s checking them, they aren’t being vetted and who knows what diseases they are bringing in here. Many are terrorists who’ve come in to try to destroy America. Trump was right in saying that these other countries are laughing at us and sending in all their jail inmates, prison inmates, insane asylum inmates, mental hospital inmates all here. In Venezuela alone the crime rate is down 75% because they are sending all their criminals here.

This illegal invasion of migrants are bringing in all kinds of drugs in here from the cartels. And who knows what else. Although the huge number of drug overdose deaths in America saw its first slight decrease last year, fentanyl remains largely responsible for “poisoning” America, especially its young people. Indeed, for Americans age 18-45, fentanyl overdose remains the leading cause of death – thanks, experts say, to Mexican cartels, an open border … and social media.

These migrants are creating murders and rapes like we’ve never seen before. It’s the Biden Migrant crime wave. The murder of that sweet nursing student who was on the way to a brilliant future Layton Riley was attacked while jogging by an illegal migrant.

Former President Donald Trump, lambasting President Joe Biden Saturday night on Biden’s border policies, accused him of “releasing illegal criminals into our communities to rape, pillage, plunder, and to kill” Americans. At his rally in Philadelphia this past Saturday Trump made reference to the crime that has increased in this country by Biden’s migrants.

 Saying,” As of Four years ago our border was secure inflation wasn’t seen. The world was at peace and America was strong. Like never before. All because you finally had a president who put America first. I put America first. Now, under Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country. The world is in play. Our border is overrun. Inflation is raging. Crime is out of control. Europe is in chaos. The Middle East is exploding. Iran is emboldened. China is on the March. And this horrible, horrible president is dragging us toward World War Three.

We’re going be in World War Three soon Joe,

the City of Brotherly Love is being ravaged by bloodshed and crime. Two weeks ago, nine people were shot in a single weekend, including three teenagers so seriously hurt. Murders in Philadelphia reached their highest level in six decades.

At his rally in Philadelphia last Saturday. Trump mentioned about the tragedy these Biden illegals are causing our people.

Just this week, a 12 year old girl in Houston, Jocelyn Angari Was tied up, stripped and strangled to death after walking to a 711, her body dumped near the side of the road in a shallow Creek. Charged with Jocelyn’s heinous murderer are two illegal alien savages that Joe Biden recently set loose into our country. They came across our border. Claiming they feared for their lives in Venezuela, They feared for their lives in Venezuela. (It has since since come out that this young girl put up a bold fight. They abused her for two hours. She bit them and scratched them before they killed her. One of her attackers had an ICE Ankle bracelet on. You can see these two sub-human animals in the link below)You know, in Venezuela, crime is down 72% because they’ve taken their criminals, their drug dealers and most of the people in their jails and they brought them to the United States of America. So they were afraid for their lives and think of it, they couldn’t stand it and they were so afraid. But they waited only weeks before murdering this precious young, beautiful girl. One of them was here for 21 days before the murder took place last week in New York. Another illegal alien who Joe Biden sent loose into our country Approached two 13 year old children with a machete. In broad daylight and like a scene from a horror movie, forced them into the woods, tied them together. by their shoelaces from their boots and rape the young girl at a park in Queens, a park that I grew up right next to. While filming it on camera, he put it on camera. He thought it was great. ( what a sicko monster. Yes you let him in here Joe. It was your open door policy. So you deserve all the blame.)

In Iowa This week, another illegal immigrant released by Joe Biden. Pled guilty to sexually assaulting a 12 year old girl and last week yet another Biden migrant was arrested for the rape and murder Of Rachel Morin I just spoke to her mother, Patricia Patty, . Rachel was a 37 year old married, other of five, who he attacked while she was out for a run. She wanted to stay in good shape and she ends up getting killed

An emotional Morin watched in a Maryland courtroom as Hernandez, who authorities say entered the US illegally in February 2023, made an initial virtual appearance last Friday.

“The emotions were so overwhelming,” the mom said of laying eyes on Hernandez. “I couldn’t bear the pain [of seeing him].”

Her daughter’s grim case is among a slew of recent slayings across the US that have allegedly been inflicted by illegal immigrants — including the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas earlier this month.

The guy responsible for Rachel’s killing first murdered another young woman in El Salvador, then he fled across Joe Biden’s wide open border. Prosecutors in court said Rachel Morin had been strangled and beaten.

“This murder was among the most brutal and violent offenses that have occurred in Harford County history,” Harford County State’s Attorney Alison Healey said before the judge ruled.

Trump called Rachel’s parents and family and spoke with them as soon as he heard. about her murder, he also contacted the families of the little girl and other murder victims. While Biden Didn’t lift his finger. He is probably so far gone he’s not even aware of these killers who came into the country under his open border policy. He truly has blood on his hands

 The border is wde open. Come on in. Into the United States, you know, we had the safest border in the history of our country. Now we have the most unsafe border in the history of the world. After which he savagely attacked the 9 year old girl and her mother in a home in Los Angeles before killing Rachel.

We grieve Rachel’s loss. We pray that God will ease your pain. And we resolve to secure our border so this will never happen again. But you know it’s going to happen again because. We have a incompetent man. He’s an incompetent and he’s happens to be the president. You know, all he has to do is say close the border. He doesn’t need Congress. He keep arguing Congress. I, I didn’t have Congress, I closed the border. We had the safest border. He doesn’t. All he has to do is say close the border. When I return to the White House, we will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction of our American suburbs cities and towns. That’s what’s happening. It’s getting worse, getting worse, worse and worse and worse by the day. We will shut down deadly sanctuary cities. I will shift portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement, and on day one, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.. 

Trump promised that if elected, he will return to the policies he endorsed while president. 

Under Biden, he added, “We’re like a dumping ground for the rest of the world,” and once he came to office, “there was an explosion of illegal immigration” as well as drugs and human trafficking.

In 2015. Donald Trump made the following statement. Mexico is not sending their best Many are rapists and many are murderers. And I guess some are good people. Well, the media went ballistic Complaining how dare he say such a thing and accusing Mexico of having rapists and murderers. Well, today. It shows that, as usual, Trump was right and many conservatives were right. Ever since Biden opened up the floodgates. we’ve been having mostly murderers, rapers. people from jail cells and prisons and insane asylums all coming in here creating havoc and murder and rapes everywhere.

There is a list. I’m just showing some of the heinous crimes committed by illegal migrants.

Lincoln Riley. Age 22, murdered by illegal while jogging in Athens, GA.

  • Christopher Gad, 27, killed by an illegal and a DUI in Snohomish County, Washington.

Liz, Beth. Medina, age 16. Murdered by an illegal in Jackson County, Texas.

Melissa. 46 And Riordan, 16, Powell allegedly killed by an illegal and DUI in Broomfield Co.

Cynthia Goulding. 58. Killed by illegal in their DUI in Kansas City, KS.

Justin Edwards, 36, killed by illegal in  DUI in Johnson County, North Carolina.

Deborah. Brandao, 33, stabbed to death by illegal in Chester County, Pennsylvania.

Nazareth, Tomer, Claure 31. Beaten and hacked to death by illegals.

Connor Holcomb, 22. Killed by illegal and DUI in Ada County, Idaho.

Andi Lynn Blair. 3 killed by illegal and DUI in Flat Rock, NC.

Isidro Cortez. 28. Beaten to death by two illegals in South Philadelphia, PA.

Moussa Fofana 18. Shot and killed by illegal in Maplewood, NJ.

America.Mafalda Thayer 55 murdered and beheaded by illegal in Shakopee, MN.

Corbin Wagner. 26. Killed by illegal and DUI in Jacksonville, FL.

Gretchen Gross. 76. Killed by illegal and DUI in Charleston County, South Carolina.

Erpharo Gilbert. 46. Killed by illegal in hit and run in West Bridgewater, MA.

Maria Rios. 57. Murdered by illegal and La Marque, TX.

Diane Hill Luckett. 68. Killed by illegal and DUI in Wichita Falls, TX.

These are only part of a longer list of people killed by illegals. It wouldn’t surprise me that these people who were killed by illegals in a DUI Situation were killed by illegals who didn’t have driver’s license either. These are the people the media is praising and criticizing Donald Trump for criticizing them.

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut”, Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state chuckled and then agreed when deranged leftist host Joy Reid suggested that Fox News’ factual coverage of a child rape allegedly committed by an illegal immigrant last week in New York City constituted “fear-mongering.”

Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old illegal immigrant from Ecuador, stands accused of kidnapping a 13-year-old male and a 13-year-old female at knifepoint, tying their wrists with shoelaces and then raping the girl in broad daylight in Kissena Park, Queens, on June 13.

  • Of late, incidents involving illegal immigrants allegedly committing crimes against children have grown increasingly common and — tragically — sometimes fatal.

Still, Reid and Jayapal wish you would just ignore your lying eyes.

In a clip posted to the social media platform X, the repellent MSNBC host blamed Fox News for what she called “this sort of thinking,” i.e. thoughts about the connection between crime and illegal immigrants that Democrats and the establishment media do not want you to have.

I report,you decide!!!

Jocelyn Nungaray killers –

Family of Rachel Morin faces grief as suspect in killing faces judge

Joe Biden let Rachel Morin killer suspect in — her blood is on his hands

 Horrific new details revealed about Rachel Morin’s brutal rape and murder as suspect denied bail

 Death of 12-year-old girl in Texas fuels Trump-Biden …

 Illegal immigrant released by Biden kills child and injures 26

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Posted by on June 26, 2024 in Uncategorized


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