The Vaccines Are Not Safe, Not Effective,Not A Vaccine And People Are Dying And Permanently Injured From Them!!!

28 Mar


I’ve been writing about and warning people about the dangers of these shots from the beginning on how they were never tested for side effects or long and short- term effects and just released and the people of the world were the guinea pigs. This was the biggest medical experiment thrust upon the world and now we are seeing the effects. An experimental drug is not a vaccine.

People who were triple vaccinated are coming down with Covid twice. Presidential press secretary Jen Psaki is one along with other Government officials and Elon Musk just tested positive again after getting the shots.

In the four weeks ending February 27th, 397 unvaccinated Britons died of Covid, compared to 3,512 who were vaccinated. Using a broader definition, which may include more incidental deaths unrelated to Covid infections, the numbers are even worse, with 5,871 vaccinated people dying compared to 570 unvaccinated. (The United States does not publicly provide this data; it is not even clear American public health authorities collect it comprehensively.)

Meanwhile, new Covid infections have nearly doubled in Britain in the last two weeks, and now top 60,000 a day. British media outlets have connected the rise to Britain’s “freedom day” on February 24, which marked the legal end of Covid restrictions. With over 73% of Britons “fully vaccinated” you would think these numbers would be the other way around since the rulers are telling the slaves the shots keep you from dying.

Update Jan 7, 2022: The numbers in a Denmark study  are now confirmed by government data from Germany showing that vaccinated people are 8X more likely to develop Omicron than unvaccinated people. This is not surprising since a paper from Germany showed the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.

Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.

In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.

Yes, the whole world was bamboozled by the creators of these shots in the name of depopulation for their Great Reset Agenda for 2030 of getting the population down to 500 million as written on the Georgia Guide Stones.

These criminals are Bill Gates and his population control agenda of getting rid of 6 billion people through vaccinations to save the planet, “Vaccines are the best way to depopulate” Gates has said,

Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Council and creator of The Great Reset Agenda where according to him, “you will own northing and be happy.” The Great Reset is The New World Order which is obedience to the state,

George Soros, Big Pharma creators of the vaccines along with Dr. Fauci who created the virus and vaccine at the same time before China released the virus as a bio-weapon and various smaller groups known as the deep state which are a clandestine organization within the government that literally runs everything and never is held accountable because of their secrecy. These globalists are using the vaccine to speed up depopulation.

Dr. Fauci is the worst one for creating the virus in his gain of function experiments in China in 2015.  In 2016 Fauci made an announcement that “this administration would be hit with a surprise pandemic”. (see below) How would he know three years in advance unless he was behind it. Senator Rand Paul confronted Fauci at a Senate hearing and said to him, “We know of your gain of function research where you combine one virus with another virus to create a third dangerous virus and then find a vaccine for it.” Paul accused Fauci of killing millions of people around the world with his vaccines and experiments.

Paul and Ted Cruz and Jim Jordan have vowed to get Fauci if they get the majority in the mid-terms. They better start early because 80 year old Fauci is retiring this year and may be off on some foreign island drinking pina collates somewhere where he cannot be touched. Fauci is the highest paid individual in the government and retires with a huge pension. He also was paid half a billion for his vaccine.

Meanwhile people were dying by the thousands and coming down with permanent injuries because of these shots. Corona virus cases are mounting in spite of the vaccine and mandates and it is estimated tens of thousands are dying. The CDC says the latest statistics from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) connected to the CDC says corona virus injuries now exceed 400,000 and new data shows the Covid vaccine is more dangerous than all the vaccines combined in history. More vaccinated people are coming down with Covid than non- vaccinated. So far this year VAERS reports 2,063,606 adverse effects,26,059 vaccine deaths,143,559 vaccine related hospitalizations through March 18, 2022 an d those are just the reported ones.The real counts can be much higher.

The latest data from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) suggests that upwards of 160,000 Americans may have died so far from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Getting a “booster” shot will only speed up the death process.

It is not just that the jabs do not provide the claimed amount of protection against the Fauci Flu. The fact of the matter is that they provide no protection at all in the long term and actually destroy a person’s immune system.

People who take the Biden “Booster” shots will only accelerate this process by adding even more immune-destroying chemicals to their bodies. The downward spiral will move even faster, in other words, the more shots a person gets.

The spike protein hijacks your mitochondria … forever. Mitochondria is the heart of your immune system. Essentially, it takes over your immune system. The spike proteins are the bioweapons. Your own immune system becomes a deadly weapon. This is HIV on steroids also mass genocide.

A vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting a disease which is why people get the flu shots. These shots do none of that. People are still getting covid, passing it onto to others and dying from it. This was not a vaccine per se, but experimental gene therapy. They contained a spike protein that was in the virus meant to build antibodies to fight the virus, but  instead destroyed the RNA around our cells that protect our cells and went through the whole body and weakened our defenses. The shot also contains an HIV protein that further weakens the immune system.

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.” “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,”

 Dr. David Martin, a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, developer of linguistic genomics, and molecular biologist, Dr. Judy Mikovits said in a presentation recently.  “You cannot have a vaccine that doesn’t claim to result in either immunity or blocking transmission”. He goes on to say “—by their own patents and reference material, neither Pfizer nor Moderna claims this. Rather, they only classify their products as ‘gene therapy’.”

Many doctors and prominent scientists are speaking out against this vaccine.

Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the MRNA technology for the vaccine is also against it saying it is the fully vaccinated who are the super spreaders.. People who are getting vaxxed are super spreaders if they touch someone because of the spike protein passes through the skin.People are still dying from covid after being fully vaxxed.You can still get it and still pass it on.

Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday night it’s “outrageous to be giving vaccines to young people because they have … a very, very low risk of dying from COVID.”

“So, they don’t get a benefit,” she said. “And when you look at the potential harm from these vaccines, it just doesn’t make any sense.”

She explained that when the vaccine gets injected into the arm, the “immune cells come in, they take up the vaccine” and “start making spike protein,” which is the most toxic part of the virus.

The immune cells rush into the lymph system and many of them end up in the spleen, where they produce antibodies, as designed.

“The problem is that those terminal centers in the spleen are really the place where Parkinson’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases,” she said.

Seneff explained how Parkinson’s is generated, concluding “it feels to me like this is a perfect set-up for it.”

The latest data from the United Kingdom’s PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report suggests that people who have been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are losing about five percent of their immune systems per week.

Doubly injected people between the ages of 40 and 70 have already lost about 40 percent of the immune system capacity from the moment they get injected.

Cases of myocarditis have exploded in the US since the rollout of the experimental vaccine, even in populations that aren’t normally as likely to develop the condition, like children and young adults.

But the figures also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency, they progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realized. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination.

The most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021, according to the analysis of financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower,

Dowd, with the assistance of an unnamed “insurance industry expert,” compiled data from the CDC showing that, in just the second half of 2021, the total number of excess deaths for millennials was higher than the number of Americans who died in the entirety of the Vietnam War. Between August and December, there were over 61,000 deaths in this age group, compared to 58,000 over the course of 10 years in Vietnam

Dr. Zelenko does not mince words and he just came right out and said it on Clay Clarke’s show: yes, the vaccinated have AIDS. Not HIV-produced AIDS, but make no mistake they have AIDS.

AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

And that’s exactly what is happening. Their bodies are losing all ability to defend themselves.  That’s what immuno-deficiency means.

Pfizer had over 1500 deaths in their first trial run and two thousand injuries. They tried to get the FDA to cover up their findings for 50 years, but a federal judge caught it just in time and ordered their findings open to the public. Pfizer also paid off the FDA to get their vaccine approved. None of the other makers are approved.

It’s a shame it took two years, crashed economy, and many lives lost. May Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the deep state and all these vaccine makers burn in eternal hell.

I report.You decide.

Listen to this lawyer speaking out against the jab!!!

Hear Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that we would be faced with a surprise outbreak. He signed off on funding for the Wuhan institute of virology. He didn’t “predict” the plandemic, he helped orchestrate it

Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017 | NowThis – YouTube


Posted by on March 28, 2022 in Uncategorized


3 responses to “The Vaccines Are Not Safe, Not Effective,Not A Vaccine And People Are Dying And Permanently Injured From Them!!!

  1. JOY

    March 29, 2022 at 1:03 am

    VERY INFORMATIVE WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. JOY

    March 29, 2022 at 1:03 am

    this is a must read

  3. JOY

    March 29, 2022 at 1:05 am

    very informative a must read


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