Trump Brings MAGA to the Bronx.!!!

24 May


Amid shouts of “We love Trump, We love Trump” and “USA, USA” Trump held another huge rally in the South Bronx. There was at least 3500 waiting in the park before Trump arrived and by the time he left, that crowd had doubled. There were many people in their red Trump hats, Many had Trump T-shirts on and some had Trump signs. Trump said when he first came here, he didn’t know whether it would be a bomb or a success. And I wondered that myself being the South Bronx, is usually a tough area and more bluer than most states, but it ended up being a love fest. They cheered him with utter  excitement and they had been waiting since the early morning hours.

Trump spoke for about an hour and a half Non-stop without using teleprompters. He even joked about it, saying would you rather hear me without a teleprompter, or with one because I really don’t need them. and the whole audience said without one. And so he continued. He told how Biden is the worst president this country has ever seen. He’s so incompetent and doesn’t know where he is or what he’s doing. Trump mentioned that other world leaders such as President Xi of China, Kim of North Korea, Putin in Russia are all tough leaders and when he was president, they respected him and they respected us. But when they see Biden, they just laugh and they ask what is happening to your country?

Trump said he intends to bring what we had back again and make the world respect us again. He talked about how he lowered taxes. The biggest tax cut in history giving more jobs than ever before to people in the Asian community, Black community, Hispanic community, Women in the workplace community and people without high school diplomas even got jobs and all that is gone thanks to Biden’s policies.

Trump mentioned about he how he had the wall built and there was only about 200 miles to go and then they had the rigged election and he lost and when Biden came in, he started selling the wall off For $0.05 on the dollar. The wall was made by the best steel that there could be. Trump said he personally wanted a cement wall, But finally decided on a  steel bars wall. The wall that they had now made of the finest steel, only to have Biden take it down and have an open border and we are being flooded by illegals from all over the world. He said many of these illegals are bringing in contagious diseases that we don’t even know about, and many are speaking languages we don’t even know. Trump mentioned how one high school had to be shut down so they could make room for these migrants. Trump said he intends to have the biggest deportation plan in history. Not because of racist tendencies, but because it’s not sustainable.

When Trump mentioned anything about Hillary Clinton and how she committed crimes and they never even charged her with anything the audience broke out in chants of “lock her up, Lock her up.”

People lined up since the early morning hours to get into the park to see Trump while many broadcasters interviewed people in the Bronx. Black, white, Hispanic or anyone who were supporting Trump.

Trump once again, as he does on many of his rallies read the poem “The Snake” which is very symbolic of what’s happening with our immigration policy now. The poem ends with a snake a woman had brought in that was half frozen. When it revived it ended up giving her a vicious bite. When she asked why he would do that, the snake replies. “You knew damn well I was a snake before you brought me in.” This always gets a lot of cheers at Trump rallies.

It was really surprising to see such a large crowd come out in the South Bronx. All were very peaceful and respectful and nobody was hurting anybody. No fights broke out. At one time, it seems, one woman was exhausted or may have fainted from standing so long and Trump stopped his speech to ask if there was any doctors around. The cameras didn’t show it, but apparently there were some doctors and Trump waited until the woman was revived and asked her if she was OK, and when the doctors said she was, Trump thanked them and then went on with his speech.

Trump’s next stop will be at Madison Square Garden for a rally there at a date yet to be announced.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden attended a rally for him in Nashua, NH, and hardly anyone showed up. Which you can see below.

A video emerged of Biden’s event in Nashua and it is pathetic.

Just look at that crowd of enthusiastic people waiting for Joe Biden!

Feel the excitement?

One of the attendees said they felt like they were at a wake!

Trump Has been worried because these days having him in court are really meant to keep him from campaigning.

Well, with the crowds he’s attracting and all the publicity he’s getting, he doesn’t have to campaign. America is behind him. I have a feeling these trials the left is trying to pull on him is going to backfire Big time right in their faces.

I report, you decide.

 “I Feel Like I’m at a Wake” – WOW! Biden New Hampshire Event Attendee Describes the “Funeral Like” Atmosphere – Small Crowd with ZERO Enthusiasm (VIDEO)

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Posted by on May 24, 2024 in Uncategorized


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